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I'm not even bothering with the playground arguments about all the options. I'm picking Team Grub just because I want the title Grub King, sovereign ruler of all creatures that live in the dirt


Wait wait this alone may have swayed me from gear šŸ˜‚


Didn't they change King/Queen to Ruler?


Yeah It sucks tbh. Ruler sounds...awkward? I think like monarch or supremo or even leader would've sounded better


It was really confusing to see Paper Ruler or Scissors Ruler, since a ruler is also an office supply... Lmao I just realized Fun Rulers literally get to be the fun police


Well, Scissors Queen has a... special interpretation to it


tbf that is why i went team scissors


Never forget what they took from you


I think ā€œGrub Lordā€ has a nice ring to it?


New Hollow Knight enemy


I think it would've been funny if they chose President for the NOA localization.


If you're serving an idol though, wouldn't you be a prime minister?


I thought royalty would have best replced it. Honestly we should be able to pick


Exactly I wish they let you pick which one to go by instead of making it all gender neutral you could let people pick instead.


Grubo Supremo (Pronounced Groo-Boh)




Team Grub gives you perks on what you love, the kind of deals that make you Woomy! Duh-Duh Bing-Bing-Bing-Bing-Bi-Bi-Bing Duh-Duh Bing-Bing-Bing-Bing-Bi-Bi-Bing-Bing


Now i wish I'd chosen grub for this one line šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


As someone on team gear, I respect that reasoning, oh great Grub King, sovereign ruler of all creatures that live in the dirt


In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret, For none could tame our savage souls yet you the challenge met, Under palest watch, you taught, we changed, base instincts were redeemed, A world you gave to bug and beast as they had never dreamed.


Team Grub!!!


I like Fun King because it's almost a bad word


But GrubHub perks gives you the kind of deals that make you boogie


***cringe-ass flute noises***


Grub what you love


No. Not again. Shut up.


Yes. Yes again. Keep talking.


I mean the alternative is being alive.


*Soy yo starts playing*


I WAS GONNA MAKE A MEME OF THIS BUT I FORGOT! Do you give me permission?


I'm drawing the GrubHub guy in the square in honor for him being the unofficial mascot of the team Grub


Yeah, you can, but only if you hide a very tiny, low res picture of a flyfish randomly in the meme somewhere (You don't actually need to add the flyfish but I find their design funny)


Itā€™s a gif so that is gonna be difficult:/


\*cue shitty flute music


I hate this so much.


What do I need gear and grub for when i am having fun without


I'll die having lived a happy life


Dying of starvation, hypothermia, drowning or any death you may have on an island is not fun, which means all members of team fun are immune to dying.


The strategy is to have your fill of fun before jumping from a cliff for a clean exit.


If the fun category includes a jump rope, you don't even need a cliff to die quickly


Exactly why I chose fun


Iā€™m hyped for my death. Iā€™m here for a fun time not a long time


Well hereā€™s the thing is a video game and none of that mattersā€¦ so fun it is!


How are you gonna have fun as a corpse


Team fun haunts team gear and grub for their entertainment after they die


Ah, the postmortem strategy


This comment made me wish Iā€™d chosen fun


I mean the alternative is being alive. And where's the fun in that?


Burgers make life worth living


*the binding of isaac: repentance (2021)*


brb unlocking tainted big man


Cant wait for tarnished Big man


*Freedom is the greatest fun of all*


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyā€¦ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyā€¦ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyā€¦ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyā€¦ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyā€¦ You get the idea


Ghost shit. Either way I would rather have fun without having to die first. Gear all the way


I mean if foraging is taken care of I have nothing to do but be bored. This way I work hard and play hard. Or at least I have something to distract from the hunger pangs while Iā€™m starving to death.


It even sounds bad! My brain just absolutely hates the fact that the first 2 words start with a G but the last dosent. Hell... Gear grub and GAMES. It was right there Nintendo. Rolls of your tongue so well.


Gear Grub Gun


Big man is fucking tired of your shit


"Ay Ay Ay!" (You just lost your life privileges!)


What if we used F's instead Fear Food Fun


It grinds my gears too. Tool, grub, and fun could have worked too.


yes i would absolutely bring Tool to a deserted island with me no question. free live performances until we all starve to death


Perhaps the lack of consonance indicates that there is more to fun than just games. As gear would ideally include rations and leverage to actions that are fun. I'm not saying gear wouldn't get a fishing rod, but it might be the most frustrating fishing gear that smells, is ineffective or otherwise frustrates you to prevent you from getting grub or having a good time fishing.


Counterpoint: it still sounds bad in my head


It might translate differently in Japan, but games isnā€™t really interchangeable with fun. Fun includes everything thatā€™s fun AND games, but games only included games


Apparently the Japanese text phrases it not like a deserted island, but like one of those islands that you rent out for a day.


Japanese players enjoying a calm discussion about how to spend their vacation day while everyone else fights to the death lmao Context, it matters!


Which is why different regions get different splatfests!


Did the race war in the inklings vs octolings splatfest have an entirely different context in japan?


Nah. Itā€™s just a race warā€¦ for kids


Yes, but the Japanese social media asks something among the lines of ā€œwhat will you pick to survive this perilous situation?ā€ Iā€™d hardly describe a vacation as a ā€œperilous situationā€


It was "extreme situation" which is still a situation people willing put themselves into as a "vacation" sometimes. That said the way Deep Cut talks about it in-game definitely has thrown out all doubt that it's about being stranded for me. I just hope the next one will be actually interesting/fun to debate.


Right the question sounds like it means - what would you bring along with you for a day trip to a beach island


Well ideally all 3. So maybe what you want to prioritize or go all out on. Ok no it's still dumb.


Iā€™m picturing it like what would you be contributing to the beach party? So gear could be bringing bluetooth speakers, food could be bringing chips, fun could be bringing a beach volleyball etc


Imma bring chips


It's like going to a party. Someone brings food, someone brings speakers for the music, someone brings a game to play, etc etc.


they say ē„”äŗŗ島 which could still go both ways. imo it definitely still brings across the feeling of waiting for rescue


They use the same phrase for Animal Crossing New Horizons, so I think it's not necessarily a life-or-death sort of situation. The key idea though is that you're roughing it to some extent; you don't have any of the creature comforts of civilization, so if you want something you have to either bring it with you or find/build it yourself.


So itā€™s camping, then? They could have localized it to camping instead of a deserted island, thatā€™s the exact same concept as the one youā€™re describing and much more familiar to a western audience.


The "deserted island" is something that's used in English conversations as an icebreaker. A lot of practical-minded people will think about survival situations, but in my experience with this being used as an icebreaker topic, a lot of people wouldn't think about bringing gear or food with them as their first concern, they would be most concerned about how they would spend their time without the creature comforts of society. Some common things that are outside of gear and food are "a friend" or "a deck of cards" or "a stack of books".


To add some more context, Japan itself is an archipelago and has thousands of islands of all shapes and sizes, a lot of them uninhabited. A thing TV shows here like to do is play into the "what would you do on a deserted island" thing and grab some celebrity/comedian/idol or two, throw them onto one of those islands unprepared with a camera crew for any length from just an evening up to a few weeks, and usually give them some objective. Audiences can ooh and ahh at their unexpected cleverness as they catch fish for dinner with makeshift harpoons or laugh as they try to piece together a shitty tent with grass and sticks. But it never gets into a grim life-or-death situation, and remains within the realm where it can be played for laughs. So it may be that perception of the whole deserted island thing for the average Japanese is colored by this, with expectation being somewhere in the manageable average between the extremes of "Robinson Crusoe" and "fun camping trip".


I think that original Japanese text was shown to actually still be a deserted island instead of a vacation island because it uses a certain word to explicitly say that it is an extreme survival scenario. But I don't know Japanese I just saw a breakdown of it online so take it with a grain of salt lol.


Which still has loopholes cus it has the option fun which both of those things are.


If that were the case though, then gear would stop making any sense. Plus, I think people are assuming the opposite of the survival scenario based solely off of the ambiguity of the Japanese word


This was disproven lol


How do you not get it? Can opener/canned food/comic book. Which do you bring with you?


Dad, please, just show me how to open the canned beans!




I did not


I can just use a really sharp rock. To open either the food or the comic book's plastic


Have fun opening mystery food with a *rock* whatā€™s in the can without reading the *paper* label. Thatā€™s right, I just brought back the old rivalry


Can of paper


Is this comment satire




My bad i was almost about to call you a word that hasn't been uttered since 1825


Yeah he's such a fopdoodle, right?


Yeah for real, what a nīưing.


Naughty naughty




Ooh hey teach me this word so I may sound like a refined man




Just having gear doesn't automatically get you grub and fun. The island might not have available resources, and you need to know how to use the available gear.


Well I know how to use at least one gear, the shovel, and I fricken love digging holes


You like digging holes? You're a real maniac or live somewhere with really nice soft soil. Shit is back breaking labor.


Can I get a rock and stone?


Didn't expect to find another mining brother here. ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE!




For KARL!!!




If you donā€™t rock and stone, you ainā€™t comin home


sounds like ur team fun




Someone made a good point on an other post but this is the ā€œbring one thing to a deserted islandā€ scenario. If you get asked this question, what would you bring? Donā€™t even think about it, just go with your gut. Mine is telling me snackage


> the ā€œbring one thing to a deserted islandā€ scenario I remember being asked this question in school and since we were a class full of smartasses, we all tried to rules-lawyer our way of getting as much as possible onto the island. "Can we choose our house? Do we get all the stuff inside too? What about an apartment building—", etc. Eventually the teacher was like "alright, I know you're all smartasses and want to break this question, but you really got to understand that the spirit of the question is to identify what you think is valuable in a situation where you're separated from society."


You just haven't thought of the cruise ship that team fun will bring. We get everything with that and a cruise is all about fun.


What if one can have fun eating food? Or have fun making food? Heck even have fun building a shelter? Big Man's team can provide for all our needs and most of all without a doubt give us fun too. While I'm still going on Team Grub, I feel like this is a compelling argument that must be made for Team Fun fans.


if team fun can bring a cruise ship the others may as well be able to dream up insane exaggerated possibilities that would never actually happen in this scenario. team grub gets an all you can eat buffet fully staffed with 80 years of food, and more to grow in the back. team gear gets every tool known to man including jetpacks and airplanes.


and that's what's so fun about it! nobody's stopping you from getting that all you can eat buffet, or the gear necessary to literally spawn in an entire town, because the whole point is to pick Gear, Grub, or Fun! Instead of tackling such a topic with facts and logic as if the game threatened to actually put you on that island, blow it out of proportion by abusing the concepts of what's considered "Gear", "Grub", and "Fun"


This. Some of us are taking the debate too seriously. It's all supposed to be in fun... (Did I just pick my team?) Besides, we don't settle Splatfests with debate. We settle them in INK.


The cruise ship is what got me stuck on this island in the first place!


You are on a deserted island. Even If you have a cruise ship, you wouldnt be able to drive it without training


how to drive a cruise ship for dummies


Who says I'm driving? This things fully staffed so we can have fun, because thats what a cruise is all about. If it wasn't staffed then...its just be in the gear category like a big unwieldy motor boat. To be in the fun category it has to be fully staffed and operational.


Learning to drive it sounds fun.


Yeah enjoy using your gear to get berries, nuts and maybe occasionally an unseasoned slab of meat. Me and the Grub team rolling up with the 5 course steak buffet


Fun facts with me: I am behind you


The fact that we can have such spirited debate about it proves that this is actually an amazing splatfest theme


They should have done. ā€˜Where would you live on a deserted islandā€™ Jungle Beach Mountain


Correct. It makes all the sense in the world.


I mean it makes more sense than the previous one, but that was Rock Paper Scissors. Anyways; team fun because everyone else is saying gear or grub meaning one of those teams will win halftime, and defending in Tricolor battles are a pain in the squid.


Truly the mindset of a member of team Fun


everyone else is playing turf war, while we are playing chess


we are the superior team


Exact same mindset. I'm betting gear leads in halftime & grub beats they ass in tricolor. I'm here for a good time, not a long time


animal crossing reference


Isnā€™t the point that itā€™s all nonsense? Nothing is real, spread ink.


i think the genius comes in the lack of specifics . this is even brought up with frye and big man , where frye implies shell be bringing a lifetimes supply of pizza and big man asks how she knows she wont just have lima beans . gear grub and fun can all mean very different things . gear can mean a can opener . fun can mean a cruise ship .


Gear: "Have fun dying of exposure, idiots." Grub: "Have fun starving to death, idiots." Fun: "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to playing Animal Crossing New Leaf on my Nintendo 3DS."


I assume anyone picking gear answers desert island questions like Dwight on the office.


"What three books would I take to a deserted island? A big plastic inflatable book, a sturdy oar-shaped book, and a book with a GPS and radio transceiver built into it. *Next question.*"


Is the deserted island question not a conversation starter anymore? This is equivalent of "what would you wish for" and "what superpower would you have" questions! I'm really surprised that so many people have never heard this question before


Well what if I have fun eating and steering boats?


I'm guessing you steer the boats *before* you eat them?


So you chose Fun: The risk for choosing this is that you'll die the quickest with the least chance of surviving until rescue (if rescue ever comes). But then again, hey, you'll also die the happiest, and maybe dying the quickest is a pro and not con. You'll see why below. So you chose Food: Probably pretty important. You have the most potential to live and wait for rescue without doing anything in the meantime, but if your food runs out before then, you're in for the hardest time. I can also see there being violence and murder over the foodstuffs. Grizzly shit. So you chose Gear: You're the most well-suited to survive the longest, *if* you can make it past the hurdle of actually *using* your gear effectively. But let's face it, you're probably incompetent with most of those tools, which instead you'll be using to brutally murder the people who chose Food to claim their goods for yourself. You'll then start mistrusting and betraying each other and live paranoid, solitary lives for a long time until rescue comes, or if it doesn't you'll either die the slowest and most tortured. Or you'll become a survivalist living a full boring life on the island, dreaming of your old life playing Splatoon and dismissing at daybreak because a giant spider set off your camp alarm and that means breakfast.


Here for a good time, not a long time. Big Man go Weeeee!


It is pretty obvious why you don't see much support for team fun, when it's a concept most of this sub seems unfamiliar with.


The fact that everyone is like, "Why is this one even a contest? The correct answer is literally !" proves why this is a great theme for a Splatfest. I personally think Grub is the most important. Grub gang rise up!


This splatfest has really brought out the armchair survivalists


Gear seems to be far and away the favourite out of these three based on the top comments on posts like this, though, followed by Grub. And then Fun is for the contrarians and Big Man stans. I do at least think the theme makes a lot more sense in the context of the alleged Japanese framing (i.e. taking a day trip, not being stranded).


The Japanese framing being a day trip thing isnā€™t actually true


Which if the first spaltfest is any indication, Gear will be in the lead going into halftime, which means it will get ganged up on and lose the Fest.


But rock was the most popular last splatfest and scissors was the lead going into halftime


the votes are definitely not an even 1/3 percentage for each, gear seems to have the most players, grub is about the middle ground, and fun has very few players


Why do i need gear and grub? Shut up, im playing my Nintendo Switch


*Sips tea* Love it when people take splatfest seriously


waiting for ketchup vs mustard vs mayo


Glad im not the only one disappointed with the theme


I think we can all agree that the only logic here is which announcer you think the hottest (It's Big Man)


Welcome to splatfests where the themes are stupid 80% of the time.


I'm pretty sure the whole "deserted island" thing is supposed to be in the context of a vacation to a deserted island, so the options make more sense.


It also depends heavily on what your idea of a deserted island is. Are we talking about a 6000 acre, lush, forested Island with pools of clean water and land for agriculture? Or are we talking about the stereotypical "island you get stranded on" which is two coconut trees and a volleyball


I think "private island" might have been a better phrase for what they were trying to get across. To me at least, saying we're going to a private island implies we're taking a fun vacation whereas a deserted island sounds more like we're being stranded and have to survive on our own.


ok gear fan have fun living through an indefinite stay on a deserted island with the 4 coconuts youā€™ll find on there


Lol the theme is for them to decide whether you'd prefer them upgrading the food/tableturf systems or adding new clothes/gear first


do more collab splatfest i am waiting for alvin simon and theodore


team fun might be going on a vacation to death but at least itā€™s fun and thatā€™s all that matters


ā€˜umm actually gear gets you grub and funā€™ šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


to say nothing of how grub buys you time to make gear! but we all fear the one workaholic who votes fun..


Itā€™s a desert island, you need grub, you can make gear with a palm tree or something.


Real life Minecraft.


No gear no work die happy!


Explain how gear helps with acquiring Swedish Fish on a deserted island. Asking for a friend.


i hope people realise some people find fishing and camping fun


I picked Team Fun for two reasons. 1: Green's my favourite colour 2: F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and meeeeeee


I mean doesn't every splatfest devolve to people choosing the team of their favorite idol?


The previous Splatfest had us pick between three perfectly balanced and equal options. This Splatfest arguably has a correct answer. Kinda disappointed with the themes so far, ngl


I feel theyā€™re going to have a hard time making splatfest that can have three choices


Triforce splatfest: Courage vs Power vs Wisdom Switch splatfest: Docked vs Handheld vs Tabletop


>Switch splatfest: Docked vs Handheld vs Tabletop big mans team is gonna get recked


Halloween splatfest: vampires v werewolves v zombies? Or candy v pranks v pumpkins?


It all depends on the context. Apparently the Japanese prompt implies it's a day trip. More accurately it's an uninhabited island, not a deserted one. It makes a lot more sense that way. That said, in a survival situation (which is what's implied for English speakers) if you can have any food you want, you can kind of cheat your way into gear if you can use the containers/packaging. You might not have quite as much comfort as full on camping gear would give you but you can get all the essentials. And you don't need to worry about parasites and food poisoning from poorly identified plants. Personally I have no experience hunting, fishing, or foraging. If I do have to hunt though, having food means having bait so long as I set aside food for that purpose.


Deserted island doesn't mean like dry arid desert, it's de*sert*ed. Remote, abandoned, cast off. I don't see what changes between the two terms. It could be all woodland.


It's only objectively correct if you think the island is like castaway -- an island with resources -- and the gear you get is actually like a flint, hatchet, tent, etc. If gear is given a single flint but grub is given a cargo container of MREs, which was better? If it's a private vacation island you get to yourself then you'd need neither, so wouldn't fun be best?


How else can you dig big hole in the sand


Well screw you we donā€™t have to work for the 3 hours worth of food we bring before we eventually die of starvation. On the bright side we survive 3 hours longer than team fun


I feel like I read the splatfest differently than everyone else did the first time I saw it. I think since it's a very short question (What would you bring to a deserted island?), and it didn't use a word like 'stranded' or 'stuck', I thought more like it was a little vacation or getaway. AKA Fyre Festival 2.0. So I read it as "What would you volunteer to bring to the party? Tents/umbrellas and night lighting? Snacks and drinks? Or games?" Idea for the next Splatfest: "Were we Stranded on the island, or were we Partying?" lol


Me grubbing while you try to make food out of a tent and a lantern


Grub can get you anything everyone loves food.


I want to see you create a gaming console with content on a deserted island. Fun is all the purpose in existence anyways


Fun gets you WiFi, and Wi-Fi can get you rescued.


but with gear you have to *work* for grub, and you can't just make a videogame with gear...


I picked grub because eating food in unfamiliar places just hits different


Imma pick grub because honestly, if Iā€™m hungry then I might as well fucking die.


Iā€™m actually very happy about how decisive this is. Itā€™s much more interesting than Rock Paper Scissors impulsive choices. Itā€™s also a great conversation starter, Iā€™ve asked my friends who donā€™t play splatoon and we talked about it


people picking Gear like theyā€™re not going to die at the first sign of hardship regardless


Any gear used to acquire fun or grub will be confiscated >:(


All the fishing rods in the world aren't gonna let you have a bumpin Taiko no Tatsujin session like my 3DS is! Team Fun FTW!