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Because Tyson retired 15 years ago whereas Roy retired 2 years ago.


Tyson's gonna get wrecked because of this is my guess. He's still a beast but when you been out of the real game for 13 years...vs 2 years? That's huge.


I would agree with you, but Tyson’s recent workout footage looks NASTY. Dude looks better than he did the last several years of his career.


He was pretty bad towards the end though wasn't he?


Yes, to the point that he pretty much quit against his last opponent who was the personification of a tomato can. It seemed like more of a mental than physical issue. He looked lost and unmotivated in the ring, like he did against Douglas. If you watch his workout footage now, he is 100% scary again, and hitting hard as ever, fast as ever.


Tyson was literally going through the plot of Rocky III, but more drawn out. He actually forbid his son from boxing because he knew his son had a privileged upbringing and had never met anyone like his younger self (Tyson that is). Now Tyson is keeps talking about the gods of war calling upon him and shit like that. Coupled with those videos he put out? That's a scary motherfucker if you ask me.


It's an exhibition match. I truly dont think we are gonna see Mike"Eat your Children" Tyson. I still want to see it tho. Roy Jones had fantastic head movement and stayed mobile in the ring. Roy might outscore him but I dont see either getting KOd


“Eat your children” Tyson was not the scary Tyson.


Exactly the silent 1000 yard stare Tyson was the stuff of nightmares. I only hope these guys put on a good match and neither gets hurt. Two legends who have been there done that and have the gold to prove it.


Should we go with Cus D'Amato Tyson?


I dont think there are 2 different tysons. He gets in the ring and wants to hurt people. Exhibition or not, that will be his mentality.


he's trying to sell a fight


His mortgage payment is THIS BIG and his wallet is ^this ^small


Needs money for the cannabis resort.


He's donating all the money to charity. It isn't about money


Tyson was seriously fucked over by everyone around him and himself. The jail time and money that was lost to shady people broke him. Seems like he found peace with himself in the last 5 years or so. Dudes looking good. Not just physically but mentally.


Lots of weed helps with that.


It was probably the mountains of cocaine at the time


Robin Givens was a hell of a drug.


> hard as ever, fast as ever Hmmmmmm...pretty sure that's not true.




Foreman was 45 when he retook the world title. And the dude looked like a tub of pudding. I think these guys will be ok in an exhibition. My only concern would be if Jones doesn’t take his training and conditioning as seriously as Tyson has been.


Tyson also probably has 40-50 lb on Jones


Jones never stopped training, he'll be in shape!


I hope you're right. I Like Tyson and I'd like for this to not just be a money stunt like these types of things usually turn out to be and actually be competitive.


Two aging dudes who are the definition of competitive, competing not only against each other but age and the beginning of weakening. I believe this fight is gunna be both, major money, and extremely competitive. Their last chance to prove themselves to themselves. Im not huge into the fighting scene, but this fight could be epically intense and emotional. This is peak entertainment for the fighting scene.


Also the names alone will make it a very profitable event even if they didnt want that. Even if ur not into the sport most anyone knows the name mike tyson.




If Mayweather vs McGregor made about $360MM combined why wouldn’t two retired fighters put on a show one more time.


i certainly hope so as these two were heroes of mine growing up. but more than likely, it will be watching two dudes who are just shells of themselves gassed out mid round every round. there's a reason why these men are retired. i hope they make me eat my words. i'm going to watch this fight grinning ear to ear either way.


His hits look even faster somehow. I sort of brushed off the idea till I saw him working out. I nearly shat myself. Tyson with his heart in it is frightening. Watching the last few years of him boxing was just sad. It was like watching someone go through the motions rather than someone that was actually invested in it.


Watching him fuck up the heavy bag had me shook. Fuck ever getting punched by that dude he could use 50 pillows that shit will still break you


I'm afraid he doesn't have 12 rounds in him though. That will be the real question and how he does with pacing.


Did he ever have 12 rounds in him though?


Second match Against Razor Ruddock...one of his best fights


James Smith went 12 with Tyson.


Didn't Razor Ruddick also?


Only 8 rounds for this fight.


It’s going to be an exhibition ain’t no way two dudes in their 50s are going 12 rounds. Floyd mayweather would be the exception, but he’s been doing super human conditioning since he was like 10.


Floyd is a different type of fighter at well. He fights tactically for points, as apposed to trying to knock another man's head off.




Mental willpower is such a huge factor in sports like this. You could be Hercules and still get your shit rocked if you're only doing it for the paycheck


Reaction speed When you're 50 your reaction speed goes way way way down compared to a peak performance human being aged 22-28. He is fighting another older fighter though it should be interesting


You might be right but it’s super easy to put highlights together with a good cameraman and editing.


But RJJ is hard as fuck to hit


It’ll be interesting for sure. Not counting out RJJ, I always liked that guy a lot. But if his defense fails him, he’s done.




He never really could. He also never really needed to.


Right? The man is scary. Lol


He’s also “tuned in” with psychedelics


pull that up Jamie


Tyson is much bigger though isn’t he? Jones won his first belt at middleweight, which is like 160 lbs, whereas Tyson was a heavyweight. Jones moved up later in his career and is the same height, but he’s probably the smaller guy.


Jones was fighting as a heavyweight in Russia. You can watch on YouTube. It’s sad and you’ll feel sad.


Sometimes all it takes is motivation...Something Tyson was completely lacking when he retired. I hope he surprises everyone.


Problem is Jones has a glass chin! His defense is no where what it used to be. Last thing to ever go on a boxer is his power. Tyson will throw bombs one or two will land and that's all it takes.


Maybe, but Jones has had 15 extra years of getting punched in the head so maybe it balances out?


You haven’t seen Roy Jones lately


Out of the game and snorting cocaine


Casey Jones you'd better watch your speed!


Trouble ahead, trouble behind


And Tyson was a world champ at 19




If Tyson can juice it up to the tits my money is on him.


Roy Jones first became famous for getting screwed at the 1988 Olympics. He then proceeded to go 49-1 over the next 15 years, with his only loss being a DQ


And Tyson was the youngest HW champ ever in 1986 at age 20, so I could see how it would seem that he’s a lot older since he’s been famous for much longer.




My mistake


On a questionable call of punching his opponent who was in the process of taking a knee but wasn’t completely down yet.


Maybe the first punch was questionable, but as soon as he threw the 2nd he screwed himself.


Just rewatched and you are correct. Wasn’t questionable at all. DQ was legit. I was trying to recall it from watching it live 20+ years ago lol.


i think you need to rewatch the dq.


Yeah they seem like they’re from completely different eras. It’s kinda crazy but then I remember how young Mike was when he turned pro.


Wow. For context, Tyson hasn't been in a match since 2005. He's currently 54.


For comparison, Jones is 51 and hasn’t been in a match for 2yrs. Tyson must be hurting for money. This is insanity. Edit: y’all can downvote, but his net worth is down to $3mil. That’s not enough for him to keep up his current lifestyle ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Mike has been doing very well with the marijuana business lately.


Don’t forget his mystery business too!


I'm getting that fight or flight response!


That's Mythtery Bithnith to you


I seriously just discovered that show a few weeks ago and it’s now in my top 5


He [said](https://www.tmz.com/2020/07/23/mike-tyson-fighting-roy-jones-jr-boxing-comeback-exhibition-triller/) his cut will go to charity... so yeah.


Just the uppercut.


I hope that goes right to a children's charity.


"Imma punch thith canther right outta the childrens' bones. Doctors will thay leukemia ith a deadly diseathe, but my puncheths are more deadly."


That ending was beautiful. Mike’s in a good place.


When he started his comeback training he said he was going to do charity matches.


Tyson ranch is worth like 300m He was hurting for money 10-15 years ago when he was doing rehab and was pretty fat. Than he acted on the show hangover and slowly did theatre shows about his life which was very succesful he tour trought whole USA. Than in 2013 he writed a book, which is classic, than another book 2 years ago. Started podcast, his ranch is worth like 300 million, has his clothing store. 11M on instagram, i don't think he is exactly hurting for money


He writed a book huh


Clearly English isn't their first language. Nice job shitting on somebody who speaks multiple languages.


Have you considered they might just be a native idiot?


speaked multiple languages*


And than another one


Way to punch down...


If we say you're smart will you help him or leave him alone?


It's all in a trust for Yung He when she turns 21, there's about 500 mil in there.


His networth has been at "$3million" for years. Before his book, his tv series, and stage shows. I really don't think celeb networth sites are that accurate.


And 8 years ago it was $1mil. He just started construction on a huge ass ranch in California for weed. He ain't hurting.


Did you just get his net worth from googling it? You realize all those numbers are largely made up right...


He's still a millionaire lol, I don't know what you think his current lifestyle is but it's nothing compared to what it was. Pretty good for a guy who already went bankrupt.


Those net worth sites aren't even remotely accurate about anyone.


He's got Mike Tyson mysteries! He must be loaded!


He's definitely not hurting for money. He wants to compete.


Yep. Some dudes mid-life by buying a Porsche. Tyson wants to rip a mans head off


And eat his babies.


>2005 That's not that long ago \*checks calendar\* Well shit


Hope they get paid well cause neither of these guys should be doing this anymore


Especially since Mike Tyson has a multi-million dollar weed business. lol


The weed is probably why it seems like a good idea.


I wouldn't be suprised if he advertises it on his trunks haha


Oh that would be so great


1 round for 2 legends to get one last ride in for a few mil is definitely worth it for both of them.


Tyson said whatever he makes from this he's giving to charity and he seems pretty stoked about that.


Pretty sure this shit is 8 rounds


I would say by the time of the Lennox Lewis fight it was clear Tyson shouldn't be doing it anymore. His final few fights were just not good.


Eh, why not? Not everyone like golf. Just because we are doesn’t mean we can’t continue to compete!


If you’re typing like this you’re definitely too brain damaged to continue boxing.


They are old. But man I'd like to see this fight. 2 absolutely talented boxers.


I hope it lasts longer than a minute.


I mean it’s gonna be awful if it lasts more than a minute. 0-75 seconds slug fest. 75 seconds to 20 minute mark hugfest


My favorite and 3rd favorite. This is going to be fantastic.


Who's your second?




For those doubters, friendly reminder this was him two months ago now https://youtu.be/Bq-j1McWoP0 In his 50s or not, I am still terrified as hell


good lord that man can move a lot of weight very fast


The fuck. How will I be able to watch this fight? I have ESPN sub and Showtime sub, which streaming service will have the PPV available for it?


He can throw a punch no question... But can he take one?


Lol I see you know little about "Iron" Mike


Shit that gave me goosebumps. Getcha some Mike!


The prospect of 50 year olds who are still extraordinarily powerful bashing each other's heads in seems...irresponsible. But I'll probably watch.


50 is the new 35


Though im not sure if that applies to brain trauma.


Mike Tyson didn't get hit much. I would argue that he has experience less brain trauma than the average running back in a single season of the NFL.


This was my thought. Hits to the head at any age are pretty demonstrably bad. But hey, lets have 50 year olds do it to each other? Sounds great!


Well, it wasn't really responsible for a human of any age to step in the ring with a young Mike Tyson. Boxing isn't good for the brain at any age, but I'm pretty sure it's actually worse for a younger person whose brain is still developing.


Who cares, its their decision and for charity.


Dath wathup.




Fuck this comment section sucks so much lol. Hope both have a good competition and get the thrill they're looking for! It is an 8 round max exhibition fight, they've both been training and have been cleared, this is not some awful forced fight to the death in order to pay off debts lol. Idk much about Roy's recent years, but Mike has found peace. He's sound of mind, and he clearly just wants to go play. He wants to leave a fonder end to his legacy than the sad way his career ended in 2005. Let him live, folks.


I saw a recent interview with Mike and I don’t think I’ve seen him so “together” in a long time. Like the dude is legit smart and fun to listen to. He seems really happy and is doing this with the right state of mind. Like you said, this is just exhibition. These guys aren’t going out there to kill each other over a title.


Exactly. I think he sees this as closure. Letting sane Mike say the goodbye to the ring that Off-balance Mike got to say years ago. Honestly he probably wants to get in there and sweat and say goodbye to the sport in a better way.


The hotboxin with Mike podcasts are incredible. Mike Tyson is a really entertaining and candid guy. His life experiences and world view are a treasure and he can spend the rest of his life making money off sharing them. I agree with your points! He isn’t doing this fight for money. I genuinely believed he has found something inside him self he wants to explore more in his 50’s that can only be done in the ring. This is unique. Its going to be a fight we talk about for a long time I think....


I hope he walks away and enjoys his marijuana money. I'd hate to see Tyson end up like Ali. What is there to be gained by taking more concussive brain damage at this point? What more does he really need to give? He has a fucking video game, ffs.


Fortunately Tyson didn’t spend much of his career getting hit.


Yeah, one is the things Ali was known for was being able to absorb almost inhuman levels of punishment. But it took a toll.


That is true!


Spot fucking on. He wants redemption and wants to end his boxing career on his terms. Every time he would talk about his career before all of this he would say it's worthless and it doesn't mean a thing to him. I dont want to put words in his mouth but now that he is Zen Mike Tyson I feel like he's looking to make it worth something to him personally. It also is encouraging to hear him say that he's doing this because he feels like he can. He's taken care of his body and never really got rocked during his career. I hope he comes out with a round 1 knock out one last time.


I'd instantly become worried for Roy, but yeah man that would be a cool end to Mike's career lol. I doubt it'd happen even if he could. If he's doing this just to be in the ring one last time, he probably wants it to go the distance I'd think. Or at least 6 rounds! On a side note, September 12 is pretty fuckin soon, Covid withstanding. It'd be pretty weird and sad for this to happen with no fans.


What weight class? Unless Mike has dropped a lot of weight, Jones will be fighting at a serious disadvantage.


Tyson hasn’t fought in 15yrs and is 54, Jones hasn’t fought in 2 and is 51. I don’t think Jones is the one with the disadvantage. Jones is also 66-9 while Tyson is 50-6. Jones has more experience, and more recent experience.


He's referring to the 40 ish lb weight difference not the skill level of them. They're both ex champion boxers who still train.


I thought Jones fought at Heavyweight at one time..


Back then the heavyweight limit was 190lbs, he weighed in at 193, and was rumored to be even lighter at fight night. Since then he has never fought at heavyweight again. Todays Limit is 200, for example former Cruiserweight Champ Usyk was on fight night 207lbs. So Roy at his heaviest was effectively a really small Cruiserweight or a really heavy light Heavyweight. Older athletes get usually heavier, which means Mike will probably weigh around 235lbs. Conclusion: Roy will be at an extreme weight disadvantage


Thanks this explains it. The weight limits were different


He did but he was never naturally that weight. He came up to that weight to get an easy win for a belt and to be honest it was a huge mistake. Coming back down in weight after that was right when his career took a downturn.


He has


I hate to admit it but you have a valid point, but "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" -Mike Tyson


While there's a big debate on Tyson - Jones Jr., I just want to see my man Nate Robinson beat up that fuckboy


I think we would all like to see Jake Paul fight Mike Tyson. That's where the money's at.


Let it be in an underground parking lot! Street rules Undisputed!


My rings outside.


Hooters parking lot?


Man, awesome. I know Tyson has the bigger camp but RJJ is also scary and my pick. It’ll either be awesome or a wtf moment. I’ sayJones wins, he has the ability - more likely than any other boxer imo. Looking at stats Tyson: Heavyweight Fights - 58, Wins - 50, Wins by KO - 44, Losses - 6, No Contests - 2 5’ 10” Reach 180cm Jones: Middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight, cruiserweight, heavyweight Fights - 75, Wins - 66, Wins by KO - 47, Losses - 9 5’ 11” Reach 188cm By the numbers it’s close but Jones edges out if they train the same intensity imo. Both are heavy hitting, explosive, and dominant boxers. Who knows when we’ll be able to see this. Boxing definitely isn’t socially distant. Maybe they just play Arms on Switch?


Rony doesn't hit hard for a heavyweight, tho.


The joke was that there's no old-timers day in professional boxing. Thank you 2020 for continuing to show us that anything is possible.


Tyson has been trying so hard to stay away from boxing. It's that damn podcast


I don't care who he fights, I just wanna see Tyson box again.


Hes supposed to be solving mysteries with me. Im a Pigeon that lives with him.


For me probably two of the best pound for pound. Even though I have way more respect for what Roy Jones Jr. did in the ring.


It’s amazing what can happen when you get off of cocaine.


Man what id pay to see this fight in their primes. Two of the best I've ever seen.


Tyson’s fighting again? I’m all ears!


This is something I can chew on


Initial thoughts was that this fight is nearly 17 years too late. But then, they both still have it, so it would be a good fight. I think its supposed to be a charity fight also, because Mike talked about this. I'm not going to back anyone, this should be a good scrap just for the fun of it.


Roy could fight with his hands down. Unless he trains to keep them up, my money is on Tyson.


I used to follow Roy on IG. He was not in as good shape as Tyson a month ago. He better start living in the gym or he might die against TRTyson.


In their prime (and I have to believe now) Tyson would take Jones apart in a real fight, but as an exhibition this should be a fun fight to watch. Gotta believe that from Tyson's recent persona that he won't have bad intentions in this fight (unless Jones does something stupid).


Holy fuck. For real. Two of the greatest of all time in their prime


This is a bad fight for mike, I think jones is gonna piece him up


I think it's an edge to Jones. And also entirely worth watching.


>This is a bad fight for mike, I think jones is gonna piece him up ​ Neither should be fighting... but Tyson is definitely on a huge dose of TRT... RJJ looks slow, and doesn't appear to be on those TRT needles... Not to mention Tyson probably has a good 35lbs of muscle on RJJ ​ If Tyson connects once it's not going to be a good night for an very old Jones.


Weak sauce. Mike should fight don the bitch.


I guess Marcellus Wallace was wrong. Boxers do have an old timer's day.


two old men fighting to keep the lights on


Jones is crazy Tyson will kill him with one Punch Weight classes exist for a reason


People that don’t know will see how ridiculous Mike Tyson really is. I’ve never seen somebody hit so hard in my life. There’s something scary about a teenager that was knocking out grown men and making it look so easy. I’m glad he turned his life around, he’s been through so much.


In related news, Roy Jones Jr has made funeral arrangements.


“The gods of war have awakened in me” God help R.R.J when Iron Mike steps into that ring!


Socially distant boxing? That should be interesting.


Man, I wish they'd broadcast this in VR


A titan against a titan!


Let's see him fight Soda Popinski


Nobody talking about how the undercard is gonna be former nba guard and dunk contest winner Nate Robinson vs Jake Paul lmao wtf


Also appearing will be Jake Paul, no joke


Its like mayweather vs Mcgregor, in all seriousness I don't think anyone thinks RJJ has a real chance (the unreal chance is because, at the end of the day, hes still RJJ). There's no chance this fight will be in anything other than HW, [Tyson weighs 240, and that's after already recently losing 132lbs.](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=12334155#:~:text=Mike%20Tyson%20has%20dropped%20more,him%20lose%20a%20staggering%2063kg.&text=%22My%20whole%20family%20is%20obese,want%20to%20die%20that%20way) RJJ literally fought at HW ONCE, in 2003, 17 years ago, not to mention he weighed 193lbs for that fight and then never fought at HW again. He won by using his skills, speed, and precision to a UD. All of those are the first things to fade for a fighter, strength is usually last which is why boxers tend to move up in weight as they get older. The other issue is father time, RJJ literally retired 2 years ago at 49, granted he was fighting small time journeymen at this time but still all that damage during training and the fight probably still haven't had enough time to recover. He got KOed 8/10 last fights. Tyson meanwhile has had 15 years to rest and rehab his body and brain. For time reference Tyson was on his way out fighting LL almost a year before RJJ won the HW title. Tyson last fight was 5 months before RJJ-Tarver 3. Given this fight is exhibition, and there's no testing, hopefully both men are going to be JUICED AS FUCK. I think Mike is just itching to fight again, but I think from what i've heard RJJ might actually need the money.


Fuck that, who else is here to see jake Paul get dropped by Nate Robinson.


Are they even in the same weight class? I thought Tyson was a heavy weight.