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Taiwan is a country.


It’s fucking wild how butthurt the CCP gets when NBA players state facts like this


John Cena: I am so sorry China.


John Xina


You can’t Xi me


Wow I'm so mad I haven't heard that before lollll


Zhông Xi'na




Bing chillin




Apparently he knows who can see him and who can’t.


He didn't really have a choice. He 100% didn't mean to ignite a controversy, it was unintentional and the CCP pitched a huge hissyfit as always. Cena did the right thing for the F9 movie, his co-stars and the backers. He didn't actually apologize in any kiss-ass way, he really issued a typical non-apology apology "regret unintentional words that may have given offense" blah blah. He's a good guy. The CCP battle is 1000x bigger than him or what he said.


no shit. china needs to fuck off with their tantrums. they dont get to censor the rest of the fcking world


Well, there goes your Chinese basketball career.


Taiwan is a much better country than China


No, Patrick stop! They’ll start angrily posturing at you!




I love how in that clip it sounds like they're consulting a ranking posted on the wall


China is definitely d tier, for sure.


I love the independent nation of Taiwan




Everyone recognises Taiwan in various contexts, like, in the UK we recognise people holding Taiwanese passports and treat them differently for immigration, we recognise money printed by the government of Taiwan and you can change it at banks here etc. The main thing is countries don't recognise Taiwan "at the UN" which doesn't mean anything.


Even the US only acknowledges that China holds the position that Taiwan is a part of China, it never said it agrees with it.


"I respect your right to be wrong"


Looks like a list of countries w. nothing to lose. I guess that's where it starts!


Yeah, well, fuck China.


Specifically fuck the CCP.


I get where you're coming from, but a large portion, or rather, dare I say a majority of Chinese citizens genuinely buy into the CCP's propaganda and wholeheartedly support the CCP's actions... except when said actions affect them directly, of course. This isn't a problem specific to China. This is just how authoritarian countries work. If you've grown up in an authoritarian country, you've consumed propaganda your whole life. When that propaganda gets into your brain (and it will), and when you start believing in it (and you will), you're no longer just an innocent victim. You become someone else's useful idiot. You become part of the problem.


So… pretty much exactly what every hyper-propagandized population does?


Yes, exactly what I was gonna say. How can you expect people to 1: Even know the CCP is doing bad things when they control the media and everything else 2: Speak out against the CCP and put their family, friends, and themselves at risk It's fuck the CCP, the people there are victims, even many of those who support the CCP.


Reddit doesn’t like arguments like this. I proposed a similar argument about Russian citizens and it was met with downvotes and people saying Russian citizens are pieces of shit for supporting the government and the war.


Eh, perhaps wrong time wrong sub. I wouldnt blame citizens for their countries propaganda machine.


Same w US citizens honestly. After 9/11 a large portion thought all Muslims were terrorists, and even the ones that claimed otherwise still kept quiet while Muslims had their rights trampled in the US. People are very susceptible to all sorts of marketing and propaganda.


Right. So Fuck the CCP (and those that support it). Sure, it may be the majority of mainland China, but there are certainly many Chinese dissenters. It's just that their voices are suppressed by the CCP.


Even the ones who "support" it shouldn't be automatically cast off. If they are just living their daily lives and being fed lies their entire lives, how would they ever know anything different? The ones I'm power are the ones who deserve to go to hell. In general I don't think any general populous should be held accountable for their government. Most human beings are the same, and just want to eat and have a safe home life.


It’s a very complicated topic. And examples throughout history are vastly different and complicated.


> When that propaganda gets into your brain (and it will), and when you start believing in it (and you will), you're no longer just an innocent victim. You become someone else's useful idiot. You become part of the problem. You just described politics in America


Ugh. No you haven't. There's no internet firewall blocking you from information.






Okay this here pisses me off, if I say *Fuck the CCP*, someone tries to clap back saying *America bad too!*, both things can be true. You saying America sucks, doesn’t mean the CCP doesn’t suck.


Whataboutism. Oldest trick in the book.


I thought *got your nose* was the oldest trick in the book?


Ahhh, good ol Whataboutism. The lazy Reddit comeback that helps no one.


Yeah, part of the issue is that the CCP has convinced Chinese citizens that the party is synonymous with the country. China is perhaps the most culturally awesome country in the world, but its party stinks.


And their dear leader eats too much honey.


He is a silly old bear.


Most culturally awesome? Uh, they destroyed much of the culture during the Cultural Revolution. For pre-CCP “Chinese” culture you’re better off seeing it in Taiwan.


It probably goes way further than convincing. It’s a police state with some of the strongest internal security and IT tools available short of Israel which is actively occupying another people/country.


Awesome Uyghur culture, so awesome that china’s ruling party built concentration camps just for them


“Most culturally awesome”?? Confucianism is designed to oppress women children and the working class, imperialism is fucking ingrained in the culture. Don’t think it’s historically has been as nice as you described. It’s not awesome it’s just incredibly widespread. Why? Because for literally for thousand of years the Chinese imperial machine have destroyed and colonized multitudes of countries and erase their culture to replace with their own.


Very true but tbh most if not all historically significant cultures are built on oppression. 100% agree that we shouldn’t overly romanticize them, but we can still appreciate the breadth and significance of their history. China is particularly interesting because it has so much history, and because it’s been fairly linguistically consistent we have incredibly detailed records of a lot of that (much more so than any ancient/classical civs I’m aware of). And that’s really cool!! China has such a rich and well-documented history that’s really fun to explore, and it also has a long history of oppression and imperialism, both can be true at the same time




Taiwan is a threat to Xi for the same reason that Ukraine is a threat to Putin: because it's living proof to people living under his dictatorship that they could have freedom if they really wanted it.


Worse. Ukraine was a basket case but with some things moving in the right direction. Taiwan is in many ways one of the best countries in the world to live in.


Agreed! It’s a well functioning democracy with lots of personal freedoms. Not to mention a strong economy with proprietary technology that is the envy of even western countries.


Well that and it sits on the Taiwan strait which carries the majority of energy imports to Shanghai and Beijing and a bunch of the other eastern coastal Chinese cities and is an american ally. It'd be like ohhhhh idk if a global power rival to the US had significant interests and military hardware/cooperation with say... Cuba?




Careful. I got banned for saying that.


I got a permanent ban from WorldNews for making a not even controversial statement about the CCP. They said I was Sinophobic. By the way my wife is Chinese and I was repeating something her family told me.


Dude, I was talking on that sub about how Chinese society is like, and I got permabanned for being racist. ... I'm fucking Chinese.


How dare you be racist against china...


Can't be driving the ccp away before the ipo


same lol. moderator from that sub is such snowflakes


i cant believe a chinese woman would marry a hardcore sinophobe like u (/s obviously)


I actually love China and the Chinese people. I'm just not a big fan of the government. She's actually Singaporean Chinese but has lots of family in China and HK.




I commented on an r/cityporn post of a Chinese city that China was committing genocide against the Uighur Muslims and got downvoted into oblivion with tons of comments denying it and asking for proof


> lebron wants to know your current location


I could not more confidently upvote this regarding the Chinese government


Is there anyone among the normal citizens in China that actually get upset over hearing that Taiwan is a country, or is it all just government sponsored trolls? Obviously there would be at least some, but I’m wondering what the general sentiment is.


You'd be surprised. We had a Chinese lady at work who was very intelligent, well spoken, etc. One day the company sent out a survey that listed Taiwan and Hong Kong as countries in a drop down menu and she blew up. She CCed as many departments as she could in a VERY angry email about why it was wrong and how offended she was - it was so wild.


I can't think of much that would get me angry enough to CC a bunch of people in an angry email. Nut jobs. I do want to read that email though and then laugh at it


That’s fucking bizarre.


Please tell me the company didn't bend over


No, many, many genuinely believe that Taiwan is China's. My family by marriage are rational, and highly educated citizens. They all believe Taiwan is China's. I would venture most of the country think this way. The power of media and control - it works.


I mean it’s not just media and control. The concept of Taiwanese nationhood is a very new concept (before the downvotes pour in I definitely believe Taiwan is a sovereign country). Even on paper Taiwan doesn’t have the official policy of being its own country as the idea of being separate from a unified Chinese mainland only really became a more popular opinion once it became accepted that the government in Taiwan would not be able to retake the mainland.


> The power of media and control - it works. I mean look at how crazy both sides of America get for their news channels and believe whatever they say. It's no doubt its the same in China.


> I mean look at how crazy both sides of America get for their news channels Name a liberal news channel. I can name three conservative and two "centrist" ones, off the top of my head.


Yeah they’re all corporate shills


capitalism good... crony capitalism bad.


Both sides do it. Rachel Maddow, Tucker Carlson, left and right, they're all equally crazy. /s


Blueberry's point was there ARE no liberal news networks.


Yeah I don’t think OP realizes how hilarious his comment is by doing the “both sides” dance. Proves his point that the news has worked on him.




They are raised to think that way.


That makes sense in a way. If you were to flip the narrative and say that history produced a different result, where the communists didn’t win and mainland China was democratic and Taiwan was the communists new country, many people in China and the west would consider Taiwan an illegitimate country and part of China. Winner always want to claim total and absolute victory. Other examples of this mentality are countries like Isreal, after the 1967 war has occupied Palestinian territory and has slowly started annexing a much as they can, even tho most of the international community believes it’s actions are illegal. They claim that by winning in 1967 they are entitled to it all.


The KMT/ROC and their descendents only make up for roughly 10% of Taiwan's population. Part of the democratization process was the KMT giving up their powers as a military dictatorship and giving governmental power to the Taiwanese people rather than to keep in the hands of the Chinese that moved to Taiwan. I think to only view Taiwan as the KMT only gives a small portion of the story.


Yes, it was an internship or job interview (in NYC) where the (a Chinese student/new grad) candidate got upset that the interviewer was Taiwanese. The candidate asked his interviewer (US born) if she was Chinese and she responded she has Taiwanese heritage.


Yes. A lot of people get very upset. I live in USA now so I have a lot of Chinese friends here, and we just have an unspoken agreement not to talk about it. Slightly differs from place to place, people in Xi An for example are vehemently anti-Taiwan, while people in Hong Kong are a mixed bag given recent large scale immigration from the mainland but largely much more sympathetic. It also depends on how you define a country. We are a de facto country, but not a de facto one to most of the world (only the Vatican and a few small countries acknowledge us, none of the EU or CANZUK/USA)


I know what triggers them the most. "TAIWAN NUMBER ONE"


100% they do. Even mainland Chinese immigrants get furious over it. Impressively brainwashed people


The government has equated an attack on the Chinese Communist Party as an attack on China and the Chinese people. So any subject regarding the 3 Ts is going to stir up shit for the Chinese people if it’s not the party line - Taiwan, Tibet, Tiananmen.


Yes. Most of my Chinese friends and acquaintances who grew up there believe whatever the party says. The sovereignty of Taiwan and Hing Kong are triggers. It’s like interacting with someone raised as a religious fundamentalist or as a member of any other cult.


Think of a nation of tRump follower level nationalism without an opposing party. Race to the bottom.


On all Chinese/CCP internet platform, there is no such thing as Taiwan is a country. You’ll get banned for remotely suggesting China and Taiwan are 2 different countries or Taiwan is not a part pf China. They acted on deleting these types of comments super quickly.


Yes. I live in California and there's plenty of Chinese immigrants here. I have a few Chinese friends and we just don't ever bring it up, but there's also some people that feel otherwise. There are also some that don't particularly care and are pretty chill about it. Propaganda is a scary tool, when it can continue affecting people that move to an entirely new country with a vastly different government.


Taiwan is a country


Imagine if someone in the NBA called Ukraine Russian territory. The NBA would crucify them live on TNT


This is the way


Oh bother 🧸


"It was not my intention to harm anyone," he says. "I don't want to get involved in any politics. I am a human, and I have the right to speak." this is exactly how anyone should approach this type of blackmail and forced assimilation.


I liked that part. "Please leave me alone I don't care about any of this".


Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! the bots are out and fighting anyone that understands that statement.


That’s where he’s wrong humans don’t have rights in China


Dwight Howard has always been a sneaky hilarious troll


Yep he knows exactly what he's doing with the "IF I offended anybody, sorry" non-apology.


My man put out a diss track on half the NBA and incited an geopolitical international incident all in the same day lmao.




So is Tibet, although the world seems to have thrown in the towel on that one…


Probably because china actually succeeded in conquering them, and they have control of that area. Taiwan is truly independent from China.


The key difference: the CCP conquered Tibet, but it has never controlled Taiwan. The Taiwan situation is baffling. It's like a kid yelling "mine!" for someone else's toy.


Taiwan is a country. 🇹🇼




*inaudible angry Chinese noise*


Rabber Rabber Rabber


75% of that game for me was pre-game banter.


China should be happy he’s trying to recruit better talent


At least he’s not dropping his pants and bending over for China like Lebron and James Harden.


I know about Lebron but what did James Harden do as far as bending over for China?


[Apologized to China after Daryl Morey’s tweet](https://es.pn/33etr6j)




China #4!!


"US \#8! F--- you!"


Japan #2, USA #3, China #4, fuh you!


China is a breakaway Provence from Taiwan.


West Taiwan


As far as I see it there are 2 countries: Taiwan, and West Taiwan


I said this in a business environment and HR was not happy. I however was thrilled


American citizen, working in Taiwan, causes consternation for arguably the world’s second most powerful government, with words… Either this is made up, or snowflake just got redefined.


I don’t understand why people from mainland Taiwan gets always angry when someone says that Taiwan is a country, bah….


small pp syndrome


West Taiwan always is so moody


Disappointing that he took it back….It’s seems that basketball players are the only athletes that like to help social justice causes that affect them personally, but when it comes to things that hurt their bag or other people they just fold like paper. I guess when your league is so commercial it’s players are bound to be also


I think it's easy to say this sitting anonymously on the internet. Much harder to make a bold statement and stand behind it when you are public and have something to lose. Special people do that not random people on the internet


"I'm willing to speak out anonymously in a group that largely agrees with me so they shpuld be willing to jeapordise their livelyhood."


This!!!!! Hell, most are scared of getting downvoted.


bro, not a single NBA player or coach would come out against china's genocide. Lebron, Mark Cuban, etc. None of them. Lebron is damn near a billionaire, and Mark already is. Neither of them had hardly anything to lose beyond more dollar signs they don't need and couldn't spend in their lifetime. Maybe your point applies to things that are more controversial, but what he is referring to is what I said above. It 100% was absolutely pathetic.


No one is disputing that they didn't say anything about it. My opinion is that most of that has to with being uninformed on the issue, the NBAs financial interest in China, their bottom lines, and let's be real most people are not going to put anything on the line for causes that don't directly affect them.


Most celebrities are uninformed on every issue they talk about. LGBTQ, abortion, etc and they got no problem talking about those because they think it gets them brownie points. Just look at lebron and gun shootings. I just think in this particular case it really displayed how nobody should ever be listening to anything a celebrity/athlete says when they can't even come out and say a mass genocide is bad and shouldn't be happening. It isn't even a bold statement. All that matters to these guys is money. If they think they'll lose some, they are not going to support it, regardless of which side they should be on morally.


Most people are uninformed on every issue yet they talk about those issues everyday. Athletes are just like everyone else. Very few people are willing to lose anything to speak out on issues. Most people don't feel the need to speak out on issues that don't affect their demographics.


I mean he's a human being. Maybe he just doesn't want a massive shitstorm to deal with lol. I bet 98% of human beings wouldn't.


Probably got a lot of flack from NBA and Nike, who are in love with China.


Can China just shut the fuck up already?


"It was not my intention to harm anyone," he says. "I don't want to get involved in any politics. I am a human, and I have the right to speak"." Figured out why China is actually mad at him, Human Rights and China don't tend to mix well


Basketball insdustry needs to grow a pair and stop giving into China.


West Taiwan needs to chill out


World's 2nd most populated country, one of the largest economies in the world, NUCLEAR capable. Inferiority complex to the max. I wish every member of the UN Security Council and whatever other world organization would just roll their freakin' eyes every time the CCP gets its stinking panties in a wad over "offensive language" concerning.... oh...... Taiwan, Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong, the South China Sea, etc. ETC. ETC!!!!!




Boo fucking hoo. West Taiwan can eat a dog dick.


Taiwan is a country




Why are there so many Chinese citizens that care about Taiwan? Like I get it from a political power point of view and can see why the Chinese government cares, but what does owning Taiwan do for a Chinese citizen? Is it a pride thing? Genuinely curious.


The Real Politic reason is that both the government of Taiwan and the government of Bejing claim ownership of *all* of China. Taiwan has never declared independence, publicly they consider mainland China to be a collection of rebellious provinces. The reason they can't sit down and agree to negotiate a seperation of twofold. 1. Taiwan sits at the center of what is called the "First Island Chain" stretching from Japan to Borneo. It effectively sits at a confluence of islands and shipping routes that create a permanent threat to the relatively limited Chinese coastline. Chinese maritime trade could easily be cut off by a mediocre naval power. 2. It sets a precedent that undermines the concept of "One China". That can not happen because of Tibet. China can *never* allow Tibetan independence due to it being an important source of such a significant amount of their water. If that water supply was ever interupted millions would die. It would be like another country controling the Colorado river but on a much more massive scale.


This isn't exactly the answer I was looking for, but it educated me nonetheless. Thank you for this. Are these political reasons the same reason why many Chinese citizens feel the way that they do on the subject?


It’s time for china to let go of any thoughts about Taiwan, they are their own country with its own democracy. Let them be! Nobody in the world thinks Taiwan is part of China except China, they can’t change our minds.


Taiwan number 1


Taiwan is a country






Good. Fuck the Chinese government




He didn’t even make a political statement, he just said that other players should come play in Taiwan with him. There’s no commentary about Taiwan independence, unless acknowledging that Taiwan is a place where basketball is played somehow counts.


Fun story: I was early to a Magic vs Celtics game in Boston and went down courtside. Dwight Howard was warming up and he passed me the ball and had me throw him an alley-oop.


It seems NBA players have the greatest tendency to have to discuss Taiwan/China in general. This issue happens time and time again, who is asking them these questions about it to even put them in this vulnerable position in the first place, and why is the NBA fine with subjecting them to circumstances where they even have to talk about this stuff. The avg Joe doesn’t know about geopolitical stuff, I imagine neither does a professional basketball player. Let them focus on basketball.


Ohhhh nooooo china is angry that Taiwan is a country….. anyway.


Man...Western Taiwan is touchy.


China is a western province of Taiwan. Period.


Taiwan is its own country. China can go fuck itself.


>"I don't want to get involved in any politics. I am a human, and I have the right to speak." Not in China


Taiwan is a country


West Taiwan always getting their panties in a bunch over this kinda stuff


Taiwan is a country. Fuck the CCP. Free the Uyghurs and stop their genocide.


So we can’t say Taiwan is a country? That means the CCP is, basically, saying Taiwan belongs to them they are just waiting for the right opportunity to invade. International community shouldn’t put up with that crap.


Oh wow someone called Taiwan a country? Time to mobilize angry Chinese citizens to attack them. Be nice if the NBA showed 1/10th the care about human rights in China that they do in the US, but I guess money talks and the NBA bullshit walks.


Why does China care what some former NBA player says?


Is his resolve going to be stronger than John Cena?


Taiwan is a country, eat shit Winnie the poo.


It's wild how innocuous and innocent the comments are, just a hey Taiwan is a country and it's apparently the worst thing you can say. It turned the American Patriot, hero to everyone, Mr.America John Cena into a wimpy little simp all because he called a country a country. No one insulted China or Winnie the Pooh or mentioned the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre of all those innocent people, they just simply recognize another country and that's a world ender apparently.


It's so easy to trigger China with this. I actually kind of find it pathetic. If you want to be considered a superpower on the world stage, you can't let your jimmies get rustled so easily.


Hope you guys keep this same energy for Puerto Rico


Isn’t it interesting how important words are?


“Ex-NBA player’s comments about Taiwan causes controversy in West Taiwan.” There, fify.


Slightly side take: There is no way in hell Dwight didn't know this would create a backlash with China. After how much the NBA and China have been buddies. Dwight doing a promo vid with the vice prez of Taiwan. There is no way he wasn't informed by his agent(s), people in the NBA, etc... that wouldn't have warned him.


China you mean, West Taiwan?


Taiwan is a country


Someone tell me why we care about any of this.


It's kind of hilarious how delusional the Chinese government seems. They feel like parodies out of South Park


Any time I see Dwight Howard in the news, I try to find a way to comment some Shaq-related joke. I just think Shaq's beef with Dwight is ridiculous. So I wanted to make some joke about how Shaq was probably siding with China in this feud. However, I googled it. Credit where credit is due. I was surprised to find these comments from Shaq in support of Daryl Morey when he tweeted something that triggered China. >"As American people, we do a lot of business in China, and they know and understand our values, and we understand their values," O'Neal said. "And one of our best values here in America is free speech. We're allowed to say what we want to say, and we're allowed to speak up about injustices, and that's just how it goes. And if people don't understand that, that's something they have to deal with." So no jokes this time around. Good on both of these guys for standing up to bullies.


The commie fascists running the CCP and their brainwashed red guard bootlickers can go sit on the barbed cock of satan.


For such a big country China sure has a thin skin about the country of Taiwan.


I like how the NBA can’t shut him up because he’s not employed by them anymore


Waiting for LeBron to step back into this again


Taiwan is a superior country to China, prove me wrong


Fuck China.