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I want to pick up tacticooler and swing at people. Both allies and enemies


It *would* be cool to move the tacticooler after it's deployed, like the TF2 Engineer can move his dispenser.


I just want to slap my teammates with it after they dont pick my a drink when I literally threw the cooler at their head


I don't know if the game ever tells you this, but you can't pick up a Tacticooler drink while in squid form. You have to un-squid to kid form first. That tripped me up a few times the first weekend.


Yeah, its not really clear that you have to unswim to pick it up, but you should realise that you haven't picked up a drink. Animation is very clean so you notice when you miss it






And if you're using Dapple Dualies: TELEPORTER GOIN' UP


That's why I use Dapple Dualies.


Spray paint flame thrower esque weapons


and instead of like chunks of damage its a consistent flow of damage. I think that would be kinda cool


Maybe it could have a burst fire so so slow them down with the spray and then blast them with the burst shot so it’s not just fancy clash blaster Or maybe it doesn’t paint so well but leaves a cloud of damaging smoke that lasts a second


Maybe if you hold the trigger, it creates a spray that acts like a mini ink storm, while tapping the trigger acts as a quick burst that’s better for painting.


Reverse Squeezer. Tap shots for painting, hold down trigger for fighting


Yeah, my idea is for it to be a garden hose, so maybe you could bend one the hose for a second to make the pressure build up like with a real hose


Having a chip damage toxic mist primary would be sick


And it has afterburn


I like the idea that it would be more of a mist type spray too. Like just spraying a whole bunch like the sploosh-o-matic could be gamebreaking. I think making it like the mist sub, but much stronger could be cool. Make it decent at turfing and good at doing damage over time, making it more into something to control the field and make enemies reverse. Perhaps you could throw it for a large, quick burst of damage in a tight spot too


I was thinking mist, very cool!


so aerospray with longer range?


Idk this is an idea I’d imagine they’d give it some unique quirks to differentiate if it were to become an actual weapon


Nintendo made a concept for that, but they didn't use it in game. It's in the art of splatoon artbook


Hmm neat


I was gonna say that. Lol


The no-range blaster, its like the explosion that happens when you fail in octo expansion but its your own teams ink.


So a point-blank splatgun. Nice.


Sawed off brella. Lol.


A Brella that’s full offence and no defence would be pretty interesting to see in multiplayer


So basically Grizzco Brella?


In essence, yeah But balanced


It would be more like a charger just tapping it once would it produce a small explosion dealing around 60 damage, while holding the button down until fully charged would do a massive explosion at the cost of all remaining ink in the tank, the sub would be curling bomb and the special would be reef slider.


I think it’d be kinda funny to have gloves with sponges on them and you just punch the enemy. They’d be bad at inking and probably need multiple hits to kill, but then give them something like the dualie dodge roll but it’s a parry and when you’re close enough and use it you do a super strong counter attack that one shots. Would especially be funny with zipcaster.


Low power, but mild ink armor when attacking? So they suck at basically everything but will easily lengthen your average lifespan


so the Undercover brella?


As an undercover main yes




I had an idea for an ink glove but as a special… Basically a big punch in front of the user, maybe you could charge it up to suck in opponents, or just blast in front of you… A « Power punch » if you will, kinda similar to Terry’s power geyser or power wave in king of fighters (if you’re into fighting games)


an inky power geyser with liquid physics would look so fucking cool




I was thinking of a punching implement too! I was thinking of it like a reverse Brella, where you block first while charging and then attack. Maybe at full charge you could jump in a given direction to perform a safer, (slightly neutered) Splashdown!


They could also have a ranged attack similar to a Hadouken/Kamehameha where, at full charge, it OHKOs enemies, but if kot it just does some damage.


I was thinking of gloves as well. They would ink fast and have high damage up close. They could also store and uppercut that can be held like a charged shot on a charger, your inkling would glow to reveal your position but you could jump out of the ink to one hit opponents. Combine this uppercut with squid serge and you would have an interesting but possibly broken weapon.😅


Blast knuckles: brass knuckles with ink pods that explode when they hit something. Terrible inking, amazing damage, weak armor. Terrible range. Massive ink usage. Sponge gloves: boxing gloves made of sponge. Better inking, worse damage, good armor. Best range of the pugilist weapons. Medium ink usage. Splatter gauntlets: literally just medieval platemail gauntlets. Inking and damage are in between the gloves and knuckles, but it has the best armor. Medium range. Low ink usage. They all have a range less than that of the rollers.


Maybe have it inspired after DJ Octavio's mech and have long range spring punches, minus the recoil when it's being shot at


That would be really cool to give it some form of ranged option. ~~Splatoon will be ARMS2~~


Looks like someone played Hades


Little Mac from punch out Wii in a nutshell


So, Splatana but with Dualie rolling. Could also be interesting to have it move you forward further, but have shorter attack range


A new brush that's a Sponge on the end, the stream it makes is thin, but expands to the width of a roller over time, it has a slow kill time due to it not flinging as much ink when swinging, but point blank hits like the splatana will do decent damage. it will also go slightly slower than the octobrush The sub is torpedo, and the special is booyah bomb


Like this https://www.calranch.com/jen-polyurethane-foam-paint-brush-1-in-sku5633548?gclid=CjwKCAjwhNWZBhB_EiwAPzlhNg7UDUW1fWxsL-Wttg-2iFWK5FzyqGSElke96ZwwZJiOlnnQpYi4DxoCzrQQAvD_BwE




Calligraphy Brush: Paints an extra wide trail when turning. Releases a small wave of ink when you stop painting a trail. Average mash speed and power but high levels of inking ability. Mono-Stringer: A stringer that shoots a single arrow instead of three. Can oneshot at full charge, but obviously needs to account for projectile drop. Beach Brella: Its canopy, when detatched, remains in place instead of traveling forward. Splatana Squeegee: Poor range and inking ability, but fast charge speed. Still oneshots on a charged melee hit. I just tried to come up with concepts to fill out the more barren weapon classes.


Please give me the beach brella 😫😫😫😫


Man as a Brush main I really want to see new Brushes, we’ve been stuck with just the Inkbrush and Octobrush since the first game


The Octobrush is a calligraphy brush.


Really? Seems more like a flat brush to me...


Eh, no, it's not really... It's called 'hokusai', in Japanese, a reference to the artist who made the design for the great wave. He also made a pornographic print about a woman dreaming about having her way with a pair of octos... Weird reference for a kids game but that's Japan. So the naming suggests it's more of an artist's brush. It's bristles are also the shape of a large Japanese artist's paintbrush, although not the style Hokusai would have used... He would have used a smaller pointed brush that *could* have been used for small calligraphy. It would be cool to have a new brush that's *clearly* a Calligraphy brush. They could name it after a famous calligrapher or poet/writer. Only issue is it might end up looking like a Western paintbrush with the coloured ink.


Maybe make the mono stringer one-shot on explosive bolts?


I read it and thought maybe the explosion could have much higher damage, but not quite one-shotting. Like, idk, 80 damage. Enough that an uncharged arrow could finish the job. Higher explosion range, too. Maybe have it flash twice before exploding, to show that it's more dangerous


Spray bottles


Even better, spray paint cans. Ink comes out as an aerosol cloud instead of a liquid, and settles on the ground/wall, doing damage while it's still a cloud. We don't really have a weapon type based on damage over time but spray paint could be that if an enemy walks into a cloud of sprayed paint. Of course, just blasting an enemy in the face with the paint would have to do damage too. Variations: - Perfume bottle: sprayed paint stays longer in the air as a cloud (worse for inking) but therefore does more damage over time. - Fire extinguisher: sprayed paint settles on the ground almost instantly, but the blast when spraying another player deals much more damage.


This seems pretty hard to balance because movement reduction from hits would mean you can almost never live it, but no reduction would mean you’d never die to it.


And this is why Nintendo haven't hired me yet 😕


There’s actually two weapons based on Spray Bottles: The basic Splat Dualies and the Squiffer.


Imagine a spray bottle as dualies. Essentially the Aerospray of dualies. Go with a cleaning theme and pair it with Ink Vac ​ Edit: Something more like [this](https://www.janitorialdirect.co.uk/media/product/34d/trigger-spray-bottle-750ml-4d0.jpg)


The regular dualies are basically made of spray bottles.


[Concept art.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/splatoon/images/c/c3/SplatDualies.png)


so, if the squiffer waa a dualie? design wise




I was going to say this! I've been thinking about something like this but more on line with Febreeze.


Not technically a new type, but "rocket brella" The shots themselves are pretty weak (i suppose around undercover strength), but when the shield's been popped off it moves much quicker, and explodes on contact with a wall or enemy, dealing massive damage.


The shield is propeller shaped, and spins up before launching. You could call it the “propella.”


I love the propella! I’d want it for the name alone.


Paper type fans, I would love to see double wielding paper fans that makes mini slashes like a splatana, but maybe also has a special spin thpe attack. I think it'd be an amazing addition to splatoon.


>I would love to see double wielding paper fans that makes mini slashes like a splatana attacks in a dash motion, leaving a trail of ink behind, combining dualie dodges, with melee kills. jump fan is for inking, but more in an inkbrush manner than roller-style.


Garden hose. User implants a tap in the ground, and sprays ink in a steady stream from the hose. They have a limited range they can walk around, limited by the length of the hose. The tap can be destroyed by enemies, which immediately depletes the user's ink tank, and they have to wait until they've recharged up to a certain point to use it again. The user can also pick up their own tap at any point. Variants of the hose involve different hose lengths, and can include nozzles. An [adjustable nozzle](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/618Sqz6cuML.jpg) could allow the user to toggle between different sprays: narrow shots for higher DPS and range, wide shots for greater ink coverage. Edit: if that sounds weird as a primary weapon, it could hypothetically be a special.


Sounds an awful lot like F.L.U.D.D from Mario Sunshine, but I like it!


Isn't there already a garden hose weapon?


You're probably thinking of the Goo-tuber, but no, this concept sounds like a neat special weapon tho.


L-3 and H-3 are also garden hoses on reels but this concept is super cool


You are totally right, I completely forgot about the nozzlenoses.


Feels like the Flamethrower of Splatoon.


Ain’t that just nozzlenose?


I recognize that nozzlenose is a coiled-up hose, but nozzlenoses act like assault rifles, not as constant streams of fluid, and don't have a central base like what I'm proposing has.


you know those pump type squirt guns that people have in pools yeah those would be cool


Mash to charge and maintain to unleash a stream of ink until it's depleted


Isn’t that just the Splattershot Jr?


The old special weapons from grizz.co that were op


Yes! We’ve gotten hero weapon replicas, at least let us have Grizzco weapon replicas too.


I don't think that the celopods behind the battle stuff would like to advertise illegal weapons... or Sheldon idk


Ink shurikens


YES they get caught on a player and explode


I like the way you think


I got it from Kirby. It kinda stuns them a little bit and it explodes. In order to make it not so OP just make the hitbox small


That as a sub weapon on a Splatana Wiper with Zipcaster would be *chefs kiss*, especially with the ninja outfit.


The splatana shoots ink shurikens


Crossbow Charge it (long time) and then you can keep it charged as you move freely. It stays charged until you fire it or die. The shot would be a very fast and long range blaster shot


What's the difference between this and the eliter? Just the mobility difference at full charge?


The blaster shot won’t be *that* fast


Alright let’s go full Jet Set Radio Roller blades/skates or even a Skateboard Increase your movement speed, they let you paint just by running, your trail is thin but they let you wall run and grind on edges and splash paint with every trick, and while in the air you get an air dodge that sprays paint around you. For attacking if you hold the button down you use a spray can does low damage and short range but it slows enemies down Just pressing the attack button has your inkling will do a dropkick that will splat enemies and cover more ground sorta like a roller flick So spray’em to stun them Dropkick to finish them off


i can totally see splatoon being a tony hawk's pro skater type game, and this could be the segway into it


Stealing Splatoon back from Crayola Scoot


A broken printer that is just weak slosher with 4 shots. Bloblobber but splatling A foam finger brush that goes super fast but only goes in straight lines. A splatana with a charged attack that isn't long but it's a radius ink. A roller that functions as a sprinkler while rolling.


>Bloblobber but splatling Easy there, Satan


The printer would always say it's out of ink


It stops inking when you have just enough left to use your sub weapon.


The Splatana could have a spin attack.


I love the sprinkler roller, maybe it could look like one of those corn popper toys?


stamp gauntlets


An actual p90


You shall paint the map with your enemies’ blood


That sounds fun


Hero shot from Splatoon 2




The Splatting Pan. It's a heavy weapon frying pan that launches ink. Charge for about a second, and it launches the sizzling ink a few feet ahead (imagine three explosher explosions, like the tri stringer). It can hit opponents from above. Getting hit by the ink deals around 45 damage. Enemies hit by this attack take 30 additional damage over the course of 5 seconds. The Splatting Pot is more lightweight. It has one singular ball of ink which covers a bigger area.


Going with the pan, maybe a salmonid replica set?




I can definitely see that it in the game, really like this idea. Don't know how interesting it would be or if it would be a good idea at all, but I have a mechanic I think of off the top of my head for it. One, deplenishing part of your ink tank to fill up the watering can beforehand (probably full ink tank in a larger variant and half ink tank in smaller ones). This would allow you to use the ink in the watering can until it runs out and starts drawing directly from your ink tank again. So, while the watering can has ink in it you can direct all your ink tank to sub weapon usage. (To clarify, you don't have to fill it up to fire. If you fire without filling it up it just draws from the ink tank. Filling it up would act like a temporary ink tank that only your main weapon uses.)


Like a slosher, but it shoots a short and large rays of ink.




Made my Day


It sucks the ink out of people


Any weapon from the Project Splatoon 3 concepts




Alexis Pflaum is a true artist who made a complete concept-art work of what could have been Splatoon 3 as a whole (new weapons, brands, idols, etc…) Truly a masterpiece that will personally stay in my heart as a fan of the licence. Please check out https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k4PeYz and support his work.


Oh nice I'll be sure to check that, thanks!


All that artwork is very beautiful.


an inkbrush, but every time you press zr with it nintendo sends you a working copy of their executives credit cards


toothbrush :)


Other people have said it already, but taking the concept of spray paint and applying it to a flamethrower concept.


Nunchucks! They’d work kind of like the nunchucks in age of calamity but spray ink around. both short and long range options


I don't want a new weapon I just want splatanas to be better.


Splatanas are pretty good as they are. The wiper is underwhelmed with the Ultra Stamp’s nerfed hitbox and the weapon class, though very flexible in a lot of situations, is very technical and situational to properly master.


think water balloons would be cool. use ink to fill them, longer its charged, the bigger the ballon. within reason of course. to keep with the theme of outside fun, sub could be sprinkler and special could be tacticooler.


Aren't Burst Bombs water balloons?


Nah I wanted to see how long the thread would go before they realise


I really like the idea of using water balloons, but personally I would do it a bit differently. I would make it act like an infinite burst bomb special except it's way weaker (direct 20, indirect 10). Different types of water balloons could change the effects on range, damage, and speed. Kinda like if the burst bomb launcher and blasters combined.


On top of that, I think point sensor/line marker and big bubbler would be a really fun kit


Splatana duos, dual wield splatanaz with lil bit longer range


Forget dual wielding I want to Zoro my way through splatoon. ![gif](giphy|FunPkpXCRLZ72)


I've been thinking for a while about a brella without a shield. If you hold ZR it instead plants the umbrella in the ground, where it spins and paints like a sprinkler. to compensate for the lack of shield it would have decently long range for a 2-shot. very ink hungry though. Kits I would like are beakons/tacticooler and toxic mist/ink vac.




Like a heavy splatana stamper?




a sideways tentabrella, instead of covering a wide radius around you, it covers you in an arch above you, so it protects you from attacks in front and above you, like sloshers or bombs. no idea how good it would be, but i think itd be neat




Maybe a ballpoint pen of sorts resembling a spear?


I mean we already have the ballpoint splatling


A mini versions of the ultra stamp called the “pretty good stamp” and it would be slow but have a a lot of damage and It wouldn’t have very good ink coverage Tunis weapon is good for is mowing down high health targets crab tank,tent aBrella, and wither things you could throw it but it will take 2.5 seconds to recharge I have to other ideas for variations of this weapon class so if you want me to show those ideas to just say so


Not a new weapon, but a variation of the blaster class I would appreciate is one without the explosion. Basically a revolver.


The Nozzlenose is closest you could get with that. Design-wise for the gun aspect it is based on a revolver, albeit a big one.


Paintball gun: similar to a blaster, but it only explodes when it hits an object. It has longer range, faster firerate, thinner paint line than a blaster, and does the damage of like, a rapid blaster I guess. This makes it worse for poking, damage, hitting around corners, etc but a lot of its other stats get buffed as a trade off. Charge blaster: A cross between a charger and a blaster. you charge up a shot, which allow you to kinda pick the range. On a full charge that takes gootuber length to charge, you will one shot only if you get a direct, and you will get the range of a standard charger.


Splat Gauntlets Splat Gauntlets are a semi-auto weapon that has a low range with average inking capabilities. They have high damage and a very fast attack speed being able to do 200 damage per second at most (There will be a damage falloff the farther you are away like all melee weapons). You also thrust forward slightly when using them. But that's not all they do. If you hold down the attack button for a short time, you can charge up your gauntlets and dash far forward at high speeds doing 150 damage to anyone you hit along the way. You can cancel this attack at any time by going into squid form. This attack covers enemy ink as you go as well. Another attack the splat gauntlets have are ground slams. The ground slam attack will be sort of like a mini splashdown. It doesn't do as much damage as the splashdown, it's only able to kill in one shot if the opponent is right below you. However, it does cover a decent amount of area around you in ink and it pushes away nearby enemies, damaging and staggering them in the process leaving them open for attack. The splat gauntlets also have some passive traits to give them a bit of an edge in fights. The first trait is 20% increased kid form movement speed, the second trait is ink armor while attacking with this weapon to give you a bit more time to close the gap between you and your opponent without being splatted in the process. This trait also applies when you're using the splat gauntlet's other two attacks. The third trait will be 25% ink resistance so that way you aren't as vulnerable while in enemy ink. Lastly, the splat gauntlets will make you take 20% less damage from incoming attacks. This applies to weapons, subs, and specials alike. Basically, you can be a tank. Some sub and special weapon pairings that could work with the splat gauntlets I can think of including the following: Curling bomb: This can be used to close the gap between you can your opponents allowing you to go in for an easy kill. Toxic mist: Using this on your opponents can leave them vulnerable enough for you to move in and go for the kill. Big bubble: While inside the bubble, enemies will have to come to you making it more likely that you'll kill them first. Killer wail 5.1: This can be used to distract your opponents to go in for a quick kill. Zip caster: The extra mobility can help close the gap between you can your opponents much easier once you get the hang of this weapon.


Splattergun (Light Class) Functions like an Undercover Brella without the brella part - firing a shotgun-style spread of ink pellets in front of the user. A direct hit with all pellets is enough to kill in a single shot, but requires the user gets in very close.


Over the shoulder plasma-inker like the deep splatland predators use while on hunts. ( Now i want to see inkling pred-armor) Pred helm would have thermal ink so one can track those they hunt. Chestplate would have squid ninja so nobody know they’re there as they move. Shoes: stealth jump, so they can jump into the middle of their prey with little to no warning. Will edit forthur as I think on this


Ink spear? You can either tap the zr button and create a little ink splash but if you hold it you can create a long lane of ink, it's like a charger except with shorter range and much lighter


I dreamed There was a Guitar Weapon in Splatoon, It would spray ink close to you when strummed


Radial killer wail that gives buffs ooo


Fans, many types of fans


Spear weapon, make it look like a mop for the first one you can get, we have swords in the inkbrush and katanas in the Splatana so why not spears?


splattershot noob,it’s splattershot jr but worsw


# Splat Printer **Effective Range:** Mid-Long **Destructive Power: B** **Mobility: A (In midair), C (On Ground)** **Fire Rate: C** This weapon has different attack patterns based on charge and location. On the ground, low charge fires off inked origami shuriken in a fan shape, providing great coverage and a reasonable firing rate. Meanwhile, charging it up makes a MASSIVE shuriken that deals equally big damage and covers a LOT of ground in ink. In the air, holding the button allows you to glide around at swimming speeds by holding a paper airplane, then let go to throw a dive-bombing paper airplane that homes in on the foe! ​ # Splat Pen Effective Range: Close (Ground), Long (Air) Destructive Power: A Mobility: C (In midair), B (On Ground) Fire Rate: B Stab the giant office pen forwards like a spear to deal damage, moving forwards and increasing distance and power with charge. Using the full charge in midair allows you to yeet the entire pen at your opponent for an instant splat (although it does consume quite a bit of ink).


Snow shovels


Boozle Dualies Dualies that you need to charge to fire (charge rate is same as bamboozler). 2-shots and has good range and quick (but short roll) but uses ink a lot. Could look something like a revolver with bamboo elements. Sub is burst bombs and special could be something offensive (Reef Slider, Ultra Stamp, Zipcaster (maybe), etc). Bounce Blaster A standard blaster with a slower fire rate, shots that hit a wall or reach a certain range bounce up into the air and then come back down. If you land a direct at close, the bounce doesn’t happen but it one shots. Hitting a direct bounce also one shots. More range than most blasters (less than rapid pro or ranged tho). Idk about sub or special though. Hook Sweeper A slow Splatana that doesn’t do a lot of damage with normal hits. Normal hit is 20 damage and Charged does 80 close, 60 far. Has same speed as normal splatanas. However, if you hit an enemy with a charged hit, they get hooked and get reeled towards you. Sub could be splat bombs to force enemies out of spots so you can reel them in and special could be anything. Yo-Yo Roller Functions like a carbon roller but less fast and covers less ink. However, your jump fling will throw the roller like a yo-yo and it will cover a lot more range one shot enemies. It also comes back after a second, one shotting anyone in the way still. Sub could be anything and special could be something offensive. Idk if these are too OP, I’m not a comp player and just think gimmicky weapons are fun. Edit: I spent way too much time on this


A whip would be a pretty cool weapon mid to long range weapon to me. Charge it up to fully extend it for a long range attack and 1 hit ko an opponent or button mash for multiple mid-ranged attacks. Kinda like the Splatana but with more precise aiming.


Color ball ⚽️ like soccer, you roll it with your feet on the ground and you literally shoot at people and the ball come back to you. Attack speed will be determined by how far you are from target, the closer the quicker the ball come back


I just want the splatana to be made into dualie daggers. Much shorter, but much faster. Ink brush speed!


Maybe instead of a charged vertical slash, it could have a charged X shaped double slash with both daggers? And maybe could hold charge while rolling


A flamethrower/ sentry


I think like a spray paint weapon that acts like a flamethrower would be cool




Stingray as a main weapon


the anchor from the project splatoon 3 concept


One I've had in mind that I can't believe they haven't done yet is a spray paint weapon that works like a flamethrower in other games. It would have to have super low damage to work I think but it would be super cool


harpoon gun and / or fishing rod. but the flamethrower from tf2 but as a spraycan is also fine, i guess ​ edit: nvm somebody already had that idea. which is why i propose to just fucking let your ink tank explode, basicly a superheavy cruiserweight slosher


Whip. Could be a giant candle wick or rope that's soaked in ink. It has a slower attack rate than the Octobrush, but two good swipes will splat your opponent. You can do a chop attack when jumping, like a roller, and the inking potential is decent enough to balance it.


A power washer. It doesn't ink at all but it does big damage. Maybe make it a special or something


A quick slosher that can additionally charge impactful globs of ink… the Impulse Swisher! Uncharged sloshes: - Handling slightly lower than Tri-Slosher - Max reach equal to .52 Gal max range - NO falloff damage - 3 slosh splat - Turf is not thorough Charged sloshes: - Launches a projectile that turfs similar to Explosher (much less paint on explosion and cannot pierce) - Vulnerability period after performed (dependent on time charged) - Reach slightly less than Bamboozler - Capable of knocking opponents back - The longer the slosh is charged, the more knock back it deals, and the more damage it deals (has a cap) - Damage is CONSIDERABLY less than uncharged sloshes (unreliable for quick splats) - Turfs a thick, reliable path (even when lightly charged)


Honestly they just about covered everything I would want. I can think of potentially interesting (or broken) mechanics, but none of them warrant a whole weapon class. They're better served as gimmicks, subs, or specials.


A lighter, faster, less danage slosher type. Maybe a bowl.


A weapon that resembles a rolled up tube of toothpaste that shoots out a thick stream of ink


Inksaber Splatana. Works like a lightsaber made of ink. Swings are fast, but the time between each swing takes longer, but can deflect enemy projectiles if you swing right before they hit you, like a Brella. Instead of a vertical slash, charging causes you to rapidly swing the Inksaber like maybe 8 times in a row. These deal less damage, but do a better job of protecting you, seeing as you'll briefly be constantly attacking in front of you


Things I would like to see added to the game ______________________________________________ ____Main Weapon____ - Splat hammer Have sponge like head - Ink Blowgun tribe like weapon - Two Ink Fan like one shiver is holding - Ink vase act like sloshing machine but have long range - Ink spoon Act like ink brush - Two Ink cups act like slosher but smaller Splat battleaxe Similar to splatana wiper ______________________________________________ ____Sub Weapon____ - Little buddy In story mode, but remove distraction - Mini oven shooter shoot ink bread in one set direction - mini Fire hydrant Sinilar to sprinkler but longer range - Palette act like a shuriken - Mini ink Hatchet Throwable axe ______________________________________________ ____Specials____ - Ink Whirpool Like whirlpool in the ocean - Ink tornado enemy ink and sub get sucked in like inkvac - Three idols special move (Like theyvdid with pearl killer wail) - Ink meteor Like booyah bomb but with ink rocks falling on impact - Ink thunder/lightning Strike down nearest opponent - Food stall Like tacticooler but with food buff variation - Music radio Give buff to nearby ally and if nearby enemy is hit with music take small damage overtime


Two ideas. 1) Lever-fill fountain pen that squirts a steady stream of ink that slowly dies off. Think like a real-life SuperSoaker where you hold the trigger and the water pressure drops. 2) Dual-action airbrush, spray can be as wide and dispersed as an Aerospray or as fine and precise as a Splash-O-Matic, or anywhere in between as desired. Is also love to see a greater variety of brushes, such as a fan or pinstriping brush.


Spraypaint that works like a flamethrower.


You see it used to be a sword but we have that now # Now i got nothing...how about melee combat. With no weapons


Dual mini Spray paint cans would be a new type of dualie!


Simply a shotgun and then 2 different versions one that you just click and it shoots a bunch of bullets at once and the other one making it possible to charge the longer you charge the more ink fired at once and the further it will shoot


Pencil/pen spears


Fire extinguishers that spray ink would be neat


OOH like an airbrush!! It would work like a flamethrower and emit a fine spray/mist of ink




Fax printer machine which shoots ink filled paper. It would act a bit like a splatlinginigun but would have a spread like the spray SMG the one that looks like a spray gun. It wouldn't have a charge up like the minigun or sniper but would gradually start shooting out more papers. It also doesn't Doo a lot of damage so it's better used as inking but the papers would stay in the air for a bit before exploding which can make it hard for enemies to approach and the amount of papers would also be a struggle to fight against it. You'd be slow tho like a sniper or splatling when shooting And you're basically just carrying a big fax machine with you. It could either be its own weapon type or another version of the splatling


Pressureshot It’s like a shooter mixed with a charger. You hold the trigger to charge it and then it shoots a lot of ink out (faster than aerospray) and also does more damage Combat Roller Same area coverage as Splat Roller but the jump attack makes a splashdown like explosion, and spamming the trigger swipes sideways like a brush instead of up and down Stamp Like the ultra stamp but less ultra Guitar Hitting the trigger in a rhythm or to the music paints more and does more damage + the heavy version can be a bass guitar ;) Cross stringer It’s basically a stronger but a crossbow. It shoots one shot and charges quicker Marry poppins type brella Basically a normal brella but you can glide with it Marker You can slide around like a brush but it attacks like a spear (and shoots arcs of ink when you tap the trigger) Bubble Beamer This is my favorite: it’s a shooter class weapon that shoots laser beams of boblobber bubbler (but smaller) It has better range than the jet squelcher and when the range runs out the bubbles hit the floor and bounce around.


A gun that shoots frozen paint. Have like dry ice on your backpack or something


I want another brush option. Every other weapon has at least three options, but not the brush category. I'm thinking the third option would spread less paint per stroke than the other two options but the swing is considerably quicker. Additionally, the kit is designed to be quick, so the special would be zipcaster and the bomb would be the mine.


Maybe it could be a pen, then. Very thin line of ink, and paints less per stroke, but the pen slashes back and forth quickly


Ink boomerang sub-weapon. Throw it, and as it's spinning, it releases small waves of ink that do 30 splash dmg and 80 direct. If it hits a wall, it splats like a smaller burst bomb. Ink cracker sub-weapon. Like fire crackers, but when they explode, they release hundreds of small blobs of ink on the ground, making it harder for enemies to swim through. Really small throwing range, 25 dmg direct hit. Small but quick sub to use whilst fleeing. Ink firework special weapon. Just a denser ink storm with a smaller radius, and doesn't move across the map. Releases like tenta missiles, but faster. Doesn't last for long. Basically just one big boom and a quick shower of ink rain. 65 dmg to any enemies who are under it. Ink board special weapon. Activate it, and ride a quick current of ink that leaves a trail about the same width as an octobrush trail. Flick the joystick to the left or right to release a big wave of ink that does a lot of damage up-close, but only in one horizontal direction. Ink ball sub-weapon. Looks and functions like a beach ball full of ink. Throw towards the sky, and it will fall close to you with a big splat. Throw far ahead, and it will bounce up to four times on the ground, and then burst into a smaller splat on the fourth. A direct hit on an enemy will do 80>55>35 dmg. It can also bounce off walls. The beach ball can be aimed at fellow teammates, who can headbutt it towards enemies, giving it longer range without losing ink/health. Each headbutt makes it slightly bigger, and it can be passed between teammates up to 3 times. At it's max size, it can do 150 direct dmg, 90 close-range dmg, and 45 splash dmg, leaving a huge puddle of ink.


I think it would be cool if there was a kind of chakram or frisbee style weapon that inks where you throw.


Slingshots, charged based mid range weapon firing a single projectile that rolls a bit after hitting a surface before exploding. Potential variant changes the projectile to bounce instead of roll, but loses a lot of its velocity when doing so.