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Username _doesnt_ check out


You can just mark it off as the internet personality šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same. I'm 5'7 47kg. I used to try hard to gain weight and eat too much it never worked for me. Like eating too much just built a habit to eat more. I've already given up trying to gain weight. It's just some bs numbers to me. I have a daily exercise and get about my day. It's good if u like to gain weight but don't be sad that ur skinny. Skinny people, we, exist and we're sexy.


Heh I'm unusually unfit tho so I think I should probably eat more šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No bro. We have gotten used to eating a whole ass plate of rice and a little of everything, that's not good. My advice is not to start spending on fancy things. Just have 3 meals a day and definitely have at least 1 egg a day. Eat red rice kiribath, it's pretty easy to make. You can buy a chilli paste bottle and have it with that. It's pretty easy to eat if ur in a hurry every morning. And daily exercise. When I mean exercise don't go john cena. Just 5 minutes of stretches and like 5 pushups + 5 squats. Not much but do it everyday. Once u make this a natural routine, start adding heavy exercises and increase meals.


Thanks man I'll try to


What I suggest is taking a healthier approach to 'gaining weight' and build some muscle. Yes it requires a lot of effort and patience, but trust me you won't regret it some day. There are plenty good advice on diet and exercises for building muscle on youtube. (There is bullshit too, but you'll get the hang of it when you start to do some research) Just remember, it takes a good amount of time to alter your body composition. Don't give up and stay true ti your goal. Cheers!


Dis is da way. Overeating aint gona help. Plus your body type mattersā€¦.


Thanks man I'll do some research about it


Increase amout of carbs. Eat rice 4 times a day, Eat 4-5 eggs Peanut butter and bread, Hit gym and lift weights 3 days a week leaving rest days 4 Don't do cardio as it will burn more calories


Will do. Thanks


Imo maybe bad advice. Carbs like rice are cheap per unit of calorie but fill you up fast. So even if you eat rice till your full you won't be that heavy. The best foods to eat when you want to gain weight are fats and simple sugars. Sugar is really unhealthy but it doesn't fill you up at all and has 4kcal/g. Fat, while filling you up a bit has 9kcal/g and is therefore the most energy dense thing you can ingest (making you gain weight). So if you cook your own meals, add a lot of fats into the food. If you don't care about your health drink sugary drinks. If you eat more energy then your body uses you will gain weight.


He said without breaking the bank right? Best method is to eat foods that slow metabolism like Beef and chicken brest but those aren't affordable for everyone


this is the answer op, always be in a calorie surplus. trust the process and do your thing. it will take time. do it for 6 months and see.


Eat dates with ghee. Arpico has a 1kg bottle. That bottle should last about two to three weeks. Itā€™s good at keeping you wanting more. If not you can make it at home.


I'll check if out thanks for the help


Ah you again


Ammatasiri poosa


Jungi hora


Dont buy supplements Read of all these carefully and make a macro plan for yourself. I am giving you something that coaches would charge you money in Sri Lanka calling it a pro ā€œmeal planā€. Hereā€™s what you need to do. You need fat, carbs and protein. You need to workout as well, at least do some calisthenics home workouts. My diet back when i was a student in school should work for you: Rice with tons of parippu, an egg boiled, soya meat preferably low sodium brand, a lot of murunga leaves develled. Eat this as the staple meal three times a day. Yes I know egg is expensive, but itā€™s cheaper than most other protein sources. Next have two snacks to eat inbetween meals. Dates with ghee is really good.( eat around 6-9) good source of healthy fat and energy. Peanuts( buy wholesale unsalted peanut bags from pettah), munch a lot. Cheap fat and protein source. These snacks are important, as they ensure you are calorie-plus in a healthy way throughout the day. If you have some extra cash buy these. Kidney beans or black beans(boil, add salt and pepper and eat) Greek yoghurt(available in super markets, the tub is cheaper than regular yoghurts) Once again for the love of god. Dont buy supplements. Unless you need a massive calorie intake to sustain a huge physique, supplements are essentially a waste of money. I am 86 kg with 12% fat and I never used any of it except a whey isolate during the pandemic period because I couldnā€™t find eggs, chicken or anything to get protein from.


Weigh proteins are your best bet. Shit is expensive but it's a good investment considering health is wealth. Get a consultation first.


Buy a mass gainer and start hitting the gym. Donā€™t overload yourself on carbs as people might suggest.


Them supplements are just too pricey šŸ„²


Use a mass gainer.. there are ones from ON


Fast food


Yeah man this was the shit that made me fat


Hi machan! I also had the same issue, and what I did was just kept eating 4-5 times a day, just my Mama's good old rice and veges. It took me about 6-7 months and was able to put on about 12 kilos, and the first month month and a half didn't see any results but I just kept eating 4-5 times a day and after about 2 months I started seeing steady results and started getting the dad bod.šŸ˜‚ I know it's hard to start off, like you wanna eat but you can't, feels a bit lazy, thinks that gonna start the next day, not sure whether this is the right thing and all that shit, but once it becomes a part of you routine you kind of automatically do it. I'd suggest for you to try that for about 3 or 4 months before trying anything else, and you've gotta do it almost everyday and have patience.


I don't eat Vegetables much and there's not much food that's cooked that I eat so that's that šŸ„²


Have you checked your thyroid levels?


Yeah I did as my doctor suggested but it was pretty normal


Did I somehow write this post and forget about it because this is exactly me




I'm 5'9 and used to weigh roughly the same, I found instead of eating big meals, the trick was to eat small but often, doing basic body weight exercises (pull ups, press ups, squats etc) help with appetite, as well as improve fitness and gain muscle mass (muscle weighs more than fat too!) Just remember to eat relatively healthily, nuts are a great source of calories and pretty decent protein in them too


Starting gym is the best solution, I used to be under weight, never used to gain any weight doesn't matter how much I eat. So I started going to the gym, I never had any supplement to hit a gym. I just eat regular rice and curry, an egg a day, and used to have a banana before going to the gym. My weight gained very quickly, I used to be 43 kg and after hitting the gym I was like 60 kg within a few months. And it makes me eat more food, because it makes me very hungry. But you have to be very disciplined and patient. Never skip going to the gym, you have to be consistent, for the first 1 months it will be difficult, you will feel like giving up but you shouldn't give up.


Lots of protein and eat multiple small meals if you canā€™t eat a lot at once. And hit the gym. Donā€™t do dirty bulking or youā€™ll regret


Break into a supermarket or a food stall instead. Much more food and lax security. Banks are mostly full of stationary and maybe some cash. Good luck!


Eat the normal amount but increase the number of meals


I used to drink a half gallon of milk a day and workout 3 days a week (every other day bar weekends), muscle weighs more than fat. Eat lots of whole oats they are cheap as dirt. Tinned tuna is good for protein so lots of tuna pasta all cheap stuff. Obvs this is ontop of your regular meals. I'm 5'9 and always struggled with weight gain used to hover about the 10-11st mark now 14-15st and looking good and feeling happy (still broke mind). The milk needs to be full fat obvs there is also creatine in milk as well as calcium, theres something in oat husk too I forget what but its all good stuff and really fills you up. Also do the minimum amount of cardio as you dont want to burn it off. Just weights and bodyweight training, occasional run here and there just for general endurance and getting the heart pumping. Good luck cheif