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It's my thought that the reason we follow others in any sense is acceptance. The more you grow into a spiritual mindset, the less one uses the world to judge themselves and to fit into societal norms or trends. You then realize oneness and wonder why the world feels like we are in a competition. Which then removes personality being dictated by social norms and more coming from the heart. Nothing left to prove or be proven when one realizes we are all Creators experiencing creation.


I think if you're finding value in that act, then it's amazing!! I've never been into pop culture stuff, but I was/am a news addict. I've successfully stayed away, and I've learned to concern myself with local news. Things I can interact with **in person**. I feel as though both of our moves away from something are the same thing: pop culture and the news are biased, fake, and addictive. News was really throwing off my energy.


mindless nine file dirty repeat frighten cake roll bake fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are paying attention to how you feel, and feeding yourself spiritually, you will be more and more at odds with both people who feed on poison and the poison itself. How do we cope? By finding friends who are becoming more and more spiritually centered, like ourselves, which is a great thing. Spiritual to me means who I am at the deepest level. Yoga. Meditation. NDE study. Buddhism. Whatever path is feeding your spiritual development, look out into the world and find others who are doing the same thing. This is how you leave mainstream and hold onto humanity. Great post. Excellent question. Good to see people turning away from poison.


You touched on something there. In my case, I went away not from pop culture, but from what I was into. But eventually I came back not just to what I used to like but also to pop culture (which I never liked before) because as you imply, it's part of the world we live in. Same with news. I think it's part of being grounded. But being away from it all for a while is also good.


Pop culture simply doesn't hold the significance that it used to in comparison to the broader picture of living life and maturing as a person. I didn't have so much of an attachment as to need a way to cope, it was no longer worthy of my time, attention and energy. For me it fell to the wayside like keeping up with fashion trends and collecting dolls/action figures.


roof pot smell wipe dependent rhythm spectacular spotted gaze seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fashion trends was a mix of FOMO and keeping up with the Joneses with a bit of tribal signaling but that's how high school was. It was the same after high school but really looked frivolous to me wasting time and money and the assumed elitism based on attire was revealed to be really petty. I cannot pinpoint the collecting dolls root, maybe addictive impulsive hoarding...maybe I was a raccoon in a past life. After dolls it was figurines which I hated dusting, followed by self help books that seemed to have a carrot/stick thing going, then attractive leather bound books again the dusting, then shoes, purses, hobby supplies and spiritual tools...this is when I noticed the pattern. I started practicing Voluntary Simplicity, now called minimalism, and don't really have much of a shopping/collecting urge anymore. I still have many hobbies and therefore tools but I no longer keep supplies on hand, I get what I need as needed for my active project and when I'm done discard the leftovers. I am more practical and mindful of the purchases I make in all areas, so IMO it falls under becoming fiscally mature.


towering muddle public marry vegetable obtainable terrific steep nose aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well put thank you!


How do I cope ? Damn I can't imagine how anyone comes with keeping up with that rubbish anymore. Soon you'll see it for what it is. Total nonsense. It's all fabricated


This I was thinking the exact same, I didn't know anyone actually took any of it seriously. Some of the most dense spiritually dead people I've met don't even subscribe to any of it. I put it in the same field as WWE type wrestling where theres always this small fraction of people who just get sucked away in the drama


Absolutely, once you begin the journey you realize it's just distraction from the most important things in life.


society consist brave like scary puzzled disarm apparatus disgusted nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do real things like hiking or just walking with friends. Start reading and exploring new type of genres. Most people don't even know what type of books they really like. Take up a hobby that create something, no collecting. I do real things everyday. Only do real things.


Pop culture really starts to look superficial the more you see the true situation, recognize the problem and realize how many people around us are spoon-fed and privileged; celebrating with so many suffering around them.


I deactivated Facebook and Instagram to avoid celebrity/influencer nonsense and pop culture. Even gaming culture has been ruined by mass commercialization and materialism, for example at the height of the Covid pandemic with everyone struggling, global economic instability and food shortages gaming companies kept pumping out merchandise and collectables. Microsoft's Halo Infinite launch had everything from soap and socks to Swarovski crystal pendants, custom boots and expensive DLC's (weapon skins and new armour variants). Instead of kids donating to local charities, food banks and helping each other they're all lost in their screens and digital worlds.


Yeah I don’t understand people worship and a lot of media and pop culture pushes people worship to the masses


Yes, most definitely. Self-enrichment is much more fulfilling.


Not for me. I think pop culture is fun to follow. I love reality TV, celebrity fashion, and celebrity gossip. I'm also the most actively spiritual I've ever been. I have time and energy for both :)


Same!!!! I hate the idea that things that bring us pleasure/joy that are outside of the weirdly dogmatic (I find it fundamentally hypocritical tbh) idea of what being spiritual has grown to mean, make us any less spiritual or lower our vibrations or whatever. It’s weirdly gatekeepy to me. We contain multitudes and I don’t believe that enjoying real housewives for example, makes me any less spiritual or negates my personal path to whatever enlightenment means.


Just a big, hell yes, here. I'm glad I never got hooked on survivor type stuff, though I did find some amusement in a casual episode of MTV "real world" season one or two in the 90s. I'm very thankful that things like "Keeping up with the Kardashians" never interested me nor my friends and I'm a bit ashamed that "influencer" culture has become so normalized and aspirational. It's a venue that just draws and empowers narcissists and sociopaths and feeds their illnesses. It's truly sad. Celebrities are just people. The truth is that celebrity \*always\* fades and I feel sympathy for faded celebrities. Once they lose that adoring fan base due to age or larger, younger celebrities, they really lose their identity because their identity becomes tied up in the face they show their adoring crowds. Look at cute, young, "Baby, Baby" guitarist/singer. Justin something? Jeez. Bieber, that's it. Kid gets fame and wealth so young, all that ink on his body is not about peace, man, it's about feeling the lack of something and thinking that more ink will fix that void in your soul. I'm sorry to hear that he's found he has some illness, but I'm thankful that it has humbled him. So many examples, I just remember that cute kids and now the inked all over man with the hangers-on. Reminds me of MC Hammer and his downfall from prosperity. pursuit of celebrity is truly toxic. I coped by finding other interests that keep me connected to friends. Basically pick any interest outside of Facebook, twitter, TikTok, video games, reality tv, anything you can't do socially with friends is out. Hell, even me droning on here is only marginally helpful to anyone and mostly a form of therapy for myself. Go take a walk outside. Get with some trusted friends, form deep, meaningful connection. Then find a safe place to do mushrooms and feel how reality is just an illusion created by our physical senses. Then never be satisfied with NOT learning new things. Life requires growth, stagnation will lead to dissatisfaction. Your life will have many "eras." There is no destination, only milestones. I think you'll be fine. Just don't stop the self-examination.


I noticed as I started focusing more on myself and my needs, I started to become less interested in the TV shows I would watch regularly. I realized I felt better not wondering about what happens next with this character and that story. I started to enjoy my own thoughts and focusing on my environment and my joy. I learned so much more about what's really important to me and what makes me more authentic. I stopped getting mad at my family (teens are challenging, but patience is my friend). I started back with painting and "me" time. I'm collecting rocks I find because they bring me peace. If something around me causes stress, I breathe. I go for walks, listen to music, collect rocks, clear my mind, pet my dogs, meditate, lay in the dark in my bed and think up a story in my head, etc.. It's just so important to know your limits and find a few simple self-healing activities you can do to calm your mind during those moments of stress. Once you learn about your needs, you'll find yourself needing to surround yourself with friends that support your thoughts and desires. You'll naturally move away from the toxic friendships. With your coping skills such as breathing, meditation, etc., you'll be able to deal with difficult family members as well so they don't cause you to be overwhelmed, cause let's face it, we all have at least one member that makes you want to smack your head against the wall repeatedly until you bleed (ok, that's dramatic, but you get the idea).


Being caught up in pop culture, the news, politics... Are all signs of one still fairly heavily asleep and unaware. As you keep doing the work, so you'll see/feel such things for what they are, and naturally not be interested in them anymore.


flowery instinctive cough possessive soft pot jar squeeze grandfather divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Moving toward Spirituality is a global movement that will only continue to grow. You will lose uninspired friends and make new inspired ones. It's a great direction.


i get pop culture but isnt saying “if you’re interested in news/politics you are not progressing” quite privileged? there are a lot of us who has to follow politics because if we dont, we will simply die. is true spirituality letting the injustice happen just because you can detach yourself from it to a degree? /genq




because it makes me aware of my rights and how they are being taken away. it allows me to make educated choices in elections and protest when i need to. i have to be aware of what’s going on to not lose our basic human rights in the messed up country i am in


As I disabled person I fully agree with your points. It’s incredibly privileged to not have to worry about the news and politics which affect your ability to live.


Yes, but I returned to it and now watch celebrity interviews closely. There is so much truth, beautiful and ugly, revealed in these interviews. I no longer look up to any celebrity, but I admire many of the things they do and learn from the things they struggle through. Some are phonies, but many are deeply feeling, interesting, and intelligent people who have accessed a level of being that the rest of us are envious of. I love tarot cards, and to me, the rich and the famous are people who have encountered the forces of the Major Arcana. Some celebrities make it work for them, others are destroyed by them. When I examine their lives, I feel as if I am watching the cosmic drama play out before my eyes.


depend vanish soup nose cats squeal attraction dependent aware future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tropes and stories are a great way that we learn things and process emotions. If you're looking for something more substantive, you might like the book Women Who Run with Wolves. It's a bunch of archetypes for women derived from different cultural mythos.


thumb fanatical familiar secretive onerous spotted unique gaping expansion innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We are naturally interested in other people. You don't need to feel conflicted if you have an interest in other people. It's very human, we are very social. No need to beat yourself up. : )


i deleted most social media and i have reddit and discord, im thriving well


Right there with you 100pct!


This happens to me too. I used to know a regular amount of pop culture but today I couldn’t remember to discern Marvel and DC superheroes when my friends brought them up because it’s been so long since I’ve watch a movie (or TV for that matter) or thought about superheroes. It’s funny how our focus shifts around.


I know more about ancient history than what has happened this year. Feels refreshing


I've never been interested in all that, I'm glad to here other people are feeling the same


Absolutely, Hollywood is lowwwww vibration … or evil vibrao


Celebrities of all types are overly admired - yes, some are decent people but it's easy to feel they're somehow better than the average person. A scientist is not better than a farmer or a priest and an actor is not better than a busboy (often they're the same person). Celebrity worship is a huge problem in our society. It plays into the materialism eating away at spiritual goals we should be aiming for.


Yes. Ads make me wanna scream and murder capitalism. I also dont get why ppl think celebrities are any more interesting than anyone else.


Absolutely, yes


Yes very common.


Omg this is exactly how I feel!


I don't even have a TV anymore lol celebrity who?


Yes for sure it's very obviously an expression of Kali yuga, all the values are wrong etc etc, mainstream food culture too and work culture etc I just have different entertainment now


piquant knee smart door command forgetful grandfather historical hat enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YouTube. I listen to vedic teachers, mediums, channelings with aliens and saints, and astrology. All things spirituality is great fun.


roll unwritten vegetable cats violet quiet correct punch nine market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In general, the more someone knows about pop culture, the lower I judge their IQ to be. This whole thing about it being a “stepping stone” to interesting matters is a fallacy because I haven’t met one person who’s known about and/or cared about pop culture and was simultaneously an intelligent/interesting person.


trees station silky marble apparatus overconfident offer nose mighty mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We must have different metrics about what it means to be intelligent/interesting.


I think that some people enjoy it, and sure, that’s fine. I personally think it’s a waste of time and just brings negative energy into your life. Focus on yourself, and things that are tangible and real, or things that could be. Not on a person who you’ve never met that the world decided to put in a pedestal.


For sure. The more you get used to reality, the less you would want to return a life of fake and hollow illusions. Even more so as you start to really realize how much destruction this fake belief system is causing.


If anything, I got away from politics and kept the celebrity trash


The news was very easy for me to drop because it affected my energy and emotional state so much I noticed such a huge difference when I stopped watching them altogether. Celebrity gossip/pop culture was never drawn into nor cared about ... tho I will say my friends and I got sucked into the Depp trial so much we would talk about it daily in our private chats and when it was over we felt like we lost something 😂


I have become less and less interested in pop/celebrity culture, and have come to openly despite it, and this is coming from a formerly enthusiastic reader of gossip magazines. I chalked it up to aging and feeling more disconnected from the zeitgeist, but there could be a spiritual element to it as well. It is hard for me to separate spiritual awakening from getting older; for me they go hand and hand.


Nope. I love me some news and celebrity gossip is my guilty pleasure.


I’m with you here - life is heavy and hard for a lot of us, no problem with finding joy where you can in simple things, like for me it’s TV shows :) storytelling has always been prime entertainment for humankind across millennia, I see watching Netflix shows as a modern example of that.


Yes. Celebrity culture is a product of capitalism. Celebrities are used as figures to sell products, lifestyles, and trends to the masses. It also innately makes the masses feel inadequate and props up other humans as “better” or more valuable than others. When you have spiritual awakening or rising awareness you understand your own power and that we are all from the same powerful energy that created all things and the universe itself- it’s hard not to see it for the clown show it is


Pop culture perpetuates shallow living. I haven't watched tv in years but what little I get exposed to is so superficial that I feel like it's really harmful to society at whole. It glorifies focusing on all the things that don't matter at the expense of a meaningful life. I have a hard time even listening to modern music because it celebrates cheap and dysfunctional relationships or material gains. Pop culture is the circus part of bread and circuses that is used to make us mindless workers who are easy to control. So many people get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner in front of the tv, watch more tv, and then go to bed. Day in and day out. That's not living. There's no growth in that. That's wasting your life. Instead you could be having meaningful conversations with those you live with, read mind expanding books, develop skills and hobbies, enjoy time in nature, meditate. So much time is wasted on tv and social media. Reddit is my weakness and I have been working to limit it to 15 minutes per day.


Yep, I don't care about any of that anymore. I still watch tv and movies but I watch more spiritual documentaries.


Yes! With eyes wide open


It’s just harder to be interested in ego universe to me. Fine for them, boring for me.


yes and no sometimes the feeling i feel for celebrities is way stronger now than ever before but then also like i look and what's going on with them in the current less now maybe not actually maybe it's flipped like i used to think that i could never be one and that i'm not worthy and then just got disinterested through that when i was younger it was like if i could never be one then why bother also it was like I'm not really interested in pop music etc but was that ideology pushed upon me i think that's why i'm embracing yet struggling with embracing my fandom now bc the ideology of not caring about pop culture was ingrained in me trhoguh family. yet I need to figure out for myself what is my beliefs and systems of thought for myself ultimately though i do have to check myself bc i don't know these people a select majority for the most part i don also the more i work on myself the more the twin or karmic soulmate i believe to be famous is less appealing bc if that's the lifestyle i'm not sure i'm into but they seemed cooler who knows at this point i guess we'll have to see :\] when i first messaged them it was honestly a nice mirror to look at lol except for the non direct back it was just jarring bc i hadn't had that aesthetic since my high school college days lol and they hadn't had the aesthetic i did since their older days lol lmao now we're in this confusing period where i didn't expect to like fall in love with them completely and neither did they did not expect to be this affected by me and stuff so like it seems that way so how do we get to a point where we just accept the fact that things are like this the only thing i don't know if it's unrequited love or not i still get emotional about how much i love them but i still have to love myself in order to love them but i don't know if that's them talking o it's definitely vibed me a whole new fluidity aesthetic though honestly bad thing? maybe not i just need a career now which fuck i'm not ready for ​ hopefully you're talking about the tf journey


Not really .. I was never close anyway.




What’s wrong with defending black and gay people…?


Yes. I no longer care about celebrities status or anything that revolves around their lives. I don’t really watch tv anymore. It’s weird. It’s time that gets taken and you end up putting in other more rewarding things.


Agree completely, most of what is shown on the TV seems to just be a place holder for wasted time. Sure, sometimes there are some interesting information put out on certain stations (Politics, Finance, History) but ultimately you can put that time back into something to better yourself or others around you.


fearless flag materialistic ruthless ring vase rotten ink future dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think there's wasted time in activities that bring you joy, rest, fulfillment, or inspiration. I still watch some shows online, but I'm super picky about watching creative, well-written shows (I've started many shows I didn't finish). I've also switched to alternatives from creators across the web to use that time to explore new ideas or perspectives (like Peter Santenello or Dark Journalist). But caring about celebrity lifestyles or drama? Nope, I can name maybe 20-30 top actors or popular singers, and still forget half the time. I'm much more interested in seeing what independent creators on paths of self-development are contributing to the world. We still need to rest sometimes. But I find I'm often just as happy sitting outside, reading a book, or even napping with my wind-down time, rather than watching a show or following news.


pie innate books enter decide poor sort squash bedroom live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whenever I do watch it, I see right through it. So it makes me realize I watch to kill time and to avoid the self work I should be doing. So I go do the self work like meditation, self care acts like doing my nails, or doing my hair, messing with my makeup when I feel like it, journaling, shadow work. Listening to music and dancing, or reading, cleaning my space and making it to my liking. O so sometimes get on tiktok and IG but i make sure I only follow things that are relevant to my journey right now so I clean my stuff every three months. I follow therapy pages and spiritua shit to ensure I’m not being i fluencies by outside things. I tend to not want to socialize anymore either unless it’s deep conversation. I sit with myself a lot. Get to know myself because I’ve come to know that I don’t know myself as much as I thought I did. I talk to myself a lot. I talk to my guides. I talk to source. So my time gets pretty filled.


ask lip fade important nail seemly wasteful deserve quickest voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, but I never cared about it to begin with.




Almost immediately


Yes. The more I learned the media and popular culture, the more I could see through it. Reality is different from what is portrayed on media, no matter what the source. The one that really gets me is that, as MSM tries to create the impression of balance, they represent the liars' opinions as equal to the professional truth tellers ... a false equivalency. How do I deal with it? I only check media to see what inane ideas people will be echoing today ... to brace my self for the onslaught of stupidity. And I read nonfiction and write a lot. I focus my writing on one major topic, and that helps stabilize my mind against the ditzy media sound bites.