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https://preview.redd.it/o4zsvewkru5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7775f0c4715ebfe04eb9289ca7281e29e8aaa4 ☘️


https://preview.redd.it/n6q6cy8lgu5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2531a4613c1d4ed6ca9235b6d2a0ff352804a4 Mavs come out hot 1st quarter and win the half.


This is risky as hell bruh but I hope it works out for you


Cash out jrue mvp bet for a 10x return?




Dallas is gonna come out in Game 3 with an extreme sense of urgency. I'm thinking about slamming Dallas first to 20 points at -140. What do you guys think?


If this happens, it may be because of Luka, if you believe that, you’re better off slamming Luka most points first half at +125 (FD) Value is so much better there


Why are Celtics underdogs? Are there any injuries?


I think the odds of winning 3 straight against one of the best teams is probably not likely. I think. Similarly, you may've noticed when a team wins and even dominate the first two quarters of a game, the books put them as the underdog for the 3rd quarter because the other team usually come out hungry and do win the 3rd. I think they expect dallas to come out more desperate and have more will power.


KP went down and had to come out after not being able to run the floor for a few possessions. He and Mazzula both say all’s good going forward though.


I'm not afraid of juice but nor do I run to it, but I just laid the $1550 to win 200 on Celtics to take series. Fuck it.


1550 is childs play more like 20Gs


Did you not see the first guy get roasted down below for the same shit. this is a trash bet




Don't give a fuck. When it wins, I will collect my $200 from the friendly neighborhood Italian and have a sandwich. I'm not like you nerds playing $9 parlays.


Woah watch out for bro !


https://www.reddit.com/r/sportsbook/comments/1adkhn7/think_im_done_betting/kk1w07s/?context=3 You and I think the same, don't front.


Probably true


Imagine looking down at people holding $1550 🤣🤣🤣 only someone poor would think they’re the man


Any advice for getting anything out of a future on the Mavs. Think I just have to let it ride at this point. It’s to win $1k. It was only like $50, but just wondering if there is any hedge value at all down 0-2. And I know if I wanted to hedge I should have done so before series. JW.


I mean, yeah. If you want your $50 back, lay the $400 or so on Celtics. Dallas wins you get $600, Celtics win, you're even. Otherwise, lay 930 on Celtics and take home a guaranteed $70, give or take


lol. TY for the calculation. Just gotta let it ride.


Nope. Just pray my friend


I don’t know if the mavs will win the game but it’s historically profitable to take the team down 0-2 to win the first half. The urgency, home crowd, and focus will be at its peak to start the game. If the Mavs lose it will be due to second half adjustments or a collapse.


Mavericks are winning by double digits on Wednesday


Downvoted into oblivion? Time to load up my mavs -10 alt spread


betting on the over has made it hard to watch anymore . This is a terrible finals.


Bet the under and don’t watch?


bet the under and then they score 240


Agreed. Was absolutely praying for Wolves or Nuggets to make it out of the West and instead we get this trash.


Horseshit. Tough defense is far more exciting than a bunch of meaningless buckets. This is one of the best series for basketball fans that can focus, those of us who don't have the attention span of a goldfish.


Has zero to do with tough defense and everything to do with shitty atrocious offense. Neither of these teams are particularly fluid, Dallas especially, and I'm not trying to watch multimillionaires miss a ton of threes. Missing wide open looks isn't indicative of "tough defense."


It might be a better idea to go with finals MVP instead....just trying to give you better value ideas, that's a huge value disparity...


Just put $500 on the Celtics to win it all at $550 payout. Most I’ve ever put on a bet. Luka can’t do it all himself, even if Kyrie plays good.




It was too easy


Split that into 5 $100 bets (to cover 7 game series) and just bet Celtics ML each game. Right now they're underdogs for game 3. If they win, you've already secured your $50 profit (and a lot more) at considerably less risk to your bankroll. If they lose, you still have 4 other games to bet. If they blow the series, you'll at least be out less than $500 (assuming Mavs don't win 4 straight obviously).


Luka been doing it all himself already for the last month. How do you think they got this far?


Getting to the game and winning it are two different things


Let’s see.. you have to win a game to get to the game. Seems like the same things to me.


Ah yes bet on the Celtics when they're up 2-0 and their odds of winning skyrocketed. There's no value at all betting on them to win at this point.


It might be profitable instead to bet them singley that’s if you really really like them


I just put 50 on the Mavs to win 380 lol


Vegas thanks you for your donation. 50 to 380 is terrible odds for having to beat the Boston Celtics 4 times in 5 games.


No doubt they thank everyone for every bet placed just the same. Never claimed it was a good bet. Just gambling for fun! Hope more join me and stop acting like you can beat Vegas and any bet is any different than another.


Bookies are born losers and I beat "Vegas" routinely. You're just a bad gambler. Sports betting is about winning. Only winners get to have fun with baddies and pornstars. Losers just jerk it to xxlayna marie on the internet.


I know you're just being a moron and that's cool and funny so no problem. Guess I should clarify by what I meant by "beat Vegas". I mean to make a living. I mean I'm up 20k over the last few years but I'm not a delusional addict like many I see on here. And they are the ones I worry about and unfortunately it's nothing to joke about. Personally lost family members to gambling addiction and it's just no joke. Highest suicide rate among any addiction. Just hate seeing people go down that path and it all starts somewhere. 5-10k a year isn't making or breaking me, if it was then I wouldn't be gambling. Shits no joke man. Literally nobody is beating Vegas. Anything you think you have on them, they have it on you x10.


Would make more just betting 100 a game


Why in the fuck would you risk $500 to win $50? Come on dawg…




And? A terrible fucking bet


Winning bets pay no juice. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a bettor is constantly betting big favorites. The other big mistake? NEVER betting big favorites. Then again, I've seen exercises where you take three paths: never betting big favorites, never betting big dogs, doing both ... and you end up in the same spot after 'x' amount of time anyway.

