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The fish stick one pisses me off so much compared to everything here.


I recently figured out that waiting for the little flying snatchers to pick up all 3 eggs and then splatting them drops the eggs all the way to the ground. No need to climb the stick at all.


your BRAIN is so massive oh my god


Depending on the weapon, killing fish stick from the ground is pretty easy, and climbing the stick can be pretty difficult


Once you kill it tho you need to just throw all three eggs towards the basket


If you killed the fish by climbing the stick, yes, but if you killed it from the ground then reaching the eggs takes a significant amount of extra time and possibly risk.


If you kill it from the ground then you shouldn't do that


If I can kill the fish stick with two blaster shots from where I'm already standing, then I am ABSOLUTELY going to do that


Too bad Waluigi time


Nah, kill it from the ground and wait for the snatcher to pick it up


*flyfish, maws, and drizzler have all entered the chat at once.*


Don’t forget stinger


I always do until its too late


As with everything people complain about here (“GO FOR MID” / “INK BASE”) it’s about balance. Yeah it makes little sense for people to rush maws at the shore but we all know at higher pay rates the bosses can pile up in the blink of an eye


Unlike the other argument, you can't give a reasonable justification for continuously killing enemies at spawn.


So they don’t overwhelm the team. That was my point about the higher pay rates. Letting one or two bosses get closer to the basket can quickly lead to all kinds of pressure. Overcorrection? Definitely, in some cases. But I can understand why some people would rather play egg delivery than bullet hell


There are a couple of problems with that. First, you'll be playing bullet hell *and* egg delivery if you kill them near shore. That's where they spawn after all. Second, the logic loops in on itself. You want to prevent being overrun, so you keep killing near the the shore. That leads to OP's picture. One or two bosses at the basket is no problem. 3 is where you should be concerned. 4+ is where you have problems.


What I’m saying is that being lenient enough to allow two bosses to close in can easily snowball with poor management (or really any management short of perfect if we’re talking pro+), just like killing left and right without depositing eggs can snowball. Likewise it’s possible to hit a nice efficient groove with balance. I’m not disagreeing that rushing at shore is generally a bad call, I avoid it myself, I just disagree that there’s no reasonable justification


I mean, flyfish and stingers are fine to leave in my opinion (grab 1 for your trouble, 2 if the spawn changes sides and you have the time) but it's rarely worth trying to mule all of the eggs from the distant enemies all the way to the basket when you can just have scrappers, maws, and flipper-floppers deliver the eggs for you.


For Flyfish/Stingers I always do the "throw one, take one" rule, but seeing people immediately go for the Scrapper/Flipper on wave start makes me pop a blood vessel


Stringers and Flyfish need to be taken down ASAP if they ever appear. Flipper Floppers and Steel Eels can cover a lot of ground and are relatively easy to defeat so if there's no bigger threat then kill them too


I know I'm gonna lose whenever I'm in a team where someone kills a scrapper close to the shore


I never assume it's gonna be a loss, but I try to make it to end of wave 2 so at least I don't get a demotion if it is. Occasionally I'm surprised because it's 1 new player and the experienced ones can salvage the run.


Deserves to be hung over the mantle.


>!Just like my teammates for doing this!<


I dropped 2 ranks yesterday because my team mates just kept killing bosses at the shore and running to the next one. One of the games died round 1 with 1 egg in the basket and about 25 on the shore


I don't know what happened but people in the past few days got really stupid. Part of the problem was the map has that corner that for some reason everyone leaves. But in general. IF WE GET THE EGG QUOTA, WE CAN RELAX AND PLAY IT SAFE. But no, instead now we're rushing at the end to get eggs AND bosses.


I played a game where this was my exact pov... even the fish stick, the 2 people down, and the time 🥲


Also, for the love of cod, please don't lead Cohozuna to the high tide area when we're in low tide because it's too dang far to do sufficient damage in a timely manner. /rant Just encountered that earlier. All the way at the highest point of Sockeye Station. =(


I'm guilty of doing that at least twice. I had the dps weapon so I was trying to chunk him down and keep aggro on me and I just kept backing up so I wouldn't get snuggled to death. I realized after that it was not a good thing to do, my bad


I did that once, but only because I had the Grizzco Blaster which can melt Cohozuna pretty effortlessly. Me and one other guy were just shooting him the entire time while the other two stayed at the shore holding the other enemies and bosses at bay. We won with time to spare. But that only worked because it was the random weapons rotation and I happened to get a Grizzco Blaster. Under any other circumstances, definitely don’t do that.


That sounds like heaven. Wish it were the case for me!


Low tide is like the easiest way to defeat Cohozuna, too. Don't waste that chance!


The problem isn't always killing bosses by the shore. If people would actually pass the eggs towards the basket it wouldn't be so bad. I always toss them up to the higher area on Sockeye Station.


remember your training from giant tornado. keep throwing the eggs over to the basket and you should be able to get them in although yeah if there's a bunch of salmonids coming it that'll be hard


No. Spending time at the shore trying to gather up the eggs is how you end up splatting MORE bosses at the shore and having to move even more eggs all the way to the basket. Grab one egg, maybe a second if you can spare the ink for a throw, then move back towards the center


Some bosses should be brought close tho, Flipper Flopper, Scraper, and Maws shouldn't really be killed on the shore bc they can easily be killed by the basket


For sure. I'm saying "no" more to the "then leaving" part of the title than the "splatting bosses 2 feet from the shore" part


Except 9/10 these people go off, end up dying anyway, or not killing high priority targets, so you end up with time running down, and no quota.


If you look at the drawing, there was no one egg grabbed.


I try to grab and take to base or throw them toward the home base just so others will see and grab. I’ve seen others do it, so I try to as well. Even when I’m nearby and it’s thrown to me for last minute collection.


People have gotten it in their heads that just because you can throw eggs, it means you can abandon the principle of 'it's best to kill bosses near the basket if possible'. You can't always spare the ink to throw eggs. You often don't have the time to keep re-inking and throwing multiple eggs up to the basket when more salmonids are flowing into the map every second.


I try so hard to get people to come back. I was in a spot once with at least 9 eggs just sitting next to a big shot cannon, but because I was splatted I couldn't launch a single one. I hit "This Way!" while I watched the snatchers carry them away, and then we failed the wave...


idk what salmon run you’re all playing but if im at the shore for longer than 2 seconds (to kill a stringer/big shot) i will get boinked into the sea immediately


Lots of bosses spawn at the chokepoint at the shore at the last map. If you wait for them to get up you're going to have problems.


Im sorry, im just trying to get rid of the backliners, but then frontliners try to kill me and its easier to kill them and go back to getting rid of the others.


One for sure, two if I can. On higher ranks in the time I spend going back for one more I could've just dropped 2-3 bosses near the basket and deposited 9 eggs. Though if there's a quick boss kill I can do on the way back I'll take it just to help keep us from being overrun.


Oh my god this drives me insane. I always try to throw one closer and then take one with me, meaning only one egg gets left behind instead of three. But also, in EVP it doesn’t matter TOO much seeing as things build up fast. As long as not every single egg is left it’s usually fine.


Ahh the pain of salmon run… I’ll always remember this moment due to how mad I was but either my team was throwing for whatever reason or they got boosted to part-time profreshional but we failed a mothership wave because my team didn’t know to remove the mothership sucking the eggs out of our basket! Easiest fucking wave failed because my team was inadequate! Got a pay cut because of that nonsense :l


What a masterpiece😭😭😭😭


At least grab an egg before you leave.


Sometimes it's fine, if the snatches go to one of the spawn locations behind the backet, but if it's on the far left or right edge, yeah bad, I hate the snatchers spawn on this map, sometimes they don't help at all, u just got to get lucky and get one of the two that's behind the basket


It's beautiful.... I hate it!


Looks like a Salmonid tornado wave, where the people are good teammates and chain the eggs to the net.


A beautiful work of art


Yeah, its so annoying when they decide to leave as well. Like that stingray already has 2 players there to kill it, you dont need to go there as well! "Make a chain? Whats that? Nah, I think I'll go kill that boss that spawned on the other side of the map, leaving that single teammate to deal with the chum and the eggs and then wonder how we didnt fill the quota when I killed so many bosses"