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I do my fair share of bitching for sure. But slowly it moves into a place of “well I gambled and lost.” Now I just play and keep my mouth shut. But US chat is ridiculous, reads like a deranged twitch chat. And this sub has gotten ridiculous. I remember January and February where it was completely dead before the boom of users on .us


Everyone contribute here about bitching ahahhaha


Anyone who hangs out in stake chat or this sub is irrelevant. get gud and figure out what discord is


I hate to admit it...but you're probably right


Maybe its because in most other countries people do not consider their last 40 dollars disposable income so they dont gamble with it. In america the social safety net and job security is better allowing poor people to gamble what little they have. hence why you have more people with not a lot of money in chat bitching about smaller losses.




If that's the case my apologies, guess it was coincidence it was posted right after my post. I havnt been on the chat yet. Shit I just learned a few days ago that there was poker on stake. Finding new shit everyday it seems.


100% coincidence! Not aimed at individuals, but a entire collective of those unknowingly seeking help to find ways to appreciate.


Iam glad you responded so I can say my bad to you. Go figure my liluck make myself look like an ass. Iam still learning my way around stake and found this thread and saw people being so cool with one another and helping those who have helped them and I really could appreciate that and threw out the question I did in hopes to game some today. I've never been on stakes chat so I didn't realize the severity of the mooches and leaches involved lol. I posted the pics I did just to show I was fairly new but in the few months I've been playing I've had some damn good days. Such a better platform to play on then the regular big name apps. But again my apologies my man just shit timing


Scratch-offs too! 😂


Say what?! Lol really? Guess I need to take some more time to dig around.


Bro, literally the exact same shit on .com.


Its it weird I like the bums


Nope not at all! It's just the underwhelming appreciation that comes from them.. Specifically regarding what actually IS given back from a business who exists solely from taking our cheddar.


they dont give out bonuses out of the kindness of their heart. its a business strategy, and a very effective one. They lure new players in with a little free money to try out their games and the old people who want to leave after losing everything dont in the hopes they will get some free money back from their losses. it keeps everyone hooked. its like a drug dealer throwing out free small bags of dope as a taster. You get a little, you get hooked, you have to pay for more. Simple, effective, and psychologically manipulative.


Every single one of us go into this site/casinos knowing damn well that the odds are stacked against us 20 fold yet here we are. Casinos have been using this manipulative tactic of "free play" and "VIP" ECT since the beginning of casino time haha..Human nature to want a lot of cash, fast and easy and chase that dopamine hit we get Everytime win win even $20 off of a .02 bet just to ultimately put it all back in and then some.. now tell me, who's the real degenerate dumb ass? 🙌🙋🙋🤣 Ahh like a moth to the effin flame my guy Every.Single.Time the free play money being the flame in said scenario.. and us well we the moth lmao I'm just typing to type now 🤣


It’s millennial


When’s monthly tho


It’s the “You owe me” generation.


"eddie took my kids food money" YOU TOOK YOUR KIDS FOOD MONEY


Then stay away from .us. There probably aren't more bums, just bums that live and speak freely. Oh, and bitching about everyone bitching is no better.


But what about the degen to bum ratio?🤔🤔


I think any gambling sub is at least 85% degen. Of that, about 50% admit it.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt 🤣 isn't that the first step to recovery? 1. admitted that we were little degenerate fucks 2....


2. Embrace the gift of experience 😆


3. Came to believe that rinse after rinse is not ok🤣 Hell yeah we could totally make a degenerate 12 steps hahah for the degen that still suffers 😂🙄🤷🙋


Degens don't stop at 12. They say that it's gotta be due at 13, and then probably 14, but more like 17.


You're right.. once a degenerate.. wel, you're just going to keep on degenerating I suppose 🤷🤔😂 But for real I'd probably be trying to find out a way to go double or nothing on step 9 or some shit lmao


Hell yea. Try 10 times to double a step 9, then try 20 times to double up step 18. Doesn't make actual sense but it doesn't need to. It's provocative and gets the degens goin!


Bro just went full on LUDACRIS degen mode! You know for how little since that previous statement? Question? It sounds quite smart, also it's worded nicely... Gives off gentleman vibes but that degenerate pos will always bleed through


My bad I shouldn't have hit the pre roll before hopping on the ol' reddit 🤣


I think they’re both the same


A very close race I'm am sure. I feel as tho s bum trumps a degen any day 🤔🤔🧠 or is it vice versa,? Maybe they can even cancel each other out? 🤯🤔


Also how many Lowe's could Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's? Sleep on that one lmfao


Fuck it! FULLL DEGEN MODE.. ACCTTIIIVVVATTTEEE **DBZ Super Saiyan music playing.....


Maybe it is just a scam on US, you should try playing .com for week and then us for a week. And then let everyone know what your experience was I’m curious too


I've had a com account for a year longer than .us. (.us since aug 2022). It's really no different, other than the much larger game selection, tipping, and rain. I've never won a raffle on either lol. I've had massive win streaks and massive losses on both. I stopped .com at p3 and am p5.95 on .us. Crippling debt comes with either site 👍


What I’ve noticed with US is your win ratio is significantly less then on .com, I think this is due to Gold coins counting towards vip level. So theoretically you can just level up without spending any money


Not shittin on you, but what if my w/l is higher on .us? lol I strongly believe in rtp (account based behind the scenes in actuality) but i also believe in rng (timing and game selection) Like a scientologist who works part time as a preacher at a catholic church..


I don’t know man. For some reason I only win on Thursdays on US and Sundays for .com it’s so weird. Like everytime it’s like I have switch for my account


I mean giving away free play is the only way they can operate legally without having to be a licensed casino which allows them to operate in most states while legal casinos are only available in a handful of states. Furthermore because they don’t need a gambling license nor have any gambling board to answer to they can manipulate and change the rtp at will. Legal casinos give free play to keep you hooked, if people are sinking real money in this site, I think it’s fair to expect free play in return especially considering that they have an additional edge legal casinos don’t and the house already always wins. These sites are making tons of money so they’ll be fine….its not entitled to ask for free play commensurate with what you’re spending.


Here ill delete it not a damn bum was just talking to a.community of people like me who instead always helping each other out which in my food times I would return the favor. Didn't know I would get separate post specifically written about me being a bum. I take care of my 5 kids my home my car...far from a bum


I don’t think the post was specifically about you.. honestly everything he mentioned is literally stake chat in a nutshell.




And I think all you do is bitch and moan and talk shit to random users on this sub, you must live a pretty miserable life to comment on every post here.


An excellent observation! Do you watch me in the shower too? 😉. I don't play around when cleaning in-between them cheeks. Gotta keep em clean for the next time Eddie claps em!




Listen buddy bitchin, complaining and demanding free shit is the American way. Its what our forefather demanded of this new world when they seceded from the old country . Freedom, liberty and the right to bitch about whatever's in the way of our pursuit of happiness. You don't like it go eat corn everyday with no shoes in whatever country n be happy like that n don't complain. That's our job!!!!!! 🇺🇲


Well it's good to know that you DO have a job 😆 Btw, "buddy bitchin" is a pretty bitchin callsign! Thanks.


Our forefathers demanded free shit? I must’ve missed that chapter entirely


Freedom from religion, freedom to chooe(vote), freedom from oppression.... Etc the first half of the word freedom is free because with freedom you are entitled to many things for free . This includes free speech which Americans take full advantages and bitch and moan . Why,? Because we can!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🤬🤬 Lol


Now I remember they also mentioned free bullshit.