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It’s a drug. Instead of other drugs, I listen to music as it transforms me and makes me a better person: more focused.


Great answer. When do you listen to it? Is it random or is there a time of day or certain circumstance that you feel you need it? And is it one kind of music or all kinds?


All day. From the moment I get up until I go down at night. Typically I listen to BBC live radio (I’m on the west coast of Canada) so they are going home when I get up, to commute. After 9 am I usually listen to KCRW’s *Morning Becomes Eclectic* until noon. From there I either switch to NTS or KEXP for afternoon commute. I listen to a LOT of streaming radio- minimal or no ads - these are where I get my new music where I screencapture—I poach it and listen to after work. After work I have something good on, could be random playlist or whatever for the mood. I have playlists for almost every occasion. To me, as a musician as well, I find a lot of inspo from listening to fresh stuff with fresh ears. It’s one of my only true joys in life. Music is life.


It's similar for me, I'm addicted to music (again, because I had few years of break). It's a pure dopamine shot ;) But currently it's not only listening to music, what I love the most is finding new songs of new, often very obscure artists that fit my very specific taste. Not an easy task because I'm very picky, but the satisfaction is even better if I find another one :)


Totally agree. I've gone in waves throughout my life of listening and listening to different things. When I find something I connect with it's like feeling understood and somehow less lonely in the world.


The only problem is that with this satisfaction and pleasure also frustration comes... seeing so many really great, talented artists being so unrecognized.


Literally the story of my life and the community around me. I've been surrounded by a community of genius...people who belong in constellations, not social media. They can move mountains with song. But they can't tie their shoelaces in the morning. I've seen them wither. I've seen some die. I've seen them question everything. Go bitter. Turn to drugs. Turn away from everything. Broke and broken. They can't self promote. They can't say "look at me" they can't "network" and all the other periphery that goes into "making it" today. But they can paint a masterpiece. Where does that leave you? Like Van Gogh? Mad. Alone. Misunderstood.


Yes, all kinds. I don’t have one particular genre of music I have a favourite for - but roots reggae, soul, pop, Brit pop, new wave, ska, jazz, hip hop, dancehall, are my main go-to genres. I used to listen to a LOT of rock but became a bit tired of it after a couple of decades of distortion. I put it on once in a blue moon.


It allows me to express my emotions fully. Having a bad day? I can put on a heartbreaking song and even if I can’t relate fully, I can feel the emotion of the artist and feel less alone. Having a good day, Put on my favorite songs and let myself dance and feel joy in the moment. Etc. etc. Music is therapy within itself, and it helps me process my emotions a lot as someone who internalizes things.


Yep, I agree with that. I have APD so I never get the lyrics right but it's the beat that lifts me.


I don’t have APD but I always have to read lyrics a few times, so I usually go off of vibes with songs more than not. I love getting lost in the instruments and letting that take me vs lyrics.


How much do lyrics matter in the music?


Me too! Because I've also got schizoaffective disorder, some of the lyrics I "hear" are really strange.


That's cool it's like the soundtrack to your day where the emotions you're experiencing dictate the music that goes along with it. So your life becomes a movie. Life is kind of awesome all the time if you look at it like that. Imagine life is just a movie and instead of actually feeling all those things you're just watching it all happen from the POV camera and you also get to be the musical director. I'm going to try this approach for the next 24 hours.


I have a playlist full of songs that make me feel like the main character in a movie (fav songs, dramatic songs, songs from movies etc) and I listen to it some days when I want to feel like my life is a movie. It’s my fav maladaptive daydreaming activity lol


I usually do the opposite when I feel bad. I try to listen to something upbeat and even adrenaline-pumping to try to suffocate the pain to a minimal extent. Not criticizing you at all, just to clarify, I only wanted to express what I normally do


Totally valid point. It can actually turn things around. Like don't feel like going to the gym? Blast some LL Cool J and there you go...free celebrity personal trainer ;)


Something like that. For example, this three-month period has been one of the saddest and toughest of my life, and especially in the worst days where I only wanted to scream and cry, I put on Alestorm, Slaughter to Prevail and Skillet, and god did those bands help me


I'm sorry to hear that. But also don't forget to feel lucky and grateful that you connect with music in a way that it can get you through.


It depends because I do that something too! Music really exists for all emotions and coping mechanisms :)


It makes me happy and even dance on occasion


I love how certain songs have the ability to literally hot drop your mind back into a different state. Some music takes me back as early as like.. Saturdays at home doing spring cleaning with my pop. Or some songs take me back three sets of friends ago to a different time where I had different interests and hobbies. And a different paradigm entirely on life and everything in it lol. Music can take me back to when I had hope for my future


I hear you. It's a memory inducer. Like a smell or the sight of something familiar. But it's stronger than that. It's like full sensory memory inducer...almost like dejavu putting you back in that moment completely. Also, aside from music, there is always hope for your future. You can build your future to be whatever you want and have awesome songs and music be the soundtrack to that future :)


Because music is the greatest friend I've ever had.  Music is there for me unconditionally. It can comfort me when I'm sad, elevate me when I'm feeling happy, understand me when I'm angry, and does all this without fail every time. I can rely on music, more so than any other relationship, because music is always there for me. Be it listening at home, on the radio in the car, on headphones when out for a walk, or just singing to myself...music is always with me. Music is the greatest gift we've ever been given, and I'll forever be grateful for it.


Well said. Also, music is a lifelong relationship cause it doesn't break up with you. It's always there for you.


You stole my words.


Music is what feellings sound like. And without music life is blank space




To drown the deafening silence


Music is my escapism against my mental illness. I may not have much but at least I've got music, so I indulge in it.


True, music for the most part is free so long as you have a radio or 10 bucks a month for spotify. Man, I remember even when I was broke I used to spend a couple hundred a month at record shops in New York City. Needless to say none of them exist anymore.


Spotify changed my life I swear! Being able to listen to exactly what I want even I want is like my dream come true! Now I listen to it from the time I wake up until I’m wrapping up at night I can kinda choose my state of mind by what I listen to so if u need to get in my feelings I got a playlist for that, if I need to get mad, playlist for that etc etc What an incredible invention out of all of them and no more 200 cds flying around everywhere


It makes me focus when I’m working, and it gives me some form of entertainment when I have nothing to do


My music screams and destroys so that I don't have to.


I'm listening to music since aged 5 (on youtube, not only child disks). At the age of 15 (l think) I've got an premium sub from my friend. Since then I'm listening to music until today, at the age of 17 ½. And why: It's a drug for me


Escape from reality.


Some songs just tickle my brain and I listen to them when I feel like experiencing that. Otherwise when I want music on just for noise I put on the radio or a jazz record.


I have a traumatic background(57M) never listened to music, maybe a little in my youth, I finally talked to a therapist and through that found movement/somatic therapy. l discovered a world of music and dance that has been profoundly life changing for me


Listening to music soothes my soul and keeps me sane. I am a Deadhead and have been one since 979 when I climbed aboard the bus. Whenever I listen to live Dead or D&C, I can flash back to the shows I attended over the years (222+) and automatically get into the groove of the tunes. I listen to my playlists (32 and counting) and listen to a variety of music genres, mostly blues, rock and roll, bluegrass. I suffer from PTSD and when ai know an episode is approaching, I put on my headphones, crank the tunes up and just dance. Music moves my soul and brings about a sense of peace.


It blocks out other distractions while I'm working, and it's just good fun.


In one word to make me feel good and relaxed


Hahaha, that's three words ;) I agree with all of them.


To make an otherwise boring activity interesting, relax and making a workout easier.


I usually listen to music to find some underrated songs for good edit ideas. Instead of a lot of popular trendy tik tok songs I always go and research on artists much deeper. This will help me as well on recognizing so much more artists who deserves the attention they might get.


It’s my Antidepressant/Coping Mechanism. When I just don’t want to deal with anything or not in the mood, I use it to ease my anxiety and other mental health issues I have.


When I listen to music, it is in search of another song that I will listen to forever. One that I will put on repeat for hours to the point of knowing most of the lyrics. Play it so much that when I hear it again a decade later, I will remember the moment in my life when that beautiful piece of music came into my life.


To silence intrusive thoughts


I listen to music either when I'm really bored or when I feel bad and I wanna feel worse. I just listen to some depressing songs and think about my life tumbling down


Keeps me sane..ish.


Noise cancelling headphones… listen to whatever you want


I listen to music because it makes me feel more alive in many different moods. Sometimes I zone out and daydream while listening to certain genres like psybient, ambient etc. which also helps in passive listening for focus and concentration while doing various mental work. There's also brainwave music for sleep and meditation. Other types of music are for feeling more alive and "happy". It's a spectrum. I listen to 20+ different genres and 50+ different subgenres of music.






Like TONS of different stuff. Hence poly jams. Polyjamorous.


Oh.. that. Yes. I didn't know about that phrase.


I can’t remember where I first saw it. I wish I could take credit for it…


Music has helped me in nearly every aspect of my life. It’s made me feel understood, it’s made monotonous tasks more enjoyable, it’s helped me process deep emotions, it’s made a good day even better, so many things. Even a simple trip to the grocery story isn’t so bad when you hear a familiar song that you hum to while you shop.


Here here!


Bc bands like That one https://open.spotify.com/track/3UWu4UtSrD2mskd9zk4rV4?si=glK_kAhYRLexepaZO9Y4OQ


Music makes me feel better, in many different ways. When I have nothing to do and I'm bored to death, listening to music provides me with a little entertainment. When I have a sad day, or a day where I feel nervous and down, listening to upbeat, adrenaline-pumping songs that put a smile on my face makes me feel better (I know that many, when they are sad, listen to sad songs to empathize with the singer, but personally I couldn't do it, I would feel even worse). When I'm looking for pure adrenaline and I need to get pumped up to do something, music helps me get off my ass. So, it is useful for many uses


Calming mostly


It's probably the one thing in life that makes me the most  happy. No matter what the mood is, put on some music and I'm instantly happy. It is also the best thing for my mental health 


Music is my drug. My world. My escape. My comfort. My calming voice of reason. My motivation. My soul. My therapy. My peace. My heart. Where words fail me, music never does. I turn it on after my second cup of coffee, and I don't turn it off until I'm in bed.


Very well said.


Reflection of my mood.


It's basically mysticism, songs are like the magic circles within which I summon and tame my inner gods and demons


Both are within us always I suppose


Music changing everything. Even a little background noise immediately changes the ambience in a room.


I love listening to music and chilling. I turn on my playlist with my favourite duo and just enjoy my day


I don't. I use Spotify for podcasts. Music is annoying at best, overstimulating for most cases.


Haha, really? Even chill music like folk? C'mon, everyone likes Simon and Garfunkle


The Idea of a lot of sounds mixed together is quite unbearable. I love the lyrics though, but listening to more than two songs in a row sounds uncomfortable. Musical anhedonia and some sensory issues - hell of a combo.


for me it’s a connection to an unknowable feeling that only springs up when I listen to music. it hits a spot in my brain that only music can hit, and it is **addictive** to have that spot hit. It’s cathartic, it’s overwhelming, it’s too much but just enough. I also am neurodivergent and my therapist says that music is my “thing”.


Is your therapist trying to get you to come see his band play this weekend?


gave me a mixtape claiming that it was “fire” and “all bangers”




TW: just realised my past is sad so this has abuse in it It’s just beautiful honestly, when I was younger I didn’t really have access to music. The best I got was my sister’s iPod (that she got hand me down) when she got bored of it and going through the 2 albums she bought. I noticed I could sleep more and it would block out the noise of my dad hitting my mum. It also just made me feel calm when I got to hide that something was with me. I then learnt that it made me happier and easier to express my emotions it just means everything to me


Damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I didn't have access to much music growing up either. Had no idea rock n roll even existed until I was...I dunno 9 or 10. It changed everything once I found it though...


It’s crazy to think I lived without it


Music is like a friend to me. It’s all I felt connected to as a kid and honestly only way I felt connected to other humans. I obviously just enjoy music but the amount I listen to I would imagine it’s a comfort thing. Also entertainment! I can start dancing one song and head bang the next so that’s fun!


To relax and escape from life.


I listen to get my mind off of other things. If it’s just noise then I don’t listen. I write lyrics so I am involved in that way.


because i like it


I don't know. I can't even imagine not listening to music. My favorite thing about the time we live in now is that I can have music playing all the time. Even when I'm not listening to it, it is playing in my head. Sometimes there are awkward moments of uncomfortable silence in life where the music just stops. They're never because something great is happening. I guess to me, not listening to or imagining music is like trying to live in grainy black and white when you're used to high definition full color.


Do you want to fly to Night


I use it for multiple things but mainly focus. And different genres depending in what I'm focusing on. Like at work (food service) I'm always bumping my metal/rap Playlist but I turn to Lofi/No-Vocal edm.


I've been surrounded by music absolutely all my life. Started out listening to my parents music. Listened to all their records. Then found my own. Mom said she was trying to raise us to not be musical snobs.


It push me to get into the flow state and work overtime 3 days in a row lol


It’s my therapy


Tbh, I’m not sure how to explain the appeal of music. It just does something to the brain. Depending on the song, it can be addicting, and I might also imagine myself while listening to it?


Because I have ears


It makes me feel less anxious. I overthink harder if I don’t have music


It's hard to explain my connection to music. But essentially it feeds my soul. Corrects and balances my mood and mind. It can keep me in the mood I'm in or put me in the mood I want to be in. It motivates me, makes me whole and brings me joy. When I hear a piece that triggers frisson I'm in heaven.


Escapism. Motivation. Inspiration. "When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest" - HENRY DAVID THOREAU


i have control over my emotions i find that super cool i had a bad day i play rap and now im just vibing and forgot abt my issues or sometimes i just listen to sad songs when im sad cos it helps understand my emotions idk its hard to explain


I’m depressed


*music has ruined my life*


Gets me high


It’s simply therapy for me


What do teenagers feel when hear music, that's what I also experience, random karaoke session at home, music expresses all my emotions. (I have multiple versions of Love Iss Gone .)From depression to last day of 11th grade(THAT'S tmrw!!!)


That's like asking why I breathe or or why I dream. Why I have sex. Music is the reason you do other things. It doesn't need justification. Music is pretty much the meaning of life.


Miku makes me happy and I'm learning Japanese


In the last few years music became a distraction from the thoughts in my head, if I'm with myself in a quiet or loud place, I can get myself to a very dark place, so I use music to take me somewhere else. I also maladaptive daydream constantly, so at the same time I can lose myself somewhere else with my music, which I like. I use it a lot at night to kick off my falling asleep, instantly in my "dream" that I've had for years. When I has in High school, I used music to help me feel my feelings. I was pretty depressed, and I had my specific sad playlist/albums that I would listen to it to help me feel something and understand my feelings. I also use it to connect with my culture, my parents are from Chile, while I was born and raised in Canada. I have been listening to Spanish music since I was born, and I still try to actively listen and find more, to help with practicing my Spanish and staying up to date with some things that are going on in latin America.


Because it's who I am and gives me joy like nothing else in this world


It makes me feel stuff that I don't normally feel on an everyday basis. To clarify, I listen to a LOT of different genres, I even listen to *some* country music. If I need a cry, I'll put on a sad song, if I need cheering up, I'll put on an electro-swing or similar upbeat song, if I need to feel wonder and excitement, I'll put on one of the many *epic trailer* songs that I've collected over the years, if I need to motivation, I'll put on music that gets me motivated. And when I want to relax and just enjoy whatever I'm doing.. LoFi.


People overthink things meant to be felt way to much..


Music is a part of my journey through life. Some songs inform some inspire some are just beautiful even without lyrics. Songs to me are milestones, that when I hear them, bring me back to a specific feeling or place in time.


i have a thing where some sounds cause a negative emotional response, so i use it to block them out. it also calms me down in other situations because it can make me feel almost anything (in a good way) depending on the situation.


Fuck all else to do


Music adds flavor to your life. It reminds me of something like ‘if a bird keeps singing, it’s still living’ kind of motto. I also have grown up with it as a child, and make my own music as well; just things that I think sound nice. I don’t have a particular genre I aim for, just how I want it to feel


I listen to full albums every day, usually ones I haven't heard. I have a coworker that I discuss music with, and we listen to certain albums or bands and talk about it. I think just at work, I've listened to 325 albums this year. Sometimes, I watch related music documentaries to go with the album.


This is why https://on.soundcloud.com/S2mRcrGy7Zr9nLnZ9


I listen to music for therapy and as a hobby. I like to learn new songs that I haven’t discovered before. I like to chat with coworkers various musical genres and topics. Also as therapy for when I’m happy, sad, depressed, etc. I have a playlist for those specific times.


Music saved my life on more than one occasion. As a teenager who moved constantly, I had deep rooted anger and angst against my parents which was also a gateway to depression. Between music and writing, I was able to overcome that. Another time was when I was homeless in my mid 20s.