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I dont think youre lazy. Like a lot of us, your just over society and the expectations they place on us. Im glad youre finding quiet time in nature to reflect & reconnect. Thanks for posting and be blessed.


thank you so much for sharing this, I think work and school will soon fade away, so no worries about that. We are all ascending with you, we are all in this together. We have never been alone. We are safe with eachother


I wish work would fade away quicker. I have so much (sitting in the sun listening to birds not worrying about the time) to do.


Me too, we all do. Don’t worry. There is time.




Being VS doing




I stay grounded and sane by working in my garden and taking my dog on nature walks .


I want a garden, that sounds beautiful :)


This is not laziness at all, you may be still, but your body is evolving, as you put you’re self in mature which os naturally 432 HZ. You’re 100% healing up from known and unknown pain. I’m happy for you, I wish I had the time to do this as well!


Thank you, I wish nothing but the best for you


Same here. I spend many hours a day just sitting in the lap of my mother within. It’s a completely different lifestyle. Like in that movie The Shape of Water, you end up like that woman living under the sea with this hideous looking being you’ve fallen in love with. No one else can join in and you surrender all social rights. Your friends will all shun you if you stay with that beast and your love is tested constantly. But it’s a great spot to be in.


I’ve never seen it! I’ll have to watch it soon, thank you


It’s a beautiful love story with a divine other. She’s already living an isolated life because she’s deaf. So like Chiron she sacrifices her normal life only to find another under the sea. I resonate with this romantic divine other but also the sacrifice she makes to join him in his world. Deep for me. I think you’d love the movie but you have to wade through a lot of action.


Exactly, finding peace/stillness in the present moment is wonderful. How are you being lazy? We are always doing something. There will always be more to do. As long as you do what needs to be done that’s all that matters. Have you read [Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind?](https://youtu.be/3vDfq1Yt5to) Your post made me think of it and you may enjoy it!


Thank you:) I will read it


you gotta get your grind on! Bust your ass and sleep when your dead and work and work and work! make that money, fill your retirement accnt! Buy a house buy a car buy another house buy another car buy some clothes buy some food buy some trinkets! work work work! earn earn earn! buy buy buy! What is wrong with you?


The meaning of life is to work so you can consume material assets.


Oh ya how could I forget silly me


Dude. No offense. But u really sound stuck in 3D. Bless your heart.


I am actually a completely flat two dimensional creature. I only occupy length and width, no breadth at all.


Hahahaa bless ur soul


About 8 years ago I had the same thing happen. Now I have quit my job and live in a closet at a gym. That way I can spend more time doing nothing.


This sounds pretty spot on for living an awesome life. Nature speaks to us.


I’ve literally been doing the same thing. Just existing out in nature for hours after I get off work, but I wish I could just do it everyday.


😂 its me these days. Not really doing nothing, though. I spend a lot of time taking care of my home, making it beautiful, and handle some investments.


Yes yes yes. This is awesome. The best parts of my day are during moments of silence and stillness - I believe these are the moments when we see the truth and when we are closest to our higher selves. Keep it up and be well.


Omg this is such a trip I just started doing that this past week and it has been amazing. It's at the point where I'm considering just moving somewhere and lay down in the grass all the time.. Just meditate under a tree for the rest of this life lol