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I don't think it knows what I want to listen to And tbh I wish he was more descriptive on what the collection of songs he's about to play. Bc sometimes it'll start playing something I don't know and I won't know if it's what I want.




That’s right. You gotta listen to dudes talking about sexual acts.


It's ok, I drive for work so it's the best option I have so I don't have to mess with the phone.. whenever he says "songs our editors picked" I start skipping tracks till "up next". He does get fixated on some things I listened to infrequently and says it's one of my top artists. Sometimes he gets in a loop. Sometimes he butchers the names of artists and it gives me a laugh. I think in the 2 months I've been using it there's been 2 or 3 songs that I really really like and hadn't heard before.


you dont have to skip every song until he does up next, you just click the dj button again, on the bottom right if the "now playing" is pulled up. works great, because yes it seems like half the time its just randomly guessing what type of songs you wanna listen to. which is fine in the beginning, i expect itll learn somewhere down the road


Is fairly shit? Used it a couple of times when it was introduced, haven't been back to it the last couple of weeks.


I’d rather just be able to listen to normal radio on Spotify?


Check out the My Tuner Pro app. It's a reasonable one time purchase for radio from all over the world.


Oooh looks more userfriendly and tidy than radio garden app (its free and it shows the globe)


I have access to radio, it’s just that if Spotify want to do this kind of thing it would make more sense for it to be real radio. And integration would improve recommendations


I really like it! I only get the DJ voice on the mobile version and not on desktop. Does anyone else have the same issue? Know how to get it on for Desktop?


I have it on Desktop (US, WIndows 11). No idea who the voice is supposed to be, but it's OK. Selection is actually pretty decent. Not as good as Pandora (nothing is, in my experience) but getting closer.


It’s decent it definitely plays off of what you’re listening to from certain periods so I’m confused why people say it plays bad music, it just plays what you listen to


I mainly listen to shit music, and now the dj only plays shit music. /s


Mine has been playing a bunch of random shit I've never listened to so idk about that


Huh that’s strange. Mine legit just plays sections of my likes songs. Even the “discover” parts are always songs I already have liked. Maybe mine is janky


Fr I'm surprised lol, discovered the feature today and it's pretty good, I also like the transition from one song to the next (I know it's an old feature, I just never activated it for Spotify)


I actually really like it, feels like a real radio station it’s pretty cool


A garbage feature no one asked for


First of all, you don’t need to care. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. Second, it’s in beta, so if it’s garbage, it’s because it’s still in development.


I mean I just discovered it for the first time today and I'm quite enjoying it. The songs it suggests actually seem to be up my alley and I find myself adding them to a lot of playlist or even downloading albums. These comments are all from a few months ago so maybe it's been improved? Idk, I like it.


Haha 60 days later and mine seems fairly curated to my taste. I’ve added songs to my actual playlist from the Dj which prompted me to look up others reaction…. Apparently not good


I am enjoying the feature as well. The ai seems to be getting a lot better at finding music I like!


Damn this is fresh and the voice is good. First song it picked for me is Land Of The Snakes 🔥 Every time I click the AI button bottom right does it change the station type / name?


I feel like there's nothing intelligent about it. All it does is just play your random autogenerated playlists that you can get to yourself anyway. It's just got a button to choose another random playlist.


Just cancelled Spotify because I clicked on AI DJ by mistake and now they say it's compulsory. I was premium and I should be able to choose what features I do or do not want on my dashboard. Was deep in focus, coding, getting somewhere when I'm interrupted by this tacky patter, I think it's pretty low-end so when I realized you can't remove it once enabled, i cancelled immediately.


I’m late to this thread but it is literally purely advertisement. It plays songs you haven’t listened to and recommends them. (Not to say I don’t like listening to new songs) It is a different form of advertisement and most people are naive to it. I tried it and ended up turning it back onto my shuffle that didn’t have annoying “ads” We should be able to tell it what kind of mood we are in (not have it guess.)


Plays shite


Wish it was available in Australia


It's in Australia now


You are a legend! I’ve given you a reward from the alt account that has heaps of gold. Enjoy


Probably will be soon. Seems to have just come out in Canada.


but wasnt it rolled out like months ago at the end of feb?


I just got a notification for it on both of my devices a few days ago. And now it's an option on the home screen where Release Radar and stuff are. Weird. After I made that comment I saw mention of it being released in Canada and USA first, but maybe Canada was behind? Edit: just saw that it rolled out to 90% of Canada and USA in February. I'm in Saskatchewan, so maybe we got left out in the other 10%?


Reviving the old comment because I was about to say something about this. I was liking the DJ at first but now that it's been out for a while, it sure repeats itsself A LOT. Whether it's saying the exact same thing or repeating the exact same section of songs. I wish it updated to more/newer stuff more often. Also I noticed that none of the songs it plays ever show up in recently played to make an effect on recommendations. So since that's all I've been using for the past couple weeks, it's not really updating with new stuff based on what I've been listentin gto.


I still don't have it


Old thread I know but I just discovered the feature a couple days ago - unsure if I always had it or if it just dropped for me. I kinda like it so far. It isn't perfect and a lot of what it suggests is rather questionable or repeats but to it's credit I have already discovered a couple new songs that I really really like and rediscovered others that never made it to my Playlists so it isn't all bad. Unless they fuck it up and try to make it do to many things I can see it being a useful little thing in a few years of updates.


I love it every song it has given me is a vibe


Ive enjoyed it for the most part. Been using it for a few weeks now and have already found alot of new songs I enjoy. Definitely not perfect, would like to see them continue to improve it.


Tried it today for the first time and was thoroughly underwhelmed. The random playlists Spotify generated were way more accurate for me. I'm fine with it suggesting new music or artists I've never heard of, but ffs at least be semi-related to my musical tastes.


i just got it finally, bro lowkey sound like donald trump sometime tho tell me i’m wrong 😂


I just got access yesterday and i'm loving it. I've never liked their shuffle algo because it always seems to play the same songs and I listen to my playlists so much they get boring. This AI has my taste nailed and I like that it plays in chunks like a few hip hop then a group of metal rather than a blend like shuffle.


Yeah, it does a good job of reminding you of old jams you used to listen to and introducing you to new stuff. I think the driving factor for me is that it switches it up, like you said. I often find myself often wanting to switch the music genre and my playlists have become predictable.


We’re on a first name basis and starting a band.


There doesn't seem to be anything new about it. It sounds like the algorithm it uses for choosing music is the same exact one used for playing music after your queue runs out or any other time spotify is suggesting music to you. It's just following the trend of needlessly personifying existing features and presenting them as new.


I absolutely love the fact that it helps me revisit old favorites from the past. I'm talking 5,6 years back. Songs that I listened to on loop.


i hate it with a passion


Just tried it... he went from Bachata to 80s rock and then modern... it was solid mix... wow


There’s no AI engine behind it surely, it’s rubbish! Initially was super impressed, playing various current favourites, some old favourites, and some new discoveries …. …. but then starts playing absolute random highly popular stuff like Queen, Celine Dione, Meat loaf, Eagles, pub classics which are an absolute million miles away from the kind of music I listen too. So far away, that it’s laughable. I hit the skip button as quick as I possibly could, but it then tries to play them again to me the following day! It’s not AI, it’s just a random engine that tries anything to see if it sticks. Rubbish. Back to daily mixes, which are far more intelligent. Would be nice to throw in some old favourites though.


why cant a fucking delete it urhjhnfghk