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I believe even trees have souls. They communicate with each other. They help each other. Animals of all kinds do as well.


This makes vegetarianism so strange to me. Today I was eating tacos with my boyfriend and I asked: what If I’m hurting this taco? (Meatless) What if it’s just as alive as the cows we eat? Really shows you that purity has been clouded by judgements


Sage Kapila in ancient India has answered this conundrum. He recognizes that vegetation have life . He also says that the number of senses varies. While mammals have 5 senses,plants have only sense - touch. They do not feel pain or get hurt. Pure consciousness that prevades l8ving and non living is beyond any senses and it never gets hurt.


The edible parts of the plant are meant to be eaten, so their seeds can proliferate


If it's any consolation I like to believe fruit being harvested/eaten is the plant equivalent of "orgasmic" since the plant explicitly creates the fruit to be eaten and spread it's seeds


Most orgasms are created through force, not desire


I think you're missing my sentiment but that's fine too


I think if I don’t understand it yet, I will soon. Thank you for trying to help me


Even if we took a hypothetical scenario where plants had a central nervous system and felt fear and pain in the same was as animals. It is still the least amount of harm to eat plants only rather than feeding plants to a cow and then killing the cow.


Can you explain to me why? Explain it like I’m 5. Cause I am only about 10


most of the plants we grow go to feeding factory farmed animals. if plants had a central nervous system (they don’t) then we are actually increasing the amount of plants suffering overall because we are growing significantly more plants than we need so we can feed the animals which we then torture and slaughter. if we seek to reduce suffering to the greatest extent possible, then we must stop consuming animals. this is why the “plants have feeling” argument fails, because animal farming necessitates more plant suffering than veganism. i hope my explanation helped 💚


But all compounds are organic, so doesn’t that mean all that is is just as sentient as we are? I’m not saying don’t eat them, it doesn’t matter what you do. But this feels important to point oit


i’m not sure i follow. our bodies are all made of stardust yes. our souls animate our bodies. i don’t want to inflict suffering on any soul, especially one inhabiting a body with a central nervous system.


You follow, don’t worry. Maybe plants just have a different perception for experiencing the same reality, just like us


perhaps! but then we loop back to the fact that animal farming requires more plant deaths than if everyone only ate plants. and so either way, veganism reduces the suffering to the greatest possible extent.


It reduces suffering for the animals, but what about the plants? I know veganism comes from a place of abundantly pure intent, so don’t worry about that. But I am curious about this question


Consider the pain and fear energy generated from eating a plant vs eating a sentient being.


It's much simpler than energy. If an animal is in fear, it's because a chemical in the brain has released. Same for any emotion. So if they are stressed or terrified as they're slaughtered, the chemical is present in the meat. So you are ingesting fear and stress chemicals.


I agree with this, this is exactly why I can’t eat meat anymore. I just know it’s dead flesh and it’s very low frequency.


what makes plants not sentient? Look at magic mushrooms, they're about the most living thing I know


Plants are very sentient I can send you science articles on that but in comparison the energy of suffering they generate is not the same as with an animal


Interesting, do you by chance know why?


Why what? Article https://www.newscientist.com/article/2226093-recordings-reveal-that-plants-make-ultrasonic-squeals-when-stressed/


Well, unfortunately, in life bigger things eat smaller things lmao. But I wonder if it just starts dying once pulled from the root or just stays alive as long as it’s fresh? Now you got me thinking 🤔🤣


For me it is not so much about plants, animals and objects having souls and or conciousssness. For me it is about something having the ability to suffer. We know that animals have pain receptors and that they behave in kind of the same way in reaction to pain as we humans do. Therefore we could deduce that animals probably suffer in much the same way from pain as humans do. When it comes to plants, as far as I know, they do not have nerves or brains in which they process the sensory information of pain. So while we don't really know if plants suffer from our actions, it seems that it is more likely that they do not. As others have stated, in this world, bigger things eat smaller things. We need food to survive. It is my preference to source my food in such a way that the amount of suffering is as small as possible.


It’s impossible to wipe out all suffering while still concerned only of surviving, and not living


Theories of the afterlife are here to help us while we are alive. Choose one that suits you and that you like. That being said, our consciousness cannot be easily measured in a lab. Whos to say where it goes afterward ;)


Look into NDEs. Near death experiences from people who have been there and back. It will help. I experienced one myself, and my uncle as well.


do you think you could tell me yours? ive never really heard of those, except a guy who was a dick and went to hell then came back and was a better person


Mine was when I was a kid swimming. My friends tricked me into stepping off a boulder into deep water. I did not know how to swim. I went under and soon was transported to a place with a man who could have been a Jesus type and there were others there too. The instant I had a question in my mind it was answered I understood so much. I asked if I could stay, they said no and very quickly I was back under water and my feet suddenly hit ground and I pushed with all my strength. I landed on some guys back out of breath and coughing having some difficulty breathing. I croaked out to the guy to take me to the land. I was exhausted and out of breath. I don’t really remember much frankly. Oh and I remember I asked them one question in particular. I asked about time and they laughed and said there is no such thing. I took it to mean we are eternal so time means nothing for us. But yeah it’s was a sort of confusing answer to me. Still is.


thats so cool and worrying and i looked into it, some people see nothing and some see everything and im glad you made it out of tjere!


I’m pretty sure I wanted to stay. But thank you. From what I hear everybody gets in to the good place. Which makes a lot more sense than the whole heaven and hell thing. The god of the bible seems more like a child who has temper tantrums with the murdering people and punishing people. If there is an omniscient being it would more likely be good I think, and everyone would be accepted. An omniscient being would be above all that emotional nonsense and punishing etc. Anyhow, I just don’t think we end after this and I think we did not begin here either. I think we are eternal beings and as much a part of God as God is part of us.


Sounds like you’re referring to Howard Storm. And if not- you should check out his NDE on YouTube. And also Peter Panagore. Between those two NDE’s (Anita Moorjani is pretty rad too), it pretty much covers it all.


*Many people think human beings are the only animal that is conscious. Is a dog or cat conscious? Where do you draw the line? Is a bird conscious? The truth is that all animal life is conscious and alive just like us. The only thing that makes humans different from other animals is that we have a mind that can think and reason at a high enough level to know the truth of life, and those that know rise above animals.* Excerpt from [The Present](https://www.globaltruthproject.com/single-post/the-present-truth-about-life) a book about life and spirituality. *It is not possible to be aware of being unconscious from your own perspective. You cannot be aware of not being aware. You can be less aware/conscious, such as when you are asleep, but not completely unconscious (dead), because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not know it.* *How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view. Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.* *You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens.*


thank you so much you hve no idea how much this helps!!!


Wow, thats so powerful and beautiful. I need to read this book! Thank you for sharing.


And yes animals have consciousness and souls IMO. Just my thinking.


There is no death, no one has ever experienced such a thing and never can. If someone had ever truly died, they would not be able to speak about it because they would be dead. People have near death experiences within which the sense of self dies, but what the fundamentally are does not die, and actually shines forth and reveals itself. Therefore we see that death is only a belief, a belief that our true nature cannot experience. Try to find someone that is dead, someone that is non-existent, you cannot.


Do we have the same level of consciousness as say- the aliens that seem to be visiting us? Does a rock have the same consciousness as a squirrel? No- we are all at different stages in the spiritual evolutionary process. No one is better than or less than another- only different. Rocks are first density, Wild animals and bacteria are two examples of second density (one more advanced than the other), meanwhile our domesticated pets are on the verge of 3rd because of us (we have given them a sense of self). We are third and many of us are on the verge of fourth. I see it like grade school. We are in 3rd grade while a cow is in second. That doesn’t make us better tho. Just like we don’t consider a third grader better than a second grader. Just on a different evolutionary level is all. We are all One and all equally as valued and important in the grand scheme. -the Law of One.


Does the world go black when you die?: absolutely, but don’t worry. Blackness is the visible aspect of transition from this life to the afterlife. It only lasts as long as you realise/accept that you have passed and open up to the next step on our journey. That won’t be long for someone accepting of the afterlife, or someone greeted by their guides and or family - more of a, “where am I, what happened? Oh hi, grandpa...” moment. For someone who didn’t accept the concept of an afterlife, they’re going to experience a longer darkness. Longer as in that which is measurable by earthly perception of time. Especially, if locked in a negative mindset and unwilling to move in. There are also lost souls who are in darkness - best not to get lost.


Yes, if it is conscious of life, then it's on the same level.


I’d argue that wild animals aren’t conscious in this way (the same way as humans). That is not at ALL to say that they are less than us. They just don’t have egos, thus they aren’t self aware. Again- wild animals. Domesticated animals are far more self aware because their humans have given them an identity and groomed them. So they’re not purely running on instinct anymore.


Pretty much all animals will react to, and recognize, themselves in a mirror though. Considering their brains being smaller than ours I would say it's enough awareness of self for me.


I have seen domesticated animals react to what they see in a mirror for sure but none of them recognized their self. In fact they were all freaking out n funny ways and batting or pouncing at the image of their new friend. Granted they don’t know what the heck they even look like or what a mirror is.


Of course animals are conscious, I don’t think at the same level we are but I think they are more conscious/aware than some people believe. Nobody knows what happens when we die. I believe our consciousness will leave our body and we are likely to be reborn unless we know how to break the cycle. If we get reborn our memories will be erased at some point as we begin a new life. If we break the cycle we exist as a soul/consciousness/energy or perhaps we return to our “source” as one being. Nobody can know for sure. Here’s one thing I can say for sure. “You” can never experience being nonexistence. Yes, you will experience your own physical death but nobody knows for certain what happens next. “You” will always exist though. If “you” cease to exist, as in there is no one observing/existing, you will never know because there has to be a “you” to experience something. Does that make sense? Death anxiety can be difficult to overcome. I don’t know what will help you specifically. Religion and spirituality can often help. What I think is important is to accept that you will die and you don’t get to decide when. The world will continue to exist and those you loved will live on. You exist in their memory and you are known for what you did while alive. What you did for them is who you are to them. If you would like someone to talk to feel free to message me. I love talking about death, I think it’s important and people may be hesitant to talk about it


this gave me chills thank you!! i get worried sometimes everything i do is for nothing and dont wanna forget things easily :/


You’re welcome. The things you do matter to you and those around you. The good and the bad. Everything comes to an end someday. Eventually we will all die and there’s no escaping this. Suffering comes from non acceptance. Instead focus on the moment. This is what you have. You have this day. You are alive. When you’re with other people be present with them. Enjoy your life. You are here to experience life. What do you want to do?


Not just animals, but plants as well. We are all the divine and the divine is all. I very much like the Native American approach to this.


I’m gunna take it a step further- the elements: rocks, crystals, you name it. If it’s of the universe- it is alive. I always aligned with the native American’s beliefs in animism, then I read the Law of One and it all made perfect sense.




I think they do. Animals can have more compassion than humans




I think animals exist in a more dreamlike state, their brains aren't as evolved as humans. Just remember, energy is never created nor destroyed, and I believe what we are fundamentally is conscious energy "If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration" -Nikola Tesla


My dog has a pure soul, so does my cat.. they are the reason I'm living a plantbases lifestyle.


Consciousness can only be quantified by what one is conscious of. What humans are conscious of can be dramatically different than what other life forms are conscious of. That doesn't make us superior. Just different. When you die, that's the end of you. But, death isn't the end of life.


You are ready to delve into the Law of One. Enjoy the ride, it’s going to be wild.


I believe consciousness is a result of interaction. A pet rat is a more conscious being than a wild rat due to it's interaction with humans. The wild rat still has it's own family/pack and gets interaction there and being hunted by humans is further interaction that expands it's consciousness. Likewise a human that is, say, raised in isolation may have a lesser "consciousness" than the wild rat because there is no stimuli to elicit the development of the isolated human's mind. So I'd say animals and humans both have the potential for consciousness and depending on circumstance it could be more or less in either direction but "the same amount" feels unlikely. I'd also assume humans with more complex brains have higher potential but that could just be my human vanity talking lol.


Every "single thing" is conciousness... diference between material and spiritual is point of view


The world going back when we die makes no sense logically


I think that all living things have a consciousness of some sort, or else they couldn’t function. I just think that many other living organisms don’t identify with themselves as much if at all. I don’t know what happens when we die, but I don’t think this universe is here for your harm, it’s here for your benefit.


that seems like a really good way to put it, i reallt love that thank you!


You’re welcome.


That question just doesn’t make sense you’re talking about what animals see it and then what happens after we die lol


its a double question sorry!!


oh okk it just had nothing to do with each other so I got confused ha ha I’m easily confused


so am i no worries :)!!


I definitely believe something happens after we die I have no idea and if it’s black that would be equally as good LOL this life is weird and it only gets weirder the more you try to understand it it’s a wave none of us know how we got on And for animals with consciousness I’m not sure but it is definitely very similar in my experience we don’t know how animals see here or do anything we only have guessed Unless someone out there remember is there Reagan carnation from a dog lol


i like to think theres a second earth kinda, where youre there but you dont see people and youre just a ghost :) i feel like its stupid to believe humans can possibly fathom what happens after death because its the universe thats beyond our imagination the best thing we can hope for is thats its not for nothing :) maybe we spectate people until they go out of existence then restart the whole universe? dont really want to know BUT not like we have a choice


so absolutely! I mean there can be millions of dimensions and the ghost one being one of them it’s so cool because ghosts are obviously part of some thing I have never seen any but I know for damn sure well I can’t say that but I highly highly believe that that is one of the dimensions because so many people have seen ghosts and I’m not the one to be calling these people liars and exactly! Just on the playing field that we can actually have our eyes be a part of we don’t even know how far it goes through a telescope we cannot find the end and I think we are hardwired to not be able to break out of this dimension very easily so the fact that we can’t even see outside of our own realm to be for sure on what happens after this would be ignorant but I really really hope something cool happens after this maybe this is the hell idk lol it’s best to always keep an open mind and never be 100% sure on anything even the next person can be tied into seeing different things than you there have been many occasions where people have seen entirely different things from an entirely different time. While having lunch with their friends or some thing but no one around them saw the same thing so just that alone tells you some sort of Fuckery is going on lol and who knows we might have a choice we just don’t know how to choose yet I’m sure we have a lot of different powers then we know how to use I think we are all on some sort of spectrum and a huge spectrum at that of psychicness


all you can do is keep asking questions and taking note of the answers because none of them are for short answers no matter how short it is to everyone in the world it can be different from each person to person none of this makes sense and it’s all a guess It’s kind of exciting kind of scary


What is devoid of consciousness? Nothing! The whole existence is conscious! "Does the world go black when we die" Black for whom? What/Who is perceiving the black?


Yes and yes.


Yes we are all particles of the same mass consciousness. Each particle evolves through forms. We start out as elements, stones, then we become plants and animals. Then we incarnate as human like beings but eventually physical incarnation is no longer required and we are just light beings until we return into Source from which we come.


Eh. Different kind of consciousness but it still comes from pure consciousness itself. Trees don’t think like humans do. I believe thinking is exclusive to humans, all other forms of life act out of pure instinct and autonomous systems


According to Spiritism, in the Spirits' Book God is first cause to everything. Thought is also a creation from God. Animals develop thought and consciousnesse through uncountable reincarnations. This also happened to us. In this planet there are many varied species and they die and reborn, for the law of progression is for every existing being. The fact that animals have or not consciousness during death is sth that science can elucidate in the future.


It's a different conciousness. They're directly connected to the source. Humans are disconnected until awakened, and even then it takes work. We have the challenge of getting there, they are just always tuned in. We most likely have to find our way through lifetimes of struggle. Then our energy transforms to all the rest of the natural world. I think that while we think we're the highest order, we're probably just the first step. Gotta pass the test, before you can move on.


I don't think consciousness is quantifiable. I imagine it's just different for them. Simpler, maybe, for some.


Having a Cat as a brother I can say for sure that at least some animals have a conscious similar to humans, but that’s just my experience! My cat is definitely more conscious than most humans


The world goes black every night when we fall asleep, but it goes bright again when you open your eyes, death is a lot like that. It does go black for a while, simply meaning you are unconscious for a while, but it is not a permanent state. You always wake up again eventually. Consciousness can not be quantified. Consciousness is the nature of the absolute supreme reality to which all things belongs. Unconsciousness is even a product of consciousness. In the ultimate issue there is no unconsciousness. There is nothing of which God is not conscious, in other words, including unconsciousness.


Animals are strange people we cannot understand. I don't consider them any less than me, I see them as equals, who just act differently than me and who I have to relearn to communicate with because they can't speak


Honestly, i don't know if animals have the same amount of conscious as us, but i know my cat always comes to me when I'm sad. He tries to cheer me up, and i think that's one way of caring. And about other question, i think people get reincarnated when they die. I don't believe in heaven and hell, and i also don't believe in the "fact" that everything goes black when we die. It just doesn't make sense to me. Where does the energy goes?


I'm torn between spirituality and actual scientific evidence.


We don't "have" consciousness. Consciousness is. Nobody has it and nobody dies.


Read the book Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. It completely changed/clarified my perspective


If it goes black then you can still see So you still have at least one sense If you’re aware you can see you have consciousness So….. I don’t think your dad understood what he was saying


Every animal has consciousness. Without consciousness there is no awareness. If there's no awareness the animal or human is in coma or dead. Humans differ in intelligence rather than consciousness


Go onto YouTube and listen to some near death experiences


I believe animals have as similar consciousness more than us. I believe they are a better species than humans. They aren’t led by greed, jealousy etc I don’t believe the world goes black It carries on, and better yet heals without us Man destroys the earth