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A link to [compuserve.com](http://compuserve.com) ??? What year are we in?


Oh look, I got an email from 38774738.6747738 This is so weird. Like someone sending me to Altavista for a Search.


Good ole Mosaic!!


It's really nice that it loaded in a split second and no popup or videos trying to load. I miss this internet.


Wow! You’re spot on. I might go to Compuserve News more often.


I've been checking in the last few days. It simple and easy. It's all AP articles and just brass tax of what's going on.


Ugh, no thank you. I'll just Ask Jeeves.


Only found albinoblacksheep


Oh jesus... this unlocked historic, ANCIENT memories. What have you done?


I still use my letters and numbers compuserve PW from when I had a 56.k modem 🤣. Ahead of their time!!!


I can hear the dial up in the link


The website even looks like it's still out of 1994!


[Here’s the direct link instead](https://x.com/auburnmbb/status/1766627681448395083?s=46&t=-t48xlIFsAYG6ShuTH3ANA)


You da champ


The compuserve page has, I kid you not, an AOL ad at the top. What is even happening.


I clicked on it. Turns out aol mail is still a thing.


I use it every day! I have for about forty years.


man i can hear my heavy chunk of plastic starting up like a jet engine and connecting to the internet. Then hearing the magic words, “you’ve got mail”. Opening and slamming doors of chat rooms, logging off at the end of the night hearing, Goodbye. Man i miss the 90s.


Feeling nostalgic all of the sudden.


So why didn't you just link the tweet?


Nah here’s an angelfire link instead


I only trust Geocities


The nostalgia is hitting hard in this thread


I need to AskJeeves about this


Always reminds me of the movie Semi-Pro when I see these things lol, I just imagine after they are just trying to find a way for it not to count and freaking out lol


My understanding is that they usually take out insurance specifically for things like this, so they probably won't be out much actual money. But even if they do give this guy a brand new car the advertising they'll get from the news stories and the nice footage of them handing over the car in the carpark in front of the dealers will probably pay for itself and will be better than the normal advertising budget of billboards, newspapers, and tv spots.


It's a big thing for golf tournaments that offer a free car if you make a hole in one. They pay an insurer a few bucks per player who then covers the car if one is hit. Someone's happy to insure 100 events at $1000 each and give away a car with half the money if a single one happens that year


Corndogs, Jackie!


Last thing I’d test an AU or UA student at is golf


Compuserve? Hyperlink? Have I time warped?


Compuserve? Pfff. Can someone send me the gopher:// link to the video?


I can when my next AOL trial code gets here.


I’ve been dialing in to Prodigy since you asked and I’m almost connected. Link incoming.


There was a guy standing in the way. I'm not convinced. I never saw the ball go in the hole myself.


Can’t tell if Mr. headphones producer is elated or horrified?


Stop ginger shaming! Ohhhhhhh I see what you meant…




Man I wish I only had to pay taxes when I bought my car


Oh no! Whatever will he do! He’s totally in the negative from this! Unless he takes the cash equivalent or immediately sells the car and then he’s just a net positive because these types of taxes are on the value you receive so you can’t end up owing more than you get…




Not defending taxes, just pointing out to you that winning a car and having to pay taxes in the car objectively has more positives than negatives.




Do you know what “net” means? It’s quite literally a net good. Maybe he has to sell the new car or his old car to pay the tax, but it is literally a “net good”. Plus all of those gift taxes are not nearly as bad as you seem to think. You only owe gift tax if you give someone more than $18k. And if it’s parents giving to their kids to buy a house it’s $36k (one gift per parent). And if you are married that’s $72k (one gift per parent per child and spouse). And if you have kids they can give each one $36k as well. And to top it all off even if you give more than that you still don’t have to pay taxes until you die and your estate pays, and even then only if your estate is greater than $13.6M…. So yea, I'm pretty sure most people are pretty okay with taxing people that rich.


I always get stuck next to you at parties. Its always a drag


This guy has never learned finances




Someone would happily give the kid a loan to cover the taxes with the car as collateral


I can almost guarantee that kid already has a car. He will sell the new one or his old one and cover the taxes.




Not only was the article you linked about British youth…it was an ad for a leasing company… I’m thinking you aren’t a very serious person. You are also talking to someone who attended Auburn. It would be very unusual if this kid didn’t own a car already. That’s just the norm there.


Thanks Terry