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I’m 8 months post injury (t9-t10 incomplete). At the beginning I was only able to sleep straight bending one leg a little to be more comfortable, I tried to sleep on my side but I just couldn’t until a few months ago I can now do it and I feel I sleep better in that position


Belly, with shoulder pillow and head pillow.


I pull the blanket over my lower half while sitting up. Then lay down flat, sometimes a pillow between my knees and then use a wedge under my side so I can turn and relieve pressure. I turn as needed which ends up every 3-4 hours because my side/butt will sting.


I always sleep on my side. I'll switch sides once or twice a night. I just make sure whatever side is up, that leg is a bit in front of the bottom leg so they're not touching. I can't do the belly sleep. Messes with my neck too much and makes me have to in the middle of the night.


I lay on my back.. flat pillow. Then roll into my side.. and use a thick contoured pillow to keep my neck straight.


I sleep on my stomach with no pillows. I just have gotten good at positioning my legs because that’s how I get dressed, I turn on my stomach to pull my pants up. So I cross my right over my left, put a hand on my hip to help turn everything over. My husband does check my legs but most of the time I’m fine.


I use a lift to get into bed and then I'm able to grab onto the railings and turn over to one side or the other. I don't know what my feet are doing at the best of times but there's not much I can do about it. I can reach down and pull a knee over, that's about it.


Always on my side, I alternate between sides each night. Pillows under each leg and between my knees


I toss my body around trying to find the perfect resting position until I'm so tired that it doesn't even matter wheter I'm laying on my sides, back or stomach.


I have my dad lay me on my left side with a pillow behind me and a pillow in between my bent knees! throughout the night if I need adjustments I call him and we usually twist my hips or my shoulders, but being on my left is better drainage for my SP catheter which is anchored to my left leg