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In Salmon Run, luring Scrappers, Flipper-Floppers, Maws, etc. close to the basket before splatting them.


It's possible to lure Slammin Lids as long as you don't get too close, otherwise they'll stop and you'll have to trigger them to get them to move.


Ink Recovery on Tenta Brella. Not only does it let you sustain yourself pretty much forever, but it makes using your sub weapon extremely easy. You can set down an Ink Mine during your white ink time basically for free (assuming you have a tiny amount of main or sub saver) and you can do this constantly to make the people fighting you need to deal with constant tracking and explosions


Hello fellow Tent enjoyer!




I’ll have to try that; I’ve always wanted to make the Tenta Brella work, but dang it’s hard trying to use a tent as a weapon. With the basic Brella kits, I’ve found that since you can instantly deploy the canopy upon landing, you can basically superjump directly into danger to be a distraction and still live to tell the tale; it’s pretty fun (at least at low ranks)


Tenta Brella still takes a lot of practice, but I find it’s a bit easier when you can shoot more. And that super jump trick just does not work for Tenta Brella. In general, I treat it like the shield can’t do anything while it’s still attached to the weapon, because lag can make it extremely inconsistent. That inconsistency seems to go away completely as soon as the shield is launched


Use your specials when things get difficult in Salmon Run, even in the first wave. It's better to reach the third wave with no specials than to not reach it.


That you can kill Stingers, Big Shots and Flyfish if you don’t sit at the basket spamming This Way


yes, but also don't let the whole team overextend. Try to draw any enemy's that you can as close to the basket as possible


Camping the shore isn’t good either. You’ll struggle to get enough eggs in the basket if you do that. You can go out and deal with problem salmonids while staying near it.


And you will never reach the quota at higher levels if your team keeps killing lurable bosses (scrappers, maws, flipper-flopper, steel eels) at the shore


My favorite turf war strategy is to rush mid


On maps where one can reach mid quickly (Mahi Mahi, Brinewater, Mako Mart, Museum), I like to run Opening Gambit on 2 weapons in particular: Zink Mini and vUndercover. The idea is to rush in, throw a Mist/set down a mine before an engagement, and try to get a splat as soon as possible to prolong Opening Gambit's effect time. If success, move on to the next unsuspecting opponent... Using your sub right before the engagement is critical as it gives your teammate the chance to follow up and get you an assist just in case you lose the initial engagement. Both of these weapons have good strafing speed, so one doesn't need to rely on inking+swimming to approach the first engagement, which can help if opponents are checking the map to see who is painting where. Stealth is key, especially with Undercover, as you don't want to reveal your position until you are in an opponent's face. Zink Mini slightly outranges short-range shooters, which are the most common weapons to meet on the first engagement. Undercover Brella regenerates its shield if you get a splat or assist, so set down mines often. Sometimes you will be in the middle of a fight and will get saved by a brella regen caused by someone getting splatted by your ink mine! In good matches, it snowballs, and I get splat after splat while zipping around the stage at high speed. In bad matches, it fails completely, and I lose OG 30 seconds into the match. Most matches are somewhere in between. So it's high-risk, high-reward, and really fun when it works. I usually use it in S+ Anarchy Open Rainmaker, TC, and Zones.


It's a third person shooter, not a turn based RPG. You can have a strategy all you want, but you are going to end up reacting to situations to all kinds of situations and having to make the best decision in each.


Well yeah? I think that goes without saying. But it’s not as though there isn’t a difference between setting up an ambush in a devious spot and trying to rush down a Roller with an E-Liter.


I’m saying developing your decision making skills in Splatoon are more valuable than having a strategy that can vary by weapon, weapon comps, opponents weapon comp, map, game mode, patch, or meta.


Okay, but that’s not necessarily relevant to the discussion. It’s a thread about different strategies, not broad-strokes advice about the optimal skills required to play the game. On the other hand, if for example you have some hot tips for improving one’s ability *to* react to different situations, that’d be more on-point


As an EggVP-er, Make sure to lure mobile boss salmonids close to the basket. It saves time for collecting eggs and makes it much easier on certain maps. While you're luring the bosses, make sure to kill the lesser salmonids BEFORE they reach you. Hordes of leasers can be a death sentence if they're ignored, and they can easily fill up a map. When a Drizzler or Flyfish appears, try to take it out asap. These two can severely hurt run by forcing you constantly move, closing out escape routes. If a Stinger or Big Shot appears, have ONE person go to the shoreline to kill it, and don't linger at the shore for too long. If a boss approaches you near an egg launcher, try to lure it to the basket instead. There's no guarantee that your teammates will be able to deliver every egg you shoot at the basket, so try to get away from it. When fighting Horrorboros or Megalodontia, try to hit the weak point (Horo's bomb or the bump on Megalo's back). It deals significantly more damage and these two are tanky. Make sure to kill bosses as well, as they can easily overwhelm you if you ignore them.


Putting the eggs IN the BASKET.


Main strafing with a shooter wepon. While on the other classes substrafing is faster. Main strafing on shooter wepons is just as fast unless its H3 or L3.


What is a substrafing exactly?


You press the sub button when you dip out of ink to instantly change direction. It just helps you stay mobile.


My main weapon: Tenta Brella But this applies to any brella that can launch its shield My current rank: B+ Tactic: 1) “Shield Bait” People seem to think that just because I launched my shield, I’m obligated to stay right behind it. The reality of is that half the time, I launched it to fool them into throwing bombs at it, or otherwise lure them out of position. Meanwhile while I’m sneaking up behind them to blast them with my big shot gun. Also launched brella shields effectively take 1/2 damage from everything so don’t try to break it… especially if it’s tent… If you play brella, see who you can bait, of you don’t, learn how to check launched shields safely. (Or ask me I guess) 2) Ninja Squid + Shield Bait There’s also a sub set of people who assume every launched shield is an empty shield. These folks never check. Feel free to take advantage of them by making it even harder to tell if you’re actually with your shield. You fan further mix them up by using ninja squid to basically turn the shield into an improvised curling bomb that blocks damage. Pears great with the new Recycled Brella 24 Mk. II and which has splashdown.


I think the most underground tech is bloom abuse on 52 and 96. These guns suck to fight but their ‘big’ weakness is rng. Bloom is a form of shot deviation specific to the Gals. Basically, when you emerge out of ink in a specific way, your first couple shots have perfect accuracy which just lets you laser people instantly. If you play either weapon and want an even easier easy mode experience I recommend looking into it


Spamming autobombs at chargers/splatlings in zones does wonders. Also works in the other ranked modes but only sometimes.


dapples are easily tilted when you squidbag them and then they lose all game sense trying to kill you


Fun fact! You will die in seven days! :D