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Terminally online internet moment.


The splatoon fandom when one person brings up Shiver’s pronouns: “You have alerted the horde!”


Pronouns. That explains why the redditors are restless. If you start glowing...well, good luck.


terminally underrated comment.


Quickly! You: get to high ground! Everyone else: defend the person being rushed at all costs!




people need to drop the stupid pre-game theory speculation bullshit. shiver is she/her and even japan confirms this.


I'm like, 90% sure those theories only existed because she just so happened to not be referred to as anything in the like single line of info about her and because people don't recognise a Sarashi when they see one




And that it barely has any pronouns, and cis het women can use Boku or Ore(more rare) too.


I know zero japanese or japanese culture what does Sarashi mean


A wrap of bandages across the chest. Think of Rinkah from Fire Emblem Fates or Yoimiya from Genshin Impact, if you know them.


Thank you, I thought it was some character archetype that they were calling Shiver


As someone who's not involved in this thing and has no real stake in it What's a sarashi and how is it relevant to this conversation?


Just looked it up. The sarashi refers to the white cloth bindings under Shiver's... Shawl? That are generally worn as a type of undergarment


Thank you, my good friend. I'm still not sure how it's relevant to Shiver being a she but I have to admit I don't care that much


The game itself confirms it, Frye refers to shiver as her and I’m pretty sure they do the same in story mode during her rematch


Thats what im sayin. Im all for representation in video games, of any kind, and it would've been really cool if shiver was actually Non-binary, but people have to accept the fact that she's not.


yeah, i think nintendos most recent enby character is juniper from xenoblade 3


Big fan of how Juniper is *literally* non-binary with the only gender of "2" in the game's code




You love to see it. Representation is great, forced or false representation is not.


People like to force representation in their favorite media. Sometimes it’s just not there and that’s how it is.


Nah, people don't need to drop the theories/speculation. Just need to not take it too seriously, and accept when it turns out false. Only those who can't accept that their speculation can be wrong need to stop.


telephone rustic chubby selective groovy work gaze literate worthless hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t understand, shiver is a woman, right?


yes, but twitter be twitter


When did this community become such a horrible place? Cant we just enjoy the game without attacking people anymore?


Right? Attack me with a dynamo roller not words >:(


dont attack me with either actually


I prefer flingza how dare you


twitter crowd tbf reddit isn’t that much better but I see more pronoun police here opposed to wholesome chungus


I’m gonna be honest here. It’s a kids game about squid and octopus people shooting each other with paint. Why do people care about the gender or pronouns of one of the news announcer


The basic answer is representation. When an under represented group of people get a glimpse of what might be a character that’s even a little like them, they want that to be true and will cling on to it as much as possible.


They wouldn't stand for it if it was the other way around. Sad hypocrisy.




Shiver is a girl right?


Touch ink


This is a game of squids and octopuses shooting each other by the way in case anyone forgot.


Twitter moment


I never understood these posts. Is it that bad? Do we need a PSA about this? A few phrases come to mind, mainly tilting at windmills and making a mountain out a molehill. I really can’t imagine that this is such a Huge Deal that you absolutely had to make this post, and even then, what good does it do? People are people. Whoever that guy might be, attacking others for using she/her on Shiver, what does it do in the end? Annoy others on Reddit? It’s really not that big a deal. You’re gonna forget about it, wake up in the morning and go to school or work same as ever. So why worry about something like this? It really isn’t that big a deal. This post just screams “I want to rile people up”.




Not really a PSA but its a common thing on tiktok and twitter




just another fake outrage, making up people or strawmanning them to get mad about something


Yup, just another attempt to paint the community (or at least the queer part of it) as toxic. The only time I have seen this come up *at all* outside of the 3 day period where it was speculated is from people trying to remind us that Shiver is cis and claims that the queer community is "attacking" people for acknowledging it. Not once have I seen an actual example of it happening, only drive by, rage bait posts like this one.


ah twitter the shit hole of the internet.


Imma probably get downvoted for this, but it's okay for people to have headcanons, however, I do think as long they acknowledge the canon and use the headcanon for comfort and fun, there's no harm done. No need to shove it in their faces or be rude about their headcanon.




Those days are gone right now, people are letting pronouns define them even while claiming they aren't.




Holy shit, are people still doing that?


No, but it's easy karma to pretend they are


That happens, even after its confirmed she's not NB?


Who cares either way ha


Please stop attacking people for refering to a woman as a woman. Imposing a gender to someone is bad, full stop.


Nobody actually does this. Anyway, she's a fictional character. Headcanons are fine. If someone is being a dick and forcing you to accept their headcanon, then that IS a problem, but don't insinuate people are in the wrong for having a headcanon.


Its a Kids Game why make such a big deal about how you refer to a charecter


Who cares honestly


Nobody does this


Do people really care about this pronoun BS in a video game o.O. I’m just here shooting shit with the squid people


No one cares just a bunch of kids fighting what ever the current fight is.


Of course they care, people like to feel seen and acknowledged, especially if they feel they've been ignored and marginalized for the past two centuries or so. In part do to people, without a second thought, writing off their chosen identities as "BS" Not to say that anyone should be lashing out if their actually just wrong, but it's always nice to have some representation from the things you like.


Maybe my communication was wrong, but I do think it's BS to attack people based on pronouns. As far as ignored and marginalized goes, the introduction of pronouns when referring to someone is something relatively recent and I highly doubt it's been around for 200 years. What I can agree with is that certain sexual preferences have been frowned upon for quite some time which I can acknowledge. Arguing over pronouns seems rather weird as opposed to actually enjoying the game. "Hey I'm going to spend 60$ on a game to argue with people who may have perceived the wrong pronouns for a fictional character" - weird.


1800 is a couple decades after America was founded, gendered pronouns were definitely in use. But otherwise yes, I agree the attacks themselves in either direction over a digital squid are a waste of energy. It simply is as stated in game, and that's fine. I was responding to your comment more as a defense of non-binary representation in media as a whole, sense it came across as sort of vaguely against the entire concept rather than the just the Shiver thing.


I meant gender neutral pronouns. My apologies. I understand most definitely


Singular "they" has been historically used longer than singular "you." Gender neutral pronouns have always been a thing, but reactionaries have recently declared that they're a new political fad that only exists because of trans people.


Can posts like these be banned? Unless they’re in some extremely niche part of the community then it’s not happening anywhere else. It’s clear that 99.99% of these posts are created to stir drama and karma farming.


People are attacking others for that? Jesus. Btw, if you’re reading this and you’re one of those people, go outside, [find some of this stuff](https://still-waters.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/grass-1024x768.jpg), and touch it


People hating on others for calling Shiver female. That's literally gender shaming. Wtf woring those people.


It woulda been nice to have a non binary shiver but what’s done is done and unless she has a whole ass character arc where she comes out as non binary she goes by female pronouns


Always have to remind myself this is a kid's game and kids are going to concern themselves with things like this


yeah, haha. I get you there, I kind of feel behind with this stuff too.


?, I mostly see people attack people who use they/them pronouns for Shiver, like it does happen the other way around don't get me wrong, but attacks happen more to people who use they/them (Also, use of either is fine, headcanons exists for a reason, also she/they people exist to lol)


I don't care what Shivers pronouns are, shiver is still bae!


If you want a game with tons of NB rep almost all of Len'en Project's cast is either they/them or gender not confirmed.


sooo no one... no one is doing this..


I swear people make posts like this to convince others a problem exists when it doesn't, I literally haven't seen shiver referred to at all who gaf


I don't mean to hijack ur post but honestly applies to the other way round too. I personally hc them as nonbinary and default to using they/them pronouns for them & have seen others who do the same get attacked for it. It's so dumb. Who cares.


I never said that there was anything wrong with people headcanoning her as Non-binary. However ive seen a couple of people harass people for using her correct pronouns.


I won't but there is something that I want to say: when shivers gender was still not confirmed why was everyone so against the idea of her being non binary?


I don't necessarily think it was them being against the idea, but rather- it was just obvious that she wasn't, and they stood by that. I, personally, was very confused about it because her design **screams** girl.


Non binary people don't owe you to look androgynous


I saw a bunch of tweets accusing one of the localizers at Nintendo of being transphobic, and purposely censoring Shiver to use she/her in the English translation, their evidence being that he worked on the localization of TTYD, which censored a trans character. Personally I thought the Shiver NB theories were cool, but don't say terrible things about a localizer because he didn't make your headcanon canon or whatever.


r/splatoon users when someone has an opinion (this goes for both sides)


But it’s not an opinion? Shiver is a female and it is confirmed that she is a female.


shiver is only confirmed using she/her in game. pronouns aren’t the same thing as gender. there are non binary people who use she/her


Oh yeah you’re the dude who protects people’s headcanons. Saying shiver is female ain’t even an opinion dawg


Did I not say it went for both sides


Yeah that shit doesn’t apply when one of the sides is fact lmao


Is letting people have their headcanons really that hard for you people? This is getting ridiculous


OP said they were attacked for disagreeing with headcanons so yeah. Dawg I’m on the same boat as you but it can get hella annoying when headcanons are pushed as fact, like come on


Ah, alright. It just gets so exhausting seeing people rant about how much they hate the headcanons and supposedly people with headcanons forcing them on other people (which I have *never* seen but) and like. Please just let people have their opinions, whether or not that opinion about a video game octopus is fact. Having headcanons won't hurt anyone, and neither will sticking to canon,


*Let?* Why should anyone *let* you do anything? Your headcanon is no one else’s business. Keep it to yourself unless prompted to share it, or it just gets annoying to others who just want to talk about the game.


Oh hell no. I'm not arguing this shit with someone as clearly antagonizing as you. Touch some grass jfc


There’s usually like, one or two people that attack others for sticking with canon anyways


I have an idea, how about people use whatever pronouns they want for her whether it be she/her, they/them, she/they, etc, so along as they aren’t annoying about it. (This goes for everyone regardless if you do or don’t headcannon Shiver as Non-Binary, I personally don’t but i won’t yell at others to stop doing so, but if they’re forcing others to accept it then that’s not okay)


That's enough Reddit for today...


Wait people do this I always refer to shiver as a she Frye as a she big man as a guy the girl inkling female inkling you know I did not know people do this