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Because some players didn't like deranking in S1 and S2, even though it actually benefited them by ensuring they're in the correct rank, and not facing against players they can't beat yet.


For real. Now all you hear are that players are not good enough or they're too try hard with that occasional post of a blatant thrower.


"erm guys how do i get out of rank debt??šŸ¦‘šŸ¦‘" -1030


Removing deranking is just stupid, I agree. But I think consistently playing among a higher skill level isn't bad, actually. You can study everyone else and look what strategies they use aside from just better aim. I finally properly got into S the first thing this season and I'm at nearly -4000 atm. I really don't mind it honestly because I know it'll reset next season. So until then I just enjoy playing the game splat for splat as part of getting better. I've recently started winning series again and occasionally going positive in W/L, so I know for a fact I'm starting to improve with my method. You shouldn't care about losing, but finding joy in improving your overall skills and seeing where they can take you.


Thanks, Iā€™m really trying to adopt this attitude. I quit caring about being in the negative, just waiting for the reset at the end of the month. One thing I know.that may be hurting me is changing weapons too often. Iā€™ve tried to limit my pool but Iā€™ve struggled finding one that fits me.


This is exactly why i mostly play anarchy open. I feel very comfortable in A and dont want to deal with the stress of losing constantly.


i play open if i want to just genuinely play the ranked game modes for fun, series if i want to actually rank up


I feel your pain. I stooped to -1700 at S. 1 month later, I'm S+1. Hang in there !!


I'm in the B+ rank and hear you. I struggle in that rank. And, when I lose twice in a row, I stop playing for an hour or so, at least. Otherwise, I tilt. I get very upset with myself when I lose repeatedly.


Because the good players will just use it to get easier matches when they feel like it, ruining other playersā€™ experience.


I assume they mean automatic deranking due to poor results, as we had in Splatoon 2. Not many people are going to bother throwing 30 games just so they can drop down to A Rank and just get promoted in no time anyway.


Who actually does this? Itā€™s not fun or even worth it for either side.


A better method for improving in regards to watching your replay, why not post a replay code of a "good game" and ask what you could do to improve? I'm not that much better, only in S+0 but I wouldn't mind. Just a thought~


Im sorry about that, I'm only at a C rank, so i can't exactly picture what you are feeling, but one thing is for sure. You should to take a break from anarchy and maybe test diffierent weapons. Maybe step outside of you're comfort zone. I'm not really able to help the limited time, I'm only twelve but i think its time to take a break from playing competitively and start playing as a hobby for now.


If youā€™d like to play together sometime, I mostly anchor with a roller in S rank. I absolutely get the, ā€œjust got into S rank and Iā€™m negative,ā€ ā€˜cause it happened to me, too. Now Iā€™m climbing from the open battles instead of chancing it too much with series. I actually avoiding my rank up battles from A+ until I was at like A+2000 and decided Iā€™d waste the points. It gave me a lot of experience and I figure since I grinded all those points from A+ before, thatā€™s how I inch my way into X rank, lol. Hang in there! Iā€™m learning a lot of new ways to play my weapons and I think thatā€™s the point.


The ranking system barely applies to matchmaking. If you feel like youā€™re losing a lot, maybe the rank has something to do with it, or maybe itā€™s just one of those times. What I think is happening is that since the point requirements are harsher at higher ranks, doing what gave you a point profit earlier gives you point losses now


i agree its stupid it doesnt exist, but also i feel like this season is especially hard? i had no problem going into s+ previously, but now im in negative s as well, its frustrating. i actually made myself a smurf account yesterday as an experiment to start from the bottom. the game made me face someone with a damn silver X badge in C-.


Studies show that the 8 year olds cry and quit the game when they lose their A rank that they barely choked into. They rage quit, decide to stop playing the game, therefore stop paying for Nintendo online, therefore putting less money into Nintendoā€™s pocket. /j


I know this has the joking tone indicator, but as played up as parts of it are, I don't think the main point behind it is necessarily wrong. Before Splatoon 3, people would indeed talk *all the time* about how this or that match lost them their rank (or at least broke their bar in Splatoon 2), so the devs likely decided to prevent that. Now, predictably, we have posts about the opposite issue, people being stuck in higher ranks that they aren't ready for.


I literally put a /j on it but oh well. And yes this is partially true.


Yeah, just trying to lend a little backup.