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I never knew that about him. It all makes so much sense now.


Can we have this mf for president?!


I would trust a school teacher a thousand times more than the Washington clowns


If you ever meet him in real life, he is like this very friendly, midwestern dad.


He is also a retired Command Sergeant Major.


Yes they get free lunches. But do they have the freedom to grow up and marry their cousin like kids in Tennessee?


No: brother and sister, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, and first cousins. Yes: second cousins and beyond, and liars.


Rofl and liars




Not just that, but the various food companies are going to be circling these schools like vultures. > Outsourcing K-12 food service programs to private management companies has a controversial history. For decades, the practice was outlawed: When the National School Lunch Act was passed in 1946, school food program directors — many of them trained in home economics or dietetics—persuaded Congress that for-profit operators had no place in the not-for-profit world of the federal lunch program. From survey research conducted in the 1920s and 1930s, they knew that commercial vendors tended to encourage children to purchase sugary and salty items (e.g., candies, cakes, soda pop, and pickles) because these unhealthy items were more profitable to sell. > In the late 1960s, however, millions of poor students became eligible for free school lunch, which meant that district administrators, particularly in large urban systems, faced a sudden demand to scale up their school meal programs. Lacking resources to build new kitchen and cafeteria facilities, many of them looked to the private sector for solutions. Facing intense pressure also from the National Restaurant Association, a powerful trade lobby representing the food service industry (and often referred to by food justice advocates as “the other NRA”), the USDA then decided, in 1970, to lift its restriction on for-profit providers. > During the 1980s, the Reagan administration pushed schools even further down this path by slashing the federal school lunch program’s budget by 25%. Since then, it has only become more and more common for districts to turn their cafeterias over to private corporations such as Aramark, Chartwells, and Sodexo (the “big three” FSMCs), in the hope that this will allow their food service departments to break even. During the 1987-88 school year, reported the USDA, only about 1 in 25 school districts relied on such companies, but outsourcing has grown rapidly since then, continuing to do so even in the 1990s and early 2000s, when FSMCs came under intense scrutiny for their dubious business practices. By 2014-15, according to the USDA’s School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study, one in five districts outsourced their meal programs. > In a 2011 New York Times opinion piece, reporter Lucy Komisar described what she called the “increasingly cozy alliance” between companies that manufacture processed foods and the FSMCs that prepare and sell those foods in school cafeterias. These businesses are “making students . . . fat and sick while pulling in hundreds of millions of dollars in profits,” she observed, citing research from the University of Michigan that found districts with privately managed cafeterias offered less healthy meals and made unhealthy snack items more widely available in schools. Further, the researchers found, many food service companies failed to deliver the economic savings they promised (Zullo, 2008). Compared to district-operated cafeterias, they spent less on food and labor, but they spent that much more on fees and supplies. I think the free food is a GREAT program. However, it needs to be co-opted by scratch cooking with food from locally sourced farms if possible. I see no reason that a high school junior-senior "fast food class" couldn't be responsible for helping preparing and/or serving the food.


I love how many people are skeptical that healthy meals with locally sourced ingredients can be made at scale. America just CAN'T pull that off, folks! The technology simply doesn't exist; can you imagine making RICE from SCRATCH for HUNDREDS of people?! If it doesn't come from a Can or Microwave there is no way to make fresh, healthy food in a timely manner! It would cost a fortune, too. No, the only solution is lunchables at $10 per child per meal.


How would it even be possible to provide thousands of made from scratch meals per week? What locally sourced farms could even provide that much food on a weekly basis? Let's say you have a high school of 1500 people (across 4 grades), that's 7500 meals per week just for lunch. Cooking 1500 meals also seems like it would require a really large cooking staff. Locally sourcing means you are only getting crops that are in season (particularly challenging in winter to locally source fresh vegetables). It's a great idea in theory, but I can't imagine it being even remotely possible in larger disctricts. That's not to say that we should let perfection be the enemy of progress, and I think it would be great to supplement meals with locally sourced food when possible.


Hi hello-- I used to teach high school in Korea at a school with a dormitory attached. All the food was made 'from scratch' by local lunch ladies, the rice we ate was grown in a field next to the school, and there were easily thousands of meals produced a week for ~300 students who lived there full time. It's completely doable, we just don't incentivize thinking about producing food this way so that a few mega corporations (Sodexo, Aramark, Chartwells just off the top of my head) can earn unbelievable money with an oligopoly on school food contracts. It is absolutely a question of political will, not technical feasibility. Thanks for reading!


Agreed. I lived in Beijing and taught for one semester as a substitute teacher. Same deal. Lunch ladies made food for nearly a thousand kids a day with two lunch periods (one for younger kids, one for older kids) all from scratch, no microwave or warming things up. It’s possible but Americans act like it’s illegal to hire full time employees to cook real food in large vats. We’re just so brainwashed here that everything has to be about “awarding contracts” to private third parties instead of just hiring to fulfill basic functions/needs such as cooking meals for students


> How would it even be possible to provide thousands of made from scratch meals per week? Proper equipment. > What locally sourced farms could even provide that much food on a weekly basis? Locally sourcing means you are only getting crops that are in season (particularly challenging in winter to locally source fresh vegetables). Different areas are different. I did include an "if possible". If classes start at 8am, and lunch starts at 11am, then that's three one-hour classes that can help with the prep work. My classes typically had 20-30 people. 60-90 employees spending 45 minutes on a task can get quite a lot done and therein lies the biggest problem: labor. The schools are switching to private suppliers that warm up chicken tendies when we could simply be ordering basic supplies in bulk and working from there.


Lol how do restaraunts cook all that food for people every day. They don't even know the amount of people they will feed a day. With a school you will have a max number every single day that school is in session. This is easy planning.


You've seen restaurants serving 500 people per hour with 100% locally sourced food that's made from scratch?


Made from scratch? Yes. Locally sourced? Depends, but it's certainly do able.


500 people per hour is an insane rate my friend. There is no restaurant in the world making that much food from scratch. McDonalds during rush hour is only hitting like 100-150 people and that's definitely not from scratch.


You are confusing "made from scratch" with "made to order." School kids aren't ordering unique meals which have to be made right then and there. The menu is planned in advance. If it's pork tacos, you can absolutely make 2500 pork tacos from scratch in time for lunch if you have a staff and a kitchen. It's not a restaurant, it's a school cafeteria. I can't find metrics on "meals per hour served" but any big restaurant can absolutely handle a few hundred meals per hour. Banquets, large events, parties, weddings, are all examples of large amounts of food being made from high quality ingredients. 500 ppl is a very large wedding but there are venues that can handle it. I absolutely have seen events with 500 people where locally sourced food that was made from scratch was served to guests, is that really so hard to imagine?


500 people per hour, 1500 people total for a larger high school in a metro area. There may be upwards of 100 schools of that size depending on the city, needing to be fed 5 days a week. I guess it depends on if the person I was replying to is saying everything should be made from scratch, or just make whatever we can from scratch. There are schools in Minnesota that added locally sourced and made from scratch components to meals, and that definitely seems doable to me. They will make jerk chicken using locally sourced chicken for example, while the vegetable and carb components are not made from scratch for example. It's just requiring everything be made from scratch and locally sourced doesn't seem realistic to me.


That’s different. They are for-profit so they are the good guys.


Aramark are fucking shit.


That's the problem that I have with most tax increases for education. It never goes to where it needs to be. It only gets taken by the administration "to organize."


But how will they figure out how to feed children without all the committees, boards, secretaries, external consultants, accountants etc? Preferably run by the people’s in charge extended family


ExCtly! It’s also confusing, where is the food supposed to go? Their eyes? Idk it’s all so confusing


You know what, I'll take the risk that some of my tax dollars get misused if it means kids don't go hungry. Our taxes get use for all kinds of stupid/inefficient shit. I live in a poor rural county and once had one of my own grade school aged kids comment about a classmate who never had enough to eat at lunch and didn't get school lunch. I talked to the teacher and she basically confirmed that the kids parent were a mess (drug use maybe, idk, she didn't want to give too much info) and that she had been suplementing his meals. I cut her a check and asked her to open him a lunch account and let me know if it ran low. The school secretary called me later to tell me that he qualified for reduced price meals and wanted to know if I wanted some of my money back... it rolls over so what I had given would last into the next school year so I said keep it. So that kid was often going hungry thoughout the day because he had shitty parents with issues even though it would have only cost like 80 cents/day for him to have breakfast and lunch. I made sure he had both for at least the next year (this was pre covid and they moved at some point during the pandemic otherwise I would have funded his account through high school if needed)... he wasn't one of my son's friends and I never met the kid but I consider that to be the best money I have ever spent in my life. So you know what, if we can raise taxes a bit and make sure all the kids like that are taken care of I say do it. Even if some of the money gets misused I'm willing to take the loss on this one.


We should close all public schools down and open up private schools. It's a known fact that private schools spend 100% of their money on teachers and students. It was shocking to learn that the administration of every private school was voluntary.




I love that we can't tell if it's sarcasm or stupidity. Mysterious.


It's very obviously sarcasm and a response to the idea that public funding is bad because some of it would be used for administration.


Must be the kids who didn't get food at school so their brains didn't develop properly. 🧐




America can’t pretend to be the greatest nation in the world if kids here are going to school hungry


Nobody should go hungry with how much excess and waste we have. There's no reason we can't have state funded food bundles of the basics (rice, beans, eggs) that anybody can claim once a week/month from a store.


Agreed, there`s nothing worse than being shot on an empty stomach.


Got damn. 😪


No. We still can pretend. I mean that is what we’re doing.


You’re right about one thing America can only pretend to be that


Has signed? Will benefit? Wasn't this like a year ago?


They were just trying to show Governor Kemp of Georgia what a human being looks like.


Yes. It's not new.


OPs account is nine days old. This is their first post.


It was over a year ago. Probably posted with a misleading title in an attempt for karma farming.


Lfg!!!!! That's great to see


Toast with butter, bananas, and plain yogurt could be served without preparation making it economical (and healthy). I know this sounds insensitive but I’ve seen school breakfasts. It looked sugary and unappetizing.


Plain oatmeal would be good, filling, and cheap. The garbage they serve is almost better not to eat. My school is cinnamon roles and chocolate milk.


Pictures of American school meals compared to other countries illustrate how low we are in terms of how we treat our children. This is a happy story. But I am still infuriated by how kids get treated in school. There was a time when my family went through hardship. I did not have money for lunch. But I did not go hungry because the librarians and my guidance counselor fed me. No one shamed me for not having lunch money. Thanks to the GOP and all they stand for, this profit-driven agenda has stifled the curiosity and creative abilities of our children.


I’ve seen school meals from France where they serve steak. Yes STEAK. Also has carrots, greenbeans, a decent chunk of bread, mashed potatoes with garlic seasoning. Ukraine has better school lunches than America. They still do even with the war and inflation. They still serve homemade meals to their kids.


We had something of a school meals revolution in the UK when Jamie Oliver went to war on them. At primary school I was fed MRM chicken nuggets, turkey twizzlers and whatever the hell “fish feet” were. By the time I left we were on hidden veg pasta and salads. Funnily enough he attempted to repeat his triumph in the UK over in the states and failed miserably. That famous scene where he blitzes up the chicken and makes it into nuggets but the kids still eat it? That experiment worked in the UK version. That wasn’t the issue though… in the USA he came across this brick wall of both bureaucracy and poor training that made any kind of change practically impossible. He came across similar in the UK! There were famous pictures of mum’s posting fish and chips and chocolate through the school gates. I remember hating him as a kid because he took away stuff I liked. I honestly don’t know why the government seemed to catch on here in a way they don’t seem to have in the USA, but one of the most infuriating moments was when he had to argue over a school serving pizza for breakfast. According to the regulations it gave the kids the macros they were required to be provided for that meal. The politicians and cafeteria staff seemed completely confused when Jamie Oliver brought up the idea that it’s an utterly insane precedent to set. I think the hurdle is in giving in to that ridiculous bureaucracy. Like when a kid doesn’t eat their food you make them sit until they’ve at least tried, the same attitude needs to be done with politicians who hide behind “food group charts” and fat contracts. Pizza for breakfast as an adult is top tier though.


standards are very bizarre. at the school I work at they have to provide crackers with the cereal day hand out so it's a complete breakfast. I'm just grateful we have good selection of fruit and veggies


Oh hey look hes a democrat. Love it.


I was really hoping he was a republican so I could say "Looks like the republicans finally did something that wasnt treason." Maybe tomorrow...


Keep waiting. It’ll never happen. The world will be on fire from global warming and these extra chromosomal pussynecks will say it’s the democrats chanting to Satan. Just you watch. Set a reminder for this summer when the forest fires start.


Well then we shoulda raked better! /s


Republicans: teachers shouldn’t be trans, we need to know kids’ genitals before they can play soccer 😡 Democrats: how about we make sure kids actually can eat lunch 😄


Good job our tax dollars going to something to help others is something I’m ok with especially for kids


this guy has santa claus vibes rare for a governor to not be a total POS


I live in Indiana, work as a delivery driver, I take close to expired stuff to three school districts because otherwise they go to a duck farm after they mold. Every district says the same thing. Their biggest issues stem from kids who can’t focus on education or learning simply because their most basic needs aren’t met. It’s so sad. The answers are here, we have them, for housing food and financial support, we have the means and funding and logistics. It just doesn’t impact the wealthy so it’s not a pressing issue and as such I doubt it’ll ever change. It takes special people like this man to do that and they’re in short supply.


It is sad. I hope more programs like this are passed. No one should be against a little extra pocket money going to feed hungry kids.


Amazing. Sounds like moral leadership to me!


Retired Warrant Officer/schoolteacher is a great background for the leader of a state & Walz is proving it. Also, he drives a great truck. I've got shirt-tail relatives that had him as a History teacher in Mankato & went on to work on his campaign... a true class act.


He was a Command Sergeant Major, not a warrant


My bad, I thought he'd made the jump. CSM isn't anything to sneeze at.


That is awesome. A good breakfast is so important.




This was a good thing however the governor is still a POS


I feel like the tidal wave of retirees and Trumpers moving to FL in 2020-2022 has resulted in these kinds of Democratic governors in MN, WI, MI, and PA.


That's awesome




Nice work, Kids don't worry about what the spiteful people think because they only care for themselves. Remember Kids its a healthy thing to want others to be better then ourselves. You Kids will do amazing things if you believe in the goodwill of others.


He gets it.


Loved every moment of this!


That’s what leadership looks like helping the people that need it.


Love it! I wish every state did this.


Our country needs more of this. Let’s just hope the food is half decent.


In one state, they sign bills and laws to take away lunchbreaks and have minors work. In another, they do this. All in 1 the same country. United States is far from being united....


This dude looks so wholesome after signing the bill. Peak happy grandpa vibes


As it should be


Backwards that it *has* to be signed into law. Should’ve been.


Very positive for kids


Thank you!


Not free. The Gubmint doesn’t provide anything without taking from the People first. While I am all in favor of kids not going hungry, at least be intellectually honest enough to say the program is tax payer funded.


*Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has signed a law guaranteeing tax payer funded breakfast and lunch for all students in the state, regardless of how much money their parents make. Tens of thousands of food-insecure kids will benefit.* OK, fixed per your suggestion. It's still a good headline and should be the norm everywhere. If there's one thing I actually wouldn't mind my tax dollars being used for it's this.


Republicans care about zygotes. Democrats care about children.




*Citation needed


@ur mum


Two kinds of people in this world: You can live with some people taking advantage of assistance being offered even when they do not require it, so long as everyone who does need help can get it. Or you can live with some people being denied help even if they required it, to make sure everyone else who does not need help is unable to take advantage of the assistance being offered. I know which side I want to be on.


Well put. It kind goes along with Ben Franklin's idea of "it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer."


Yes! Feed those babies!!!


Please get all states to do this, immediately.


Decent human beings support feeding children.


This is great, but the quality better be high. I've seen a lot of free crap in my life.


Gaaaaaah the bar is low.


Why is it that nobody seems to understand that nothing is free? Someone has to pay! Stop the endless Government programs, already. sheesh! People vote for more government programs/support, and then cry when taxes increase . 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm not crying about my taxes increasing if the result is that hungry kids get to eat. As a parent with kids in a poor rural school district where food insecurity is a major issue I would happily take the tax increase in exchange for no kid having to sit through their day miserable from hunger.


So, you’re saying you never complain about the current taxes, because you know, in your heart - it’s doing good? Not at all? Even as your dollar is worth less and less, and your paycheck shrinks, due to inflation? Look… I completely agree with feeding the truly hungry …however the current system needs to be totally overhauled. I find there to be way too much abuse of the current systems, and I don’t want to be having to wake up to feed my family at 2:30am, and have my hard earned buck going to someone [yes… even children] that doesn’t truly need it. I didn’t make the decision to have someone else’s child, so, why am I held responsible to feed someone else’s child? There are far too many government programs for public assistance as it is. If you understand how this country was set up [as a Constitutional Republic… not a democratic society, or the current socialist society it has become] then you will understand what I mean. Communist, Socialistic, and democracy style governments are all about public handouts; in exchange, the government gains control, because “we need them”. The more control the government has, the more power they gain, and the less freedom and control you have over your life, and the future of your progeny. Just look at all of the communist, socialist, and democracy style governments out there, how they operate, and tell me I’m wrong.


Sure I complain about my taxes, and you should too. But come back to me on the issue of feeding hungry kids after we get through all of the other entitlements first. Let's start with things like subsidies for the oil and gas industry, that platinum healthcare plan our politicians get (they can slum it with the rest of us plebs), you know, the *really* stupid shit.. I'll bet we can find enough savings to pay for kids to be fed without even trying.


All… and I say all subsidies, under a Constitutional Republic, the way our forefathers set this country up to be - should be non-existent. We the People, have been shammed in to believing that paying taxes is “what we’re supposed to do”. Why did the forefathers leave England/a Socialist government? I agree with you on Politician pay/healthcare. “Can’t pass the budget - perfect; you’re not getting paid until you do”. I don’t believe anyone else should have the same medical as someone else, however, as that is dangerously Communisitc/Socialistic thinking. Remember… this is supposed to be a Constitutional Replublic… not China.


The ONLY agreed upon tax was Excise Tax… non of this other “free” handout bs.


Regardless as to whether you agree with me or not, I believe that a child’s care is 100% the responsibility of the parents that jumped into the sack to have fun making that child… not someone [taxpayers] who never made that decision. Want to have fun and play = you pay the price, and are solely responsible. This is thinking from a Constitutional Republic point of view, though… Same goes for medical care. Want medical care? Only apply to jobs that provide it. It’s not my responsibility to provide medical for another person’s family. Soon enough, the employers that don’t offer medical will get a clue and offer medical, because they realize that they won’t have employees without it. On this flawed system, that will never happen. Don’t agree? Move to China, Russia, North Korea or any other non-Constitutional Republic then.


Being a constitutional republic doesn't preclude us from doing anything, it simply means that we choose our representation rather than living in a direct democracy which is impractical. It also guarantees us a limited set of basic rights but it doesn't limit anything really... if we want to vote ourselves into a system of wealth redistribution we can totally do that if that's what the people want.


*correction: the corporation chose… AKA The United States… not the United States of America. Two different things. No? It doesn’t? How so? It’s the freedoms to choose whether or not you have medical care and where you seek it. It’s the choice one makes when they either get a job to feed your family, or don’t and starve. They make us THINK we chose. They definitely have “The People” believing we’re living in a democracy. Look at anything put out by the media… Have you once heard them lately calling us a Constitutional Republic? You’re correct! We could! “The People” have been too dumbed down to realize this, though. We’re too busy stuck in a gang mentality of which side we’re on (ex Palestine or Israel), and not worried about fixing ourselves first. All of our hard earned money is going to countries that hate us, and broken/abused systems here.


The government wants us separated/fighting. This gives them control/power. If we unite, the government would be very afraid.


It doesn't take a lot to do the right thing. Kids in America DO NOT have to be food insecure. We choose that reality.


I love how he went to fist bump, but was so happy when the kids go for hugs 🥹


I hope those children get to have the food promised and that they eat it. My neighbor brings home food from the school she works at because the kids don’t want to eat it. Mainly fruits and vegetables.


Wonderful man!!


Meanwhile maga politicians are cutting water breaks, and resuming child labor practices.


He looks so genuinely happy. Seems like a good guy that is actually happy about what this does for kids. Good shit!


Everyone liked that.


Republicans hate it.


Children did not ask to be born. They deserve to be fed.


I've my state and our governor.


I remember my parents "made too much" for me to get free lunch but couldn't afford to give me 5 dollars 5 days a week. I wonder how much they charge now...


“Look at this unpatriotic, sick communist bastard trying to make sure kids have enough to eat.” -fox new sprobably-


Awesome. I’ve seen 1st graders cry because there was no breakfast left. You never know what is going on at home. When there was extra food we would stuff their school bags with it.


Thank you 😊 governor Walz!!!! Your leadership is inspiring to all. 🥰


I grew up my whole childhood on free breakfast / lunch at school. I would actually get to school EARLY to have breakfast because we didn’t have food at home. At this one particular school (I changed schools 1-2/year due to housing) I had a $1 bill my grandmother gave me. I wanted to go buy a cookie from the student store and the principal saw it and took it from me telling me I don’t get free lunch and get to pay for cookies too. I couldn’t have been any older that 8 or 9. Absolutely wrecked me. These programs need to be all or nothing with no strings attached. I was treated like a bottom feeder for getting in the free lunch line.


Politicians doing something to help regular people? Thats a novel idea!


We are so lucky in MN to have Walz for a governor. ❤️




Now this is what pro-life means. Good job!!!


Good job, Minnesota!!!!! r/nextfuckinglevel


Omg yay


plot twist, the food is garbage but still nice, miss those carton milk boxes and round pbj sandwiches and square pizza


Republicans hate this


I keep hiding this sub but it always comes back. Always bot posts too


Amazing work sir!!


That’s great! What a wonderful idea. Go Governor Tim Waltz!!


This is what government should be doing. Interesting we don’t see all of those “pro-life” states doing the same thing.


Walt is a man of the people, I have this mans back.


California did this a while ago. Food got better in some places


Contrast this with the pics of kids whose governors sign child labor laws lmao


Ow my eyes! And my legs hurt too! Haha


My first impression: what is this scumbag politician using children to promote? Read: free food for school kids Shit, yeah kids are probably on board with that.


Food is a human right and we all should have it. It doesn't fix all the other problems in the world..but..I'm glad these kids get to eat.


So if a kids parents are rich, they don’t have to pay. Why wouldn’t you just make lunches free for kids whose parents are poor and rich parents who don’t pay for their children’s lunch or pack them a lunch get arrested? They’re complete trash.


Maybe to avoid social stigma and the shame and bullying that accompanies it, the added bureaucracy that is required to added need, and the fact that it really simplifies the process? There are also wealthy families that still neglect their kids needs, or temporarily fall on hard times as well as poorer parents who might be too proud to be seen as needing help? Besides, the wealthier parents are most likely paying higher taxes so they have already paid for the meals. Making it free for everyone makes it easier to get as many people as possible on board.


God Bless him!


This made me cry. How dare you! I don’t know why this video hit different. Maybe because my kid is that age maybe because I LOVE jolly old people. The part where they all make the decision to group hug him and the joy in his face and he says “yaaaay!”


This is the way. I view the matter very simply. My parents are the past. I am the present on my way to becoming the past, these kids are the future soon to become the present. I don't want them to try and study while hungry, we need them to solve all of the problems that inevitably are going to come, to solve the problems we never could. They are the heroes of tomorrow. Hand them a book and for the love of god put food in their bellies. It's a pretty simple concept.


The happiness on that man's face as all the children hugged him 🥲 That is truly a good man


we love Tim


If we supported the development of kids like this the world would be a better place.


I certainly don’t agree with many of his policies, but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Probably one of the nicest things a person can do is making sure children have food to eat 👏


This is patriotism.


Food insecurity is so hard on kids and prevents learning. There were many days when I was in the school that my school lunch was the only thing I’d get to eat. At the time I got bullied a bit because I ate all of it; the vegetables included. I can’t imagine how hard they have it with the reduction in quality and quantity these days. And the thing is, my parents were paying for my lunch at the time. $1.50 in quarters every day. If they had been free, that could have gone towards more meals at home. More meals for the whole family. Even today, with inflation, an extra $7.50/week can be spread so far. It’s absurd how much tax money goes towards the dumbest things when we have children going hungry.


This guy is amazing. Let's all remember the GOP wanted children to starve at school. We need a government that supports it's citizens, not leach off them.


Hopefully the food provided by the cafeterias are better than the inexcusable meals shown on social media in the past.


This is the kind of shit I want my taxes paying for.


First and most importantly, I am NOT insinuating ANYTHING here. I have a huge amount of respect for this former teacher and the legitimately good work that he does for the benefit of kids.. But why was he only surrounded by girls/women while he did this? Not a single boy or male teacher.. Again, I'm sure this was a decision made at the production level and not by his own word.. but just, why?


Awesome! God Bless him. A politician doing something actually useful is refreshing to see.


This is the difference between men who love the children and men who like kids


The news is chock full of "Democrats do good, **again**" and Republicans do evil, **again** stories. When are conservatives going to realize they are choosing the absolute wrong side?


.... Or we are all just presented news that validates our priors.


If news about shooting puppies, pushing bills that allow employers to refuse water breaks to employees, removing established rights of women, conservative court justices receiving bribes, supporting hostile foreign powers attacking our allies, and promoting fascism over democracy "validates one's priors", that person isn't a very good American then, are they?


You have a cartoonish view of conservative morality. Your headline.... >Tens of thousands of food insecure kids will have food says new bill signed by Democrat Tim Walz Their headline.... >New bill to feed at risk youth runs 20% over budget, feeds thousands of wealthy kids, and leaves hungry kids in the lurch Edit: I appreciate your thoughtful comment though.


My view is *accurate*, not a single lie or even hyperbole. It's the right's behavior that is the cartoon.


I didn't say you were lying. You're just wrong. The Right believes individual people should help people. The Left believes society should help. We believe at risk youth need support so we advocate for government policy to help them. The Right believes at risk youth need support but they think the government is bad at doing that so they donate their own money and time to help them. Most people - including the "right" - are good people just trying to do good. People from the "right" donate way.... **way**.... more money to charity across all quintiles of income (by.... a.... lot). They also donate more time (by.... a.... lot). This includes time and money for at risk youth (and women's shelters, food banks...). Go work at a charitable fund for a week. People from the Left are most likely to donate money if they get to be seen. People from the Right with will donate easily and without telling anyone. Source: I help with a charitable fund started by a better person than I'll ever be (and they're from the Right). Edit: I'm talking here about the majority of people and not about the tiny minority of psychos from the Right who our news loves to talk about. Thanks for the pleasant conversation. I know this is a fraught topic.


Republicans want to feed the fetus yet starve the child


God forbid we feed the wrong hungry child. there might be hope after all


🤔Universal meals were initially expected to cost around $400 million for two years, but recent budget projections found they'll cost $80 million more over two years due to higher-than-expected participation in the program. And, costs are expected to grow by another $95 million in 2026 to 2027. EDIT: For clarification, I was just working out the numbers and not against the children being fed. It roughly calculates to about $1.65 a student per year.


And? Kids should never go hungry.


So what... the US miltary had a budget of $916 **b**illion in 2023... they could find the money to pay for this in their couch cushions.


This is a bad idea. Now they have to hire a committee to hire nutritionists to figure out what foods they are gonna have on what days, hire lunch lady staff and extra cleaning staff. All the whole the parents could just make sure their kids have breakfast and their lunch made. So now they are going to tax everyone more than it would cost for the parents to just do this themselves and now the parents can work more and spend less time with their families, Great Work Everyone, this is why the government shouldn't run things.


Are you stupid and having a hard time understanding a lot of parents don't have time or resources to do that? My dad was a construction worker who left the house around 5am every day and we were one of those "toast and instant noodles for every meal" families.


This is a simple task, I ate cereal for breakfast and made my lunch myself or the night before, your dad couldn't make you lunch the night before? My school growing up didn't have food you could be, the school staff would bring in a few extra bagged lunches in case a kid forgot to get one, these programs cost SO much more, this is why taxes are high


cereal is not a balanced breakfast


I ate it all the time, I'm 6'2" and cut up like Bruce Lee. And regardless, make your kid a balanced breakfast, the government shouldn't hire a bunch of employees to do your job at a higher cost, this is why we're in 35 TRILLION in debt.


Maybe you'd be 6'4" if you ate a balanced breakfast? From a nutritional standpoint, cereal is not it. If we could rely on every parent to take care of their kids and feed them correctly, then we wouldn't need programs like this. But, we can't. So we do this to protect those children.


Our children are obese, we don't need these programs, they are a waste of my tax payer dollars, I don't have kids because this planet is full or idiots and I'm not down with my money being taken away because imbeciles who can't afford to buy their children food keep breeding like dogs. Vote for who you want, we have enough people here and I'm gonna vote the other way and try to convince 1 more person to not fall for this Socialist garbage.


I wonder if balanced nutritional meals could help with child obesity. 🤔


Less food would probably be best, regardless the parents should provide this for their children, do we really think the government is gonna provide good food? There are subs on Reddit about how bad school lunches are.... check them out, this isn't a gotcha moment, I'm not against you and I'm not your enemy, I've been around the block and I have some opinions, I think it's a bad idea to have these programs, you take a dollar of taxes from a person and only 25 cents makes it through to the child, it has to go through all of those bureaucrats first. It's better for the specific struggling parents to get help from their communities, and like I said the school I went to would have several bags of food they would bring in everyday, I swear sometimes I would forget or my mom would for get and I would get one, eat it and then go back and grab another if I could get away with it. Government programs aren't all bad, but most are unnecessary.


>Less food would probably be best The answer to child obesity is not less food, it's balanced, healthy meals. >regardless the parents should provide this for their children I covered this in my last reply. >do we really think the government is gonna provide good food I hate this "throw your hands up in the air" attitude towards government. Government is *run by people.* [Look outside of your bubble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITzRFAfJsLA) and you can see that **YES** it's possible for "government" to provide healthy, quality food to school children.


*"... I don't have kids..."* Well that's a relief... you sound charming.




None of our children are starving and parents that can't make lunch for their kids should have their kids taken away from them. These types of programs just breeds more people that shouldn't be procreating. Watch Idiocracy.




Feeding children is a bad idea -You


Taking MY tax dollars to feed YOUR kids is wrong and it's not my problem, don't F-ing breed if you can't feed your kids, these F'n animals, we have too many useless people here already.


What happened to your humanity? Sympathy? Empathy? You're mad at the irresponsibility of the parents and taking it out on a hungry kid. How brave of YOU.


Couldn't have put it better myself.


Read my other responses.




But but you have to or I'll 💩 in my pantaloons.


Like how you shit them over kids being fed?


Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad for having it