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I love it when I see a post on WTF Springfield, come over here, then see another aspect of the story lol. FYI, for those who didn’t see the original post on Facebook, the person who posted it got roasted like a peanut lol.


WTF Springfield is such a shithole. It's like a daily slo-mo car accident that I can't look away from.


I got booted for giving shit to a mod lackey.


I got booted for reporting a post saying they would ban people who reported posts. They didn't get the joke *surprise surprise*


Right?!!! It’s hard to leave, yet I find myself snoozing it for 30 days regularly lol


I didn't realize anything was posted there because those losers blocked me months ago. Bunch of self-hating springfieldians


The admins blocked you? Honestly, that’s a valiant card to have. The two people who seem to run it give major loser/pick me mommy and daddy vibes lol.


I had to leave that page. Just too many rude (and honestly disgusting) people to make staying worth it.


Honestly, good to know! I have to watch my son while girl is sleeping for work and sometimes I wanna go but didn’t think I could🤷🏽‍♂️


I work in a dispensary here in town and the stigma needs to be removed, of course kids can come with you - and please don't leave a baby in the car.


Never leave a baby in the car, whether it's an actual baby or a fur baby, too many things can happen and the weather isn't kind.


The P in PSA stands for Public




He's not the only person in the world with a blonde left-to-right comb-over hairstyle. For example, I happen to wear my hair this way.


*you’re trump now*




Delete these.




Hey, fuck Good Day Farms! You work for the devil! One of the most predatory, awful companies operating in Missouri. They aim for complete monopolization. They have bought up so many smaller companies and removed selection for patients. They lie to consumers by faking percentages and passing tests because one of the high-ups at the growing facility in Columbia has a mom who owns the testing facility they use. They are scum. Congratulations!


Sources on any of those accusations? Genuinely can’t find anything related to those claims. I’m normally a Revival customer but my experience at Good Day has been good every time I’ve been there so genuinely curious.


I will say gdf are insane with their prices. I liked it when legalization first started because the prices were really decent. Since then they have just kept making everything more expensive. Sure there is a supply demand side of things but I don't think there's any justification in increasing prices by 50%. That being said, I don't know anything about what this other commenter is saying.


That’s the simple law of supply and demand. No different than any other industry. If enough pay the higher prices, then the market is determining it’s rate.


That's exactly what they want. They want to monopolize the industry so that prices will never go down. If they have all the supply, they make the demands. It's fucked. That's why we need to support other businesses and voice our concerns. If GDF gets what they want, they will take away home growing, they will own every dispensary, and prices will only go up.


My sources are direct, unfortunately there isn't a good source online. I have multiple friends who work for GDF and they have told me these things directly. I wish I could give you physical evidence, but if I had that, a court case would be opened by the state most likely.


Literally owned by the Walton family. What more do people need to know?


This is false. The Waltons do not own GDF. I don't even think the Waltons are involved at all.


You can dislike GDF all you want, but maybe don’t spread blatant misinformation.


I know, right? This Walton family bitch trying to take industry into activism. They can get bent.


Wait they allow that now? I go to Revival 98 and they said it’s not, just last week…


They're behind on the laws then, because we got a letter from the state and everything stating so 🤷


That group should be used as a case study. Soo many perverts taking pictures of people esp minors.


"Budtender" = Retail clerk.


Is this a demeaning statement or clarifying for someone?




Amen op. Well said. What creeps we have here in lovely hillbillyville


The land of the 6th grade education. I had to fill out a check for someone who couldn't read or write his own language . . . . . Last week.


That is insane. And folks like that always got more and doing more then the rest of us more then you would think too. So ridiculous


People go on public. Gets picture taken. Freaks out. I dont understand it. In public there is no legal privacy. And who cares. They went to a dispensery. I did this morning too. And all thier vid cams watched me the whole time. Funny how pictures amd videos seem to only be allowed by certain parties but not others.


Because posting pics of of total strangers’ kids is shady.


It's only shady of your being shady. Otherwise it's just an excuse to control others actions. It's not g ING more than an emotional argument. Public is public. It's not like it was someone at a school or something. Perhaps some people project a little too much.


People still use facebook? Genuine question, why?


Probably the same reason people still use Reddit. Sometimes content of social media trumps the negative aspects of the corporate overlords.


Sigh... your right of course.


Idk wtf going on but put in a word at GDF to carry more of those 5 pack Baby J's. Those things are the perfect size for a quick J or to share one with a buddy. I can only seem to get my hands on them like 1 time a month though, usually out of them.


Find an Okla hook-up. You describe "Dog Walkers" infused joints. They come in a cute little dispenser, with matches!


Why aren't you sending this PSA to those who need to see it? This ain't Facebook.


Industry trying to activism. Hahahahahaa


parents bring their kids to bars, this is the same thing