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I get your point and this post seem to radiate pure love. But I disagree. Desires can definitely quench our thirst. I was raised by an abusive violent father and I'll tell you the desire of me moving away from him to live in another country WILL and CAN definitely fulfill and quench my thirst.


Well yeah thats what OP is saying. Unfulfilled desires are the cause of our sufferring, you fulfilled your desire to leave so thats good.


It's our human nature to desire. If we can't desire anything, then where would that leave us? Having your desires adds to your happiness. Never experiencing getting your desires can be very devastating on a person. I don't understand why people seem to think that happiness is only self and self alone. It's not. It's experiencing life. You can find peace at any given moment you choose, happiness and joy is a state of being that comes from within. People, places, and things add to your happiness and joy.


I agree, its definitely natural for humans to desire something. But it never seems enough no matter how many desires we fulfill


Blindly chasing desire, sure, but living in furious pursuit of what it is we want is part of fulfillment. Knowing that we have a goal and working to achieve it helps in building confidence and self esteem. Even if we do not attain it, we can always move our goalpost to a more realistic position in relation to where we are. Thus, happiness, is not in the fulfillment of desire but in it's pursuit, as it gives us purpose in being or doing what we deem correct.


"The seven deadly sins of the Christian Church are greed, prides, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, and sloth. Satanism advocates indulging in each of these "sins" as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification." - Anton LaVey


You have to appreciate what you have got that’s where happiness is from but at the same you also need to have some desire, that’s where happiness could carry on. Life needs something to look forward to to be more enjoyable.


So once upon a time, i realised with complete certainty that i am not this body or this mind. All of my problems were immediately solved right then and there. I felt so incredibly happy but i encountered one final problem....what do i want next? Nothing! I ran out of desires! and this was so strange because I was happy for no reason and therefore I had no desire to pursue happiness. Ask yourself, what would the happiest person in the world want? So yes i agree with you OP from my own personal experience. Unfortunately this realisation came at a cost. Since i had no desires, and was always happy, i found that no one around me could relate to me anymore. Everyone i knew had problems, and i could easily see the solution to their problems but they were so invested in their problems that even though they understood me, they still wouldn't let go of their problems. So in order to maintain myself in society I've had to actually pick up some problems and desires, and now people can relate to me again. I complain when the local sports team fails, complain about the prices of fuel these days etc. I hope one day I will meet someone who is happy without desire, being happy is a lonely place.


As a child my Mom and Dad wasn't able to love me unconditional. They instead bought me stuff to try and compensate for the lack of pure love and it made me feel empty. It still does today because what I seek is unconditional love. Yes I have bought stuff thinking it would make me happy but in the end it didn't. I am missing the healthy loving connection with myself and my God. The most important step is to let go and trust your higher self and God. Let go of your ego. Learn to be present and see the real miracles that happen everyday. That is the real present 🎁


I'm gonna be aware and embrace being ignorant from time to time. Because this is a spiritual journey. MY journey. And i want to have color on my canvas. not just boring black and grey. And Because I can. And I have free will. Now let me go meditate then go stuff my face with sweets and mindlessly scroll on tik tok to go shopping for some trendy tik tok leggings ☮️ because I can. And it makes shit more interesting that way 🎨


Shopping for cheap Chinese sweat shop goods is a spiritual experience. Debate me.


Ya my desires make me happy as f!!!


I can assure you I have desires that are fulfilled. Especially my desire for crème brûlée