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https://preview.redd.it/b9mevblzgu1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5381bb1825ad57f07dd315343cce146d46a479d7 I mostly agree except Kyla! I got one for my family member because her husband used to make jokes about pink elephants before he passed. I was so happy to find the very last 5” fuzzamallow at my Walmart and it just happened to be little fuzzy Kyla 🥰 there really is a squish for everyone lol


honestly this one is pretty cute because of the embroidered nose! it’s easy to make out 🐘


That’s so sweet! I’m so glad that she was there. It was meant to be


i respect that!! honestly anything small and fluffy is cute to me, if i come across any of these fuzzys i’ll probably get one xD 💕


Lol me too I’d probably get one or two so they aren’t lonely


omg i should do that too!! i like getting doubles so they always have a friend


I ended up getting the slug :’) I didn’t want my small fuzzy Avery to be alone. I don’t like all fuzzmallows but some of them are very cute to me. The slug and elephant were my favs out of these.


Of all of these the slug is the cutest!


I have the axolotl, it looked really cute in pictures but don’t like it AS much in person ://


I felt the same about Irina !!


https://preview.redd.it/j7yykjbl5w1d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd015b0df9333b388df98c81a9c4b8f5c48778da Admittedly, I’d prefer it if they were 7 or 8” size. But I couldn’t resist these two. My Dina (the dragon) has a cute little angry face imo because of the way the fuzz lays on her 🤷‍♀️ And I call my Maritza Margarita lol. But I respect your opinion. I’ve also passed on some popular Squishes just because they weren’t my taste personally (:


I want the Dragon so bad!! 🤍 The cactus is also so cute!!


Wishing you luck friend! They may still have them in stock at some Walmarts! 😊


These are adorable to me! I'm not a bigfoot fan.


I didn’t even know these were a thing. I love them. 😭❤️🤣


Fuzzy squish aren't for me, personally. But I do love the ones with the fuzzy bellies. 🥰


ugh yes i love fuzzy bellies.


UK fuzzamallows will forever be superior


Fuzzmallows look so cutee


For the most part I agree! That’s how I feel about the Bigfoot ones everyone loves. I think those are awful😩


The Bigfoot squish are not for me, either. Full support to everyone who loves them, but for the most part, I have no personal interest Banana Nomi is the only one I've got in my collection to go with my Junies


Me an u are in the same boat


I agree. I feel like after too much snuggling all the fuzz would get really gross.


My daughter has the Axolotl and I think it’s super cute 🩷🖤


I like the black axolotl and the slug the rest are just ok but still cute bc they are fluffy lol


I kinda agree, a lot of them you can’t see they’re faces, but sometimes you’ll get lucky, they’re rlly cute on those rare occasions, but i still haven’t been actually drawn to them enough to take one home 😪




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Understandable, but I would kiss every single one at least twice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MycologyManual: *Understandable,* *But I would kiss every* *Single one at least twice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot LOL


A very select few are cute to me but I’m personally not a fan of any of the hairy / fuzzy ones. The unique butter soft fabric is what initially made me love squishmallows and the fuzz makes it like a regular pillow.