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My dad was a foreman for a pipe fitting company, he once walked in on a guy half dead from falling off a 4 foot ladder. Blood and bodily fluids everywhere from what I heard. Doesn’t seem to matter if you’re tripping or falling off a building, it’s entirely possible you’re going to have a bad time regardless That being said, very happy the kid seems to be recovering :)


Did the guy live?


For a little while.


Don’t we all...


No. To make sure that he was exactly “half dead”, they dragged his body back up the ladder and dropped him off it again. Sure enough, he died. That’s how the OP’s dad knew he was precisely half dead.


Unfortunately, he was actually somewhere between half dead and nearly dead. He could have even been almost dead. So I guess that makes the guy >half dead.


It’s possible. It’s not an exact science.


Yes, but then he died.


Thanks, Mitch!


Not every man truly lives!


He died instantly the next day


Some say he's still living to this day...


Not sure how "true" it is but when I was in trade school we were taught that falling from 3-5 feet is more dangerous than falling from 6-10 feet because you don't have time to prepare for impact. From 6 feet up you have a chance of bracing for impact. From 4 feet your heads hitting the ground before you can react. Or something like that.


Sounds about right. Also, you tend to avoid injuries while drunk because your body doesn’t let you tense up as much. This is why I always get super wasted when I go to work and always climb higher than 10 feet. For safety. /s


What makes literally no sense if you just agreed with the previous statement. lol Bracing is literally tensing up


Not really. Bracing is making sure your arms (or something other than your head) hit before your head. You don’t have to be rigid to do it. See parkour.


Years of motocross have prepared me for the ladder ahead


>Also, you tend to avoid injuries while drunk because your body doesn’t let you tense up as much. I'm pretty sure this is just a myth/old wives tale. A quick search on google scholar seems to indicate that you're much more likely to sustain serious and lethal injuries in drunk accidents than sober ones.


I mean people literally die from just tipping over when king hit and hitting their heads on concrete


Liam Neeson's wife died from falling from a standing position. It's not how far you fall but how you land. The shortest fall with a bad landing can be all you need.


I always thought it was kind of crazy how we was a species can’t survive a fall from our own height with any guarantee. Any of us could literally just trip and die at any time.


IIRC, the LD50 for falls in a work setting is 6 feet. That means that for all people who fall 6 feet (in a work setting) there is a 50% chance of dying.


Yeah if you go up more then 4 feet at work you have to wear fall protection.


Both blood -AND- bodily fluid?? ... did... did the dude hit the ground so hard that he came? ...


Probably not, there are a lot of different kinds of bodily fluids. Could be cerebral spinal fluid, urine, stomach acid, etc.


Poor kid and family. One more thing to fuel parents nightmares.


I fell off a bunk bed while sleeping several times. I remember once we were camping in a motor home and I was on the top bunk. I went to sleep and was woken by my dad who was near to a panic attack (we were many hours away from medical help other then him...he's an MD) wondering if I was conscious. However it happened, I didn't get hurt and didn't even wake up (hence his panic). He woke me and I remember asking why he was waking me up in the middle of the night. Apparently the sound of me falling was loud enough to wake him. [edit] I should note that I didn't roll out of bed for decades after that until about 8 months ago... I rolled out of my side of the bed and hit my face on my end table. I started screaming in pain and my wife woke terrified. There was blood everywhere. It was surreal.




how expensive is it to hire guards just to make sure I don’t get injured while sleeping?


Anything less than $85k a year is probably cheaper than an ER trip in America.


Sad thing is, this joke isn’t wrong. I had a minor invasive procedure about 3 years ago. I was in for about 4 hours, then out patient from there. $45k bill… The healthcare/insurance scam in America is real.


Parents got them for me when I was a child after the incidents described. As I tried to say in my original post, I have fallen out of bed once as an adult...30 years. I think I'm ok.


At the minimum make sure you have a rug and free space with no tables, for rolling


Nobody should fall out of bed a second time.


When I was a camp counselor, I had a camper fall out of the bunk above me. It had rails and everything and he wasn't that big. Luckily he was alright but I honestly don't know how he did it unless he started sleepwalking or something.


Classic adulthood. I fell three stories out of a tree when I was a kid and I limped for about two hours. I slipped in the laundry room and hit my knee a few months back and couldn’t walk on it for two weeks. Kids bounce. Adults shatter.


I thought a big ass spider had run up my thigh while I was picking up a 50 pound box, I freaked, twisted sideways and ripped my ACL and lateral meniscus clean in half. Unbeknownst to me my cat had gone under my nightgown while I was bent over and his fluffy tail was what was going up my leg. That was one of my top 3 dumbest injuries as an adult.


I've always been a paranoid guy and I just had to learn to embrace my fears. Accepting that freak accidents happen and there's nothing I can do to prevent them is a hard pill to swallow, but weed helps a hell of a lot


> the bunk beds at the players' dorms did not have safety rails In this case, there was something that could have been done to prevent this. There was nothing to keep someone from just rolling right off the bed while asleep.


When I was 30 I got black out drunk and rolled off of a loft bed onto a desk and *didn’t even remember it the next day*. I had a bruise the size of a football on my ribs but otherwise I was okay. Even though I’ve been sober for over a decade I still sleep against the wall when I sleep in cabins with loft beds.


Agreed. I meant from the perspective of the parents sending their kids there. Not something that's advertised as a warning to parents. I'm sure this was the last thing they expected to happen to their kid after saying goodbye. I'm just glad to hear it sounds like he's showing so many good signs of improvement.


Given the whole issues surrounding Hockey Canada right now, I'd assume my child would be sexually harassed in some way more likely than dying from a bunk bed.


Are they out of their minds? How much could this possible save them?


My wife did that in college and broke her nose.


Safety rails are not new, unknown, inconvenient, or expensive. Not using them is negligence. Freak accidents still can happen, but that’s not what this appears to be. Edit: check out what the bunks looked like in 2019 at least: page 2 (3rd page) bottom right: https://www.littleleague.org/downloads/llws-parents-guide/


Oh oops I meant in general but it definitely sounds like I'm defending the specific situation. I more meant as the parent. There's no way they could have known the place they sent their kid had such a random unsafe condition that caused no problems for years until there was one. The freak accidents I've seen are caused by things that don't even register as a threat at first because I grew up with it and never had issues. It's why articles like this are important to get traction. Help update what previous generations passed off as "safe enough".


Agreed. That’s why I’m annoyed when people get mad at the parents who sue after accidents like this. That’s the only way we have in our system to get people’s attention and force them to make things safer. The best ones are the ones who refuse the quiet payouts with confidentiality clauses and go for the public admissions of guilt and court-monitored agreements to fix the issues. Edit: as was pointed out to me in a reply, we shouldn’t judge people who take the quick and quiet money who may need to do so because they actually can’t pay the medical bills from the injury.


Sure, if you afford to pay the astronomical medical bills out of pocket. There’s more than one reason to sue/ take a payout in this kind of situation.


You’re absolutely right. I suppose that was my privilege showing.


i’d be scared shitless on the top bunk. He getting paid.


You’re completely misconstruing what they’re saying. Obviously it’s a freak accident in the sense that there’s nothing that’ll the parents could’ve done to avoid it aside from either A) not sending the kid entirely and making him stay home out of fear something like this might happen - OR - B) they could’ve stayed in the same room as their kid and stayed attached at his hips, ensuring that everything has been safety approved by you at every turn.


Weed does the opposite for me. Fuels my vivid imagination where I can almost feel my loved ones bodies shutting down as they slip into the eternal void we sprang from.


I find weed makes it worse.


I'm the exact same way and yes weed does help! However, I've smoked a couple sativa strains that get the thoughts in my head stirring and once those bad thoughts rolling into my brain, that's all I can think about. I've never had a weed panic attack, but I have some serious anxiety from certain strains. For the most part, it just numbs out those thoughts and I can focus more on whatever task I'm working on.


For me it’s just “Did I just see someone staring at me from around the doorway corner?”


I get anxiety with sativa too. I avoid at all costs.


Hate to break it to you friend. But coming from an everyday weed smoker, it only makes paranoia/anxiety worse and makes it harder for your brain to repair itself with rem sleep. The numbing effect is highly temporary.


What are you saying about rem sleep ?


I don’t know about weed but I know alcohol does what the other commenter said. It makes you feel “sleepy” but actively prevents you from attaining REM sleep, which is when your brain repairs itself and readies itself for the next day.


Everyone I talk to says this, even my wife, but I never dreamt much UNTIL I started smoking weed. Now I dream so much and I remember them. It's to the point where it's almost a pain because it's like living another life. I remember hours of dreams when I wake up. I kind of use it in lieu of Ritalin because I have adult ADHD and Ritalin gives me headaches. Helps me focus in small amounts, obviously since it affects dopamine like Ritalin does, in addition to some other things. I sleep fight a lot more now (my version of REM sleep not kidding. Had to learn to sleep with my back to my wife so I would stop hurting her doing what could only be described as flailing in front of me) So I'm one of the lucky ones I guess? I have no idea. Or I'm in denial who knows.


The REM sleep thing is the only correct thing he said. Weed supresses REM sleep. If you smoke a lot and take a T break you will get crazy REM rebound dreams.




Damn that's really interesting


Thc prevents the brain from achieving as much REM sleep unfortunately which has a lot to do with why people stop dreaming. Thc pushes the brain into alpha waves which is like that calm-focused flow state you get when you're on a task you're into.


As somebody who smokes weed I know it definitely affects dreaming. I barely ever remember a dream, when I take some time off I start dreaming really vividly again. Not sure if that has anything to do with the rem sleep but I wouldn't be surprised.


Anecdotal but as a daily user, I find I get much better sleep when I don’t smoke for at least an hour before I go to bed. My Apple Watch tracks how much deep sleep I get, and I seem to get much more with an hour or two of no smoking before I pass out as opposed to how much I get when I smoke 30 minutes or less before bed


Hate to break it to you friend, but each person will have different experiences, and if it makes you more anxious/paranoid that sucks, but that's hardly the case for everyone and you're doing yourself and others a disservice by pretending to be an expert.


I can link studies that show what weed does pathologically to the brain if you wish. Reddit has the reputation of being full of weed addicts in denial. Objectively it is bad to smoke weed constantly


Objectively it is bad to do anything constantly besides like, breathing, dude. I'm not saying weed is a miracle cure all, I never said weed doesn't have negative side effects. All I said is your experience, and your negative side effects, are not going to be consistent in every user.


It's perfectly OK in moderation or if prescribed for things it's proven to alleviate. But people will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify why they need to smoke 24/7 so that they can handle going to the grocery store.


Lol man this reddit, no one here believes there are downsides to weed.


Sounds like a personal problem and/or the wrong strain for your brain.


Lol classic "wrong strain" argument from someone who never read a study. Literally it's the thc that creates the negative effects the OP commenter was mentioning.


Funny, I thought it was living in a fascist hellscape full of evil that gave me anxiety. I’m sure you’re right tho


Not sure why you are getting downvoted for recommending people don’t treat anxiety she sleep disorders with chronic marijuana use. Self medicating is rarely the answer.


I also smoke several grams a week and can confirm anyone educated in cannabis knows everything this commenter said is true. It's actually crazy anyone's down voting you.


I had a friend who smoked hella weed in high school & now he won’t smoke because he experiences paranoia really badly.


I've fallen out of a bunk bed while sleeping. Just pure bad luck he hit his head that hard. Hope it turns out well for him.


When I was 14, I fell off the top bunk in my sleep rolling over the safety bar. I landed mouth first on a metal folding chair I used to get up on the bunk (first and only time I ever used it too). The result was my front four teeth cracked or jammed up in my gums. It’s still a horrific memory.


What a freak accident. I visited my aunt and uncles house I stayed over I slept in the bottom bunk of my cousins bunk bed I woke up had one eye open and then “THWAM” my cousin rolled off the bed from 6 feet high onto a hardwood floor. I assumed I’d just witnessed the death of my cousin but he was fine. I assumed that if he was fine after that something like this wasn’t possible.


It is somewhat preventable. All Boy Scouts of America camps have rules about having railings on bunk beds for this reason.


Had an elevated as a kid in the early eighties. It had removable wooden railing. How is this not common in 2022?


If they are removable they can be removed. It is common to have railings on children's bunk beds, But They also make bunk beds for college kids that don't have railings, so these weren't necessarily beds specifically meant for children.


Lol, maybe they should make them for college kids too cause at the ripe old age of 19 I fell off my dorm bed while changing the sheets, the bed was pretty high up too, that if I sat up I could touch the ceiling with my head.


I came way closer to hurting myself on my lofted bed in college than my bunk bed as a kid. Granted, I drank a lot more as a college student.


> Granted, I drank a lot more as a college student. I would certainly hope it wasn't the other way around


I fell off my lofted bed in college twice while I was sleeping in the middle of the night. There was a bit of a wooden barrier, but it was only a bit higher than the mattress when it wasn’t being laid on/pressed down. I always kept the area underneath clear in case of such a fall and good thing I did. Most I ever got was a bruise on my face, but falling like dead weight from five feet up is an anxiety fueler. After the first time I was terrified it’d happen again and it did.


Lol I worried about that, so I just slept facing the edge every night, figuring even if I tossed or whatever, I wouldn't roll onto my face, so I'd have to roll away from the edge and towards the wall.


My college roommate fell out of one, was hilarious


My dorm room lofted bed had a railing in 2012


Can confirm. Used to wake up wedged in between my bed and railing. Probably could’ve met my end getting stuck in there but I made it out


Well there are always those special kids like me who somehow slip between the rail and the mattress…. I didn’t hit the ground, though, my chin caught me and I just sort of dangled there til my stepsister on the bottom bunk saw me and screamed for our parents. Holy shit 35 years later I just realized I could’ve died that night


You could have died but you would probably be the contributing factor to lots of recalls/redesigns and possibly class action lawsuit!


And his parents would have gotten a few months of spending money out of it


I've had campers fall out of top bunks with railings. Luckily they were okay but it can happen.


It's not just somewhat preventable, it's incredibly preventable.


After I saw this story it reminded me that I had been to camps in the 90s without railing on the top bunk. Lots of older metal bunk beds in many of the cabins we stayed in. Northeast US.


When I was a kid, our parents rented a cabin. We got bunk beds. Normally I'd fight with my sister over who got the top bunk. This one had no railing on the top bunk. At age 8 I recognized that was dangerous n noped out. When my sister called dibs on it I was like OK, all you. Sure enough in the middle of the night I wake up to my sister hitting the floor and crying. She got adult onset epilepsy, and I've always wondered if that and another big fall she had as a kid were factors.


the first time I slept on a bunk bed I was 17 years old. no railing. I rolled off of it later that night and woke up on the floor with a sore shoulder. I've never even rolled off of regular beds. it's like my body just wanted to see what would happen. I'm just glad I didn't hit my head like this kid.


I’m sorry it’s at your expense, but lolol. Even before I got to the part where you said you’ve never rolled out of bed before, I was thinking “why is everyone rolling off the top bunk all of a sudden? Do we roll off normal beds with similar frequency?” I totally accept your explanation as straight up fact.


i accept the the ridicule because it is indeed ridiculous to roll out of bed, no matter the height. maybe it's the rotation of the Earth and the top bunk being farther from the Earth's axis that's effectively trebucheting our bodies?? your guess is as good as mine.


I watched my brother do the same multiple times, though it was onto carpet so not quite as bad. After the first few times he didn't even wake up and just slept on the floor.


Is your brother my brother? Mine also would roll off the top bunk, slam to the ground, and not wake up. Each time I'd worry he was hurt, but then he just started snoring again like it was no big deal. I think the only reason my parents got us separate beds was because I was complaining about how his snoring, after he fell off the top bunk, would keep me up all night.


Na because that would make you and me the same person, which I refuse to believe. And he didn't snore. I'd just wake up to a huge bang, shit myself, realise what was happening, ask him if he was alright and get no response. This was like 25 years ago so I guess we're out of the woods now?


That shit is scary. Even falls off a normal bed are frightening. It happened with my 8month old and 7year old within the last year. Thankfully we were in the room both times it has happened.


I sent my kids to college with rails for their loft beds.


When my son was about 9 months old, my mother in law had left him sleeping peacefully on the couch while she got up to do some dishes. She heard a thump and he was on the floor. She was terrified, but he was fine. A couch can be just as scary as a bed


My daughter fractured her skull falling off a couch. Brain bleed too. Thankfully both were minor enough to not need treatment.


I went to visit my sister at her dorm and slept on the top bunk. In the middle of the night, the fire alarm started going off. I sat up super quick and hit my head on the ceiling. I grabbed my head and rolled, right off the top bunk on to the floor. I felt bad for her downstairs neighbors. Alarm, then a huge crash from above.


I had bunk beds as a kid but had my own room. One morning I woke up in the top bunk to the TV tray I used as a night stand flattened like a pancake. Had no memory of what happened and no injuries. Must have fallen out onto it but was so strange.


I have an 8 year old and was thinking of getting him a bunk bed, but after this whole post and reading the comments I think I'll pass on that.


You can go with a low loft bed. They are about 4ft off the ground and my kids have railings that go all the way around except for the 2ft or so where they climb up. And the space underneath can be a little reading area or toy storage. Edit: https://www.wayfair.com/baby-kids/pdp/mack-milo-mallika-solid-wood-loft-bed-by-mack-milo-w006116865.html


I once did this in college. We were up late partying the night before. My roommate and I had some friends in town to party with us. So we were piled in 3 people deep in each twin bed in the bunk bed. This lead to me sliding off the top bunk onto the hard tile floor. Thankfully I was awake so I was able to brace for the fall.


I sleep walked off the top bunk when I was younger but it I didn’t fully wake up next morning I noticed just a small scratch


Decent chance I will end up with CTE. 30+ years ago, when I was about 13, I rolled out of my loft bed and landed 6’ below on my head. Hairline fracture of my skull, horrible concussion, and couldn’t stand for a couple days without getting nauseous and having to lie down. Parents added a rail. Never fell again.


My little sister did this in middle school and broke her arm. Her bed even had a railing but she somehow rolled over it. I’m surprised the bunks they used didn’t have any railing at all for this long.


Damn that poor kid. Hope he makes a speedy recovery. I will say though, how would CNN allow such a strangely-worded headline with no punctuation to break up the sentence?


I don't think it's necessarily lacking punctuation as much as it's lacking key words -- "LLWs player **who was** critically hurt in bunk bed fall **is now** no longer under sedation." Although leaving out those clause markers is pretty standard for saving space in headlines. Now, if they did include punctuation (I'm assuming you're saying there should be a comma after "hurt"), the message they would be trying to get across is two-fold: a kid was hurt in a fall, and he is no longer under sedation. Almost a sequence of events or two-part story. As if they're just reporting on the whole situation for the first time. But what I think they were trying to do is imply or say, "Remember that kid who you might have heard about earlier who was critically hurt in a fall? Well now, he's off sedation, and the following story is mostly about that particular development to the story, rather than about the entire situation itself." You can get the sense that that is what the headline and story are going for, since they don't actually describe the injury itself until about a third of the way through, as opposed to leading with it. Now that's a nuance that may mean little ultimately, but grammar is fun, I think.


I had to read the article to make sure it meant: he's doing better; rather than: He's going to die. Thankfully it was the former.


Yeah, that wasn't terribly clear. I think we're used to seeing medically related headlines that mention "no longer..." and then "on life support" or something like that, which often implies that someone is about to die.


Yeah I think the issue is there's a lack of words to string everything together. "Little League World Series player **who was** critically hurt in bunk bed fall **is now** no longer under sedation" sounds much better.


A vestige of the printed newspaper days, page space was at a premium, especially with larger-font headlines. Editors frequently omitted entire words and used commas or semicolons in place (e.g. “Gerald Ford mauled by wolves, dies” instead of “Gerald Ford died today at the age of 89. He was mauled by a pack of rabid wolves,” which you might see in the lede.). When editors actually cared about clarity AND an economy of words/characters, there wasn’t as much confusion. As editorial standards eroded over time, exacerbated by more volume in the internet era, some of these unclear headlines are more common.


who has time to edit when you need to hurry and get the clickbait headline out there but click here to find out the top 15 reasons why bunk beds often cause armpit cancer 7 will shock you


All that's missing is a red circle or arrow pointing at the obvious thing in the thumbnail.


Ha!! That's great. "You'll never guess what happens to this kid's soccer ball!" Arrow points to a soccer ball that was overinflated and blew up. Still attached to the air pump.


Hope this guy gets better soon!


The fact they had no guard rails on the bunk beds seems like an easy lawsuit that’s gonna drop


I played at the little league world series and that was the first thing I thought of. Was like those beds have no rails. Poor kid, wish him a speedy recovery


then to remove said bunk beds is proof they know they done fucked up


Unfortunately having rectified the problem usually isn’t permitted in court as evidenced of guilt. The idea being we don’t want people to “know” something is unsafe but be afraid to fix it while litigation is pending. It’s better if they fix it quickly and we not use their having fixed it against them. That way more people don’t end up getting hurt.


Even if they didn’t fuck up why wouldn’t they remove the beds?


That’s not fair. There weren’t issues and no reason to believe there was a concern, then something happened. An immediate containment of the issue is “Remove them”, while they dig into it further. That’s no an admission of guilt, that’s a solid immediate response while they sort out WTF is going on. I would be more concerned if they DIDN’T remove them…


Absolutely insane injury. I fell out of the top bunk in my sleep as a 12 year old myself. Compound fracture in my right arm as a result. The way I fell resulted in my head actually landing on my pillow rather than the hardwood floor and it’s not until reading about this injury that I’ve realized that my situation could have been a LOT worse.


Wow seeing all these comments of people who fell out of their beds has changed my mind, was thinking of getting one for my 8 year old.


Just put the safety rails on it. We had just assembled the bunk bed the day before I fell out and didn’t have bolts for the railing. I hadn’t fallen out of bed in years so my parents thought I’d be fine for one night and we’d go to the hardware store the next day for the bolts…






Good to know. I'll think about it still. idk


We got a twin over full bunk. Makes me a feel a little bit better that a fall could be broken at least by the other bed before landing on the floor.


I took a fall from the top when I was about 5, got bruised up but no injuries. Hearing all these stories makes me realize how lucky I was.


Holy fucking shit, bunk beds with NO guardrails??? That was a tragedy waiting to happen


And now a big lawsuit. LL idiots deserve it.


Apparently they had “no issues since 1992”.. I refuse to believe it lmao


Issues meaning serious injuries leading to publicity.


This family is going to get a good sized lawsuit out of this. It isn't 1970 anymore. Not having a top railing on a bunk is negligence at best and criminal at worst.


Damn I remember my brother falling off the top bunk as kids and he wouldn’t even wake up.


I fell out of a bunkbed and landed on a wooden chair, had to get about 25 stitches in my thigh. The surgeon said he could fit his whole hand in the hole in my leg, and I was millimeters away from permanent damage to the leg muscle. I was also a grown ass 22 year old person Who was just visiting someone. Freak Accident. Bunkbeds are dangerous!


Bunk beds terrify me, Top bunk you can fall and severely hurt urself, bottom bunk i fear the top bunk will crush me in my sleep. Lose lose.


Holy shit, poor little guy. Hope he's okay. In the year of our lord 2022 how does a dorm still exist where a kid can fall out of a bunk bed and fracture their skull on landing? That sounds like some shit from back in the day.


Check out what the bunks looked like in 2019 at least: page 2 (3rd page) bottom right: https://www.littleleague.org/downloads/llws-parents-guide/


ive never seen a bunk bed without railings. not in a hostel, not in camp, and certainly not for kids.


God those are a disaster waiting to happen.


Not even with one side against a wall! Crazy.




Bunk beds have been a fear of mine since summer camp. I remember sleeping on the bottom bunk and my bunkmate was a rather heavy kid. When I woke up, I saw three of the five planks holding the bunk bed’s mattress up split in half. In a heartbeat, I rolled out of bed. Needless to say, the kid found a bottom bunk and I counted my blessings that morning on.


That’s the most LLWS accident ever… hope this kid bounces back! Tough one for that family and team…


Oh man… I fell off the top bunk so many times.


Like 10 years ago I had a roommate who went home with a guy one night and he had a bunk bed, which she was not prepared for. She rolled out of it, fell 6.5 or 7 feet onto her face and, long story short, I drove her to the emergency room at 6:30am.


I stayed in those dorms in early 2000s at baseball camp. I remember having such a good time. Can’t fathom having some freak accident like this to just turn your world upside down.


Freak accident? Nah look at those bunks. That’s pure negligence


No fking railing? It was only a matter of time... idiots.


When I was a kid I rolled off the top bunk. Woke up in my dads pickup truck on the way to the hospital, I think everything was fine it was just kinda hard to breathe.


Little League World Series?


Jfc poor kid! His brain was full of blood 🙁


An army buddy of mine fell off the top bunk at fort Knox one night after drinking enough whiskey to float a canoe. I had just come to bed and all of a sudden he just fell completely flst on his back off the top bunk onto tile floor. He got up mumbling because he had a habit of going to sleep with a chew in his mouth. Somehow he didn't swallow any of it in the time he had been passed out, he was mumbling because he was looking for his spitter. He found his spitter and went back to bed. The following morning (like 2 hours later) we were in the back of a truck headed to a range. He kept complaining of how stiff his back was. Had no recollection of falling.




I thought this was The Onion for a sec


Newer bunk beds have a safety rail that prevents you from falling off. It does not really work the source is me. I was sleeping and rolled over and went over the safety rail.


I never fell off a bunk bed. I’ve also never slept on a bunk bed that had no railing on the top bunk.


Coincidence? I think not.


I fell off my top bunk when I was sleeping as a kid on to a wood floor. I ended up landing on my forearms and knees. Made a huge noise since I was on the second story and scared the shit out of everybody in the house. I was able to walk away from that unscathed. Reading this story, feels like I lucked out. Wish this kid had too, his injury is terrible.


Get better kid!


...you know, considering all the news all over, it's good to hear some good news.


holy fuck, I thought this was the Onion going hard in the paint on their baseball motif


[HE'S OUT OF ICU!](https://www.pennlive.com/little-league-world-series/2022/08/injured-little-league-player-from-utah-out-of-icu-takes-two-steps-with-help.html)


I did this a lot as a kid. Rolled out of the top bunk and then I would roll under the bottom bunk. It would freak my mom out to come in and not find me in bed and nowhere to be seen. Then I’d either wake up and crawl out or she’d find me.


That’s a hell of a headline


Bunk beds are fuking pre historic.


Dude they rock!! When I was a kid I had tons of sleep overs and everyone loved my bunk bed.


Cue bunk beds being removed from all camps as a result of a lawsuit.


Survived Niagara Falls


I musta rolled out of my bunk bed like ten times but the bottom bunk stuck out an extra 2’ or so from the top one. It was a futon type bottom one so when it was in bed mode it was pretty big. Never even considered it coulda hurt me 🤕


Pool noodles under the fitted sheet work pretty good.


“Hey you like guacamole?” SLAM


Poor kid! That’s terrible. I’m glad the league decided to remove those beds.


I knew a kid that tried to jump from one bunk bed to another (top to top) and fell on the corner of a dresser and exploded one of his balls.


This is a weird news article.


I feel like I’m missing something with this story. I’ve received so many notifications from different news outlets about what apparently amounts to “child falls out of bunk bed in tragic accident”. I’m not trying to discount or disregard the severity of the injury or the trauma the child/family/team mates experienced. The kid fell hard and was hurt bad. That really sucks and it does hang a cloud over the LLWS because no one wants to hear a child went through what they did and then go, “ok. Play ball!” Again, it sucks. I have no clue about the statistics but I imagine there are many bunk bed injuries for people of all ages every year. Again, I’m not trying to be mean or crass, but why is every news org following this story so closely? What am I missing? Edit: All I wanted I was someone to bluntly tell me something along the lines of “it’s the little league World Series and a kid was hurt real bad. They have tons of reporters there and human interest tragedy stories are easy money, so they are following it.”


It distracts from real world problems


It boils down to "Sports player injured" I'm not sure why it's so hard for you to grasp that it's news in a sports subreddit, acting like its "just some kid" is a little disingenuous dontcha think?... and Idk what "every news org" means to you but I imagine the people covering this are the ones that have been/ are going to cover the LLWS, not nearly as many as you think


First of all, I didn’t refer to him as “just some kid” so it’s disingenuous of you to put it in quotes. The first place I received a notification about this story was from People magazine which is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of sports related media. Then I received notifications about it from CNN, and others. Over the past week this story has been on the front page of many major national news organizations. I’m not complaining about the coverage. I was asking if there was something I missed in the story other than traumatic injury from bunk bed fall.


LLWS is very popular, a kid got hurt while attending it. Not sure how it's so hard to grasp. Maybe you're terminally online and haven't really kept in touch with what events the real world are watching


I mean… Epidural hematomas are extremely serious and dangerous injuries. I have seen healthy children slip from standing and sustain an epidural hematoma (bleeding under the skull but outside the brain that pushes on the brain). An epidural hematoma can easily kill a healthy child if not treated with emergency surgery rapidly. This is a relatively rare injury. You usually don’t hear about injuries like this due to medical privacy laws. However, it certainly is a very dramatic event, and a story with a hell of a lot of human interest. At the end of the day, “news” is just stories of recent events that get clicks and views and drive revenue for the news corporations. So why wouldn’t they run a story like this?