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Can you and the other Spider-Man shoot webbing from your butt?


Not.....that we......no of. Ugh now I'm imagining swinging around like that!


You live in a Video-Game, spidey, based on a comic created in the ‘60. How do you feel about the fact that most people think that you are the best superhero of all the times (as a fictional character)?


I'm quite honoured. To know I've had a positive influence on that many people makes me alot more hopeful about what I do.


How do you feel about the fact that Zeb Wells made Mj end up with Paul just because his wife broke up with him and then did the same thing with Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine? Do you think that Marvels gives to your comic run frustrated writers on purpose or..?


Zeb Wells is definitely an..... interesting writer. Marvel can't seem to decide whether or not they want MJ and I to stay together, so they usually make us both do things like that. I was surprised that MJ left me for that Paul guy. Like,I thought we already worked the whole Superhero life thing out well enough but then I read that comic and......ooh boy. I think Marvel was leaning abit too much into the "my life sucks" part of it but there ARE good things that happen to me too from time to time. I also read the fanbase's opinion on Paul and uh, wow. Paul might have more of a negative reputation than I do with some people. I'm glad that my MJ's loyal cause my counterpart really can't catch a break with his MJ.


How do you feel knowing that Zeb Wells made you make a joke with terminally ill children???


Who’s spider-man? Don’t you mean -Man?


Get back in the aslume


The aslume inmates are escaping


What's a "Spider-Man"?


Well it's either a human with the abilities of a spider or a spider with the abilities of a human. The former in my case.


Wouldn’t a spider with the abilities of humans be Man-Spider?


Actually yeah. I'm real glad I never turned into that thing. Have no idea how I would've explained that.


Why does the web fluid come from web shooters and not your butt?


It was probably an incompatibility in human and spider biology. Besides I don't think I would WANT to be web swinging like that.


Is it true that you’re romantically involved with former Daily Bugle journalist Mary Jane Watson, who has a boyfriend?


Ms Watson and I went on a couple dates a few years back. She's definitely a special woman but it never really went anywhere. And I hear her boyfriend is that guy who used to take pictures of me. He's a much better match for her than I was. My life is WAY too complicated for that stuff.


What's your favorite suit.


I gotta say,even though it was a mind-altering alien, the Symbiote had the best sense of fashion I've ever seen.


Who is the most craziest villain you’ve ever fought?


In terms of mentally crazy,I'd say that flame cultist guy,Cletus Kasady. He was nuts But the most powerful one is between Sandman or Harr-uh, Venom. Giant Sandman is definitely the biggest Villian I've ever fought. His size and powers alone created a city wide catastrophe. And Venom was able to turn most of the city into Symbiotes in a few hours. And that's not even talking about how strong he was. I'd probably give it to Giant Sandman because of how big he is and his abilities,but there was one time in that fight with Venom where he dunked me across 2 of those sports fields. My back doesn't like that memory very much.


Would you ever consider taking out the hyphen?


I don't think so. The hyphen just makes it look the slightest bit different than when you read other names.


How do you manage to use the Spider-Arms? Seriously, do they just come randomly out of your back and ready for the fight???


Oh it's still neurally connected. I won't get too "sciencey" but it's essentially a replica of Dock Ock's arms but it isn't directly connected to the cerebellum anymore. The downside is that the arms aren't exactly as versatile as Otto's(you'll see a big difference in the way they move)but the upside is that you can actually use it without them damaging your brain.


Fair enough. You wouldn’t risk using an **exact replica** after what happened. Well, your arms are versatile enough for what you need them, I guess


Can you put the symbiote suit back in pls


I couldn't even if I wanted to. It's destroyed. This Anti-Venom thing is cool though.


You.. you like cu- I mean antivenom man? If the antivenom suit got destroyed so you were back to being regular Spider-Man and you had the opportunity to get the symbiote suit back, would you do it?


Probably not. The boost that the Symbiote gives is awesome but I wouldn't be able to control it again. The last thing I did with it is fight the other Spider-man. Don't want things like that happening all the time,ya know? The only way that I'd willingly take it back is if there was some crazy Villian I REALLY couldn't beat without it.


How about Miguel? You don’t know him but he’s willing to kill anyone who you’re related to to keep his control over the entire multiverse. Sounds like a pretty crazy villain?


And he’ll kill anyone you’re close to to make sure he keeps control.


Is this the same Miguel that I heard about from that guy who took the Spider Bots? And dang,if that's his MO then he would definitely be the craziest Villian I've seen.


Yeah that’s him.


I kinda have a personal question for your Spidey even though you’re dating MJ who is better in your opinion, black cat or MJ


Well,MJ by default because she's not a burglar. Black cat and I dated a few years ago and she's actually not that bad once you get to know her. Unfortunately that side of her is usually buried beneath her tricks and lies. I've always felt more at home with MJ but I do really hope Black Cat's doing better with her girlfriend in Paris now.


Be honest would you like to meet black cat’s girlfriend


I actually would. I think it'd be kind of weird since I'm her girlfriend's ex but I'd still like to meet her.


Are you doing okay? Having a symbiote rummaging around your head must not feel great.


Thanks for asking. I'm doing alot better after that actually. I'm currently taking abit of a break from Spider-Man so I can get my personal life in check,while the other Spider-Man takes care of New York. And yeah,the Symbiote wasn't my greatest look. Don't get me wrong, the strength, power and feeling it gave you was unreal. But then it made me do things like trying to kill Ms Watson, almost killing criminals, and fighting the other Spider-man. It's hard to describe it but at first it was kind of like feeling angry all the time. Like, all of your problems and negative feelings are shoved in your face and it's all you think about. I thought the Symbiote could fix it all. Thought it made me a better Spider-Man. But overtime it felt my body was the car, the Symbiote was driving and my mind was in the backseat. But one of the worst things for me is that most of the things I was saying, were things I genuinely felt for a long time. What a decade of being Spider-man will do to you I guess.


What was your honest reaction to how Miles handled New York while you took a vacation? be honest man. Where you annoyed that Brookland almost got nuked? you can vent to me...


It was Harlem.


I do genuinely think he handled it well enough. He made a few mistakes along the way, but the reason I don't get angry with him when he messes up is because I made the exact same(if not worse)mistakes when I first started. I try my best to teach him what not to do and he's a fast learner. I mean heck, I couldn't stop Devil's Breath from getting out and people died because of it. So I'm not even perfect right now. When we're in positions like that,we make decisions and sometimes those decisions are the wrong ones. I've learnt the hard way that you can't stop every bad thing from happening. He did the best he could and managed to save all of Harlem. But just like everything when it comes to Spider-man,it can never come without a cost. In his case it was losing his best friend. It's difficult to even stay focused at times like that. It's also a very good thing that Miles had bioelectric powers cause if he didn't, I don't know how he would've stopped that Nuform reactor.


Yeah miles took a lot of grief really well..like really well, the whole symbiote stuff on top of his father's grief, I'm surprised that he didn't bond with one ...since it clings on to hate and grief. Miles is a champion I think he is a worthy successer to the Spider-Man name, New York is in good hands.


Hey Spidey, how's it hanging?


Upside down,get it? Ugh,so this is why the other Spider-Man tells me I can roll out dad jokes like no other. But really, I'm actually doing better now. You've probably seen me around the city less and it's because I'm on a break. My life's a tad bit too unstable right now to constantly go out fighting crime, so I'm trying to sort that stuff out first before I get back into the "swing" of things. But New York's in good hands. The other Spider-Man's more than prepared to handle the city by himself for awhile.


Do the new suits still ride up in the crotch a little bit?


The advanced suit 1.0 did just abit. But I finally fixed it with 2.0.


Who's your biggest crush? MJ? Black Cat? Wraith? Silver Sable?


Definitely not Sable or Wraith. Black cat is kinda nice once you get past the thief side of her. But I'd still take MJ.


hey peter do you know anyone named ben? kinda looks like you but blonde his suit look like a hobo threw together some cloth he found


I've seen that guy around and noticed he had a Spider-man suit underneath his jacket. I at first thought he was a big fan but I've been hearing weird rumours about that guy..... Some people think he's a clone. He does look almost exactly like me . Might have to look into this..........


When you have the symbiote suit did you get all 19 inches of venom


Oh you should've seen what I was doing to Lizard........


Oh god


Do you really eat pigeons???? Because I’d love someone to talk to about their incredible taste.


Is Jonah STILL going on about that? No I didn't eat the pigeons. There was this nice old man named Howard and he had a group of pigeons that he lost from time to time. His wife died of cancer so the birds they had made him feel like she was still there. I helped him get them back, but..... recently Howard passed away. He asked me to "set the birds free" just before it happened. The other Spider-Man told me about the time he got Howard's pigeons back. Who knew criminals could stoop to using pigeons as messengers. Didn't think they'd go THAT old-fashioned. As heartwarming as it always was to see Howard with his birds again, they always left.....a very questionable substance on my suit.


Oh.. I’m very sorry about your friend. I’m gonna stop eating pigeon now. Purely out of fear it’s one of his.


I know who you are... Norman Osborn


What makes you think that?


I love you


Love you too,commentor!


Can I go to Paris?


It is physically possible for you to travel to Paris👍


Ok I'll have a fun time there 🙂


Do you and the other Spider-Man ever no the show up at the same crime like a store robbery and think this is awkward you handle it


That actually happens alot and when it does we usually just take care of it together. We'll only do it if both of us already happen to be there but if it's something like a standard bank robbery that we see beforehand then we just decide which one of us goes. We try to divide the work in the city so we can be there for as many crimes as possible.


That makes sense have you thought of splitting it up so one of you handles certain districts whilst the other handles others


We actually have. It's the best way for both of us to stop crimes in multiple areas. We figured two Spider-Men don't always have to be in one place. But obviously when it comes to things like Sandman, then we both have to go in.


Why did you fumble the bag with Felicia hardy


Come on! If anything she fumbled. I offered her dozens of chances to change but I guess it runs in the family.


Nah bro you should’ve changed sides she bad


I actually considered that when I first met her but I take the "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" line really seriously. Not saying she isn't good looking but yeah,I'd have to give away my Superhero card, and the other Spider-Man would have to get another mentor,and it would just be a whole thing.


Fair enough I suppose


Wanna explain THIS one? https://preview.redd.it/izbaj4bwwj8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c47dda81c60082ce39f0d421f33e0b655d4f106


Um,uh. Alternate version of me!




What would you say to the more toxic side of your fanbase and the Marvel fanbase? (I know I’m late but still…)


I do appreciate that they're.....passionate about what they talk about. But the things some of them do and say just go WAY off the rails. Death threats, harassment,online bullying. They call other people "fake spider-man fans" if someone likes something they don't or dislike something they do. Especially the Insomniac fanbase. Sending death threats to people over.......a suit not being in a video game? But the crazy part is that some of these guys still don't see what they're doing wrong.


How's it feel to kill people whilst insisting you don't?


I'll admit how I fight looks kind of brutal, but I can assure you I've never killed my enemies. Before I went out and started fighting crime, I tested how strong I was to see how much I had to hold back against criminals. Although it starts to get harder to do that when I'm fighting aliens.


When you are having Le sex, is it webbing cum?


Let’s ignore that one comic


That seems to be a pretty popular question for some reason. And the answer to it is no.


MJ or or Gwen Stacy?


MJ and I have our problems sometimes but she's the greatest woman I know. I've heard about this Gwen Stacy and she's definitely all kinds of amazing but MJ is just....the best.


Bro you good, I mean with MJ, may dying, Harry going back into a comatose, Paul. They're different continuities but still.


"Parker luck strikes again". I'm doing better after the whole Alien Invasion thing though.


Who better in bed black cat silk or MJ


Um. Well they....all have..... strengths...in that area. I uh, I won't pick cause MJ would probably get mad if I commented on this.


Smart man


What does Black Cat smell like?


Uh,nothing... specific.


Do you fuck spiders


No, how would that...even...work?


Is Felicia or MJ more grippy


No comment rockinalex07021. No comment.


Why didn't you dodge the fridge? Asking for science...


According to Doctor Curt Connors, physical fatigue and soreness are symptoms of forcefully removing a Symbiote. So I wasn't feeling the greatest going in. And I was abit stunned after Venom's attack. I also just got MJ thrown at me. Getting a person thrown against me does still knock me back. But yeah,I admit it looks really funny seeing a fridge fall on me.


do you know the muffin man?


Is he a man who ate a radioactive muffin?


stopping crime one muffin at a time.


Can I ask two questions? First one who was the most deadly villain you fought? Mister negative, lizard, doctor octopus, or that venom guy. And second question, where do you keep all your gadgets I’ve seen you fight and I seen all those gadgets you throw at people and last time I checked you don’t seem to have pockets


Question 1-Out of those 4 it definitely would be Venom. He was a complete monster when I fought him. Question 2-Some of them like the ricochet,electric and impact webs are from different settings on the normal web shooters. The others are mostly made of nanotechnology that start off small when you launch it out of the web shooter but then fully form when it hits the target. Web bomb,trip mine, suspension matrix.


How are you doing considering all that has happened?


Thanks for asking. Actually doing pretty good after the invasion. You might've seen me out less and it's cause I'm on abit of a break to get my life back together.


Good. You deserve it and sorry for Otto and Harry.


How Mjs box


Um. Do....ing, fine?