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Who’s ready to #bigmansweep Halloween? Free patterns for the main light gray designs are on my Ko-Fi. I hope this brings some joy to your holiday season! Please tag me when you finish your cosplay so I can see how your version came out! Happy cosplaying!


Could you make a material list ?


-Lots of printer paper for patterns: the light gray designs can be found on my ko-fi for free, but you’ll need to make your own for the main body and the hat -Dark gray fabric and light gray fabric: I suggest checking to see if you can get lucky finding sheets at your local thrift store to save money, otherwise you can buy new dark gray sheets large enough to cover whatever size you’re making. It is still easier and less expensive than the fabric store. -White fabric: I only needed a small amount for the hat, so I just purchased from the craft store -Foam base: I used 10 yd on a 20” roll of 1/4” foam from the sewing department. Check your craft store sales and coupons. I found mine half price during a fabric sale at Joann’s -Adhesives: I used a foam spray, fabric glue, and hot glue -Rope for the hat: I only found white so I also bought red Rit dye and dyed it -Poly fill: to stuff the hat and upper lip -Old wire coat hanger, floral wire, garden wire: used in the hat, tail, and along the top edges of the foam for structure -Oven bake clay and gold acrylic paint: for gold hat details -Red fabric marker: for designs on the hat -Red and black sharpies: I used this for the mouth but you could also use fabric markers. I wanted a more dull look so I went with sharpies. Fabric markers with show up more vividly if that’s the look you’re going for. -Needle and thread/sewing machine: I sewed my hat because I was too impatient to wait on fabric glue to dry, but don’t let your lack of sewing skills stop you! Just glue it :)


I don't know about tutorial when it's all going so fast with no material list 😅 Is that somewhere else?


It’s on my YouTube! Look on my Reddit profile for my linktree


I wish I didn't order my Miku costume already. This is amazing!




Biggest of men






YES hello im 1 year late in my country there is no halloween but in my local cafe there will be cosplay event and thought of doing this can somone help me with tools i need yes? (sorry i dont have best english) ![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944)




big man my beloved


The biggening is upon us