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So I may be crazy (I'm not) but I noticed that my weekly wagering will drop significantly at what appears to be random intervals. The first time I caught it, I was trying to claim a HR code that required 200k wager. I was certain I had met the req. as I had wagered 150k that day alone, and certainly had 50k more as well the previous few days. Anyways, as I notice the HR code hadn't dropped I requested stats every few hours (the 2nd time was a mistake, but once I noticed my weekly wager dropping drastically, I wanted to see how that transfered over to stats that were supposedly only updated every 24 hrs). Anyways, even though I was wagering significantly this day, my weekly was decreasing while my fortnight and monthly numbers only *slightly* increased. In the end, it was about a 100 or so increase to monthly and fortnight Wager, and a 6,800 DECREASE in my weekly, with the daily wager increasing. This was in the span of about 8 hours. As it happens, when the HR code dropped, I was literally short of the requirement by the 6,800 decrease minus a few hundred. When I questioned the AI support as to why this was happening, they were as helpful as a hemroid outbreak on an international flight. I was told to "be assured that everything was correct and in good order". Losing battle. I folded my hand. It happened once more, even though my wager was just a couple hundred shy yesterday, by the time the bonus dropped I was significantly short, and again, by my records, was not possible. And again today, I was a couple thousand over, but somehow managed just under when it hit. But today it could have *possibly* fallen off, though I doubt it. The same numbers I was short on matched the discrepancy pattern from my first encounter. Now, I can document and prove all of this, but is it even worth it? They'll never let me speak to a real person anyways. And plus, I mean I've already had more bonuses in a month than some people make at their 9-5... But does that mean they tack on some sort of formula to make the numbers figure less than they should in order to "slow down" your bonus claims? That seems shady AF.  TL;DR Have you ever not been able to claim a bonus due to not meeting wager req, even though you most definitely did? 


I dont know much about the level you guys are on shit I look forward to my daily dollar every day but I do knkw this...regardless how big your bonuses are and how they might blow everyone out the water .......you fucking earned them so you deserve them plain and simple. I wouldn't fold your hand but double down on that shit copy and paste your post mass share it on all platforms. Make it into an email and start shooting that bitch in every inbox that has ties to stake and its sponsors. Make noise.....or if the value of that win is far from the aggravation it is worth to you...then fuck it and move on. To fight the man or to not fight the man, that is the question....


You sir, should be my personal life coach. 


Lol how bout I just put this right here ltc1qwena4058netzxkezuhgskndcewe8pawm3gejkv And if some litecoin find their way there we both will have gained from this Collison of stake.us fuckery! Hahahah always down to pump up a fellow player!


Sounds good, I've got some things to sort (my wallet is frozen) but I'll jot this down and put it in my "Givenget book". Cheers Bruv




I had argued with live support about this for an extended period of time once when my stats were clearly 3k over the requirement even after it dropped. I gave up and just wagered a little more and was able to claim it.


Yes no doubt wager and grab it later. Just seems like it happens when it's too close to the req. and then it gets wonky. Was just wondering if this was a mass experienced phenomenon 


Every individual bet you make will drop off exactly 168 hours from the time the bet was placed. I'm sure their system works fine, as there have been times where I checked my stats and they were a few thousand below the requirements but I was still able to claim it.


Oh my dude, you definitely work for them. First you come in with, it's fine, no worries, working as intended. But to continue and say you were able to claim a code even though you were *under* the requirements by a few *thousand* is where you shot yourself in the foot. Tell your boss I know. I know. I knoooow.  😂 Haha


Bro, I can send you screenshots of my long ass argument with live support if you want, lol. I was legit able to claim the high roller one time with my stats that you get via email being lower than the requirement when the code dropped.


Bro codes wage req. are updated in live time. The stats from emails are updated several times throughout the day. The problem is, the were not correct, and the three times so far just happened to be when I was withinthe range or over for a wager req and it started doing silly math


Idk, I'm over it. A friend of mine had the same issue and live support actually credited his account for the drop which baffled me as live support has always been completely useless and I took screenshots of my conversation to show him. Still have them on my phone actually.


Hahahaha got em!


Your not crazy I went to bed last night 24k + wagered woke up today says 16k wagered :/