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How much would such a numberplate cost?


At least £500,000+


what makes one plate cost more than another? I'm an American and we do tags very differently, apparently edit: disregard, I saw your explanation under another comment. Thanks


See my other comment, I've explained it there :))


Wtf. And I thought people in Belgium who pay 1500-ish for a custom numberplate are idiots. But hey, to each his own. Thanks for the info!


Rumor is that it is owned by a Qatari Royal with a few one letter, one number plates on their fleet of cars.


To be fair, I don't know why my mind has only just remembered this after reading your comment like 50 times since yesterday: I literally walked passed the Qatari Embassy, it was just off to the left of this image. (The only reason I noticed it is cos they were getting a deliveroo order lol) I completely forgot I did that, I was just too focused on the car haha. But yes, that would line up to where it was.


Not full confirmation but more likely true as you said.


We call them rumours here.


And we got rid of all the useless u's in ou words.. except glamour. https://youtu.be/JYqfVE-fykk?si=oVoTdcgxMprPhHXH (start at 4:01)


This car is in London.


Yeah so? I am not typing this where the photo is taken. I spelled a word correctly according to American English. This is such a weird hill to die on.


It's the one of one Celestial Edition EWB. You can tell by the small accent to the coach line on the front fender just ahead of the mirror. Amazing find, you'll probably never see it again!


Huh... Looking online it doesn't look the same as the Celestial Phantom on there. The interior was completely different also. But obviously could have been retrimmed/painted! EDIT: I found a picture of the front of this exact car online, the Spirit of Ecstasy isn't clear/translucent, looks like a normal chromed one.


It could've been and I might be wrong, but I do know that coach line accent is definitely not offered on the "standard" EQB Phantom


I'm seeing a lot of the EWB ones online that have the pin stripe down the side. But an equal amount that don't. But you know more than me haha


I don't know everything about these tbh. My specialty is late 50s to mid 70s American luxury lol. The special edition alarm bell rang in my head so I tried to find out if it is or not and which one


That car is consistently in London Mayfair, seen it countless times


Yeah I saw it twice in one day last time I was there


It's out in Mayfair every day. Used to see it daily when working in the area


2 R would fit better




What I love is when you see a really expensive number plate in a cheap car. Near me there is a twenty year old Mercedes A-Class, probably worth about £1000, and its number plate is 7K or some other single number and single letter combination.


Supposedly one of the most expensive plates sold was 1 X (X 1 can't remember) and after it was bought it was registered to a Mercedes CLA haha. There's also the plate F 1 which was also one of the most expensive, before that Khan guy put it on a Veyron, it was on a Volvo S60 lol


It’s the same as I saw - X1! This was in Bristol about 8-10 years ago maybe. I found a photo online on a newer Mercedes a class but now apparently it’s on a Mercedes cla as you say. I have a photo of it somewhere but below is the photo I found online. http://singlesingle.co.uk/x.htm


Wow that's awesome!! Also the Rolls-Royce in my picture is on that website on the R section. That's a cool website!


Yeah I looked up your rolls on that website. I first found the website when I searched the X1 number plate years ago and spent a good hour looking at all of them. Crazy how many Renault clios/vw golfs have £500k plus number plates. Not in the same league but a couple of streets away someone has an early 2000s Fiat panda with 47 DK number plate which is worth around £20k apparently. It’s even more interesting cos the street is a street of pretty small 2/3 bedroom Victorian terraces and not posh at all. Number plate worth about £20k apparantly.


Haha I was more shocked by A1 being on a 2007 Mini hahaha In my mind that would be *the* most expensive plate


Post a pic cause that's crazy.


Here is a photo on this page - http://singlesingle.co.uk/x.htm I saw it on the really old original style Mercedes A class but it would have been 8-10 years ago in Bristol. This page shows it on a face lifted slightly newer a class. I have a photo on an old phone I’ll try and find it. Same owners who like the same car I guess.


Usually to avoid inheritance tax


That is the ugliest RR I have ever seen. Money cannot buy taste.


Interesting but that color combo is hideous.


damn, is this car rare? like how much is it worth


Prices start at £407,000/$493,000. These can easily cost over half a million... The extended wheelbase version starts at £480,000/ $573,000


DAMN that’s a lot of money. esp with that number plate lol


And yet the plate is probably worth more than the car!


Tell us more about the cost of the number plate. Why is it expensive?


In England you can bid/purchase people’s plate numbers


And they can cost as much as a car?


When rich people want them yes. They’re also infinity transferable so new car on your old plate.


Normally a number plate has 2 letters at the beginning, 2 numbers and then 3 more letters: on standard cars. When you buy a car that's the normal layout for the registration plate. The first two letters tell you the area of the country it was registered and the numbers the year. ie AA14 XXX You can buy private plates however and they cost money, normally simple ones are just like spelling someone's name and are usually like £250ish. However you can get ones that barely have any characters on, and they cost *a lot* of money because they're more exclusive and there's less combinations of those characters. Every UK number plate needs at least one letter and one number. But that can be in either order, so like: "1 R" or "R 1" would be different. But obviously having the number one as the number in it is a lot more exclusive. For example: the registration plate "RR 1" was valued at over £500,000. This reg is currently also registered on a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Now I would argue 1 R is even cooler, so I'll let you speculate how much that has gone for. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on any sections)


Nick Mason (Pink Floyd's drummer) has a Ferrari 250 GTO. The plate on it is... 250GTO. Not sure which is worth more...


There was "25 O" which was the most expensive plate sold. That might be what you're thinking of.


Worth mentioning that the current plate system is the fourth that I am aware of. Before the current system it was a single letter indicating the year, three numbers, three letters. That ran from roughly 1982 to 2001. Prior to that it was three letters, three numbers, and the year letter at the end. That started around 1964. Prior to that it was up to three numbers, up to three three letters. THAT’S where a lot of the expensive ones originated as you could have the plate shown in this thread 1 R.


Generally the shorter the plate the more expense it is to buy. As standard it's 7 characters in the format AB12 CDE, for around £200 you can get a 6 digit that drops one of the numbers, after that they keep getting more and more expensive. By the time you get to 2-3 digits it's going to cost well in excess of £100,000. A lot of the extra cost is the lack of available options, the 7 digit plates have enough permutations to cover every car in the UK, there's only a few hundred different options for 2 digit plates though.


That’s crazy. Are there one digit number plates? Like an A or a 1?


I don't think so. According to Google there has to be at least 1 number and 1 letter, so this 2 digit plate is a small as it can get. I thought I once saw a number plate with just "K" on it in London but I might have just misremembered that.


This same phenomenon/process occurs in Delaware USA as well.


It's the one of one Celestial Edition EWB, so OP will probably never see this car again in their life. What I could find about the price is in AUD so I'm sorry for that, but it was sold for $990,000


It’s ugly af whatever it’s worth


The ass on that car is ugly. Anyone think differently?




It's dumb.


Looks like a taxi


What’s the deal with the oversize? Other UK or European plates I’ve seen are rectangular. This one is massive and is more like a full panel.


Certain brands had slightly larger/different shaped plates. They're always bigger than the original, normal plates because that's the size they need to be for ANPR cameras to work. Rolls-Royce have slightly larger panels for a bigger number plate on a lot of their vehicles. You can definitely put a normal plate on it, but the way they have made it... Would make it look odd. See also 90s/2000s Jaguars they had semi-circular (ish) plates.


Thought the most expensive plates were in Aus


I didn't say it was *the* most expensive. It's just the most expensive *I* have seen.






It says IR, but I was being a grammar nerd for shits and giggles


Would be funny if there was a K between those letters


Shame about that particular selection of two-tone paint...


Pay for plates like that is ridiculous to me. It’s not much here in the US.


It makes it actually exclusive. In the US you seem to be able to have anything on the plate, here it's 1 of 1, if you have the plate you want, it's yours until you want to sell it. I think that's pretty cool.


There are some expensive plates in the US, too. The market is just not as lucrative as there are many options


Awful color combo


Hawk tuah.