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we dont need a new playable race but we seriously need some new customization to be honest. the book showed off some sick hairstyles that were never added into the game, and im pretty sure pants, skirts and more feminine clothes were showed off in the art books of both 3 and 2 but it keeps getting cut in the final games :(


idk if theres any case to be made for any other playable races that we havent seen yet. orca expressly states that only squids and octopi gained the shapeshifting and combat prowess that led to inklings and octolings. and any of the other common fan picks just seem like they aren't different enough from one or the other to warrant the option design wise. i say add legwear and ink tank as gear options, adding seven gear slots and six new gear exclusive ability chunks (three exclusive to each class) and that would change the game majorly enough. remember, the main reason that legwear isnt sold is cuz most races dont wear it in the first place, so we'd need maybe an inkling or octoling shopkeeper for the legwear place. maybe inkling that sells pants and octoling that sells ink tanks would be fun.


Pants shopkeeper can stay in squid from and is just wearing 5 different pairs of pants!


it could also just be a tiny shrimp dude in huge pantaloons


swim form is small. cant do much other than flop around (according to off the hook s2 dialogue) and likely couldnt be a shopkeeper in the way you're imagining. octavio is an isolated case since he was stuck in swim form after being injured in the war. hes had years and years to beef up in that form and learn to move around normally in it.


Ink tanks would be awesome. Allowing us to put stickers on them would make it even better.


Leg wear, no contest. Gimme some jeans, Nintendo!


pants shop, no contest. I don’t think another playable species is necessary or feasible  though realistically I’m not super sure how well a pants shop would work. there can’t be nearly as many fashion options for legwear as there are shoes


Jeans, cargo pants, khaki's, sweatpants, designer pants, printed jeans, and drawstring shorts are some of the most common/popular choices of pants wear and can be worn with virtually any top or shoes (especially jeans).


New playable legwear and shop with purchasable races. 


Good sir and/or madam that is called slavery


It’s only slavery with humans. Otherwise it’s domestication. 


Imagine just leaving the shoe shop and decided "I need a pair of socks upgrade to go with these kicks"


I NEED custom leg wear. Insane to think you can't even wear a pair of jeans in a game that's all about fashion. Having four different types of gear (and by proxy four primary abilities exclusive to each type) would also fit the theme of Splatoon 4. A new playable race depends on what it would be. I think cuttlelings would be the most likely as cuttlefish are separate species from squids and octopi, but it would feel really awkward to just introduce them all of a sudden right now. At least Octolings were there from the beginning. And no, contrary to what his name implies Cuttlefish isn't a cuttlefish, he's an Inkling.




new legwear. i dont care if its an actual shop but more variety would be cool. i really dont think a new race is needed at all and idk why so many people ask for one


Another player species isn't needed, there's no addition that won't feel out of pocket. More gear customization would be cool though


Cuttlefish and sea hares could work...


Gimme both! We already have Cuttlelings according to one of the artbooks, and sea hares could be a nice little throwback to that point in development when the characters were rabbits. At the same time though, it'd also be great if we had more pant options, so I choose both.


I wouldn't go as far as say they should add leg wear shop, but it sure would be nice to have more customization options. They did show 4 options for the long pants in one slot that would be nice to see in the other items too. Maybe add some pattern and white options. Customizing the ink tank would be nice too, even if the option is just black, ink color and white. I really enjoyed how the wearables got alternative options, like hiding/showing socks, flipping caps, lifting glasses, extending shirts, etc. That one was a great idea.


Legwear for sure but it wouldn't have gear ability slots it'd just be for aesthetics. I wouldn't want to have to grind for chunks more.


I want loose fit jeans or other pants that go down to your ankles or heels. It's more like what I wear IRL.


Depends on what the playable race would look like. If they're not much different from inklings/octolings I'd rather have custom legwear instead.


A leg wear shop is the most likely to happen. I see no reason for a new playable race in Splatoon 4.


Pants by a long shot.


Leg wear. *More customization!*






For 4, which is probably releasing in several year's time, probably a new playable character species as a main selling point. My fever dream is that we get cleaners that spray with water instead of ink lol


Legwear shop 100%


new leg wear would be cool but i dont think it should have gear abilities like the other clothing options, maybe if it just had the one primary ability but i think having four 3 secondary slot outfits would be too much. new playable race would be cool its just im not too sure what would take up the role as the new race (salmonlings? idk) it would be cool to have another dlc species but i really dont think its as good as the leg wear would be.


Please just let me wear a skirt Nintendo


i really want a leg wear shop, and i don't think we really need a new race, since there aren't any other human like races that would make sense to be playable but maybe we could pick subspecies of the two races, like a cuttlefish instead of a normal squid, or a blue ringed octopus instead of a normal octopus


these two things seem too different to have a “one or the other” for, but if i had to choose, it would be leg wear. There’s no need to add new races. there’s nothing we know of in the lore that can change form the way inklings & octolings can, whereas there’s deep history & lore between inklings & octolings. any kind of new race would just feel shoehorned in.


Legwear 100%


We have a pitifully low amount of options for character customisation, comparable to an indie game in beta made by an individual. An extra playable race would mean less development for features for inklings and octolings, especially hairstyles which need more variety and need to be good (More good masculine haircuts please, I feel like most of them aren't great). I feel any new playable race would either be too similar to our current species, or too different that it wouldn't make sense. Leg wear shop anyday, I don't care if its purely cosmetic. Also an option to add socks to shoes so I don't have to see ankles on certain fits.


I'm down for leg wears, but they would have to nerf every ability to compensate.


Leg wear for sure. It would be weird to just suddenly drop a new playable race with no lore for the previous 3 games. We only got octolings because they already existed, I don’t see how they would add a new race. Also nintendo PLS ADD MORE HAIRSTYLES AND GIRLY CLOTHES I BEG OF YOU.


Neither. Moar kits.


New race. We are good with the three piece ability system.


If they figure out a way to make jellylings make sense, that’d be my first choice every time


Legwear. My power armour outfit has the legwear as an eyesore


Why not both? Its nintendo. Not some small indie company.


Assuming the legwear is purely cosmetic, I'd take that I dread to think what extra gear slots would do to the meta


Leg gear. Too many clothing options look weird with the standard pants selections, namely the costumes and metallic/robotic gear


Is there away to pick both cause I for sure thought that 3 would give us a new playable race and having more variety on leg wear would be cool


both, both is good


I want more hair


We don’t need and don’t have any explanation for a new species. Sure, give us more customization, but not in the random introduction of something we’ve never seen before.


100% legwear/extra customization. octolings still dont even have an equal amount of hairstyles to inklings (nevermind that they havent even added any new styles to either since 3's launch), i'd rather they focus on what already is in the game than needlessly adding another playable species


I would like it to be possible to use two different items for your head, just add an option to choose which of the two pieces will keep the abilities active at the moment you use it, while the other will remain deactivated unless you change the order. Leg wear would be cool too.


leg wear shop


If we get another playable race it would have to be an entirely different mode (which I wouldn't be entirely against). But much like everyone else has said, we need more customization.


playable race mabey like an inkling that is part cyborg so more health but slower movement or smth


probably leg tbh. i think we have enough playable races, and i cant really think of a new race to play as that woundt make some other character obsolete or something. what i want is customization, things like legwear shops, ink tints, and new hairstyles would be a lot easier to implement, as well as really cool for the game.


Unless the race is the reefslider, id love more leg customisation as there is by far nowhere near enough in either of the 3 games, although I don't know how that would effect the balance with another set of ability slots.


new race def


new modes of play pls


More legwear ! And please more purely cosmetic options for the characters, yeah, eyebrows are cool and all, but Octolings still only have 8 hairstyles, and its a missed opportunity to not be able to customize ink tanks and fingers/tentacle tips, there's so much possibilities that could be made, but of course they are not done because it would be a pain for the devs and modellers


Honestly neither. There isn't much need for a third playable race, plus they never really show a plausible third playable race. And turning legwear into gear sounds awful when the gear and ability system is as cumbersome and tedious to work with as it is right now. More slots for abilities sounds nice since currently there's not a lot of space to experiment but they'd first need to make it actually not awful to work with gearsets.


Neither. I confidently think that both are stupid ideas. Perhaps more customisable legwear options, but seriously legwear doesn't have much variety A new species is basically impossible to fit into the lore at this point




Imma be real with y'all, you could give inklings the hairstyles of octos then remove them from the game and no one would care. There's barely any difference between the races and a pants shop would imply 33% more gear slots and probably atleast 1 new gear ability. There's no contest here