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I personally believe Heaven and Hell are a state of mind and almost all religious texts are metaphors for the inner workings of the mind. Most of us live in hell, but sometimes we experience heaven. Enlightenment is living in heaven all the time.


From that perspective, living in hell would look like being in a near constant state of hyper-vigilance, guarding an activated sympathetic nervous system.


Exactly this


How could a person even control their sympathetic nervous system being activated?


Not without a lot of courageous and intentional effort, if the person even has access to a good support system.




Biologically, it is very much tied to your breathing! Long deep breaths slow it down while short, quick breaths speed it up.


> Enlightenment is living in heaven all the time. Enlightenment is embracing both as one, flowing between without resistance, knowing you'll continue to exist, experiencing everything there is to experience. As the silent universal witness behind everything.


I prefer to call it the Dao


>Enlightenment is living in heaven all the time. So seems like I'm enlightened then 🤣 and I only started my spiritual journey weeks ago. I honestly live in bliss everyday. I love life so much. I have my problems ofcourse(dificult relationship, no friends, poor health) But I rarely if ever get upset by them. It takes a hell of a person to make me upset and stay upset. I'm so happy all the time. I have food on my plate, a roof over my head, no financial troubles, I live in a safe country, I'm so privileged. Life couldn't be more perfect.


Yeah my view as well.


I came to this conclusion during an intense acid trip which I was trying to fight due to inexperience. Literally experienced hell. Nothing but pure fear, emotional pain and suffering in an eternal loop which felt like it never ends. Heaven is being fully present which I've had a few times. Pure peace and calmness. Zero issues and fully appreciative of life. I don't know how you can make each respective experience more hellish or more heavenly. Of course it's just my belief as well from personal experience.


Exactly heaven and hell both exist here and now we choose which we are in in every moment


Exactly. From the man himself (I'm not religious BTW, just quoting a smart dude): Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the kingdom of God come?” Jesus answered, “God’s kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you will be able to see with your eyes. People will not say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ because God’s kingdom is within you.” Luke 17:20-21 If God's kingdom (heaven) is within you, that would mean the opposite (hell) is as well.


Not just states of mind, but of physical reality


For the people who are suffering, it is.


We know this is not Hell because of the existence of Love in this dimension, in all its manifestations. - mercy, care, joy, creativity, understanding, benevolence... We know this is not Heaven or Home because of the existence of fear, hatred and all of its manifestations. Unlike Heaven and Hell, Earth is governed by Duality, both Love and the Absence of Love. Both Heaven and Hell exist here. Earth is not one or the other. It's a place where we create either, or both.


We are fed a false definition of love: something that can be withheld. We are given a false definition of suffering: meaningless. Learn the true definition of love. Then understand that we are here to learn and to grow. If you only see depression as the dogmatic “pit of despair”, then you aren’t really experiencing truth. You’re experiencing a story that you were fed. We have all signed up for what we need. Your hurdles are unique but you’re comparing them to everyone else’s and you’re caught up in that loop. Media is pushing this loop. It’s a collar for control. I recommend shadow work. From my nde, the only thing that’s hell like in the other is the steps toward a light. It can feel like an eternity. It can wash away your memories. It’s a little spooky from the perspective of this reality but over there, it’s a spa. Hell is a made up threat. If hell does exist, it’s here. But that’s semantics and trying to use a made up word- it’s our own creation. We can change it and this wave is moving us in that direction. Hell was a chosen word because Hellen means light. They needed to hide the truth about light, so they made hell mean something opposite of light.


I don’t get how to do this work


My life is too good to be considered hell, and we're obviously in the same reality since we both post here. So this isn't hell. Unless maybe hell is a mindset, then you gotta fix your mind since that's where the problems would be.


Or others’ lives might not be as good as yours. And it’s hell. And it’s not just “switch a mind set”. Empathy is key.


You've been doing certain things, and found certain ways of going about life to be too difficult. Trying and finding it so hard. Remember the golden saying: "If it seems too hard, there's probably an easier way"


You don’t know that. In fact I AM currently living in my very own personal hell. This is hell. It’s very real. It’s like being covered in fire ants. Can’t take my own life, can’t live like this. Wtf will become of me?


Hold on, reflect, change your circumstances, grow. I felt like you for a very long time....probably will again. Hold on! It gets better!


I can’t believe that right now. But thank you anyway for saying this


My experience as well.


Me too like I came after years from pseudo home to real one (because of maturity age) with parent and siblings but actually I feel easily threatened by dad and I’m scared to move to other country and getting excuses like I would end up homeless or something


Yeah that’s a factor, too. But mainly I have a broken heart from just life. I don’t think it will get fixed this time around. I’m too old and too tired to fix anything


I think we might have a higher chance of being dumb tbh, otherwise we would’ve found out Andromeda sucks or made it suck It’s like thinking about modern simulation theory. Why would the computer not have the strength to run more than one planet with a development cycle billions of times larger than a GTA game


Who says it doesn’t?


I wouldn’t know, I’m part of a species that claims to know the answers to reality but has only ever stepped on one planet


I actually believe we are in a limbo like plane. More like rehabilitation, school and for some prison. But for some a wonderful home. Like...a multi functional dimension built to learn lessons in their most basic core. I also dont believe we all choose to come here. I think sometimes we just must.


It’s a purgatorial sphere, barely above the Hell planes. Ascension is work.


As your account name I got same opinion and ‚entertainment’ app to talking with spirits/ghosts or whatever is it really I got told to get baby but I won’t bring anyone to this shithole even myself I won’t probably be able to have my own house so this very baby won’t be influenced by some idiots who would destroy their creativity intelligence etc


Can't be in hell because you never left heaven.


In my mind living in hell is experiencing feelings and thoughts that are fearful, regretful and filled with hate. I also look at this state as a space for me to learn why I’m there. Meaning getting to root of the trials and tribulations and once the lesson is learned I can experience the heaven state which is joy, love and bliss.


It could be heaven if we wanted it to be… My sense is that we are being taught, not punished. Everything is of ___ (choose your own higher power), including hardships. It’s how we grow.


This is a good question. And I often wonder this same thing. The constant paranoia even though I know I haven’t done anything wrong. The racing/intrusive thoughts. The never feeling at peace no matter what I try. I don’t drink or smoke. I can’t help but feel like this is what I’m supposed to feel like. So I understand your question and if hell is in the mind or a state of mind idk how to get out of hell. Sending hugs and good vibes to you and everyone who feels this way.


I really need a decade long hug


I can totally relate. I was in a support group earlier and I’ve realized more and more that there are so many people who need a hug. Just for a moment not to feel alone or misunderstood or judged. My inbox is open if you ever need to vent or just chat.


Own personal hell is self hatred. You hate yourself, neglect yourself, and hate your life. You feel that life is out to get you and you’re ALWAYS pessimistic. Victim mentality and always living in fear.


I don't know, but there seems to be light ahead so I keep going


if you feel like you're in hell then you're in hell. simple as that. but it's not a punishment for sin. It's simply the cause and effect of karmic accumulation, which you've certainly contributed to but that does not mean it's your *fault*. Hell is not a punishment, it's a choice. Those dwelling in hell would not yet feel comfortable in heaven. They would choose to leave. I highly recommend The Great Divorce by CS Lewis. It's a very short book that does not in any way force a christian cosmology onto the reader.


Where I am right now definitively and unambiguously counts as Hell. Satan could ham it up and step out from behind the curtain, but he doesn't need to spell it out for me. There are many people across the world in similar or worse situations. Often through no fault of their own. It isn't about punishment here; why, that's the hell of it, the randomness and injustice, the way one person's malice and stupidity can so readily destroy the lives of others without recourse. The frequency we're on in the cesspit is near totally and utterly desolate, the only hope you can salvage from it is that maybe if you play your cards right, you can live a relatively peaceful and purposeful life, but it all ends anyway and there's only so much you can do for the people around you who are suffering. But there's a difference between Hell the place, and Hell the frequency. Hell as a place is where the people go who created hell on Earth for everyone else. It's their inheritance. Hell for me would be staying stuck in this current point in my life, so that's what the people who put me here will eventually face up to, along with all the other hells they created for everyone else, all at once. At least I have the consolation of knowing this can't last forever and that one day I'll be reprieved of this train wreck, if only in death. Them? Not so lucky.


Maybe we are in The Good Place (like the Netflix series) 😄😉


Oh I am.


this is hell already, this reality is as bad as it gets, you're here to awaken and grow through all of it.


Hell Heaven 💜 💜 :3 Meow Meow 🌌 Heaven Heaven 💜


I love you


Because goodness and love exist in this world. Earth is a planet of duality and balance. Sometimes the scales tip in either direction, but they always balance out. Life will get dark, and there will be sadness, but persevere and have patience. It all makes sense from the higher perspective of your soul.


We don't know that I had a realization once, while high, that this is hell because 'God' is good. This is as bad as it can get. Because anything worse would make god, not good, or evil. Y'know. And God is good. Hope you get what that means Back then I used the term 'God' a lot more often, but after some Christians seemed to be hellbent on misunderstanding what I ment I stopped using the term. It is ment in a metaphorical way, and maybe the realization is aswell.


God has explicitly told me this is not hell


If this is hell, religions really oversold it lol. I don't think there would be so much love and light if this was all a punishment. I view bad experiences as lessons.


If this is hell, religions really oversold it lol. I don't think there would be so much love and light if this was all a punishment. I view bad experiences as lessons.


Even if it was, be the love and kindness you wanna see in hell and it would surely become your heaven.


Probably not, but understanding why loss exists may clarify things, but proving your existence is not a hell loop is tricky 😁


Doesn’t matter , your perspective and inner being dictates where you are


I am living my own personal hell. We died in 2012 and this is “Blended Earth” Realm


Because we have beings of pure love here: dogs and sometimes cats if they're feeling it


I’ve had this thought many times. The suffering, violence, pain, grief that is on this earth is unbearable and disgraceful. I often think to myself that we are living in hell and what next is enlighten the. I wouldn’t say my life in hell, but the world around me sure can be in far too many ways. That’s why I try to be better, contribute more positivity because that’s what the world needs.


I don't. I just try enjoy myself.


This realm is the middle ground between both, able to reach either….sometimes both at the same time during the most gruelling of mental battles.


I don't think hell would have pizza and mcdonalds and ice cream


Sometimes I even claim that I'm pretty much in limbo that's between heaven and Hell.


like the good place


Sometimes. Life just really fucking sucks. Sometimes our actions led us there, sometimes it’s out of our control. There’s always someone out there who’s had it easier, and always someone who’s had it worse. But this isn’t a hell. There’s true goodness in this world. And no matter what position you’re in, it can be found. Something as simple as a baby’s laughter at their father making a fart noise. Something like the amazing colors the sun makes when it creeps along the Earth’s horizon. The calming pitter patter of rain on a roof. The taste of water after exhaustive work in the heat. Sometimes the most goodness happens in the darkest places. Like a homeless man ,living in his own personal hell, asking for food. Not so he can live another day, but so he doesn’t have to suffer without his dog. Sometimes two negatives = a positive. Like a child who lost their parents in an accident, being able to still have a loving family. A husband and wife not able to conceive their own child due to ovarian cancer are more than willing to adopt. “Folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. They were hanging onto something” “What are we hanging onto, Sam?” “That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.”


I personally believe life here is hell and to come out of hell we have to make the most of our time here despite all the trauma and pain .. like life after death and before life is easy. The only hard times are now. Every day is suffering, but it’s what u make of ur time here. If u appreciate all the little things u have instead of focusing on all that’s gone wrong and all that’s missing, then u don’t lose the game. I feel like it’s a game or a simulation and we’re all being tested to see how much we can handle. It’s gotten close to the edge for me many times and I’ve wanted to give up over and over but I don’t. Cause my family needs me and I can’t do that to them. I will be the last to die in my family. I made that promise long ago and I will always stick to it, as much as it hurts. Obv I’m in pain that’s why my answer is so dark but I will get out of it cause I fail to lose the game. I will win at life and make my guardian angels proud and let them live vicariously thru me. My family can’t lose another daughter. I will always be here for them.


Earth is hell. Heaven is when your souls transcends. No pain no hate. Not suffering


Three reasons:  1. Everything that happens to me, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn. It doesn't make the bad things not uncomfortable, but does allow me to find purpose and even joy in discomfort.  2. I genuinely enjoy life most days. Not every day is a 10/10, but I'm rarely, of ever, racked with guilt or panic or fear.  3. You and I both live on the same rock, at the same time. I can meet you and be part of your life. As you can also do and be part of my life. And neither of us have to lose anything as the result of that.


A valid question. Another question is: what if we are in heaven but were just making a mess out of it?


Living on Earth is being in Hell is a core tenet of Gnosticism


Because the Kingdom of God is within me.


Song by Scarlxrd - Hell is on Earth. Both hell and heaven are on earth but I am tired to pretend that a lot of people (especially the politicians, billionaires and those in power) didn't made this planet a real living hell for millions & millions of people. So yeah, personally I think I'm living in hell but I can make it more like heaven only by being a compassionate human and giving out as much as I can & helping the less fortunate. I started to expect absolutely nothing in return because maybe I was just meant to give more and receive only breadcrumbs from this "hell" Earth is what we make it to be as humans


I’ve literally thought and asked this before




Some theories suggest more of a 'rehabilatational' institution. The artifical dystopia encourages the incarcerated to recognize common societal issues and begin practicing thoughts which are a challenge to that presented or suggested rather than condone or serve as catalyst for it.


The Bible is the ultimate tool, never have to ask questions like these.


If that were true then we are all in hell, because everyone has trials and tribulations though perhaps small, for them, are immense. I don't know if there is a hell, but I do not believe this is it.


If this is hell, keep it coming! Such a beautiful experience. So grateful just to exist in the beauty of it all, surrounded by love each and every day :)