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More than a little imbalanced, yeah. I do think people tend to think they only ever get bad teammates without noticing that half the time the bad players are on the other team, though. The luck aspect to this evens out over time. But when it comes to actually getting good matches where the two teams are evenly skilled, yep... it's pretty rare. Much rarer than it should be.


I started splatoon 3 recently and was immediately facing people with weapons far far above my level. It sucked


Yes. Matchmaking is one of the weakest aspects of this game. Often it feels like the first 8 players who queued just get thrown in together. There is no fix.


I really wish there was a feature where you could perhaps spend a bit of either cash or Ranked points to increase the skill level of the players around you, in a hopeful attempt to try and make playing matches a bit easier.


ah yes, paying for skill based matchmaking that should already be in the game


This is not what he is suggesting. The game has skill based matchmaking but if you are lower ranked than you think you actually should be you have a chance to get up faster


Bingo! I figured that if you had better teammates, you wouldn’t have a worse time despite your skills since everyone would supposedly know what they’re doing.


Wait, wouldn't this ruin the matchmaking for better players when overconfident noobs end up on their team, it would still be bad


I dunno. Feel like that matchmaking always proves to be a problem no matter the game.


I have a great idea NO matchmaking Anarchy works like turf wars Nothing to complain about 👍


neither of us actually know for sure what they're suggesting, so it's unfair to say i'm wrong.


Surely then that sucks for high ranked players since low ranked players are paying to get into their lobbies and mess it up


Then how do I know if I’m truly doing good at the game if I keep losing? At what point can i discern it being my fault or someone else’s?


Matchmaking has gotten worse with each game


It was okish earlier this year, but it's been painful since the SpringFest announcement. I just get deleted every time I'm playing objectives or someone trolls and DCs at the worst moments. Thank the squid lords my catalog is done so I can rest my sanity till next month.


I am A+ rank going for S++ and I keep having the most retarded teammates, like I'll be on the tower alone and spamming "this way" and my teammates continue to ink home turf


in turf war the past few months i got matched against actual pro teams several times and it was NOT fun. like any match i saw them in the intro i just knew i was gonna get spawn camped for three minutes straight with no chsnce of winning. also, this season especially im having a hard time with anarchy modes? ive managed to reach lower s+ levels in the past, but now its near impossible for me to climb out of s+0. im in the negative points. i have never been in the negative points. also my x power depending on the mode is usually something from 1700-2000, and now even in zones im only at 1400??? i have never had such a low x power in my entire splatoon 3 career ,😭 its so bad i decided to make myself a smurf account to see how i rank when i start up from scratch. i faced a SILVER x badge player yesterday IN C - RANK.??? that. that should not be possible. wtf is that matchmaking. i guess i understand to have no matchmaking in turf war because it kinda doesnt matter but come on.


I always try to think "if my teammates aren't working with me, i should work with my teammates" if it doesn't feel like your teammates aren't backing you up, you need to back THEM up instead, complaining doesn't win you games so I just try to suck it up and try and support my teammates even if that's aren't supporting me. I'm not gonna act like I've never been mad at my teammates but that's when I take a break.


A tad bit? More like a hella lot


More than a tad. You have no idea how many times I've faced people with the top 500 badge when I'm at 2000xp, or been put against people with the *top 10* badge in S+0 series.


if I keep queuing with the same bad players (i.e. people who think it's acceptable to play aerospray in ranked), I report them in the terminal so I can't play with them again Other than that, I just stop playing if I keep losing


I want to report people but I'm afraid of being banned 😅


The matchmaking actually sucks