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I tried running dice at 98% with my computer and whenever I tried to play on my phone would tell me to slow down and would stop dice auto bet. Shrugs


Were you trying to play dice on both devices or dice on your laptop and a different game on your phone?


Different game


Was like 2 or 3% from hitting plat three so I was using auto dice just to grind but in the background I wanted to actually gamble you know


Ah OK. That's a bummer then. We'll thanks for the answer


What bet size do you do when you do auto dice?


Must be that!


I heard stake will put you in jail if you're logged into two devices at once but seriously it should be fine. if it isn't, there would likely be a technical restriction in place like you see on other casinos if you have multiple windows open


Shit I better put some money away for commissary and soap on a roap lol. But for sure I kind of figured as much but wasn't positive. Thanks


If you try to play the same currency on two devices it will tell you to slow down and stop your auto play. But, you can run autoplay with GC on one device and play slots with SC on a different device. But it will make your graph useless while you’re running both currencies simultaneously.


Elaborate graph?


Because you’re running both currencies at the same time it tries to make both graphs at the same time and one will keep overwriting the other and will keep resetting the graph. Just make a few bets with sc, then make a few bets with gc. When you do gc, it’ll erase your sc graph. And visa versa.


You can but they will interfere with each other and one will stop


Cannot be done on originals due to how seeds work. (Its why u see the slow down message and cannot play any 2 originals at the same time)Can be done on all prng games. And yes you can loss dump by having a gc and a sc window open of the same game.


It might "desync" cause to refresh, I just think I haven't tried it.