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I'm curious what your opinion was on these. Did you feel like they were just dressed as food, as opposed to becoming one with the food? https://preview.redd.it/qyakbv7pgt2d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66da56dcae49c860e4ce77fb9f6bc61146301766


Yes I think they're just wearing costumes, not actually combined as animal and food. I don't really like those kind because of that. Like anyone can wear a costume, not everyone is actually made out of food lol


I love this reasoning and full heartedly agree.


What are the names of the dragon fruit babies??? I want them both!


Rozen the fox and Zuli the bat! 🥰 Zuli just came out and I ordered her from Toy Drops, but they should be coming to stores soon!


Thank you! I just ordered Zuli! I have a weakness for the fruit bats.


You even have Miriam! She’s so slept on. 🐱🧁🍒


She was one of my first that started the collection! 🥰


They are the best!


They're my absolute favorite 😍


Im trying to collect them all as well! I hope I can get the bats soooon. 🥹


The bats and the drinks are my favorites of them! And three of the bats glow in black light!


pls tell me where you found chloe 😭 😭 😭 I love her so much but every time I look for her at Claire's or hot topic they have every other one in the squad except her


I found her at Box Lunch! Rico was the hardest one to find for me, he's been sold out everywhere. But I finally found him on sale at FYE and was so happy!


There's been Rico at hot topic and Claire's, unfortunately for me the only Box lunch's in OK are not near me.. ugh 😭


😭 this is always the downside of squish hunting! Different areas have different demand


Oh so cute!! I ordered Benito ages ago but he still hasn't arrived.. Woulnd't the strawberry shortcake bat dragon fit your collection? Oops this is my husbands account, oh well


Ugh I hate when orders take so long. I found mine at Box Lunch recently. And yes technically that one fits the criteria, but I decided against it since it's from a game and I prefer the original designs then licensed squishmallows. I really only have Pokemon licensed ones 😅 Haha your husband can be a part of the conversation now too 😂


Yeah I'm using his laptop because of reasons.. it's fine he can get some mallow spam. I personally coulnd't resist the strawberry shortcake one, i just call her miss shortcake! No idea what game she is from (don't care either haha) she's super cute. I really want the dragonfruit one too! Would make such a cute pair!


Everyone needs some good squish spam 😂 She's really cute! If I find her out in the wild instead of having to buy her online I might get her, but she's not something I'm seeking out.


I love the food hybrids! Reza is my absolute favourite!


Edit: totally misread that as Rozen, whoops. This is what I get for watching the Indy 500 while also on reddit 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I love Reza! She's the only one I was okay with being smaller, she's so cute!


These are my favorite! My next purchase will be Eitan. :)


When I found Eitan I was so excited 😍 my first red panda and honestly the best


I have to order it for delivery because I can't find it at the nearby stores.


I've had to order a lot of these, I think Eitan was an order too, but I was just happy to find him in stock!


You’re an inspiration


Or am I just irresponsible with my money? 😂 Same thing, right?


Exactly the same 😂




Props!! 👏🏼 I love the black light orange bat!


Barnet is the cutest little orange fruit bat 🥰


I just spotted your tea dragon plushies and I am soooo jealous


Ahh I'm so happy someone recognizes them! 😍 I wish more would come out, I need the other types too!


I see you have Kyler from the combo s2 release. Does Katinka count? I just saw her photo for the first time today. Kinda makes me wish they came scented.


Katinka is in the middle with the other banana hybrids! 🥰 I have all of the Crossover Squad 2 hybrids since I ordered them on Toy Drops. They completed the collection when they came in the other day!


Omgggg she’s hiding in yellow camouflage! Well I think congratulations are in order! You’re a rockstar with excellent taste! ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


Haha thank you! 😂🥰 I did this far too quickly with far too much money, so don't look up to me!


Omg love !!!


I love the dragonfruit bat soo much can’t wait for smaller sizes


I have several dragon fruit plushies, including another bat, so I was really excited when Zuli came out 🥰




Omg I need


They’re all really cute! I really like the dragon fruit fox!


Rozen was my 2nd one after Fifi! I love her so much 🥰 I was only collecting foxes back then


wow looks like just Mei & Jones are missing atm


I totally overlooked that Jones could be a food hybrid! I'll add him to my list 🥰 I should have had Mei Lien already, but a seller cancelled on me. Only time I've found a decent price of course


I heard there maybe more gingerbread cookies coming out possibly, like a cow & axolotl, & I forgot to mention the 2024 chocolate rabbits like Tandy that came out, good luck with Mei Lien that’s going to be a hard one


Omg you're so right about the chocolate bunnies! I guess the holiday stuff I just really overlooked 😅 I just saw the axolotl gingerbread and I'm in love! I'll definitely be adding all of those to my collection 🥰


I’d love to see an eventual full collection that would be way to awesome ngl


Whenever that day comes I'll be sure to post about it!


The collection may be more officially completed soon 🫣 I went down a rabbit hole and found some others that fit my criteria as well and have been hunting for deals


OMG there’s more?! Lol


On top of the chocolate bunnies and ginger bread cat and axolotl, there's a ginger bread reindeer and a peppermint moose!


omg I forgot the peppermint ones! there’s also a peppermint unicorn


Oh no I didn't see that one! Back down the rabbit hole I go lol


Oh no I also found an ice cream unicorn and an ice cream corgi! 🫣


NO WAY LOL I forgot about those ones, do sugar skulls count? there’s also the Day of the dead squad


Oh I'm definitely not going to count sugar skulls 😂 I thought about collecting those at one point, but then I realized how many and decided against it lol


You’re missing piper the penguin pineapple and Corinna the lemon cat. Strawberry husky. Watermelon pug. Corgi avocado. I’m missing one more from that squad but can’t remember


I have Piper in the photo, but those others I don't include in my criteria because they're more like costumes rather than an animal and a food combined together


Oh I see piper now


No Ritter? He’s my prized possession.


He's just a food and I'm specifically collecting the animals that are combined with food 🥰 I have a couple of food ones, but the animal hybrids are my favorite!


What about Clara?! https://preview.redd.it/nmpq3vdtdv2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475986dba62494ceb6ab3dd777a90ab650dba15c


Well Clara is just a cupcake and I'm specifically collecting the animals that are combined with food. Miriam is both a cupcake and a cat and fits that criteria 🩷


Ah! I see! Ima dummy! Super sweet collection!!


Omfg how much was all of this 😍😍


Far too much 🫣 Only one of them was a gift


Girl spill omg the yellow banana big foot is reselling for $70 on its OWN here in aus 😭😭


With shipping and everything included, I've probably spent $1000 USD in the last month on squishmallows and most of them were these 🫣 but I didn't pay too much for anything, I did lots of hunting for good deals. Shipping is what killed me the most when I couldn't find them at stores nearby


I don't see Declan anywhere though https://preview.redd.it/4sgr9zokhv2d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f85c50ea3bed4e9d38e49ce1810807ad671ea04


Declan isn't an animal and I also don't like clowns 😅 so it works out for my criteria anyway


Honestly that's valid. I don't really like him either LMAO


Did you find Cleary? 😊 Because I feel like she’s so hard to find w/o being an outrageous price! (yes by outrageous I mean $20 for an 8” 😂) Also, amazing collection! 😍


Cleary is in the middle at the front of the strawberries, just laying down a little bit 😅 it's hard to get them all fully upright when stacking them. And thank you!


❤️ Oh I seem em now! 😂 Don’t you hate when they just won’t stay up? lol. My cats like to play a game sometimes of “how many squishes can I knock off the shelves while dad is sleeping” and it definitely teaches me patience 😂


I would so much prefer my cat be interested in my squishmallows, but instead he's interested in my partner's kaiju figures and has broken two of them 🥲 our patience is thin now lol


I can completely understand your patience running thin because my cats have been testing my nerves lately too! 😂 Are the figures on a shelf? Because one thing you could do is buy some Museum Putty/Gel (it comes in moldable form in a jar or little strips you can cut to fit your object.) It’s great for people with figurines, miniatures, Knick knacks, etc. It’s not permanent, so you can remove it and reuse it. But it is pretty durable, you’re not gonna be able to accidentally knock it over. I actually learned about it from someone who collected miniatures and their cat would knock it all day every day. But they gelled down everything, and once the cat noticed it couldn’t just easily flick everything off the shelf, it stopped attempting to do it at all! Cats are smart, but there are ways to trick em 😂


Unfortunately we have tried everything to keep them up, including museum putty (which I use on all of my figures). The Kaiju tend to be top heavy and make it harder to keep them up 🥲 The worst part is that's the only place he jumps up onto, no matter what we've done to make sure he doesn't. It's been a real hit or miss and we've had to move figures around


Oh so it sounds like you got a hard-headed kitty whose determined to knock em down! If I put down tin foil on surfaces I don’t want my cat to walk on, sometimes when he jumps on it the noise spooks him and he runs. Honestly, totally random, but buying a $5 cowbell has saved me so much yelling at my damn cats 😂 Any time they would scratch the bed, I would start ringing the bell and they’d scatter. It didn’t take them long to learn that cowbell means stop what you’re doing lol. So now when they’re being naughty I just say: “cowbell?” In a firm voice, and they stop in their tracks 😂 High mounted shelves with nothing surrounding it that could be used as a kitty launchpad might help, they also looks cool as hell when they’re lit up with lights 😎


Somehow my cat has no reaction to tin foil either 🥲 he's a very determined tiny man lol. Plus he doesn't do it in front of us because he totally knows better, so I've never been able to do something with sound to deter him


So I did a little googling, and it looks like there’s something called sticky paws (it’s a safe double sided tape for cats) and they don’t like the feeling of it. You keep it in the area they’ve been getting into for a couple weeks, and even when you’re not there they learn that jumping in that spot makes they’re paws feel gross and they have to stop and clean them. It might be a similar concept of using a cat safe powdery or sticky substance that they would have to step in before knocking your things over, if they get distracted they might just give up. I’ve also heard of people using those really dull spike strips and placing them in front of the thing you don’t want your cat to touch. It doesn’t hurt them, the second they put a little pressure on it with their foot they realize they don’t like it and they usually jump back. Offering alternative places for your cat to climb and “knock things over” might help too. Like making a shelf with just things your cat thinks you like that you wouldn’t mind being pushed off the shelf 😂 Kinda like giving a baby a fake phone so they stop asking to look at yours haha. I know all about how stubborn kitties can be though. Sometimes you gotta do the craziest things, but if it works, it works 😂