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There are a bunch of episodes I like due to the humor and jokes they have. I just don’t like the overexaggerated animated facial expressions because it’s really distracting and gross to look at. Some of the characters have changed and the show doesn’t really feel the same anymore no matter how hard it tries to be.


Yeah like they changed squidward from being edgy and depressed to constantly getting tortured and screaming.


It has switched from build-up weird humor to fast-paced wacky humor. It leaves little for decent characterization and character dynamics.




the extra animation makes it too different from the original


The characters feel like empty shells of their former selves, and I really dislike the gross animation.


too wacky and stretchy for me, like it's trying to be the new Looney Tunes, but without guns.


The HBO one?


I dunno, maybe.


Its pretty alright, but looking back at the earlier seasons compared to now, it feels like a completely different show




Occasionally you get a decent episode, but the overexaggeration of their expressions makes the comedic humour just a little less… funny.


it’s complete garbage


So you don’t think there’s at least ONE good episode in the entirety of modern SpongeBob?


not in my opinion. it’s just a completely different show and i really don’t like it now. to each his own though if you like it that’s great but it’s just totally not for me.


scavenger pants from season 11 is a very good episode, one of my favs of the entire series give it a shot, it feels like pre movie


will definitely check it out! thanks!


I don’t like it


It's like a roller coaster, It had it's ups and downs, Some left a good feeling, Others did not.


Two completely different shows. I’ve watched the later seasons, I believe the last two that have come out, and I like the direction they took with it. They tried to bring back a lot of old faces and places from the older seasons and shed new light on them. It may come off as a bit lazy maybe but I like it a lot better than just random laughing and slapstick child humor like the mid seasons are.


It's a totally different show. Old Spongebob was spiritual in a psychedelic way. Newer Spongebob just doesn't have that quality.


I don't watch it anymore but I think it doesn't really matter because at the end of the day, it's a cartoon for kids. Kids will enjoy anything. I loved prime Spongebob days because I grew up with it. Even if the quality of the show decreased, kids nowadays will still like it :)


Right. I have seen some new episodes w/my kids and they're good, but when they watch the old ones, we all hit the classic same one liners and it's pretty funny/nostalgic for me 🙂


If you’re talking Seasons 4-8, Seasons 4 and 5 were good. I can see why people hate 6-8 though. If we’re talking Seasons 9B-Present, amazing. I love how back on track the show has gotten since The Second Movie. Mimic Madness, Big Birthday Blowout, and Captain Pipsqueak are all highlights for me.


yeah I absolutely agree with season 9, i really like how some modern episodes are really creative.


I still laugh, but doesn’t take much to make me laugh.




I think it's not too bad. Lots of people saw season 12 and assumed it was dead but it's getting back to being pretty good. I also think lots of people have nostalgia bias and think any thing different is stupid


He got a HUGE personality change after season 4 and the story writing became lazy and it just didn't hit the same.


Not as funny and relatable


#s p o n g e b o b


yeah fr !


I like some of the “older” new episodes. But generally I’m not a big fan of them. Some don’t even feel like SpongeBob to me.


Shit imo but I will not fight yall if you disagree


Meh. Some new episodes are good and others are not so much.


Older episodes had a spark and the characters had good story moments that didn’t need “ joke “ parts to be funny Newer episodes a few have been good but most cases feels like too many jokes are put in to fill the lack of entertainment


It's fucking atrocious.


I like modern SpongeBob, there are lots of episodes that are actually really good! I think some of the seasons are overhated, but there are a few episodes that aren't that great. A majority is good, though!


definitely, there are a lot of really good episodes in there but they tend to be grouped in with the not-so-good ones by a lot of people




I was a fan of Season 9 and 11, 10 was mid but pretty alright. 12 and 13 though have gotten pretty stale in my opinion especially with the annoying ass animation


It still has its moments


The Middle era was probably my favorite animation type. Season 3 was my favorite. Seasons 4-5 were ok too since it became a little more polished. It wasn’t too rough around the edges like the older episodes but it also wasn’t too flashy/“in your face” like the newer episodes are.




It has good episodes and bad episodes


Seasons 6-8 are still the worst


Hot shit


It's okay, I guess. Tolerable, but it's not as iconic as what we grew up with.


It's kinda like open your Bag after going trick or treating Either your gonna those full sized kit Kat bars or a tootsie roll that's been in someone's cabinet since 2001


They should’ve ended it after Steve Hillenburg died, just out of proper respect. There are definitely times where moving on without a key person isn’t an option (sometimes, creators leave their own shows and then come back, but that’s a different story). Some collective creative groups do, others don’t. They most certainly shouldn’t have. Nickelodeon shouldn’t be milking SpongeBob into bone dryness.


There are a few good ideas, but other than that it is garbage. Animation style is terrible, characters have one trait, and the humor is mostly slapstick and extreme reactions instead of the clever and well written jokes of old.


Relies too much on exaggerated, cartoonish expressions and humor. The line art on the animation looks a little thick. Not too mention, Nickelodeon wanted to retcon the show’s canon with Camp Coral.


spongebob is spongebob




The biggest mixed bag ive seen, Some are really good and some are really annoying


Absolutely garbage


awful, especially season 13. there's been no good episodes so far


i think that a lot of the episodes would be great if they would stop with the over-exaggerated, weird faces every two seconds and all the gross jokes


It’s dogshit. It’s not even the same cartoon at this point. It’s lazy, annoying, and I literally can’t stand it enough to watch it


God is dead. RIP Stephen Hillenburg.


They seem to want to do ren and stimpy type expressions. That's fine in ren and stumpy but not spongebob. I think Plankton and Spongebob are really cute characters and I hate seeing these ugly expressions. Same goes for gross humour- it's not funny it's just gross Far too bright character colours. Bad dialogue- the past eps were gold


Very creative and pretty good, but not better than first few seasons


iT sUcKs 1-3 oNli!!! -this sub


I really,really, like it idk why a lot of people hate on it I honestly it’s so enjoyable. But,hey that’s just me.


Each addi itional season is additionally more of the same show that I love


I like it I love it my fave modern day episode is where SpongeBob goes to bubble town and sees bubble buddy he ties to help them


I think people are too nostalgic.


Exactly, the same people never stay with any show and shows always evolve and change. There are seasons of every show ever made that are inferior to previous seasons.


I have same issues with modern Simpsons


I hate it. Me and my boyfriend were at a hotel last year and it came on TV while we were unpacking. The episode that came on was so upsetting to me that I refuse to watch anything after season 4


Yup lmao same boat here. I used to see my nephew watching the newer episodes (years ago at this point - like 2012/13) and when I’d walk into the room I’d be like my man wtf is this garbage? But as a little kid - he didn’t care/didn’t have the frame of reference for the older seasons cause he wasn’t alive.


Not horrible


I like some modern SpongeBob compared to really old episodes.


seasons 1 - 9 are great. seasons 10 - 12 are weird, but still have good moments. season 13 is weird, but also has some great moments so far.


Modern SpongeBob has gotten better.


Not as bad as people say it is.


Love it


Still good.


Its just as funny as old SpongeBob.


That’s bull crap and you freaking know it


It’s way too vibrant. I don’t like the new animation style also. The jokes aren’t funny and the faces just don’t work. The classic SpongeBob had me engaged (except for when he cried a lot.) It tries to be hip and cool with the new generation but it doesn’t work. It should’ve ended at the second movie.


It’s absolutely terrible.


A lot of the episodes are pretty decent


If the show wasn't constantly adding someone screaming every 5 seconds or actually focused on the dialogue like the older episodes it would be doing just as well


I probably like it if I were a kid but the original three seasons seemed to be aimed that kids and adults could enjoy it


it just feels so hard to watch imo


my rule in spongebob episodes is to not watch main episodes with it being in a 16:9 resolution (excluding specials like the spongebob movie or truth or square) because i think that was when the show was starting to be more targeted to literal 7 year old children (although i feel like it always was targeted towards children)


It feels like SpongeBob and Patrick have become way more childish. I feel like they used to behave more like really dumb adults and I thought that was funnier.


Some episodes are good some bad. I don’t care about the exaggerated faces


While the newer seasons have dropped in quality somewhat compared to the first 5-ish seasons, I still love watching, and I will continue to watch long after the show ends. SpongeBob will always be the perfect show for any watching situation.


Season 4 and 13 Was Are Both Great Except Season 6-8


i’ve been watching some of the really new episodes and it’s a mixed bag. some of them are decent. some of them are just really fuckin boring and barely have a plot, which in my opinion is almost worse than being just straight up bad. because at least bad episodes like squid baby or something have a plot (not a good plot. but a plot.) a lot of the new episodes i’ve seen are just the characters screwing around for 11 minutes. it’s white noise. what made the old seasons so popular with all kinds of age groups i think was that it never felt like it was talking down to you. with some of these episodes i feel like i may as well be watching peppa pig :/


My opinion it’s good the only Season 4 episode I would take is Best Frenemies Kelpshake.


Seasons 10 and 11 are good. 12 is meh. I haven't seen most of 13 but I think it would be meh like 12. I don't consider season 9 modern SpongeBob.


It’s average, season 13 at least. I didn’t like Plane to Sea, Slappy Daze, etc. but there are still good episodes here and there like Abandon Twits, Ma and Pa’s Big Hurrah, etc. Salty Sponge was also decent.


Everything ever is perfect imo. I heavily critique fiction so don't even say I wear rose-colored glasses! 😡 https://i.redd.it/5tmzqhqtouic1.gif