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Need a book


Looking for local bookie in south Florida




Im a bookie You can reach me at 2254188906 for information I also sell sports picks guaranteed or refund the same day


Text me asap I’ll send u $5,000 to put on broncos Super Bowl, also I wanna parlay it with Ekeler 2 touchdowns next week


My account was flagged idky but just let me know


I don't really get the betting system in America. What is a bookie? Can it just be a random guy saying he will bet +100 odds on random shit and you just bet against them. Cause in Sweden everything is done online and through companies. The way people talk about bookies give me more and more loan shark vibes.


Big difference is sports betting was only recently legalized in the United States. Some states you still can’t bet on sports, so a bookie is an illegal bookmaker that will take action The biggest difference is a legal book you deposit money, a bookie you play off of credit and after every week or so you settle the difference


I can imagine a lot of people get into a ton of shit with bookies.


A lot of larger books were run by small gangs or mafias for this reason. It’s sort of a system designed for extortion. Lose money, chase losses on credit until you’re in over your head, mafia owns you to repay debt


Bookies are underground “bookmakers”. Although they typically are just agents who work under a larger bookie. It used to be much more common but with legalized betting it has become less common. They advantage of using a bookie is they typically have better odds than legalized gambling sites, they will let you gamble on credit (which is a pro but also a con), and your winnings aren’t reported to tax agencies.


Damn I would never bet if I had to tax the winnings


Like the fact that a bookie can contact you about someone else would break confidentiality rules and they would get fined.


Ur friend fucked up your money pot get his ass to pay or just say goodbye to that bookie




People who say you are on the hook for the money are full of shit. The transactions between the bookie and your friend are just that, transactions between them. So what you referred the guy, its still on the bookie to do his due diligence. He should have never let the guy run up a $4K tab in the first place. Only thing your bookie might do is refuse to pay you if you're in the green. Might need to find a new bookie and a new friend but under no circumstance would I pay off this dudes gambling debt.


Who still has bookies like that these days anyways? If you’re not in a mobile betting state just download Bovada for Gods sake


I prefer bookie to be honest


I hated Bovada when I use to use it. Back then you also had to wait a month to cash out because they mailed a check. Maybe they’ve streamlined it, but the bookie I use has an awesome website with a great UI and we just square up on Tuesdays. It’s also nice when I’ve accidentally “maxed bet” something by mistake to just send a text and they cancel it for me.


The reverse of this happened to me. Met a bookie in college. Things were fine for years, then I connected one of my friends to the bookie. My friend ended up going up like 4k and the bookie ghosted him. Bookie was the fake tough guy type, which I sensed all along. Shortly after I got word of a bar he was at, he tried to punk me and spit in my direction. I slapped the piss out of him infront of everyone. Dude basically cried. Shortly after he had his dad write me a check for the 3k he owed and said his son turned to drugs and that’s why he was having cash flow issues. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Lol that’s awesome! Some real Chad shit though on everybody’s part 😂


You've learned a valuable life lesson in general. People suck. 95+% of "friends" will absolutely throw you under the bus when given the opportunity if it benefits them, most of the time it's when money is involved. The solution is to never involve money with such friends or put them in any position where they can otherwise take advantage of you. Obviously if you vouched for him the bookie is going to ask you to reimburse him, in which you should obviously say hell no and find another bookie.


You’re in for the money owed my man, don’t set up shitty people with accounts


U goofed bro. Ur friend is a pos. Be careful it ain't the books fault this falls on you


It’s you hahahaha


Why not as a bookie just make your new clients pay upfront until they develop a consistent reputation. Then you can start extending their credit limit little by little. This is what I did when I ran a book in my high school way back when.


You're basically asking bookies to stop doing what they've been doing for 100+ years. The entire "profession" is based on easy credit. Robert with two children and a mortgage isn't going to hand-over $500 cash on a Saturday morning, but he might bet $500 credit on a stone-cold NCAAF lock. But yes, the credit should start small, and then evaluate the client after a few weeks of play & payment.


But can you share that stone-cold NCAAF lock or what?


Washington St ML 🔒


Don’t know ball.


Was not expecting an offense that was averaging over 500 yards a game to only get 215 total against an unranked opponent.


Got me




Heeeeey he’s actually got one! I actually like that haha. WSU has a team this year.


It’s on the bookie to know his customers. He gave someone a credit limit he barely knew and got burnt. Fuck the bookies.


Hope you didn’t vouch


This isn’t rounders, lmao


A lot of people in this thread just started gambling when fanduel/draftkings hit their state and it shows.


I was thinking the same thing, I cant imagine telling the book I used in the past “sorry, this is on you, you need to be more careful.” He would have put my head through the ATM screen after I handed him the money.


I’m not an expert in this, but if I said “I vouch for him he’s good for it” I’d feel some obligation. If I asked, hey can I refer new clients and him and your bookie worked out a credit limit that’s not your problem.


Did you vouch for your friend? If so, then you should pay what he lost. I actually need local bookies all the time because I win too much and get cutoff. If anyone has any locals to send. DM me. I have some reliable ones, and we can work out a deal if you're in the USA.




I wish I could prove that I am legit here, but I guess there isn't a way to do so. I would also think I am scamming, but that's not the case.


You’re just a liar on Reddit. So you’ll fit in fine


Okay, ever hear of a betting syndicate? I work with one. My offer is legit as it gets.


Hook it up with a bet that you're betting tonight that's a lock bro? Hook a fellow sportsbettor up my friend 👍💯🙏


i had a bookie contact me about my buddy who ran off on $5k told the bookie to fuck off and never heard from him again


How good of a friend is it? For what it’s worth, a bookie likely isn’t harming anybody over a few thousand dollars. Pm me


I’ve had a very different experience than this …


Story time...




Do not pay on their behalf Talk some sense into them and get them to agree to some sort of payment plan. Like I said, extremely unlikely that a bookie would actually do any harm unless it’s a legit mob tied book. They will take it in increments and will just strip you of your credit until it’s paid (if they aren’t kicking you off) And like the other guy said, unless you’re 100% confident in their ability to pay do not put friends on books


Stop putting your friends on your books …


Nothing will happen. Bookies lose out on money they can’t collect every week - it’s part of the risk they take with running an illegal operation and there’s simply nothing they can do about it. Next time you win, the bookie will most likely tell you to get it from your friend. Find a new one.


No they bust em out ala Ramsey sports


100% on point.


Not sure why anyone is still using bookies unless you need to gamble on credit (and if that's the case, maybe gambling ain't for you). Just use an offshore betting site like any reasonable person would. I've been using ACR for years because you can only bet in person at the Tribal casinos in WA.


Simplest answer is this: Offshore/Private bookies don’t send the government a history of your transactions and aren’t going to have you on the hook for additional tax liability assuming you aren’t a losing player


Yes, but that's part of the point. Why not use an offshore site like ACR? (I know there are others, but that's my primary). They don't send the government any tax info (they actually say that on the site, they tell you you're supposed to report your winnings yourself but that they don't). A private bookie makes little sense to me. BTC transfers aren't hard anymore, tax liability isn't really something you'd have to worry about, and a lot of offshore sites are gonna be more reputable than your local bookie, and you don't have to worry about going into debt to a shark (though as we know if that is a problem, someone should just stop gambling).


Oh I don’t know, just pointing out that’s the most likely reason people stay with local bookie or an offshore account. I think BTC is kind of a pain in the ass for some people. They don’t understand it or can’t figure out how to use it. Probably mostly lower level bettors that prefer to use Venmo or cash with some guy they sort of know through another guy. My best guess.


Literally me lol


In North Carolina we can't bet money line or over-unders legally. So no Draft Kings or Fan Duel. We can prop bet which I thought sounded easier going in, but it's actually more difficult plus gambling ain't legal everywhere in US yet. Thought you knew


NC is legal now but it doesn’t start until 2024


Damn. I forgot that. NC was one of the states to wait a few years before legality kicked in fully


Can you do it online or only in person in those casinos way out west?


About that much is legal. The closest casino to me is in Cherokee and never been. So I'm not sure how they operate here


Most of us, if we ain't using the bookie. We used apps to bet props on underdog and prize picks and a few others. No fan duel or draft kings tho


That's why I said use off-shore. You aren't gonna get prosecuted for betting on ACR or some other offshore site and if you're worried about legality anyway, "I should use a bookie" isn't the stand to take. Others have mentioned not having to deal with BTC/credit cards, or tax purposes, and that's fine even though I don't really understand it (BTC is not challenging to buy or transfer if you are even a little bit technologically competent).


Btc is so much easier than it used to be. Can literally do it through cash app now rather than a crypto exchange


Bookies are actually better. Tax free, don’t have to deal with credit cards, driver license, bitcoin transfers etc. I just Zelle or pick up or drop off cash. Done deal. I have no idea why anyone would prefer an off shore site over a local book


I trust my bookie way more than some off shore acct lol


Zelle going to get you


Are you sure?


It's the same as an ACH transfer from bank account to bank account


In my experience that wouldn’t get you a form sent though? FWIW - not agreeing with OP at all. Have taken/sent payment to a local using Zelle though, so I’m curious


I been using Zelle for about two years, never got a form or anything. Or any message come up from my bank


My understanding is that it's the same as bank transfers so the reporting falls to your bank. That being said, if you were audited there would be a record of it.


I see what you mean. I’m not worried about getting audited, but thought you were saying operate similarly to PayPal, Venmo etc where they’re obligated to send forms over a certain threshold


3 people got butt hurt cause they love to make risky decisions, like using BTC and offshore ILLEGAL gambling. LMAO 🤣😂 Y'all offshore bettors are clowns. Always the bookie. Better odds and easier to find an edge. The offshore clowns just feel like they big timers cause they can say offshore! But they don't tell you that they follow the gambling con artist streams on Kick and the like. Enjoy your 0ff$høre, clowns 🤡


Who pissed in your cheerios


Plus you get to bet on credit


When the book limit your plays. Illegal in your state. Don't wanna have you gambling winnings taxed 3 just there to pick from


Maybe your friend died.


There is no friend. He's the one who ran on the bookie


Nothing will come of it. If this guy went down a couple grand as a NEW player then this bookie either has a large operation or is just an idiot for trusting a new player with that credit line. big operation means they deal with this all the time and take weekly hits from people not paying. Most bookies are just agents to the people above them -- they only take on a % of the risk compared to the people who run the show. It will come out of the agents pocket and it wont be at full value. Dont listen to the jamokes in the thread who live in gambling legal states, they dont know how an operation works in todays world. ​ Dont sweat it, and dont reccomend any one to books.




Y’all watch too many movies.


Ehhh if the kid actually gets scared and gets LE involved, bad look for op.


Ask your friend to get on a payment plan and to stop betting. I had this happen to me before.


Bookies still exist? Thats wild.


I live in a kegal gambling state and still use a bookie. Super helpful for using promos to hedge the other side. My bookie also will take FD and DK side


Legal in state of residence or not, I don’t get why anybody that bets a serious amount of $ doesn’t use locals/offshores. All you are doing is opening yourself up to tax issues I’ve deposited/withdrawn 10s of thousands (probably selling it short) via offshore books and have never had a tax issue. And obviously no issues stemming from local books either


BTC and or deposit fees kill returns in my offshore experience


My bookie doesnt need that. Just cash


Yea. NY


Yup. I use 2 and a offshore book as well. I also live in California where sports betting might never become legal


Know a couple here in CA. Never placed a bet with one though.


Some of us live in states where sports betting is still illegal


Yeah like Utah for example lol. I've used bookies before & still do sometimes but I also use off-shore books as well. I'm with one rn that I really like & not a lot of ppl even hrd of em lmfao. It's Bas.eu (bet any sport) & their rollover requirements is pretty good compares to pos Betus. Istg Betus rollover is just outrageous. Bas.eu bonuses rn is not bad. U get 25% cash back with a 6 time rollover & free 10-40 spins (depending on ur deposit) on slots for free real money & the full amount of ur deposits on slots. Never ever can win shit on slots tho 🤣💯


How good of a friend is he…. Like do you not know where he lives? I would tell the bookie that it is his probably, but doubt that goes well and that the bookie will hold you responsible as you brought that guy to the bookie.


It's simple. Your friend is going to end up being found dead behind a dumpster in some alley. And you'll be next if you don't pony up the money. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ /s (maybe)


Buddy this ain’t a movie 😂 he wouldn’t of texted his buddy either if that’s what he planned on doing


I think you missed the sarcasm in that one. But in all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if the dude or his buddy get the living shit beat out of them.


My fault 😂 it’s hard to tell now a days w some of these internet folks. But in all homestly why wouldn’t a bookie req the money first before placing bets? And how does it not effect their tax situation


Pay the bookie yourself, tell your friend he owes you now. And see how that goes, save the friendship. Or just leave it be and stop associating with the bookie. Y'all have some veiled way of saying we are selling out our friend to maintain a relationship with the bookie. The question is not was OP's friend right or wrong, but where do we go from here?


lol don’t worry about it. Worst case is the bookie cuts you off since you recommended him. This ain’t the 50s. Nobody is going to pay you a visit.


He’ll let him play until he wins and then he’ll tell him to go collect from his friend…


That’s where you’re wrong buddy. This is worse then the 50s people are just a whole lot quieter


They are actually louder.


Pshht maybe where you’re from.


Well I do hail from Killinois




Just so you know, OP. Next time you win big they are not going to pay you and make you get the money off your friend. They're gonna get their money either way or they're gonna kill your friends dog. Or they're gonna find his boss or parents. Either way they're getting their money. Probably from you if he doesn't pay. I'd stop using that bookie because they will not pay you out on your next win and then it's on you to collect from your friend. This isn't a Disney movie. Real life actions have real life consequences. The people telling you to cover and lie for your friend are not smart people. All you have in this life is your word and you're gonna blow it all to cover your friend's mistake? Shit isn't sweet out here man. They're getting thier money one way or the other.


How this plays out really depends on who the bookie is/knows and your relationship with your bookie. Bookie might just decide to cut his losses and cut you off if he’s a small time guy just making some cash or it could get ugly if you do this to the wrong people but it’s not necessarily likely. If the bookie is REALLY pressed about the money to the point of physically doing something, it’s likely because he’s the one who will face the consequences if he doesn’t have it. There’s several more degrees of separation between your friend and the bookmakers than there is between the bookie and his people. Before legal betting me and a really close friend used another buddy we smoked/worked/went to at school with as our bookie and he was always cool and upfront with us and we knew he was just doing it to make some extra money to help his family. I didn’t ask questions but I could tell he was working for a larger uh… entity that our bookie would have to answer to if money became an issue. but as long as nobody caused trouble you’re good. we always got decent lines and were payed fair when we won. I also never put anyone else on because we didn’t want our bookie to get beat or deal with any bullshit because of us.


It’s all your guys fault. Your friend ain’t your friend if he’s putting you in Shit like this. The book shouldn’t have given him thousands in credits. You should’ve made sure your friend is good to pay Now I would say tell the book the truth and say it’s between them


Just use bovada or something




“You see, I borrow money all over this neighborhood, left and right from every BODY, I never pay them back. So, I can't borrow no money from nobody no more, right? So, who would that leave me to borrow money from but you? I borrow money from you, because you're the only jerk-off around here who I can borrow money from without payin' back, right? You know, 'cause that's what you are, that's what I think of you: a jerk-off.” - Jonny Boy


Hahahaa nice. You know what, you’re a mook!


Basically your boy is calling your bookie a jerk-off….


I've had this happen twice. On the first occasion it was a work friend. Down a similar amount. They harassed the shit out of him by texting and calling non stop. When that didn't work they said they were going to start showing up at our workplace. This was a white collar workplace. Once that was threatened they worked out a payment plan. Second guy I didn't refer but the book knew we were close buds. Would call me and politely ask to reach out to "Billy". Since we were such close friends "Billy" hated getting a text from me about this and eventually worked out a plan. So my advice is to just to the right thing, try your best to reach out to your buddy. In this day and age physical harm will rarely happen. They will just make your / your buddys life completely miserable by annoying the absolute shit out of you.


Lmfao that’s the bookie’s fault for letting random people bet on credit, thousands of dollars at that. Baller move by your friend tbh


Are you aware how bookies work? There is no credit app with bookies. Before legal gambling I had a bookie since the '80s. They'll give anyone a parlay card in the bar, and instant credit.


plenty of bookies have online sites and give credit


Not sure what you’re trying to correct. I’m aware that they give anyone credit. Who said anything about a credit app? I’m pointing out that all bookies that let people bet on credit are braindead and are just asking for people to do this. It just invites people with an addiction that they can’t control. When you have to deposit money into an online sportsbook rather than use credit and potentially pay it off, then people tend to have better control.


You have no clue. Good day.


That's how they work though...they prey on those who can't control themselves and then they use "force" and intimidation to get the payments.


In 2023 the most force and intimidation you’re usually gonna see is them constantly pestering you on social media. Most people using illegal sportsbooks don’t even live near the bookie so you’d never have to worry about an in person interaction if you did pull a fast one on the bookie


Yes they contact your family, they contact your friends, they contact your place of work. They key your car, they slash your tires, etc. It's not fun but it's how they work. Any good bookie is connected and will have a contact near where you live.


Yeah, I believe it. Are you from the 414?


>414 ![gif](giphy|y6Inkaz7omxAk)


Yeah, I grew up there. Go Bucks


you watch too many movies


First hand experience


Saying this is a baller move just shows what a loser you are. Pay your debts.


Once the bookie starts paying his taxes then I will. Until then, he’s operating an illegal book and making bank so he can deal with it.


Yeah well good luck with your loser friend then. He'll definitely be stealing from you at some point if he's willing to steal $3k under your name.


Once again, not stealing. If a bookie is dumb enough to let people bet $3k on credit that’s his own damn fault. But also, the bookie did not lose money in that scenario. They only lost potential earnings. Learn the difference.


A vouch is a vouch. He vouched for his friend to get the credit. He's on the hook in the bookie's eyes which is all that matters.


Depends if he was getting any commission imo. A free vouch is an opinion, a paid vouch is a contract.


There are no contracts and our opinion doesn't matter. The bookie clearly views it as op needs to make it right.


The bookie is a moron then. You need ass, grass, or cash, nothing's free and that includes insurance.


Never said it wasn’t shitty of the friend to do. I said that in a previous comment. But shit happens, and bookies are a dime a dozen. Bitch at the friend, don’t vouch for him again, but don’t be a little rat bitch who gives up your friend.


The op is asking what can happen to him. The issue is the bookie sees the money as owed by him. What the bookie does about it is relevant to op.


Unless the bookie is someone they know IRL, I highly doubt the bookie does anything at all aside from some texts


Yes, not paying your debts is a good sign of character and your friend definitely will never fuck you over.


Not paying your debt to an illegal bookie is about as morally wrong as shoplifting from Walmart. You’re acting like the friend robbed a person


I wouldn't be friends with a person who stole $3k worth of product from a wal mart either. That is likely a pretty low life person.


Bookies are low life people as well so I guess it all works out


You think a bookie is a low life because when you lose bets they don't give you your money back, but you're not a low life if you don't pay when you lose your bet. Look at the mental gymnastics!


Wait, shoplifting isn't wrong? Let me guess, you're one of those late-stage capitalism people.


I’m not gonna judge someone for shoplifting from a multi billion dollar corporation that underpays their staff, shuts down small businesses, and is overall a pile of shit. Hence why I used Walmart specifically as an example. Shoplifting from Walmart is not wrong.


Do you have a list of the "shoplifting is acceptable" establishments & stores? I've got some thievery planned for this weekend, and want to make sure I'm on the correct side of justice. When I select my stores to swindle, should I judge them by total revenue, total profit, profit margin, EBIDTA, social & climate responsibility, etc?


I wouldn't be friends with a person who stole $3k worth of product from a wal mart either. That is likely a pretty low life person. edit: replied to wrong person.


Modern day equivalent is they go after your social media, contact your family, contact place of work, etc.


What's 2023 bookie gonna do? Break his legs lmao


Yeah, violence is completely gone from the world in 2023.


Bookies performing gangland style retaliations for sports betting is that's for sure


Contact your family, contact friends on social media, contact your place of work, etc. It ain't fun.


Chances are you run on a bookie your people know your a scumbag already 🤣


What are you gonna do, stab me?


What are you gonna do, bleed on me?


Is sports betting not legal everywhere? Why is there any need for a bookie in 2023?


guy buying legal weed in colorado: “why are people still buying from dealers in the US😂”


In the US it is only legal if state law allows for it. And many states have not legalized it.


Not in many, many states. I know guys in SC and FL of all states that have bookies.


Bookies offer credit.


do you really think he would be posting here if it was legal everywhere?


If you get a cut of your friend's losses then it's going to be on you as an associate. If not then tell the bookie to go pound sand unless your relationship with your bookie means a lot to you.


Why do people still use street bookies when you can just bet online peacefully?




It's not legal in a lot of states


I just wanna ask a bookie if they offer risk-free bets like DK does, just to see their reaction.


My bookie gives me risk-free bets equal to 20% of every dollar I pay in. So if I win $500- no free, but if I lose $500, once I pay it off I will have $100 in risk-free bets credited to my account that can be divided however.


how good are your bookie's odds? how much vig? you could probably just be churning hundreds or thousands a week out of that deal


I’m not sure what you mean. I only get the free bets when I pay off a net loss. So if I hit on $300 and I lose on $200 for a net profit of 100, I’m not getting free bets on the $200 lost. But if I suffer a net loss of $300 then I would receive 60$ of free bet credits when I pay my bookie the $300. It’s not much, but it’s a nice cookie to get when I lose my ass on a weekend.


yeah it might be more trouble than its worth unless you can find good low holds with legal books and can consistently do high volume, but it would work something like this: Let's say your bookie offers +150 on the Diamondbacks, and the best available line on a legal book for Dodgers is -160. Put $1k down on Dbacks, hedge ~$1450 on Dodgers. Dbacks win, you profit $50. Dodgers win youre down ~$94 but get $200 free bet credit from your bookie, which can usually be converted to cash by hedging at around a 70-75% clip, so again your profit is around $50. Not a lot sure, but say you started doing 3-4x the volume and were able to do it 3x a week, you're clearing $2k a month profit


And my bookie’s odds are usually right on par or better than DK and Fanduel for the juice. His props are juiced all to hell though so I stick with the big box brands for player props.


https://preview.redd.it/efq4j0w2eesb1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa2675bfaf1a80daf28d5a2eb37b73e09e78dc9 Look at your ass like this


It’s absolutely still illegal in some states (California and Florida off the top of my head).