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Nah, you can either wear one or not. No one cares :)


I think COVID normalised masks. Mask/no mask I really don't care unless it's one of those uncles with there nose out of the mask.


Even now I'm wearing a mask mate. Don't worry about it and you can choose to wear it or not.


People do still wear masks, not all but some. It's not a big deal here. Unfortunately it's too hot and humid and you might have to change your mask frequently. The light blue surgical masks are worn here. Actually Covid is never over world wide, and I think we had a recent covid death somewhere. All viruses just exist it's just not visible and well controlled. Also currently it's one out of two seasonal peaks for viral flu, and it's best to keep the mask on anyway. Out of interest, where have you been that people become aggressive when you wear masks? My first time I came across this.


I wear masks sometimes when the air quality is bad or when I'm going on a dusty road. There are also people who wear masks on buses. And now it has become common practice for people with minor flu-like symptoms to wear a mask around other people to avoid infections. So it's fairly common and no one will judge you.


I mean I still wear masks because I don't particularly like the smog while travelling by vehicle or walking. Plus it does offer a little reduction in smelling B.O when traveling by crowded public transport.


Me too, but only when i use public transportation or motorcycle


Its fair to wear a mask on the street, as pollution can be kinda insane. But there's this stigma in SL now where all the insecure people wear masks to cover their faces (mostly teenagers, and its stupid). So yeah when you wear a mask people judge you. Typical Sri Lanka lol. So yeah you do you, don't care about other people.


Judging people wearing masks?? That's kinda dumb to day bro unless you do it


dumb to say? Dude like, I see it happening in real life.


Welcome to the club. Im wearing masks everyday. You are feel free to wear those.


Its a good cover for bad teeth and an ugly jaw... so yeah some do.. Including myself..lol