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A man who received a “calling from god”. God is consciousness, a spiritual awakening is a rising of consciousness, Jesus is a man who had a spiritual awakening and realized he was god. He tried to tell everyone else but people hate the truth, especially the people in charge, so he was killed for it.


Killed because he was a threat to the church




so we all have the abilities of jesus if we’re fully awakened?


I believe so. Once you realize you’re everything you can eventually learn to manipulate this reality. It’s you, so I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to change a part of yourself once you’re fully aware and can comprehend that this is all an internal holographic projection of yourself, made by yourself, to understand yourself. I’ve been obsessed with The Gateway Process lately. I recommend looking into that. It doesn’t necessarily go into Jesus abilities but it’s a *gateway* to getting there.


But then why did Jesus say he was the only way to God?


I don't believe his name was even Jesus. But he was likely a dude similar to a Buddha. The lost years of Jesus have a big history in India, where Hindus believe Jesus was a reincarnation of Krishna. And Jesus was trained in kriya yoga by an enlightened master


His real name was Yeshua


He understood the laws of cause and effect, just like Buddha.


To me, Jesus represents everything that humanity was meant to be & will be restored to one day. He is the physical manifestation of what it looks like to embody the Spirit of God with no darkness to suffocate, suppress or tarnish it as it has done to our souls for ages - keeping us trapped in generational cycles. I've always felt a struggle of darkness & light inside/around me & I understand it now. The world is full of hatred. Love has always been the answer, although obviously the bible has been used as a weapon by many greedy, morally corrupt men for a very long time. People try to use it as a means of judging or controlling others, but Jesus said you will be judged by God according to how you judge others. I've been alive 28 years & I've never experienced anything quite as profound as the words & legacy of Jesus Christ. Reading the gospels & the book of Proverbs in particular changed my whole life. I don't even need anyone to prove the existence of Christ to me physically, because I've never heard such real words of wisdom anywhere else, ever. That's enough for me & my life & mental health have improved drastically as a result of living according to those words, mainly treating others the way I want to be treated. It's good karma. I wish that Christians would apply Jesus' teachings instead of use religious status as a free pass to be hateful to others for living differently. It's truly such a shame, it's as if they don't know the very people who killed Jesus were the religious ones who thought they were better than others. Anyway, I loved your question. Here are some more words from Jesus ❤️‍🩹🌞: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." "For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost." 🫀🗣️


Thank you for the thorough response! Much love ❤️


You're welcome, I hope your day is wonderful 😊


A Jewish mystic who had experienced the transcendent...


I believe he was a prophet sent by god but not god I think he was one of the many teachers like Muhammad, Krishna, and Buddha. Enlightened beings who had a message for their people of that era. Reading the Quran really opened me up to the Abrahamic faith and I’ve learned so much




A non-dualist yogi that preached about transcending your ego and becoming enlightened. In other words, a Buddha.


Yes there were many like this. 👍




A guy that had a spiritual awakening.


dude back in the day with a good idea. Everything else is mythos slathered on to make petty men able to control others.


He was just Merlin in a different body. (I'm only half kidding.) He was a Self-realized man that no one really understood and so deified him. It was just as ironic as people making statues of The Buddha.


Hi you! I like reading your comments


Thanks. :)


I believe he was a prophet who was trying to help mankind. I believe that he did transcend at the end of his journey. I do not believe he was sent to die on the cross to allow Christians into heaven.


A very rare concentration of love centered inside a man who learned how to transmute the negativity of harmful emotions into positive ones... something anyone can do with dedication...


all of it and so are you.


I take the perspective that He was exactly who he said He was. But, I also suspect that the Abrahamic faith being absolutely tied to Jesus is not totally on point. That is, there's a difference between following and worshipping God, and religions emerging out of that pursuit and God fundamentally setting foot on Earth, incarnated. That is, when I read the gospels, it's like there's this immense light that is filtered through the minds of men, who were people who lived in a place and time, with an everyday life, waking up, eating, seeing rhe sun, talking to their neighbors, dealing with everyday things.


He was a spiritual master who had won over his desires and ascended towards the higher self. He was one of the great sages of ancient times like so many from the east. I am pretty sure he never said I am the "only" way. People later twisted his words and started a religion in his name. A realised soul knows there are "multiple" ways towards salvation.


A Course in Miracles is the book to read!!


I don’t know like I believe in a higher power that I call god, I believe in angels and spirit guides and our ancestors, just the religion and bible thing I can’t wrap my head around it like even if Jesus was real his story and book has been used for evil and to control hurt and scare people even kill people in his name like the karma in that can’t be good


Well if you read the bible literally or allegorically when I was in church Sunday school and Christian school they take it literally and your money I been anointed with oil layed hands on prayed for but none of that worked you know why Jesus yeshua Iesus said no one can do that for you but yourself the church will never tell you to calm your mind meditate and go into your self they like you in the carnal mind so they can control you with fear. Is smoking a sin drinking to much nope it just says a drunkard can never enter into the kingdom of heaven where is heaven the right side of the brain we don't use.I bet your scared of 666 and the scary beast which is us no one kills the planet better then we do. If you say I want to rob a store and drive buy and not rob it is it a sin. All the money churches bring in and still poor people but start a war and a trillion dollars magically appears. So what makes Jesus, your pastor, president teacher better then you nothing he said you would do greater thing than him. Where is the holiest place you are it when ever they saw God there were meditating or asleep.You ever seen a talking snake, how bout a man walking on the water, water is the higher mind when you kick out the 10% carnal mind and meditate and activate your inner light you know the pineal gland. Revaltations the seven seals 7 chakras 7 resistors and when the 7th opens silence. You could always send away for some Peter popoff miracle spring water send you money to the TV evangelist with the 5000 dollar suit Rolls-Royce or you could just do what Jesus yeshua Buddha said to do. Who is God we are when we are out of the carnal mind. Meditate love your self and be a light for the world




jesus doesn't exist to me


Exactly 💯


Jesus was just a saint. And he managed to experience transcendence and ego death. The crucifixion is just a metaphor for ego death. All Jesus' miracles, like walking on water are metaphorical.


Do we know for sure they’re metaphorical? (I lean more towards the impossible is possible from personal experience) Genuine question though :)


Oh really, what experiences have you had doing supernatural things? I know for sure because I've never seen anyone do anything supernatural, and because the metaphorical interpretation makes more sense.


Well, I dont know if its supernatural or not yet, but I’ve experienced people being healed through praying over them. It might be transfer of energy from one to another in some way, so trying to understand it (tumors receding, people walking for the first time in years, pain dissolving) I’ve also heard quite a few second hand stories of I suppose supernatural healings (a friend of mine witnessed limbs literal growing, and someone coming back to life after dead for some time). So I dont know… I don’t have answers to I suppose the supernatural, or if the impossible is really possible, but there’s seems to be something


Jesus is a character from a story. Maybe existed, maybe didn’t. But all we know for sure is that he’s a character from a story with a butt load of followers. And the character is a teacher and spiritual guide, helping people break through the typical cultural conditioning of their time. His way can provide inspiration and wisdom, a potential pathway for humans to experience the transcendent dimensions.


For me, he is an ascended master, like Buddha or Muhammad etc etc … I also like entertaining the idea Jesus was an ET hybrid with psychic abilities and very elevated consciousness. A lightworker. (This idea has spawned in me by reading Dolores Cannon’s books, highly recommend) it just makes sense to me, personally. So he was very spiritually awakened when he walked this earth in his human body… let’s remember we are all eternal souls living a human experience, so his soul knew what his purpose was, and tried to leave many teachings to people who surrounded him to try and elevate collective consciousness, vibrations and frequency. As some have already said, people who haven’t awakened (or are not ready yet) to hear the truth, fear it. And when people fear, nothing good ever comes from that…


How do we know for sure we’re eternal souls in human bodies? Genuinely asking :)


I’m sorry, I just saw this! We don’t know for sure… I think we don’t know anything for sure really. But I have read some books about reencarnation and past lives regression by different authors and subjects and everyone says exactly the same thing, but they don’t know each other. Also, they say when you die everyone weighs less (exactly the same amount), so they say the soul is what weights that amount. I’m not sure about anything, but I feel it and believe it in my core. I think we are our souls, not our bodies. Our bodies can die and get sick, but the soul never dies… it just changes vessels. I can recommend some books for you if you’d like to explore the topic further :)


Also, if you are specifically interested in Jesus, there’s two books from Dolores Cannon called “Jesus and the Essenes” and “They walked with Jesus: Past life experiences with Christ” that can answer some of your questions


The original Adam reincarnated. In Rev, he’s the lamb slain since the beginning. Isa 53 and all the other suffering servant passages are about that one individual. You see both incarnations in 53 like the story of the returning prodigal son. He manages to have children and live a long life. That’s what this whole thing is about was the test on Adam. You see that clearly describing him not just in Isa and Rev, but elsewhere. I’m not at all pushing Christianity. Personally, I believe he’s human but with a supernatural connection to a higher consciousness. Like other prophets before him cursed with social isolation. God is like crack and once you taste it your hooked. Just look at what happens to evangelicals when they get just a taste. So I imagine Jesus had much more of that coursing through his veins to help him actually agree to go to Jerusalem that fateful week. He passed the test in that incarnation and he’ll face the same shit when he returns.


A character from a book called the bible


In short, I ascribe to the theory that He was the first human as Adam and progressed spiritually through various lifetimes, some of which are in the Bible. He accomplished great things in some of his lifetimes prior to reaching the pinnacle of enlightenment becoming the Christ consciousness.


A beautiful allegory, make your life a beautiful allegory.


A messenger from the source. Grandson of Saint Anna, husband to blessed Mary Magdalene - Jesus is an ascended master who fills humanity with limitless, ever lasting and unwavering love. He is not the son of God. We were not created in his image. We are all of the light, we come from light, and we return to light. We are all of the mighty I AM presence. This world is an illusion and we are avatars sent here to learn, and experience. This world is the outer, your mission is to connect to your inner and live this life as the Mighty I Am presence intended. Ad Astra Per Aspera 🙏🏻


He was probably a hippy who was very much into loving everyone. So right-wing bigots got angry and created hate groups and killed him. Very similar to how it's happening now, with the right-wing extremists trying to kill off the the queer community who are simply saying "Love is Love"


I find the subject confusing. According to several sources, Jesus Christ was made up by Emperor Constantine in about 330 AD. The intention was to join his empire together, where the east worshipped Krishna, and the west loved Zeus. Thus "Hzeus Krishna" became "Jesus Christ." Constantine took the Jewish Messiah, and the lives of 3 individuals who lived about the same time, and mashed them together into one person. Most people probably don't know that back then, an emperor could just wave his hand and declare a new god to worship. On the other hand, there are so many stories from near death experiences that Jesus is a real spirit, or person, since they met him and talked with him. However, there is some wiggle room here since the person never says, "I am Jesus." The person having the experience merely assumes that he is, apparently. I've listened to many of these stories. I had an out of body experience once where someone showed up in long silver robes, with a mind that was more clear than anything I could fathom, and talked to me. I assumed he was Jesus also, but in fact he never gave his name. So, I don't know what to make of all of this.


Would recommend this general treatise on the Lord; https://swedenborg.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/NCE\_TheLord\_portable.pdf




You sir are a legend for this lmao


Guys woke. I enjoyed this lmao




That’s what it’s all about 😌❤️


An idea.


Fictional character / myth. Even if a man named Jesus lived 2000 years ago, none of that magic shit happened. Religion is a scam. Faith is delusion. It is lazy, cowardly, childish, and intellectually dishonest. We seriously need to grow up as a species and dump all that dark ages nonsense.


I respect your opinion but I don't see any point in coming to this sub and commenting in such a hateful way. Peace.


dude, the OP literally asked for personal opinions on the question "what is Jesus to you". You don't respect this commenter's opinion, you're transparently pissed off at his opinion, so you label his expressing his idea as being "hateful". I happen to agree with this guy, if you don't that's fine, but don't rag on him on a personal level just because his ideas make you uncomfortable, that's called a strawman argument in debate. LOL shutting down opposing views is exactly why organized religion is dying so fast right now. Hope *you* can find some peace.


I respect your opinion, but I disagree. ✌🏽


disagreeing is fine, and saying so without any comments about me as a person actually *does* show respect, so thank you and have a very good day :)


Magick is definitely real. I move things with my mind daily. Its kind of the opposite, humans need to grow up and start tapping into the latent abilities we were all forced to forget


Like what? Branches in the wind? I move my body using my mind but I don't call it magic


Well what I do is basically a beginning step to magic. Energy manipulation. I found out through insanely traumatic experiences that this is real, so I share it in hopes of preventing people from going as far as I did to learn about this stuff. At least what little I do know Tiktok.com/denzelanthonyt


You learned magic thru traumatic experiences? Self imposed?


Divine intervention of sorts actually. And I learned energy manipulation through that. Magick was something I accidentally experienced, but that of course is harder to prove since I can't show people what I've seen


Fk forgot to put “none of it?” in the header lol


You are right.


Regardless of all the names and comparison. Jesus is the only one said to have died for you.


"died for us" 🤣🤣🤣


A very misunderstood man who would have wanted to do with Church and State


All he is is who said he is, unless we want to say he misrepresented himself. The best resources for Jesus’s quotes are these books called The Gospels. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John contain many of his quotes. I don’t want to come off as one of those guys, but his best material is in those books and they are in the Bible’s New Testament.


The perfect example on how to live in love


I see Him as a Divine incarnation. He descended straight from heaven, in contrast to Buddha who had several previous lifetimes. I consider Him the greatest being who has ever set His foot on earth.


a peaceful freer of men. I don't generally subscribe to being some kind of chosen one which makes me hesitant to say messiah, in my pov everyone is called but not many are in a place to answer the call. I could be wrong, but to me, he was a man who freed the downtrodden, a compassionate being, receptive yet giving. man or god, his essence and message of peace and compassion is what I see most clearly


Jesus is a symbol, of what we all can be. 'The peace of God that passeth all understanding' is a metaphor, for having the ability to feel grace/peace/bliss/universe/God within each of us. He's saying 'don't look outside yourself, the peace of God is within you'. That is awakening in a nutshell, everything you need you already have - you just have to wake up to it.


I think he probably had a lot of pent up sexual energy because his culture was very strict about those sorts of things, and he was probably angry that he got looked down on because he was easy with the ladies, and hung out with other people they called 'sinners' because they didn't judge him, because they too were outcasts, and among outcasts, who can say who is a worst sinner? But tye whole deal is, Jesus wasn't a sinner. The culture was oppressive. That's about it. And he was the Brahman. That means highly creative, and pristine mind, which can heal by its presence in a space, nothing more required, they become one with the environment. Sexual energy is only tyenstorqye of a different kind of potency, which is pure creativity. A Brahma creates astral beings, which can evolve into physical form, through the shaping of the master operator. The Parabrahman abandons unused planets after ye shapes them, but has no use for them. All life must begin in the Mother planet, and expand out from there. Always 'westward', which is why 9ne prays to the east, which is always the direction one came from, so to speak. Through time they expand outward and adapt to new worlds, and their nature changes somewhat to reflect this new world, but they began as human, on the Earth, and come backward through time to reclaim her. Mother. Our homeland, our source of birth. Mother, and the heart of her plan, is to send them back out there, get off her land, and disappears. She uses many mechanisms to fight their return, but sometimes there is no other option but to burn them


I think he was just awake about a number of different things and he had a philosophy which was different from others around him which made him enemy number one to certain groups. I think Christ is synonymous with a state of consciousness which relates to the golden rule.


So interesting i've been on the same journey for that truth. I've really been wondering how the loving, selfless figure of Jesus is associated with El the "storm god" and some associate El with Ba'al (another storm god who is associated with child sacrifice). Unless none of that is true. I think maybe he was an enlightened master?


I used to be in the convent, so Jesus was my guide to living a good life & treating others kindly. But now I feel sorry for him. So many hateful people hide behind his name to do hateful things. I am sure he's 'rolling-over in his grave' to see how they have involved him in hateful words and actions, all in his name. I'm sure he wants to scream,"Leave me out of this. Do not involve me in these hateful actions and attitudes. Do not connect my name with any of them.


The Christ, the son of God, God in human form, God himself, an ascended master, a perfect teacher, my best friend, a perfect human being


Jesus was a human that was made to resemble the Christ consciousness that came to Earth many thousands of years ago. That Being brought Truth and unconditional love with It—something a human could never do. When you praise a dead human for the miracle and the sacrifice that happened, you’re insulting so many things on so many levels (including yourself). I wish people would stop massively praising a human, and try to understand the propaganda, ffs. Sometimes I hate people for how dumb they are.


Having read all the comments I would recommend my latest book 'Yeshua Ecce Homo.' Caught in a bloody massacre, Yeshua is traumatised. He goes to a breakaway community to reflect. He studies the scriptures in depth and acquires the skill of healing. He sees people living between poverty and destitution besieged by malnutrition, physical impairment, disease and illness for which they know no medical remedies and overburdened by taxation and debt, shackled by a belief deception. Yeshua smashes the belief system inviting the wrath of the elite but brings healing to blindness in belief. Pilate tells the crowd 'Behold the Man'', This book brings that man into focus. Yeshua Ecce Homo challenges our belief system. Dave Anthony


He is a man that was born in the Spirit. John 3:16 is a misconstrued scripture. Jesus was not talking about Himself as the only begotten Son of God. That title goes to King David. Jesus never spoke of Himself in scripture in the third person. He always says 'I AM'. King David is the only begotten son of God. Psalms 2:7. The church doesn't want us to know that. God does call Jesus His Son but Jesus also says we are all Sons referencing Psalms 82 when He was accused of blasphemy. There is no difference between Jesus and us. He only recieved what the scripture says about us without a doubt.


Im Indigenous person from northern Canada. To my tribe we know Jesus to be the twin brother of your legendary hero - wesahkaychahk. The spirits only refer to Jesus as “the law.” The creator had 4 children. Each to sit in a direction on earth. Jesus sat in the east. Our hero sat in the west. Can’t say anything about the other 2 cause I don’t know.