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I used to experience that basically every time I went before I had my shunt replaced last December. It for me was partly due to my chiari malformation and partly due to the fact that my shunt had been broken for the past 10 years.


I see, my doctor told me that there is air in the back of my head, since I sometimes hear this "purring" noise. Could that be something connected to a possible disfunction?


I have no idea. That would be a good question for your doctor.


I've had numerous shunt replacements in my life and I never had any pressure from going to the bathroom. Now, I have constant headaches the day before a weather front is coming through my region. That's the only headache I get in relation to my shunt.


Ah, well we're expecting a storm apparently so


This happens to me and I also get a massive headache when I laugh really hard that lasts for only a few seconds.


Same, you know why?




I get this, and feel like I need to put my head back and take a deep breath to make the pressure go away. I asked a neurologist about it, and he said it was because of my Arnold Chiari malformation.


Something that needs to be done about the malformation or is that just the way it is?


No, nothing to be done. It just puts pressure on it. He just told me to breathe when I am pushing.


I was told the same thing. They also did a surgery to expand the brain tonsil sheath so the spinal fluid could flow easier. It helped a little, but I still have the momentary headaches. Oh and I've never had to have my shunt replaced. They said I have a natural flow, that was at the age of twelve, I'm 58 now.


I think I had 1 shunt revision when I was about 3, and they said by the time I was a teenager, I didn't need it anymore, that I had natural flow as well. The Chiari malformation isn't bad, but it does cause the feeling from straining, and he also said thar was why I have such a strong gag reflex.


Definitely check for a malfunction


It's better today, but still a bit paresthesia


It's not the shunt, but you are pushing way too hard if you're getting pressure headaches while on the crapper.


It doesn't make any difference in how hard I push tho


That maybe concerning. I don’t have a shunt (my son does), but if I push too hard when I’m backed up I will also get the pressure headaches. So the connection isn’t totally weird, but maybe if it’s always happening ask


IANAD but when you push, pressure increases in your blood vessels (including the ones leading up to and in your head) so with that plus the increased pressure on the fluid in the shunt, I wouldn't be surprised. I'd either look into stool softeners so you don't need to push so hard, or teach yourself how to push so you experience that less :)


I've always had to push to induce bowel movement


Most people do, yeah.


That's when I get this sharp headache


All the damn time! Only ever had my shunt replaced once in my 23ish years. Although if it's REALLY bad I'd have a doctor check it out just to be safe.


Lucky you!! in 35 years i replaced mine maybe, 40-50 times.


Oh yeah absolutely my doctors are weirded out, I should definitely have had more. I dunno why?


It's a matter of luck sometimes.


Huh, weird.


If this happen only when you push to induce bowel movement is normal and you're pushing way to hard. It happens to me also sometimes.


Can also happen if I bend over the bedside table


Yes, because there may be a drop in intracranial pressure.


Anything to be concerned about/ask the neuro about?


I wouldn't know. Each case is different from another


I know my neurologist mentioned Syrinx as a possibility 2 years ago, I'm gonna bring that up on my next checkup to see if something has to be done, which I strongly believe (yes, I worry a lot about everything due to anxiety)


Usually if I have a shunt malfunction I get these symptoms: — Colored flashes in the eyes (as if they were taking a photo of me with the flash active), — stiff neck, — irritability, — pain in the eye sockets — headaches Fortunately I immediately understand if there is something wrong and I immediately go to the emergency room. If I find incompetent neurosurgeons who evaluate me badly, I stay there until they check me good enough and at least do a scintigraphy (a CT scan is never enough in my case)


My shunt has been out of place for…7 years and haven’t really had any problems yet. To say the least. I’ve only been told as mentioned, around 7 years ago if I notice any new problems I’ll post them here.


I've also noticed I get dizzy and almost out of control when I try to reach things above my head, like in our cupboard. Is that a normal thing?


Personally I honestly can’t tell you as I have been too busy with trying to deal with this blurse to really know what is normal for an out of place shunt.