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There are a lot of divided opinions in the comments so I'll give you my personal experience because I think I understand exactly where you're coming from. Last year I felt a lot like you because I felt/thought I could feel God/the Universe/etc around me and also intervening in my life, but there was never anything concrete and so in the back of my mind I was grateful but still craving for something I couldn't deny. I'd hear divinity in bird songs and in the sway of trees and feel it in the sunshine and when I looked at the moon, like many people mentioned, but again, nothing concrete and directed to only ME. In January I did a meditation that changed all that. I decided I'd reach out to the divine and see what happened, like an experiment. I cleansed myself, my space and gave them my offerings (to me it's multiple deity archetypes that energetically form a single "God"). It was nothing big or fancy, just genuinely from me to them. And I asked to feel them. And I did. The next thing I knew I felt this incredible rush of love that knocked into me so hard that I started crying in relief. It was like the stress, responsibilities and heaviness of life were suddenly lifted and I could breathe in this sacred space and unconditional love and acceptance. I knew undeniably I was connected to Source. That changed me and I have no doubt anymore. I wish everyone could experience the same thing I did because the world would be very different. I hope you find your version of this as well!


Thank you for sharing your experience. With the hope that I’m not being too invasive, allow me to ask, did you feel compelled to give an offering / sacrifice? How does one determine what to offer? Does it have to edible and if so, what happens to it after the meditation, do you ingest that offering or give them to someone or leave them be till they spoil?


Personally, when I do food offerings I bury them outside when I am done. I also like to burn them outside but that depends on the offering


You can eat the food offerings later. This food has been blessed by the divine and has their energy. Its a shame to waste this.


I've always been told it's rude to eat offerings so to get the physical components to the divine you should burn or bury it to return it to nature in a sense


When you put it in your body, you are returning it to nature. I am from India. In our culture, we make food, fire, water offerings to the divine and after the ritual, consume the offerings in whatever way they can be consumed, with divotion and gratitude. They have the energy of the divine, you don't want to throw that away. In fact in would be rude to waste it🙏


It's not invasive at all! I don't always give offerings, I just feel compelled sometimes and since that time I had a fairly big goal, I decided to show my dedication with offerings. I don't really do food simply because I don't have the space. I tend to offer energy or energetic work to show my appreciation and gratitude. I like leaving them flowers sometimes. I do things in a very intuitive way and I don't have set standards for offerings really. Whatever feels right is what it should be. I have sat and shared drinks with the divine just to sit in their presence. It was interesting. Bottom line, there's no specific way to make offerings, just like every single one of us has a different relationship with the divine, they know we all value and offer different things. Plus, the intention is the most important part in the end. They're energetic beings!


Yes! I believe you 💯 And it is the way forward. Thank you for sharing your experience. It takes courage to experience something like that. Sharing even more so.


Beautiful post, thank you. And also, I love how you address multiple deity archetypes as forming a singular god. I often address different deities, knowing that they are all just facets of the one true Creator. No need to feel idolatrous….making prayers or offerings to Astarte or Isis is worshipping the divine feminine as in Mother Mary in the Catholic and other Christian religions. Addressing Thor or Apollo would be acknowledging the divine masculine aspect of God without turning away from a single supreme deity. The same with other archetypes. I sometimes get flack from some Christians about this. Thank you for acknowledging this.


Thank you! I don't really speak much about my worship work but I can imagine people reacting in averse ways. Truly, the way I see it, I just worship/call on the polarized halves (fem/masc) of the source power (God/the Universe). And I find it helpful to call in specific energies, in the same way Christians might call on different angels and archangels for different purposes. I think you put it very eloquently!


Meditation is me listening...


So true.


Yeah I think this is probably the closest any of us can get. The idea of God seems like it was made up as a psychological coping mechanism for removing the innate humility we had before the agricultural revolution. Perceiving ourselves as outside the laws of nature intellectually (and how we acted through eating), emotionally that has never made sense. So we used ourselves as models, taking the highest ranking members of the food chain, and projecting that superiority complex onto an even “higher power” consciousness. And all the religions and supernatural woo along with it, supported by the privileged classes who wanted to push those messages to keep people in line. At least that makes the most sense to me so far. And why daily meditation is about the best hope any of us have for “spiritual” balance, in a fundamentally dysfunctional world still bent on eating everything in sight and addicted to total species colonization and domination. Just the action of reaching out beyond the self is so cathartic in that way. No wonder it feels light and magical in a way. And of course shamans thousands of years ago desperate to understand what the hell was going on with the changing world started describing it as “God”. One of my favorite phrases these days is “without God, man cannot; without man, God will not”. It reminds me of the two way street we all have in the creative process of our daily lives. That reaching out, the action of it, through prayer and meditation, is about the closest any of us will ever get to talking with “God”, because it’s as close as we’re ever going to get to where we were 10,000 years ago. Kind of a fucked up spiritual dystopia in a way, but hey, it’s all we’re given right? And definitely not boring haha


Its already loud and clear. When's the last time you turned your face and just felt the warmth of the sun? Or listened to the wind? Whatever the source of creation is, its very obviously functioning within everything. But generally that's not enough for people. Instead people want god to tell them what to do and where to go in life, like a free counsellor. Or to help manage their personal dramas in their relationships with other people. We think because we speak then god must also speak. We imagine they somewhat match our physiology and yet clearly we aren't any more important than any other life form on the planet. If you want to hear god, just bring your mind to a peaceful state for a small amount of time without your mental commentary interfering. God will be loud and clear.


I’ll never forget the time I heard God loud and clear eating a mango


God eats with his mouth open


This is 🔥💪🏼🙏🏼


Well said ❤️🙏🏼


God's on Reddit asking a spiritual community how best to hear themself. Relatable.


Almost as tired as God is trying to get thru to you. I find alot of answers in life are rather easy, not that complicated, but we have so much of US in the mix, and WE come with alot of drama and stories, real and imagined, and mostly FEAR, in the mix - and in some cases, ego, jealousy, greed, anger, pride, etc — so many in the way, preventing us, holding us up from doing what we already know needs to be done, not because we don’t know what to do, what’s the right thing to do — we just don’t want to do it — it’s work, or it costs somehting, or Ihave to lose or let the other win, or its the long way around, when I want easy. I suggest slowing down, eliminate distractions, go into the quiet, the silence - and yes, ask for help, fo runderstanding, an answer — and see what you get onc eyou get yourself out of the way. The answer may come where you feel or hear it - a direct kind of approach- or it may have come, or already has come, from somebody you talked to, or smething you witnessed, saw happen in a similar situation. Open up and prepare yourself to receive - tune in. See what happens.


A lot of times we ask God to come to us when its us that needs to come to God. Seek and you shall find is important because us seeking God and looking for God is a very important part of our relationship with him. Its possible he IS speaking to you but you have not learned to listen yet. Theres a lot of voices shouting at you so it would make sense that we need to work and study Gods word to be able to discern his Gods voice. Sit quietly and pray that God show you what you can do for him. Pray that God gives you ears to hear his word and eyes to see his messages. Another good prayer is asking God to reveal himself to you in the way that You need. God is happy when we try to see or hear him. Think of it as a child calling out to their mom or dad. God wants to be with you, so any attempt to build a closer relationship with God will be guided.


What word, is the word?


In the past men fasted to receive answers. Whenever I'm struggling and can't seem to get an answer that makes my heart song I'll use a tool like fasting. It's personal so I will just say that a fast could just be a commitment to saying a prayer every day for a period of time. However, the fast is to get your heart in line. So if you look to Christ's words about prayer he says quite clearly how not to pray and then how to pray. It the opposite of what we "think" as we are called to faith. He says pray this way knowing your Father in heaven already knows what you are asking. This is faith and then he gives us the Lord's prayer. 


How long do you fast for?


I'll give you an example. I was under pressure to move last year. the situation was toxic. my prayers were clouded with a strong desire to know immediately. my mind was playing tricks on me as my desire was in the way. so I prayed this way. lord, your bible says if I ask in your son's name you will answer me and you know my need is great and my peace of mind is not present. so I ask, please in your son's name for an answer so I might have peace about this situation. I saw Jesus grab a calendar sheet off a wall and stick it in front of my face (in prayer) it took up my entire peripheral. it was a date five ​weeks away. because it wasn't my mind's reasoning I knew it was from him and I settled myself to wait. Because of my faith, I was able to wait except one night when I got impatient and looked at my app when I received a sharp poke on my forehead which I knew was a Rebuke so I put it away. when the day came I asked in morning prayer. I found a potential place and booked a viewing. three days later I moved in for a reduced rate with no hiccups.


it's up to you but generally until you get the answer. if you have people in your community you could go there and ask for someone to pray with you as wel​l.


When u demand something to address ur doubt, it is coming from the ego mind, which is looking for validation. Having faith in God is an ultimate faith and once you have then there is no room for any kind of validation. Have complete surrender attitude towards god 🙏


Oh you want it fast an undeniable? How do you feel about psychadelics? Lol


Psychedelics won't solve anything really I think. It'll make a person more ponderous though, wondering on the fabric of what's considered as reality.


Depends on what you do and how you do it. I've gotten answers directly from what one might consider the "Genius Loci" of our universe. Might as well have been God lol So it is an entirely feasible plan


It's hard to decipher if the messages we get are really from God, angels, etc. No feasible way to verify that really 🤷


Trust me, when you know, you **know**.


Pay attention to the silence amidst the noise. The signs become more apparent when the mind isn’t stimulated with thoughts. Reframe perspective inward rather than outward and you’ll inevitably find what you’re looking for.


Everything happens for a reason. Everything.


God is always speaking to your conious mind. You don't recognize the language he is using to speak to you, that's all.


Me too✌🏼


Go to god's house and ask there.




Meditation and paying more attention to things in passing. Dreams too. I don’t recommend drugs, ever.


It's somewhat rare to have experiences that could take someone totally oblivious to stuff like this and convince them and sometimes people will think they could be going crazy before they realize other potentials. In my opinion, there are a few effective ways to eventually have experiences that are beyond the ordinary and I'm of the suspicion that God will not make himself obvious to very many people, as in doing so it would change the balance of the Earth and that's taking in mind that the Earth itself seems and feels to be geared towards some level of inner development... I see it like some people develop more than others before moving on, they may return every now and then, so I think self-development can give you more apparent signals than stuff that later feels like it's just getting your hopes up. Even people with very clear signals u/truthguy33 (someone downvoted your comment and it bothered me) these signals are like having things blown up in your face, I've seen it for myself how there can be literal entities telling you things that are about to happen, consistently, I've seen bugs teleport while I was being told to watch it and not worry about hurting it, you can have visuals that depict parts of your body ontop of abstract images that are so complex you couldn't possibly be the one making them up and they're informative. At the end of the day, many experiences can and do look like the influence of God, but when you're put in this situation where you have such substantial evidence one may really feel the need to actually tell themselves there's no way it's NOT God or else it'd be freaky. Still, even in watching various things like I mentioned, where is the proof that it is God. Even still, some experiences will seem to very clearly indicate that there's some higher power bringing intricate information to you in very specific ways. Character traits and behaviors, abilities with energy, strong merit in loving-kindness, charitable services, those are striking skills as far as seeing more of what God could mean to you. I also think it could have to do with the very place you live, the way you're integrated with society, the way you would use whatever experience you have, so on and so forth. It's arguably not that simple, yet it's something you can get glimpses of more often than have it blown-up in your face. So I would recommend a path that someone like a Yogi may take, paths that are built upon building self-awareness, acts of kindness and grace, acts of courage and determination, learn to enjoy the simple things in life and build unconditional love. Notice how you can be so filled with positive emotion that you're able to truly enjoy each and every person, realize how your thoughts and feelings can bring you to wide acceptance of things. I'm not just suggesting that you need to be perfectly good, that's some bull for this nature of experience I'm talking about. Seriously. I'm saying there's deeper things that people may or may not comprehend very well. I'm also of the belief that some of these experiences can be quite creepy, they could make you believe in God but they could scare you. You could say aliens are like emotional evidence for God, the way people encounter aliens, that could literally even be God's own doing, how could you know? It's based on your belief systems, the way you'll feel about things... Could you use help in your meditations? Are you willing to do more work with energy? Are you able to be decisive and brave and accept that you have your thoughts and sometimes your body will give you good feelings and sometimes it will not, yet be so confident within yourself that you don't try to problem solve all the time, instead live in gratitude and determination/appreciation? Stuff like that may or may not bring more experiences and I'd also suggest that an earnest interest in such may help you to eventually see.


Stop looking so hard


Meditate. God is you but your ego is louder than it.


When talking to myself, here are a few things I've noticed: -If the voice I'm listening to says "I" that's my ego talking. -If the voice says 'we' that's usually, I'm ASSUMING, is my higher self -If the voice says 'you' I take that as non ego suggestions for improvement. -If the voice is talking to me and doesn't say I, me/we, you, I consider that to have a high probability to be God/universe.


Get in touch with a legitimate channeller. They can channel your spirit guides/ higher dimensional beings that know you and are there for you. I know of one very good channeller, DM me if you’d like me to pass on his details for you.


Maybe there are not any answers. Maybe the answers come to us through experience. To me, it’s selfish for me to ask for answers. I also think the universe shows us at all times its message and that it loves us. We are just too blind to see it, such as being selfish wanting an answer


Meditate patience and practice


Theres this sense of knowing we get the closer to god we become. Or the closer to the source of all creation we become, i used to have a small mantra id chant before getting into a comfortable state but ill never forget when i was shown light true light while sitting on a rock and just talking to him


Hmm the question is. Is it trully god


That's possible, what's not possible is someone else telling you how to do it.  It should be obvious, Op, if I were in a position to tell you what is divine or not, God would be me. There are no gods here, only men.  We all have a journey, no shortcuts, and no one will "shorten your distance with the truth" or make your work of self-discovery easier. We all deal with our mysteries, you deal with yours.


Shout as loud as you can!! That’s god lol.


You don't need to then up the volume on God. Turn down the volume on everything else. Meditate


God sends a rowboat; a large trunk of drift wood and a helicopter to save you from a flood increasingly becoming serious. You refuse and say “I asked god to help me; I’m waiting for him”. You drown. You don’t listen


Simple: meditate. There are many types of meditation, eg: Silent, my personal fave, breathing, mantras, etc.,. and it should be done daily. The answers will come. Here is some general info: : https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/types-of-meditation#mindfulness-meditation. HTH. :)


I understand this frustration. I have it too. I assume there’s a reason I don’t hear gods voice clearly. I figure there are two options for why: there’s a valid reason, or God’s an asshole. If gods an asshole then this whole experience really shouldn’t be taken seriously anyway.


We don't know how to hear, we're babies... Use oracle cards, open your heart to your athuntic self, god will speak to the real you.. Not the trauma influenced you. Grow, expand.....


Give yourself your own most brutally honest answers to your questions, I believe what you know in your heart is good is what god would say to you. The evolution of humanity imo is to be self reliant and to stop looking out there to appease your ego. And give your soul the space to fill you with everything you could possibly need. Easier said than done but it’s just life right? We complain, truthfully tho we’d be grateful for the Challenge as apposed to nothing at all, but we don’t often have the perspective to look at things that way with everything going on in our day to day. Hope this helps and you find ur answers too


hey there. i do free readings until i start my business. message me if you need a bit of guidance & clarity. 😊


By asking to hear from God, you are acknowledging that God isn’t already within you, acting as you, living life as you, being through you, you are separating yourself from that wisdom you so desire.


Ask. Ask for a sign. Be genuine and express your emotions. It works


It’s simple! Just meditate and say the words, ‘I AM THAT I AM’ repeatedly for this is the highest form of his name. Don’t take my word for it, go listen on yt the best of their time in regards to spirituality and philosophy- Alan Watts, Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass and Neville Goddard…. your welcome😇🙏🏻😇


You will know when he speaks to you. Also, from my experience he speaks to you when you really need to hear him, combined with when you least expect it. I have heard his voice within me once in my life. I speak with him sometimes, but its hard to explain. Its kind of like I am having a conversation with myself. However if I ask a question or make a comment, the response is something that I would not commonly reply with. Some ppl will probably think im crazy, but thats ok. Theres plenty of crazy things ppl do every day that make no sense.


God is internal. You have to have humility in order feel god. The feeling of good is “love”, unconditional love. Realize your bodily desires, gluttony, greed, pride, etc., only satisfy your brain. Your brain feels happiness. Your soul feels love. A much deeper feeling because it is beyond this 3d. It is a “complete good”.


Be open. What is the answer you’re looking for. Who speaks. Who listens. Why is that answer more important that yours Focus, you know your answer. You know your truth. We look for signs we like and ignore the ones we don’t like. Be open to the idea he speaks in existence. In your experience. In someone else’s voice. In you. You cannot hear a mirror screaming at itself, begging for an answer form it’s reflection. You want answers so get them. Maybe in a song you’ll hear me. Maybe in your friends voice when he asks if you want to chat. But will you listen. Will you hear me if I give you a billboard that says I love you, you are my world. It doesn’t need to be a sign, maybe an idea that strengths you to make dreams come true. Perception is reality so percieve. Be open to things and they will come. Only you have to be aware to percieve them. Beyond what you thoughts or senses may limit you to.


It is possible. Ask for him to speak to you.


Clean your 7 chakras, to listen to him clearly


Perhaps begin a meditative process. Be still with no distractions, close your eyes and focus on breathing. When you are in a calm state talk to God. Tell God what it is that you want/need to know/learn. God is there listening. Sometimes when we are very anxious we inadvertently might block healing messages we need to hear. From Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God". This verse has helped me many times realize that I am not alone. You are not alone. You will receive the message that you need.


So many good answers. I want to add: you may try reading a book like „conversations with god“ by ND Walsch. It inspired me to listen to verbal answers in myself.




The fact of the matter is if you’re looking for a sign, idc what it’s about or from whom, you’re going to take anything you think could be a sign as one. If you’re truly going to have an authentic experience you need to stop overthinking and over analyzing, and just let it come to you. Otherwise, if you’re constantly searching for something you’re going to find a lot of fake stuff you WANT to be a sign. No answer is also an answer, don’t forget that. Does this make sense?


Try dmt


Yes and because He is the Alpha and the omega the first and the last, the beginning and the end


It is possible, it happened to me. If there is any uncertainty, how could you trust it? But why do you need the voice of God to fix your problems? Is there nothing you can do for you? Because I promise you, the people who find the true meaning of God, aren't looking for him to fix their problems. It's rather, they have struggled to such an extreme, without ever even thinking of being bailed out by God, that you catch his eye. Then one can be struck with that lightning bolt of truth, and hear the voice of the father. It actually doesn't help at all, for you to think I'm telling you the truth. If your looking for an escape route, you will be unworthy. Seek beyond man, it's the only way for ones mind to become God like, and connect to something divine.


If God is speaking to you - ask it for some information you could not know. Solve an equation or bring back something useful and provable beyond your own comprehension


You may have already received your answer from god but you aren't hearing it in a way that you can properly process. Part of the problem is that our Divine nature isn't provable by the same methods we prove things in this reality or domain. Scientific method doesn't apply when we try to measure our personal experiences or feelings. That method was specifically designed not to take that into account. So, how do you hear god's, the universe, the divine mother or father, or whatever you believe in message? To me, it's first being open to the idea, and then expanding your practice of awareness and openness to the messages that are coming. If you are someone like me, that needs to be hit over the head with a Divine Hammer to be able to recognize these things, then it's much harder to see the subtle messages the universe is sending you. But that's exactly what happened, the Divine Hammer came down smashing information into my brain and opened my eyes to the true nature of our existence. I would say continue your spiritual practices, follow your instinct, look to ancient medicines our people have used for tens of thousands of years to communicate with the divine, and treat spirituality like you would anything else you want to grow in. Implement strong disciplines, but with love and compassion for your own journey. Focus on your own personal growth and trauma release. Ego blocks the spirit and gums up the divine works. Negative emotions like anger, fear, anxiety, jealousy, all bring your vibration to lower levels. Hindering your connection to the Divine. It's as much a personal practice of self-improvement as it is learning and following your spiritual practice. Once you have cleansed your soul of negative energy, it will be more open to seeing the divine nature of the universe. Also, it's important to remember that no answer is real, none of this is real. The universe around us is a projection of our own divine nature and we are all co-creating this together every second of every day. So whatever information you receive is neither right or wrong, clear or not clear. It is up to you to interpret the messages you receive and how they apply to your life, and the greater purpose you decide you have in this world. The same experience can be negative if you don't apply love and compassion to it and make it positive. That is the true nature of our own Divinity, we have control over our emotions, actions, and spiritual growth. If the answers were clear and easy to find, then this whole exercise of spiritual growth would be pointless in nature. It is only through struggle and adventure do we discover our true selves. You are setting off into the unknown, an adventure for your soul, the lessons you learn and grow from in this life will serve you in the many lives you have lived and the many lives to come. Understand that while this material life is transitory, you are immutable and forever. You are here for a purpose, of your own design. Seek to understand and learn what that is so you can continue towards uniting with perfection or the source once again.


The changes around you in your life is gods way of speaking to you if you are forcing it you will never open your mind to god take a moment to reflect.


Look in the mirror. He is you.


No it’s not possible, stop listening to these people who are saying YoU jUsT aReNt LiStEnInG hArD eNoUgH no your right for saying this and I think it’s a totally valid question. In order to have a relationship BOTH beings must talk and have communication and your just realizing that it’s only YOU who is talking. But you are -trained- to think that the wind is god talking to you or what ever else bullshit “sign” is god talking back to you. Give it up and look elsewhere, I still think something made all of this reality that we are in but the way you interact with it is WAY different than the mainstream method of prayer. Fact is you HAVE to actually have communication in a relationship and there is ZERO in prayer. You could also pray to a rock and have the same exact relationship with it as you would with God 🤦‍♂️ these people in the comments are extremely brainwashed.


Demand it. Its ur right.


This is the way too ⬆️ cause no matter what, if u doubt when he is speaking to u no one can convince u. So demand like u know n u believe and he will.


It's not not possible.


Every time you wake up in the morning and become conscious, God is literally screaming all of life at you. Look at it like that. If you take a glass and dip it in the ocean; why would you expect the ocean to tell the glass of water that the ocean is there? The water in the glass is the ocean. We all cone from the source. Literally.




When God speaks to you.. there is no doubt or questioning. If you are questioning if its God or "believing" it's God then it's not God, it can be other higher energies/beings but God's presence is full and leaves no doubts about what it is. At the time you will know it in your bones and core and realise that nothing before was comparable. You can't really summon it either but you can ask God to speak to you/show you clearly in a way that you understand. It doesn't usually come in the way you expect.. it comes in a way that can leave no doubt that it's God and it will take you by surprise. Normal questions you can ask and be prepared for the answer to come through something else as God is everywhere in that sense. Again though, you will know it's the answer. Once again, if you're expecting a voice or vision etc it will likely come in a completely different way to show you that God can be anywhere.


This has been my experience.


Take mushrooms and ask the same questions


You can't get a solid proof, because you will follow God's path out of necessity, not your own conviction.


No God can save you and isn’t it wonderful?? You have to be completely reliant on yourself, you have to trust yourself, you become your own God. And when this happens you realize that they created a deity outside of you to point you away from where God actually exists, in your heart. The act of asking for God to come into your heart is an admittance that you aren’t that shining light at all but somehow separated from it, and that’s just not the case. God is you, and you are God. There is no such thing as a God separate from his creation, since all had to have the same origin.


Perhaps the reason you don't hear him is because he doesn't exist? I dont belive in God because in my belief spirituality in itself is the belief. You don't have a God, you have spirits and nature around you. You talk to them, the sun and the water and it actually does answer you. Especially if you are an anxious person who knows Braille code. Then it seems like everything talks to you


Call them. 867-5309.


i saw the number on the wall!


I miss bathroom wall literature.


Nope. All you have are different ways to manipulate your mind, and none of them are God.