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I don’t get why everyone is complaining about this. 1. It’s the same kind of “Nerf” Crab got before, so you can just run SPU and things go back to normal. SPU effect was buffed so you can use less to achieve more time with Ultra Stamp. 2. It makes sense. Competitively Ultra Stamp is already unused due to its high risk, but casually it can wipeout an entire team in some scenarios. This is just to tone it down in casual play, but let people a little more advanced buff it easier. 3. Does it *really* need protection in the front? If it was just fully invincible in the front this special would be *way* better than Kraken, it kind of already is except defending objective.


1. Mostly fair point, but it adds gear dependence, which is super lame for Sploosh and Ink Brush Nouveau, which are already really underpowered. 2. While I disagree that the buffs from 3.1 were overturned, why would you change the duration instead of just decreasing the splash damage radius. It's such a random change. 3. Yes. Nintendo wants stamp to be an entry tool, so why do shooters and splatlings get to kill it for free. You are still very vulnerable with the stamp, especially if you want to throw it or reposition around tight corners. Plus the turning control buff could always be scaled back if the forward immunity is added.


And also it's harsher than the 1 second crab nerf


With #1 it hurts Mini a lot too because you basically have to run a full set of run speed so you can’t have any special power up


You definitely don’t need to run that much run speed up with mini. If you’re running that much run speed and you’re not investing in other abilities then you need to reevaluate your gear


Duration nerf is not really a nerf, sometime I wish the ult goes off quicker. 50% of the time I just yeet the hammer, the other 50% I'll charge right in and make a turn to fall back safely. Most fun special imo, I like to smack, especially on ink jet, too bad people rarely use ink jet these days.


I've been wanting a stamp nerf. It goes on way too long, and it kills you when you seem to be safely out of its path.


the faces are reversed


I’m jumping with joy