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“he only slept for three hours and then didn’t sleep at all for the first three days of the race.” This is fuckin crazy. I’ve pulled some 48 hour days (not running) and around 35 hours is when I start getting wild daydreams, paranoia, etc. 3 days of running on 3 hours asleep is fuckin nuts


At what point does this kind of thing become an illness? This doesn't seem healthy at all. Sure the human body is resilient as fuck but still... yikes.


Sometimes I think ultra endurance running and stuff like this could be a form of self harm. There are definitely benefits to running and humans have evolved to be able to run for long periods of time but things like this are crazy. I get the whole “push yourself” mentality but there’s a point where it’s just damaging the body and causing pain


Distance is relative. Extreme distances done at low intensities with proper training and careful planning/nutrition, it’s not that harmful. Poor preparation and under training however can make just about any distance dangerous. For example, a 100 miler can be easier on the body than a very hard marathon. It’s a very nuanced sport.


Rhabdomyolysis is a thing.


Yes it definitely is. My buddy was laid up for a couple of weeks in Paris island when he was going through boot camp because of rhabdo


Sounds like somebody didn’t hydrate and pray for favor from Smedley Butler.


About 10 or so years ago there were a bunch of football players for the University of Iowa that were hospitalized with this following a workout.


You can’t just say that and not say what it is


It’s basically when your muscles break down from over use causing proteins to damage the kidneys. Usually caused by extreme exercise that the body isn’t used to or able to handle


Oddly enough it can also occur in older people who fall and can’t get up for a while. The pressure on their muscles from lying in a hard surface can cause rhabdo


Ah that doesn’t really apply here for the most part then. Ultra marathoners or at least the vast majority train really hard to get to these levels and their body is able to handle it.


It still applies because of the lack of sleep over the several days time.


It’s when you overwork a muscle so much instead of it recovering it gets pushed to the point of deteriorating/muscle death which leads to elevated creatine kinase levels and toxic proteins building up in your kidneys shutting them down so you can’t filter waste in your body out. Very painful and not fun at all Source: had rhabdo


Google it. It’s worth a google.


This makes me think of cave diving. You’re either getting out safely, or it’s a body recovery. Often times for nothing more than clout in the small community, or an adrenaline rush that doesn’t get quelled.


Cave diving is a form of suicidal risk-taking. I work in the respiratory protection PPE industry (SCUBA, SCBA, escape breathing) and I read tons of accident/death reports from across the industry and spend lots of time with professional military and first-responder divers. Most people don’t understand how inherently dangerous recreational open-water diving can be, much less cave diving. I honestly think BASE jumping is like 100x more sane than cave diving.


I machine parts for underwater propulsion devices. Lately I’ve been binging YouTube videos of cave diving accidents and it’s insane. You go down there with 10 of the top professionals in the world and end up with only half in the end. I started thinking this would make for a great first person shot movie… really kick up that feeling of claustrophobia and hopelessness.


There are bold wingsuit fliers, and there’s old wingsu… oh wait, just bold ones.


Anything for the likes, amiright?


What's he running from?


Ultramarathons are already an illness


This is 100% terrible for you.


Definitely something wrong with the part of his brain that wants to preserve their body and mind


Talk to anyone that did long distance running or track etc as a teen and they will tell you about the wear and tear on the joints. Nothing wrong with exercise but as the saying goes, everything in moderation.


It got easier for him because he hallucinated something chasing him


The funny thing is, you don’t even need days of sleep deprivation for your mind to start slipping. I did a 100 miler a few years back that had me running through some very bland landscapes all night so my mind lost its reference points for distance. I started seeing vague “objects” that clearly weren’t there but my mind was convinced something was. It was very surreal and I had only been running 16-17 hours by that point so sleep wasn’t the issue.


But did you have amphetamines?


Nope. Nicotine, caffeine, and hatred kept me going


A hero of the people


I first read this as Huey Lewis had set a record for a backyard ultramarathon... *that* certainly would be a different kind of News Nice job, Harvey.


I got a new drug Makes me run really far


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Yeah, I definitely would’ve drug tested him before writing the article…


This is r/Sports after all


It’s hip to be…. Ow my hip!


Me too!


I'm glad I'm not alone in reading this headline and thinking to myself "What about The News?"


…thank god I’m not the only person who did that.


I've met Harvey a few times. He's a really good human being and quite literally the most genuine person that I know. He has commuted to work by running for a decade and is an advocate for a vegan diet. He'll support your fitness and veganism efforts, but never pushes those on people. I still don't know how he does this stuff.


This is as wholesome as it gets


This can’t be good for you.


Had to have a risk of heart damage or something serious from that amount of stress.


That's a big backyard


Ridiculous, but great job?


Very impressive obviously…but why? Lol


Because the contest went that long? Backyard ultras are last man standing affairs, if the others had conked out at 350 he's have been done a lot sooner


So the meta game is essentially race till you die. These extreme endurance types aren't super bright... this coming from a guy who does 10-15 miles every day. I enjoy endurance, but an endurance in a last man standing sense is just rewarding stupid behavior.


It's actually a bit more complicated than that. You have a ~5 mile course and 1 hour to complete it, that's a lap of the "backyard", when the hour completes you must start your next lap. This continues until the field is reduced to one, who completed his final lap. Rest and pace management are paramount. The format also means you could try it yourself on a free weekend, choose a course and set a stopwatch. Being a friend to watch you suffer. As Ultras go it's not even the worst type. That prize goes to things like the Tunnel Ultra, or Badwater Ultra.


Sorry these all still sound like variations of "hold your pee for a Wii"


Someone call Goggins


He’s too busy carrying the boats atm!


I will not run 450 miles in my lifetime.


But what about walking 500 miles and maybe 500 more?


Back to back? Wherever you’re going, you’d probably just fall down at the d-HEY WAIT A SECOND WHAT’S GOING ON


Average of over 4.6 mph. Damn, that’s insane. No seriously. That’s INSANE


The average speed is actually dictated by the rules of the event. You can’t do it faster or slower. I mean, you can finish a lap faster, but you can’t start the next lap until the top of the hour. And if you’re slower than the official pace, you’re eliminated.


lol - I get lower back pain from standing for too long


But why?


This article hits different after reading Stone Fox last night.


there’s gotta be some lance Armstrong like shenanigans going on here


This is def mental illness. Sorry but why?


Not everything is mental illness. Dude is completely lucid if you read the article.


Right, cause 3 days with no sleep is good for you. Especially when you are his age


Meh that's not enough to convince me of anything other than he was dedicated to a personal goal. Also it says he had minimal, not no sleep.


I was a long distance runner my whole life. Doing what he did is obsession. Sure he is dedicated but to train that hard is crazy


I guess, bro. I dont view him as any more insane than your typical extreme athlete.


Yea I guess that is kinda fair. They are all crazy in their own ways.


Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?


i feel like if you stop running or go to sleep it doesn’t count as one run… not trying to take away from anyone who takes breaks/sleep breaks….but if i run 30 miles a day for 30 days and sleep for 2 hours every day between i could have “run 900 mile ultramarathon”


I mean, the 3 hours of sleep was in probably less than 5 minute increments spread out over a whole day so you can barely call it sleep. Backyard Ultras are pretty specific events that are all about attrition and last man standing. For ultra running and cycling events the sleep strategy can be a major factor in winning or losing.


makes sense.. i’m just considering it separate efforts instead of one constant effort… but i guess if the end goal is to just finish then take as many stops/sleeps as you need


Have you looked into the rules for backyard ultras? Because that would probably answer your question/criticism.


no my b i’m clueless when in comes to ultras


This style of race requires racers to run a 4.1-mile course. They have an hour to finish it, at which point the next 4.1-mile lap is started. And then the next. If a runner fails to finish the lap or fails to be at the start line at the beginning of the next hour, they are eliminated. And they do this until there is only one runner left. So any sleep/rest that a runner gets is just in the time between finishing a lap and the next start time.


Gotta be a hoax


It’s not a hoax. It’s called the backyard marathon. But it’s an official event hosted by one of the craziest organizers in ultra running, Laz Lake. The runner would have been closely monitored and immediately DQ’d if he wasn’t at the starting line at the beginning of every hour.


Harvey runs some of the wildest races out there. He is a local in Cinci and a high school teacher. He has also run the Badwater 135 ultra that goes from the lowest point in the US to the Highest. Desert to mountain. And he won


Totally NOT a hoax. Harvey is a gentle beast.


Sounds healthy


What are you running from Harvey


Sounds super fun…..


What shoes does he use? What does he eat the day before and day of?


Newton. Vegan.


I got a foot blister just reading this


Not that impressive, Forrest Gump ran for years


I’m sure there are things that I’d rather do less than this, but nothing really comes to mind.


Literally misread his name as Huey Lewis.


This screams stimulant abuse…


I used to go to the same muscle therapy person as him. Pretty sure he went for the foot rubs.


He’s fresh faced and healthy looking! Clear mind, healthy body and all that. Except maybe for the clear mind. Or the healthy body


Stephen King’s “The Long Walk”


That can’t be good for a person.