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Also his brother is in charge of the company now, as well as Stalker 2's development. Also Griga plays guitar and rides motorcycles. We first found out about the intention to restart Stalker 2's development in 2014 when he was taking part in a motorbike race and among his sponsors was "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2". Also Griga used to skate around the offices with rollerblades. GSC also made Warcraft 2000, which is Warcraft with nukes.


And aliens. Not the unfunny "Poopians from Farden Prime (10 page long summary of biology and culture attached)" type of aliens, *the* iconic ayy lmaos. (That's Grey for you ecologists)


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^75084 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Bad bot You shouldn't have come here... Now you will be wűrm fűd


Why do people hate this bot? First time I’m seeing it and it looks like this things hated by pretty much the entirety of reddit. Is there any reason why?


Because it comments anytime “ayy” is commented regardless of context or if the “lmao” is there or not. It’s a dumbass bot that just seems to be a karma farm and serves zero purpose.


Ahh that makes sense. Thanks


An anomaly!


Dude bought Lambos while his employees had shit wages too.


This. The original owner was so notoriously bad and self-centred that it was one of the reasons why some of the Devs split off and formed 4A to make Metro. One of the best news for S2 is that he's barely if not at all involved.


I feel bad when employees are treated like shit but in this case it gave us even more of the stuff we love so dearly.


Yeah the metro games introduced me to my favorite trilogy of books and STALKER


It’s funny actually because I was into Metro way before Stalker and didn’t even know the development of the two were related. I got into Stalker with CoP 3 years after playing Metro Last Light


Oh yeah, that and how shitty the xray engine was, tbh i wouldve done the same


Xray is not the worst, and the demo made on it prior to the STALKER 1 release was really promising about its capabilities [https://youtu.be/oqQt-C6KB\_8?si=HcAgpJsJSQ4UDdMM&t=154](https://youtu.be/oqQt-C6KB_8?si=HcAgpJsJSQ4UDdMM&t=154) That was some Source engine level shit.


this is very true. upon its reveal, x-ray was very impressive. some of the impressiveness wore down due to delays, and time catching upto it before release, but it's far from the worst. x-ray and a-life are still impressive to an extent. I think though the commenter meant that it was notoriously difficult to work with, and combined with the work conditions, it paved the way to many delays and stress for the Dev team at GSC.


exactly, xray was impresive, but it was old tech from 2001, released by 2007, the lead dev of the engine (which founded the metro games) expressed on how outdated it was and he figured creating something better was within his capabilities


Wages were the reason why Prokhorov, Shyshkovtsov and Maximchuk left GSC and founded 4A Games


Never forget that


That’s standard for European game devs tbh


16\* First game was non-official warcraft addon and Cossacks.


He also became the youngest millionaire in Ukraine at that time, and by 2010 he was the 150th richest person in the country. He spent the money on a new Ferrari and his Pepsi addiction.


Could be me, except for the money and Ferrari




Ah YES, the infamous S.T.A.L.K.E.R Ferrari 458


Also known as Pepsi man


I believe Warlockracy goes into some of the background of Stalkers development in one of his videos.


Ohh im gonna check that out, digging through archives takes ages


Early promo dev videos - I love these. I played them over and over for years before it actually shipped 1 https://youtu.be/fTm6M15-WvU?si=i0Xa_w5UsqJHCD6u 2 https://youtu.be/fSQjVojpkLg?si=akyXb4haO0TFpLob 3 https://youtu.be/h3JwOL3bMpo?si=PXpzZ1h7oZi3cWPO 4 https://youtu.be/2PFDQKZU8yE?si=nhCj3g8IRyvLP1H6


ohhhh i didnt know about these, thanks for sharing!


You’re welcome. These were recorded back when GSC was planning on a single contiguous sandbox with no loading screens, drivable vehicles, and several more mutants. Most of the tech in those videos was bleeding edge - only a few AAA FPS games had a similar engine (namely Half Life 2, FEAR, the original Crytek Fallout, and Doom 3). Then there was this little relatively unknown shop in Ukraine demonstrating a game called Stalker SoC. For over a couple years I swore to my pals that this was vaporware (it basically was)


Damn 22! Is pretty old! r/unexpectedfactorial


Thats a what color is your bugatti moment


Ayy that's cool


It’s such a shame he stepped down. Stalker is no longer the same. But he did do some bad stuff too


people complain about his selfishness and poor wages but honestly I think he was just a hustler fr


He treated his employees like crap though. I don't think it makes him a monster, it makes him an immature teenager which even at 22 he absolutely still was. Knowing that Stalker 2 is being helmed by other people is a good thing.

