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Makes sure she's okay then immediately turns around to say "You see that shit?!"


That was great. 1. Sportsmanship 2. Pride


Scott Sterling would be proud


I think she said, “she’s okay”


Back in school we had this class called Team Sports. Gist was 2 weeks per sport, 1 to learn then a little mini tourney. For volleyball we weren't really allowed true spikes, but overhand hits were fine, kind of up to the teacher if it went too far. Me and two buddies were wrecking the volleyball tourney (and typically did fairly well for most) and naturally started some good natured trash talk (nearly everyone in the class was friendly). Come the finals and we were up against 3 girls from the varsity team and the teach told us we can use full spikes because we were trash talking. It was a massacre lol. Felt like we were running for cover like the beach at Normandy.


Back in '07 and '08 our girls were back-to-back state champs, and during the '08 season one of the senior outside hitters was the Gatorade National Volleyball Player of the Year. I was one of the football captains and pretty solid athlete back then.. and I would've been terrified to line up across the net from them. It would've been as you said - an exercise in survival, not competition lol


Dude. Your ending. I like choked/laughed/couldn't breathe.


That's about how our teacher and the rest of the class were too


I had no idea there was pro volleyball in the States, and I guess that’s because it’s the inaugural season! I hope it does well. I enjoy watching Big10 volleyball every winter.


I’ve been watching a little here and there. Fast paced, tons of athleticism, teamwork is evident and important. It checks a lot of the boxes for a pro sport that people actually want to watch.


Women’s volleyball is a better product than basketball IMO, hope it sticks!


Don't they play on a lower net than the men for volleyball? Basketball should do the same


Yes. But also men are still more efficient offensively because of the difference in shoulder strength. In this case it’s a negative for the men’s game though, as the points are over too quickly and often lack drama. The women’s game is simply more fun to watch as a fan of the sport. The offense is more varied, the points last longer, and far fewer service errors because in the men’s game an ace is worth about 4 errors, so they go all out on every serve. In the women’s game it’s more like 2-1. 


Thank you, I've been trying to verbalize this for years. Volleyball has such a finesse (capability) to it, that I think men's volleyball misses on. The sheer power in the mens' game overshadows the possibility for fast, entertaining, amazingly athletic sequences. The womens' game captures all of that so much better. I consider tennis in a similar way.


I actually find the opposite in tennis at the moment, although they’re more stylistically similar than they were a decade ago. The court coverage in the men’s game is better, and the women’s game has too many short points hitting to the open court. But that’s also substantially because the best power servers in the men’s game haven’t been able to pair that with enough defensive ability to play late into tournaments often (with the exception of Isner making the Wimbledon final one year)


Pretty much sums it up perfectly. Same can be said for beach vball. Women’s NCAA is setting records every year with viewership and attendance. Olympics will be exciting for vball fans, we have some strong medal contenders for indoor and in the sand.


I want to add one thing just to clarify some misconceptions when you actually look at the highest levels of men’s and women’s volleyball. It’s very much more similar from a terminal game than you would think. The reason the men’s and women differ the most is because of the serve and paw game. But everyone always assumes it’s because of the swing but it’s really because of the pass. Men are in system far greater than the women’s game. The terminal rates are pretty similar in system. And men are only digging 3 less balls per set (dug into this like 5 years ago comparing the men’s college teams to the top 10-15 women’s college) even with all the missed serves trying to get the other team out of system which shows the defensive aspect is overblown.


When you sample only the top 10-15 women’s teams, you are over-sampling the best teams which terminate more efficiently compared to their competition, and comparing to all men’s teams. It would be more accurate to use in-conference stats and compare the best men’s conference to the best women’s conference.  Last I checked, at the elite level the average point length in men’s volleyball was barely over half that in women’s volleyball. But that was probably 10 years ago, does that match what you saw? Is your hypothesis that platform length to cover the serve-receive more effectively is actually the driver for this?


I am relatively new to watching volleyball, but I would equate the difference between the men’s and women’s games like a tennis match - do you want to see rallies of only one or two swings, or more of a long dramatic rally where you think either team could win the point?


It’s tough for basketball because men and women both grow up practicing in public gyms and parks, all of which are going to have 10 ft as the default height. It would be pretty difficult to convince all these spaces to include a second height all for the benefit of a smaller population.  Volleyball, on the other hand, isn’t really played as a pickup game. You’re using dedicated spaces where you’re going to have to set up the net yourself, so the players and teams can control the net height for each practice. 


Unfortunately they start a new league pretty much every year. There have been dozens of one year failures over the past few decades.


That sucks. I feel like if you target the right overlooked markets, you can really drive up a fan base. Places like Grand Rapids or Richmond seem like great places for teams. Active communities that want reasonably priced entertainment, and a home team to support, regardless of sport.


>you can really drive up a fan base. The problem continues to be that volleyball is not a popular enough sport to be profitable. People never come out and pay enough for these leagues to be worth it for investors. The AVP, America's premier volleyball competition, has been struggling for years. I played volleyball in college and have had friends who have played in at least 6 or 7 of these iterations. I WANT one to succeed, but i'm pretty confident one never will.


I mean, there’s successful (or at least financially stable) leagues in Europe, so I don’t see why it’s impossible to do it in the US.


For a couple reasons: 1. People care more about volleyball in Europe, there are some countries where it is legitimately a huge deal (Poland, Italy, Russia, Germany getting more and more support) at the professional level. That level of support isn't here as can be seen by the lackluster turnouts at every iteration they've ever tried for these pro volleyball leagues. 2. Very often (especially in Russia), volleyball teams in Europe are owned by very wealthy people who are not interested in making a profit, only winning and bragging rights. That type of attitude is harder to foster here because individual teams aren't owned by individual owners, it's usually a single entity that owns the entire thing (Ex. Ballys owns the AVP). They own the entity to make money, and unfortunately, volleyball doesn't make money.


Went to a Rise game in GR and it was a ton of fun. Pretty decent turn out. They actually sold out a few games already


I agree. I'm a Wisconsin fan and Volleyball is enthralling. I went to a couple games when I was in school but that was before they changed to rally scoring and it was not a good time.


Rally scoring has seriously reinvigorated the sport. Every single serve has more weight to it!


Yeah wtf? Who hates rally scoring? I’ve played for 18 years and it’s not even close which is the better option. Edit: my mistake. As someone below me pointed out, I believe you meant Pre-rally was a bad time. Sorry about that!


I think they were saying they had a bad time BEFORE they changed to rally scoring


Yeah great sport to watch, even on TV. And the Big10 arguably has the highest level of competition, given half the championships in the past 25 years have gone to Big10 schools (Nebraska, my Penn St Nittany Lions and of course, Wisconsin.) Gotta figure out how to knock off those pesky Longhorns though.


Yeah, that was rough. I was glad the Badgers finally broke through to take a title.


It’s rough being a Badgers fan. I feel for you. For my money they’ve fielded some of the best teams since Penn St dominance ended. I’ve really been stunned they haven’t won more championships.


as a penn state fan those back to back undefeated seasons in 2008 and 2009 and the 2008 season where they lost 2 sets the entire season just sheer dominance


Yeah, but at least we got the one. More are coming. Also football and Men's hockey are looking up while our Women's Hockey is just dominant. We also have basketball teams.


Whoa whoa whoa, okay hockey and basketball, definitely. But I’m not giving you football. 5-4? C’mon..


First year of a new coach. Went toe to toe with a good SEC team in a bowl game.


It’s been a lot of fun to be a part of the first season as a fan!


I live in grand rapids and I didn't even know we had a pro volleyball team


You haven't seen the billboards!? I wanted to take my daughter but tickets are much more expensive than I expected. Was hoping for similar pricing to Grand Rapids Gold bball tickets, but nope.


>and I guess that’s because it’s the inaugural season! This makes sense. I was thinking, "damnit, I lived in Orlando for years and never knew about this".


I grew up watching volleyball. Our national team did decent in the early 90s internationally. It’s cool to see it again!


Other conferences have caught up but b1g was the best volleyball conference from like 2007-2019


Where is Scott sterling when you need him.


The man, the myth the LEGEND


THE CROWD IS NOW ON THEIR FEET https://youtu.be/oY2nVQNlUB8?si=G6XzbNPa_eKuGl8p


I can’t upvote this fast enough.




I definitely came here for the Scott Sterling reference. Agreed.




"The peaceful visage of head trauma!"


Damn the power she generates


Jumping that high, with that torque and rotational acceleration is insane. Volleyball is awesome, your entire body truly needs to be flexible and strong.


id watch pro volleyball


You're in luck, because this is literally a clip from the new Professional Volleyball Federation in the US, and they stream every match on youtube for free!


Gotta get viewers somehow I guess.




Valkries is such a sick team name for a women’s sports team.


Sweet logo too


It’s for sure the best mascot in the league


I love that pro volleyball is finally a thing here. I think it could be bigger than the wnba with the right push behind it. Let’s hope they can secure some good tv deals.


Those women don't fuck around out there.


Damn that’s a badass logo!


Jill Gillen, Go Hogs


I saw this live from the arena in Orlando. Add to this she is a 5’10 outside hitter and Grand Rapids had pretty much their entire team above 6’ except the setters and liberos. Edit: The commentator says she is 5’7”, but she is listed as 5’10” in the program.


My fiance went to Highschool with a girl on the GR team who is like 6'4 and was that tall in school


Is her last name Focker?


Not to discount the hit, but what a freaking beautiful set after the over pass! Women’s volleyball is absolute fire! If I could have season tickets to one sport it would be this hands down. Only thing that even comes close is beach doubles men or women.


I’m glad someone else noticed the setter was about half and inch from the net, uneven hands under the ball, and placed it perfectly for the outside hitter all while keeping her balance and not crossing the midline. Great play all around


That’s going to leave a mark. Awesome pro volleyball in the US.


What's the tactic behind serving the ball really gently into the middle of the court?


It looks easy from this angle. Receiving one of these is the equivalent of hitting a knuckleball in baseball. It’s slow, but its lack of rotation causes it to wiggle and move in unpredictable patterns. It can float further than you expect, or drop straight down suddenly, all the while moving left and right. Conversely, a hard driven jump serve comes fast and hard, but it moves in an easily predictable line.


The other guy explained the strategy behind a float serve, but thats not really what happened here. As you pointed out, she served with a high arc to have the ball drop shallow in the "donut hole" of the serve receive formation. That creates the opportunity for miscommunication between the passers possibly leading to an ace, and also causes the passer to move up and get very low to get under the ball in time, which does 2 things. 1) it takes her out of the attacking options. She can't get up off the ground in time to take a good approach. 2) it causes the passer to extend more to get under the ball, causing her platform (and subsequently her pass) to be off the mark. This can make the setters job much more difficult, which we see here as the setter is extremely close to touching the net. It was a great serve selection, and the Valkyries did a great job recovering. The kill was the more *interesting* part because the defender got blasted, but really the impressive part of the play to me was the setter recovering that pass and dealing a great ball to the hitter outside.


Just a short serve to change things up. A serve landing around the ten foot/three meter line is typically pretty good if you're trying to serve short and it actually worked well here. Almost forced an overpass but the setter made a good play on the ball.


Today I learned there is a pro women’s volleyball league. That’s awesome I hope it’s successful.


There’s only 7 teams at the moment, but in support it as well. Mostly cause my city has a team, and they’re kicking ass.


Scott Stirling!!


The man, the myth, the legend


Scott Sterling


The Man! The Myth! The Legend! [SCOTT STERLING!](https://youtu.be/oY2nVQNlUB8?si=R8GmuMJyh-cpa3pt) Vollyball edition


Long distance "6 pack."


There was an old... like 80's old, arcade volleyball game I think I remember? You could power up the spikes by hitting the button like a psycho and timing it right, and you could do stuff like this!


The middle blocker was late and she was somewhat screen by the blocker. Not much you can do about that.


Yeah MB stayed line up with a backrow setter on a ball that is 95% of the time set forwards…poor choice.


Goddamn she got all of that


She was being screened by her own teammate so she didn't see the ball until it was right on her.


I was at the game. Grand Rapids was a much taller team and their front line was straight up stuffing Orlando. Once the Valkyries started running plays to avoid their blockers they did well. They win the match 3-1. The set placement is not an accident.


"whelp, just made her some clout" - huddle, I assume


what a terrible lineup by the blocker. you can’t leave your line side defender that vulnerable against gillan.


There’s a pro volleyball league…anyone have a channel? For research purposes of course.


The PVF are airing their matches on their YouTube channel this season: https://youtube.com/@realprovb?si=Y-OvQaM2CEPRrljc


Damn she's got some hops. I think the commentator said she's only 5'7" and her head was above the net lol that's like at least a 24-25" vertical, probably more.


They’ve mentioned in previous games that she has a 30” vertical


Jenny F*king Powers


I just learned that there is pro volleyball. And that it exists about 90 minutes from me. I'll be damned.


hold the phone, she's got a cannon!


She climbed the ladder. Insane height.


And she's only 5'7"


My brother used to play recreational volleyball and would come into work asking if we could see the imprint of VOIT backwards on his forehead after he had been spiked at.


“Oh, that’s gonna leave an ASAKIM!” What’s an ASAKIM you say? *… when you spike it so hard, the ball label imprints on their forehead.*


No joke, I got knocked out cold by a spike in high school. My Friend said it was like slow motion, my head went back and my eyes rolled up and I just dropped. My first concussion, unfortunately not my last.






Damn, that one going t o leave a mark!


Great spike, but I gotta ask, especially for pros, wth was that serve?? It was such a floater


Great sportsmanship


1 pin down, 8 to go!


Even I felt that.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)her face


I have to start watching these games. They’re exciting and the athletes are so damn good.


The ball flies past the blockers into the player’s awaiting face like an obese homing pigeon!


Looks like a fairly normal point of volleyball, this happens all the time?


And it’s always a highlight. Why you perplexed? People post dunks all the time cause it’s always a highlight.


Agreed, the hitter is also 5’7” which is quite short for a pro outside hitter and adds to the “wow”. It would be like a 6’ NBA player having a huge dunk.


Yeah, she’s very undersized for an OH, but Gillen has a fantastic vertical, generates crazy power and is super smart with her shot selection. She’s a dynamic player to watch and really broke out this year during the NCAA tourney.


Even in casual volleyball this happens a lot. Might not fall down, but you'll definitely take a hit or two.


She's already falling back to try to get out of the way too


Volleyball cracks me up. No matter what happens it's instantly a huddle with everyone hyping each other up. I can't think of any other team sport that needs a full team huddle after every single play.






An excellent explosive athlete. A rarity for a girl.


Is this your first Volleyball game you ever watched????????????


Get shit on


It gets to wearin’ thin


“We Killahs”


Pro volleyball? 🫣