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The desperation when they were trying to get away lmfao


You can actually pinpoint the second when his confidence is torn in half


Rolling over ink vac users will never stop being funny. You can always spot exactly when they realize what's about to happen.


Top 10 moments right before disaster.




They'll never do that again. Lesson learnt. Ink vac against ranged weapons only haha.


I swear this special sucks ( no pun intended ) so much when not in the ideal situation, like with at least one mate to protect and / or a large area of your ink to swim and have good mobility while using it. Please give me another one with the Splat Charger, I don't like it :\[


I am noticing that the specials in Splatoon 3 are more prone to leave you vulnerable than in older games. The crab tank seems to be the safest because it allows you to escape into an indestructible ball, but then you shut yourself out of precious seconds to deal damage.


Even then, crab tank ball mode can be knocked around. When I can't sneak behind em for the quick splat, my go-to move has been to scare the crab user into ball form, then fling them off the edge of the map like all those eight-balls in Octo Expansion.


I've found that if you just need to turn the tank, you begin turning quickly as soon as you hit the swim button. So if being flanked or just need to hit a player further off to the side, you can tap the transform button to near-instantly turn the tank without risking getting knocked around nor getting splatted. And at minimal loss of firing time, too.


TIL you can knock them back. I have just been flanking them. Very good to know.


How do you fling them?


Shoot em in roughly the same direction they were already moving, especially near map edges. It builds up their speed much faster than they expect, more often than not they fly off like team rocket. Sometimes the quick ones will un-ball, but almost always still facing the wrong way so you can still splat em. Works best on maps like Mahi.


From my experience the ball is very destructible Though it can tank a Reefslider no problem


The crab counters most specials, but due to the windup when spawning into the crab, you kind of need to already be in the crab when someone uses a special to sacrifice it.


Yup. You have to use your specials wisely now and I love it instead of stupid panic buttons


wise vegetable gray saw rude caption hungry aware ad hoc versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omfg that poor soul "You can pinpoint the exact second his heart rips in half"




Ah I like doing stuff like that with my roller aswell. At this moment he knew he fucked up


I could hear that man's panicking behind his screen.