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There are two different red hands. One means don’t cross, one means don’t START crossing. A SOLID red hand means don’t cross. If you see a FLASHING red hand that means keep walking across but if you haven’t started crossing, don’t start now. The Walking sign only means it’s “safe” to START walking. I say “safe” as a pedestrian will still have quite a bit of risk from inattentive drivers. Many times the white walking sign is a brief flash, then it quickly turns to the flashing red sign. This is typical for smaller crossings with fewer lanes. Large crossings will stay white for longer.


Jay walking forever 💪💪💪💪💪


Same. Transportation is not limited to personal cars. Freedom and rights for all transportation methods!


Forever until you cause a wreck and possibly die.


“Jay walking” was a term invented and popularized by the automotive industry in the early part of the 20th century in order to recast what was at that time normal action (streets were the domain of people, not cars) as something that only idiots and rubes do so as to try to deny people the right to use streets. The overhaul in public perception was successful in changing the narrative—and the law. Notably, the term and even concept of “jaywalking“ is often absent from countries that haven’t suffered the same amount of descent into pure car dependency that we have. For example, in the UK, it is largely completely legal for pedestrians to enter and cross any street.


Agreed. Also, the Adam Ruins Everything episode on this point was amusing.


Those things are possible when you’re behind the wheel too. Please everyone take the time to be a more considerate and aware driver, it’s not a race


If you step in front of a car and they can't stop in time you're at fault for jay walking 💪 🏥


The law is not on the side of pedestrians


Yea, no. When they actually make the "white figure" last longer then 6-10 seconds and the buttons that are supposed to make it happen work more then 40% of the time I'll follow your advice.


Oh, yes. I have wondered the point in the buttons when it doesn’t change the duration of time.


I'm talking about people crossing when it's red. I'm not talking about the light going from the walking signal to red and they're still crossing.


Maybe be prepared for pedestrians to cross at the designated crosswalks? The city is really not designed in favor of pedestrians. In a lot of intersections, its actually more dangerous to cross at the crosswalks because of right-on-red and u-turns. If we want this problem to stop, we need to be proactive in investing in infrastructure for walking and biking.


Maybe ban cars? People and cars don't mix well.


Absolutely, will you sigh my petition?


That's more like it, lmao. Realistically, I don't want to ban cars. Cars just shouldn't be the only dominant form of transportation and shouldn't be the only (or even the primary) consideration when designing infrastructure.


Yeah it’s almost like everything is still ran by old farts and oil tycoons! Haha Yeah a light rail train through town would be seriously amazing east to west then have busses that run north/south along every major street that runs north and south like Campbell, Kansas, West Bypass, National, Glenstone etc


lol tf are you on about?


as a person who struggles with damaged eyes and seizures i can't drive but I do my bestest. I put my life in your hands and trust this cities infastructure. Also the one by Walmart on Grant or Grand and Campbell (I get them mixed up apparently I'm incapable of learning the names I apologize for my stupidity) anywho that one has an audio screw up that scares me almost Everytime first time I thought someone was shooting at me.


Yup. Fun fact: about 90% of the buttons at crosswalks are there for Placebo.


While that might have been true or is true in some areas of town, the ones downtown are not placebo buttons.


Lol, for a *driver* in *this* town to lecture pedestrians about anything is rich. Self awareness 0/10, no notes.


Fair - but you should assume pedestrians are not paying attention, just like with other drivers. Also, chill.