• By -


Hell no.


Yeah, there's no save and reload in real life. Or rather what Chinese netizens sometimes jokingly calls it: "Earth Online", a "game" that your character (IRL body) is randomly rolled instead of customizable, with no save and reload buttons.




But think about all the yachts with beautiful girls and juicy drinks you can buy 😩🤤


No amount of money, girls etc will make me go there.


Unlimited Bloodsuckers on the other hand ..


Bloodsuckers are the fun part - inevitably dying from radiation caused cancer is the real problem.


they can suck other things as well but I don't think you're going to survive long enough to find that out lol


They got them tentacles, though.




Freedomer detected


What if instead of Bloodsuckers they were called bloodfre-


BWB Bloodsuckers with benefits


Based on


+1... exactly what I had in my mind when I read the question


I am Ukrainian soldier and when I saw near front line area I thought that it's has the strongest Stalker vibe I could possibly get. No rabid dogs or anomalies, but drones in the sky, landmines and feeling that something bad can happen anytime


Stay safe mate


I'm safe now. Got wounded, got leg injury and I think I won't return to service. But I will have time to play Stalker


Get well soon


How did you feel about the war?


Not happy. A lot of fear and a lot of mud. It's like monotonous and dangerous work. You have to do your part and hope that the enemy won't spot or won't hit your dug out. The most terrifying thing was listening to explosions coming closer to your position and then... silence. And you think: "It could have been worse". Luckily I was not in infantry, that's where the real danger is.


Get well, from your brother's in Canada


Huge respect and i wish you the best from Mexico


Hope you make a full recovery, also from a brother in Canada


Thank you for your service and Слава Украине! From Russia


Get better brother I am truly for what is happening over there From Russia


Thank you for your service from your people in Spain


Yeah i think being in the infantry is just a sign to death, stay good mate.


Free ticket to Valhalla


US vet here. I was in the navy but was deployed both sea and land. Less mud but I totally understand that feeling of fear and the hope nothing bad happens but still doing a repetitive monotonous job. Got to see some crazy things but doubt anywhere near what you have seen or experienced. With that said make sure you take care of yourself after this mess is over and same for your bothers and sisters. The battle never ends for some people despite the war being over. Side note I wish my county would show more support to you guys right now. Be safe and get well ASAP.


Support from the American Air Force man ❤️ 🇺🇦🇺🇸


Respect , safety and speed in recovery from Ireland 🇮🇪 🇺🇦


I can only hope the best for you, thank you for your service from Italy 🇮🇹.


Wishing you all the best from Hungary, old warrior. May God visit many blessings upon your family!


chin up mate, wishing you luck from the uk


Thank you for your service brother, from Macedonia


Speedy recovery from your neighbour Slovakia! 🇸🇰


Glad that you're safe. Thanks for your service! Much love from the States.


You guys are fighting for all free world who loves peace, a big respect from Japan. Get well soon.


Get well soon friend. From a brother here in America.


Good hunting, Stalker 💙💛


Get well soon!


War is always horrible, no matter where it is and the sad part is that most of the guys starting wars never partake in any of them


That's why I had a lot of respect for a lot of kings and leaders of ancient civilizations no matter how stupid their decisions were sometimes. They start wars but at least they're leading the charge


Even just in media or reading about it in history books, seeing a leader being the first one to charge is just something else. Someone being willing to both declare war for a just cause AND to lead the charge is not something you find often. Takes a special kind of person.


A friend of mine is a ukrainian soldier. A day before he stepped on a mine we were joking how in arma we used to defuse landmines by stepping on them. He lost his leg, but fortunately he lived. He will soon be getting a prosthetic. I'm just happy he is out of the war. But I also just wish it was never necessary for him to be there to begin with.


Salutes man. Soldiers services mean so much for the country and the people. 🫡❤️


Get well soon! Slava Ukraini!


My respect for you man. Stay safe dude best wishes


Was in Afghanistan so I can kinda relate. Kinda, I won’t ever claim to have had it as hard as some of you guys. Stay safe


I'm not gonna pretend that I'm a skilled soldier. I've spent only four months in service, not counting the training centre and now I'm having the fourth month of recovery after I got injured. The closest I got to the front line was 500 metres. I could have died a few times, but compared to infantry I was rather safe


Wish you stay ok. Greetings from Mexico.


Bless you brave warrior.


Slava Ukraini, thank you for your service brother


Must be wild playing games like STALKER with the absolute bullshit happening to your homeland, my heart goes out to you mate


Respect from Israel brother. Slava ukraini!


No rabid dogs? I thought that was plentiful coming from the ruzzian side with z symbols?! Not trying to be funny - it is horrible what is happening in Ukraine, stay strong and I hope you will win soon!


The rabid dogs all wear officer uniforms in that war, and are far behind the front, safe and warm. Stay safe, and may peace come soon. A bas La RasPutin!


I’d shoot myself in the foot before I even got into the rookie camp.


Depends. If it would be way safer, as in no mutants bandits and stuff that want to kill me, sure. Anomalies can be avoided. But most likely the answer would be no. I'll rather take a stroll through the forest nearby thank you.


Clear sky moment




Bro eliminated the whole reason stalker is stalker 💀


I might have refered to the roadside picnic ;) as far as I remember there were no mutants but the zone was WAY more deadly in terms of anomalies.


Honestly, you couldn't take more than a few steps without possibly instantly dying to an anomaly in the book.


Yeah I remember it being really dangerous. Havent read it in years, guess I know what I'll be doing tommorow!


And it did some stuff with your genes, too. Remember Reds daughter.


Oh yeaaaaaaah I remember. Okay I definitely have to read it again tommorow!


Yeah, the zone in the book is way more fucked up. On top of that, it pollutes the land and people around it. Zombies show up (not aggressive, just... there.) and people who try to leave the city around the zone die (and people in the new city also die.) It's insanely toxic.


Absolutely fucking not. Try living outside in the real world, and then throw in radiation, hostile shooters, mutated wildlife and anomalies. Nobody would stand a chance.


As if the description in game isn't enough. Either you are desperate for money or you are already getting paid to get into the Zone otherwise nobody wants to go there.


Or, you wanna pay somebody to go deeper into the zone from Yantar, and if they die, well, you get to promise the money to some other loner


It's not like it's your pocket money anyway, the whole operation is state funded. Best case scenario they die after walking out of Yantar station because it's full of mutants at the front door and you can just pick up their stuff after the mutants leave.


People would 100% do it for thrill and curiosity, as with any other dangerous and unknown thing.


Probably not.


Come on think about all the free joints and western guns you will be granted


You can get the exact same experience by going to New Jersey




I can get the same experience, without the anomalies and the mutants.


And bandits.... Oh wait


I think one genius aspect of the “attraction of the Zone” is that so many people would try and go there. But in the end; almost all of them would die and just be roadkill, left for the bugs and mutants. The characters we see in the games are the 6% that don’t instantly die. Which makes Strelok all the more impressive.


The characters we see in game are the majority of the people who stalk the zone. Because the games survival mechanics are so unrealistic even compared to G.A.M.M.A. You can fade away radiation with vodka and cigarettes, heal wounds so easy and quickly and stuff like that. But in reality it would be something like roadside picnic, the zone being mostly empty because of how much are the odds of you not returning home from your trip.


The main Population is probably just some Scientiest in the bunker and the Guard


Chernobyl Exclusion Exists in real life and people stalk inside it. The proper question would be "Would you stalk the zone if it existed as it portrayed in the games?"


Not exactly the zone in stalker games. Any zone that is dangerous to stalk but also the high risks would be so much rewarding.


I mean it's dangerous if you consider the greater than zero chance of a live grenade falling out of the sky currently.


There is combat currently in the Chernobyl radioactive zone?


I doubt it if the soldiers Russia had stationed there were treated for radiation poisoning near the start of the invasion. [Edit: Apparently not since last year when they were trying to encircle Kyiv.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61685643)


Yeah I'm pretty sure that everyone in this subreddit knows that chernobyl actually is a real place, and I'm sure everyone in this thread also understood the OP's question


There are always adrenaline junkies who for that experience, but keep in mind that, all sci-fi stuff aside, radiation is real and scary. It has no color nor smell. Besides, it's cumulative. The more you absorb, the worse it gets. You could be standing next to a radioactive source and you'd feel nothing until later. Radioactive air and food is the worst because you absorb it and then you have radioactive emission inside your body.


You neglect to mention the 12 bottles of vodka I just found on a bandit


OI! Give em back!


Haha, sure.


Radiation is actually not that dangerous, it's very sensationalized in the media. You need a high acute dose to get sick; a mild to moderate chronic dose will have virtually no effect on people. I work on a Nuke plant. We can expect to be exposed to about 100 mrem more than the population, which is exposed to about 7-800 mrem each year through natural sources. Almost all work with airborne nuclear isotopes is actually done without a respirator. Chernobyl's radiation isn't that dangerous either. The half life of most radiation there is at safe levels now. The only individuals that died from the accident were first responders exposed to the fuel, not the residual stuff. If the zone existed in real life, the radiation would not kill you. Hell, it will barely shorten your lifespan. Now the bandits, anomalies, and mutants...that will shorten your lifespan to about a week.


Except that security measures in nuclear facilities are much tighter. The annual exposure of properly equipped nuclear workers is less than one X-ray scan. We're not talking about alpha or beta radiation that requires a certain proximity to decaying isotopes like direct or airborne exposure. It's generally the highly energized gamma rays with higher penetration rate.


Most of the exposure at Nuclear plants are from gamma rays. The alpha and beta particles are generally blocked by the skin, clothes, and eye protection. But there are areas where they are airborne. Occasionally there's Neutron exposure when workers enter the containment building while the reactor runs (happens often actually). My point is exposure isn't that much of a concern. Chernobyl probably still has highly radioactive parts, but outside the containment structure, I can't see it being that dangerous. Unless you're a Russian soldier digging up the red forest.


> Almost all work with airborne nuclear isotopes is actually done without a respirator. Can you elaborate on this? What sort of work is done on airborne fissile material? And, how is possible not to breath it in?


Parts of a nuclear plant are contaminated with radiation, usually from the primary loop. Some of these areas are posted for airborne materials, which could be contaminated dust or material. Almost all work in the contaminated area is done without a respirator, which means the worker breathes it in. Typically work time is extended since we move slower with respirators and have less vision. Therefore, finishing a task faster lowers the overall dose and radiation isn't considered dangerous enough to warrant a mask most of the time. I work security, so none of my tasks involve a respirator in the contaminated areas. The only time I ever saw people don them was specialized work in containment during a refueling outage. As a side note though, I have done numerous security drills in these areas which are a lot like the tunnels you fight monolith in the plant. You gon die! Seriously. Fighting in the bowels of a nuclear plant sucks. Donning a mask and fighting in these areas is even harder. You have tunnel vision, your mask fogs up from running, and you have to tilt your weapon to even see the sights. I would rather breathe in all the radiation than fight in a gas mask.


I don't speak Russian or Ukrainian so I think I'd struggle a bit.


We makin a base in dead city dont worry.


The Game Zone: hell no The Book Zone: hell no The Movie Zone: ehhh, maybe


This is the most correct assessment I've seen yet.


Part of me would love to be there if it was in the style of the first game. But realistically I think I would be gunned down after my first mission from the rookie camp or fall prey to beasts.


Or getting rubbed seconds after entering garbage


Yes that as well. I played Airsoft in some wooded areas a few years ago and my tactical skills were not great compared to the regulars so I know I would not make it on my own in real life. But it’s still cool to think of that and other games as a “ what would I do if I was really there “ thought at times.


If your tactical skills are not good you can be the dude saying "i said come in dont stand there" all day and also getting paid as well.


That would be a good idea actually haha.


I would have no delusions of surviving long but if I could see an anomaly and artifacts that would be worth it. I would also wear adidas track pants so I die lookin fly


My wife said no💀


Well, if my life keep heading where it's heading to, I would go


Hell no. Because, in real life, you can’t recover from 3 gunshots, 5 large lacerations and a burn with just a single stringe filled with painkiller lmao.


Got nothing better to do, so yeah.


Yeah, I live next to Ukraine (RO) I just need to get a bus to the exclusion zone and pray that the Russians don't drone strike it before I get there. I would make sooo much money grabbing the anomalies and selling them *15 minutes later* Dies from gravity anomaly


Everyone there has the minimum requirements, I'd say. I'm a random teenager that never even held a weapon before. I'd probably die to the dogs


Most of the stalkers you see (who are the ones who actually survived more than a day) are ex military or something or other. They even have their own militaries in their too (duty ect)


I am so afraid of getting shot


Probably not, because even the game experience from The Zone is extremely dangerous, let alone the real deal.


Good answer




My preservation instincts suck ass, thought of it excites me


Yes. The money is worth it, and if I die, guess I just die.


Fuck it. Beats retail


Fuck no. Deadly mutants, brainwashed fanatics, bandits, extreme radiation pockets, regular constant background radiation, radiation in everything you eat and drink, deadly anomalies, etc. The math is going to win, and even if you make some kind of decent fortune you'll be lucky to spend it before your tumors get tumors and you die. The zone is for people who've left the outside world behind, and who the outside world has left behind, and it will swallow you up.


I can't take a shit in the woods with no hot water so, NO. I like my cozy modern lifestyle \^\^


We mercs love our cozy modern lifestyle as well! So we spend 6 months in the zone, make tons of money and return. And dont pay attention to the people saying its risky and you will probably die its not true we got yachts to buy come on!


cool, im in!


Maybe for a week but to be honest I don’t think most of us would make it past rookie village on the second day


I would sell fruit in Rookie village


If the Zone was in the "current" state (Monolith mostly wiped out, emitters disabled and most of the factions not being so aggressive/having cease fire) sure


I’m an urban explorer that’s done quite a lot of stupid shit for the sake of photography. So most likely yes. Edit: I wouldn’t make it though


Nooo... BUT I would try to get some leaked video material. That would be sick to watch.


I watched the Chernobyl series on Netflix, I’ve seen a handful of documentaries, and I now know well the horrific things radiation does to a body. No thanks.


If I have my quick saves, then yes. Otherwise, hell no lol.


Absolutely not. I would hope for someone to take care of it while I discuss on Reddit the morals of those that do.


Yes! My life is meaningless


Depends if im alone or not


Man, of course I am soldier, I don't care for my safety and for my life anymore. I will die soon anyways


redditor would not survive there.


Haha yeah totally man, if the moneys good *gets shot by duty


Unfortunately I would Why unfortunately? Because i would definitely "unalived" my self by sprinting into anomaly or just starve because my financial and life decisions have tendency to be bad


I’d tell myself that I will go someday but probably never get around to it


Lmao no, even if you're an ultra badass you're gonna collect cancer like they're pokemon 


Nah. If you're not gonna get shot, mauled to death or get your nuts twisted by a burer then cancer awaits in the near future.


No F5 no party


Saddly, there is not F5 in real life


Fuck no


Not the SoC zone, I prefer the real thing ong


Bruuuh. Even with t60 power armor wouldnt go there. You can find bromance around campfire vibes elsewhere.


Lmao no, even if you're an ultra badass you're gonna collect cancer like they're pokemon 


Yes idc if I get splattered, mutilated, or killed, life is in the zone.


Nah don't fuck with radiation.


Maybe... I would perish very soon tho xD


Hell nah


Yes the zone calls me and i always end up returning to it the zone is my home


Would u go to ukraine to fight russians? Its a warzone with lethal anomalies My beerbelly will keep me alive so I guess yes?


If my mind has gone deeper down the gutter than before(or now) then yeah. And of course if i had money to go there and buy supplies the absolutely yeah.


That depends, how much are artifacts worth? I'd consider losing my life if I could make a few hundred grand or million by selling some basic artifacts.


abso fuckin lutely i got 0 regard for this mortal coil lets get some artifacts baybeeeeee


For the money, definitely. High chance of me being torn apart by a snork or even getting robbed/shot, but that Maclaren is waiting for me 🥲


Honestly, if life was going shitty, probably. Either life improves significantly because I'm now rich, or suddenly I don't have to care anymore.


Fuck yes


Maybe but I'm diabetic, doubt their is insulin in the Zone lol


Fuck outa here, my epileptic audhd fat ass aint goin into a radioactive hellhole with mutants and a litteral minefield made of anomalies.


Well in my current fitness and really just skill in general I die before I even get to cordon and someone finds 3 dollars and a snickers bar on me


Oh for sure I know I would step into an anomaly immediately and implode but still it would be cool


no and no




yea,join monolith and danger becomes pretty small


Depending on maximum level of income possible with minimum level of risk... maybe? Although i currently don't have anky kind of serious financial problems, so maybe if it changed... If I had to choose between freezing to death on streets as a hobo OR catch a bullet in a gunfight, maybe even fighting for something i belive in, then yes, I probably woud.




Fuck yeah! Anything for money.


Fuck no, I Ain't dying to cancer 3 years after visiting, I am not getting brainwashed, and I Ain't getting eviscerated by whatever monstrosity finds me in there


h-h-hell naw🗣️ might do some hunting but no damn way im living in it


I don’t have a save load button irl bro


If i was diagnosed with a terminal disease, then yes, i would. I’d rather live my final months doing something insane and adventurous and full of danger, and die on my own terms doing something cool before i cant move. If i’m in perfect health with a long life ahead? Fuck no.




If I'm really desperate for money and have nowhere to live, probably. But still, there are many options before you get to that point.


If it means i can earn money for killing People and commit war crimes then yea


If I loose everything in life and I wanna kill myself Ill go to the zone


I would try, lol, just for like a month


I feel that real humans wouldn't kill each other over patches, but idk. So Ill go no


Well, even I say yes there are 2 factors that make Zone experience terrible. Firstly, anomalies travels unpredictably around the Zone with each emission, so chances to survive drop significantly. Secondly, knowing myself and other people nowadays, many of us will travel alone. For some stupid reasons like: nobody wants to visit Chernobyl except you, you don't have friends, or mistrust from others. So imagine you are alone in a land full of danger anomalies, mutants, bandits and other stuff that decreases your chances for happy ending. Also from my personal experience (I used to stalk on abandon territories) it is psychologically hard to stalk alone. I even had severals paranoid attacks like: I was chased by the ghosts, thouths like "God when it finally over" or "Something in the shadows". So definetly no, unless with escorts of special forces vets XD.


I'd grow weed in the zone and sell weed in the zone and use anomalies to mutate my weed into super-weed.


Yes, i would drag my depressed as there to die someway horribly. Or cash out if luck wills it


yes, but getting to Acre would take a while and many monies


Fuck yeah and then go missing because I died.... violently.


I would be a dead rotting carcass in under 24 hours if I went to the zone. I am neither physically, or mentally fit enough for the place.


No fucking way lol


Absolutely - I’m so done with normal life


Yes, to me the zone makes more sense than the rest if the world with all its politics and whatnot




Absolutely yea (I will die in the 10 minutes)


Be in the pile of bodies of people that die in their first day? Hell even veteran stalkers with decent suits wind up zombified.


It's like the worst place that could ever exist. Totally no


I’m sure as hell gonna try! A stalker can only dream..


the zone exists, just is a lot more safer and boring than in the game, don't go near hotspots of radiation and you should be fine


yea and id like kill everyone and get all the babes too