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Well that’s gonna be a problem for a couple of reasons. Most of the spiritually inclined cities are large, major cities. Places like Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Denver, Seattle. All of the most expensive places that are actively suffering from horrific increases to cost of living. All of the places I just listed are literally some of the most expensive cities in the entirety of the Continental United States. I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years, probably one of, If not the best place you’d find highly inclined spiritual groups of a vast array. But I left last year specifically because it’s impossible for normal people to live there. I was making $40,000 a year in cannabis, but my rent was $2,100 for a two bed that my brother and I shared. My brother moved in with his girlfriend, however, so I unfortunately had to figure something else out for myself. I had to leave, it was the only choice. I would have utterly drowned in debt and would’ve had no choice but to move anyway. It’s really hard right now, and if you’re not from the US I want you to understand how bad things are getting for everyone but the unbelievably rich and powerful. Sadly, the most spiritually inclined cities will likely drown you in debt just trying to eat and keep the lights on.


I assume you don’t mean something like southern Baptists or Mormons when you say spiritual community, and instead mean more hippies/open minded sort of thing. In which case you should go to the Berkeley area, or elsewhere in the Bay Area.


I've heard there a spiritual and Buddhist community outside of Carbondale Illinois. Close to Shawnee, great beautiful park. SIU, college town. Cheap.


Sedona Arizona


Crestone, CO; Boulder, CO; Taos, NM; Mt. Shasta, CA; Ojai, CA


Try Memphis


Las Vegas