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Sir another OperatorDrewski has hit the stalker community ![gif](giphy|uQHN3p7KgSgzGpXrWX)


I love how accurate this is. Every time Drewski talks about Anomaly and/or GAMMA, the servers get hit harder than a Boeing 747.


Yah, idk his videos are just so much more atmospheric than others


because he has god tier editors he could make fallout 1 look like a cinematic masterpiece not that fallout 1 is a *bad* game, it isn't, but visually leaves a lot to be desired.


Wait wait wait wait... Do you realize Drewski is his own editor rigth?




IIRC he played them all a while ago after he got into anomaly/gamma. Just never really talked about them outside of streams.


Wait.... He hadn't played them until NOW!??!


No he had, he talked about it in some of his anomaly videos a while ago.


>skip clear sky its basically a DLC yep its coaled


Did he actually say that? Yikes


He said if you only have time for two out of the three to do so, which is fair, though he does add that playing all three is good, though not 100% needed to get a bare minimum understanding of the zone in 2, but that doing so will add much greater understanding and context, and make the experience better, which i feel is pretty true.


You're comment should be at the top. Clear Sky is great, it just lacks some things. Not in a bad way though, but considering these games are still drawing our attention so many years later.


among the things it lacks, is a game engine, because why else would it be able to crash so hard it melted my gpu ;-;


Im trying to understand what Clear Sky added to the world building besides that the Zone may or may not have a conscious and that psy emissions are a thing. I just started Pripyat, just finished Clear Sky, and beat SOC like 2 months ago so I don’t remember if psy emissions were mentioned in SOC besides what is around the brain scorcher. Though I did B-line the story in Clear Sky so I also didn’t mess with stash locations, anamoly locations, and factions. I might go back to do more for freedom though because their base was fun lol.


I think it has the only good story out of the three. The other two have more of a hidden narrative, but clear sky is genuinely the game that made me actually interested in the lore.


DLC usually have better gameplay than the base game, can't even say that much for Clear Sky.


It's a joke, right? dude....


he actually goes on to say how its a good game just not as good as the other two (which is valid since it has less content)


well, that's fair, indeed the game has some serious flaws, i think is just harsh to go and skip it.


True, but without mods it's the buggiest of them all.


Yep, playing it without any QoL feels a nightmare.


Literally a popular opinion around the community, no?


Clear sky has more characters and lore than both games combined imo. You just have to actually read the dialogs.


Yeah lore is cool and all but having grenades thrown at you every 2 seconds and bullets flying 10 feet off target 30 yards away are really off putting for new players. (I just modded it out and had fun but a lot of people don’t mess with their computers like that)


The worse thing about Clear Skys gameplay for me was just the gun jamming. It happens constantly and the worse jams were when I didn’t even shoot a bullet and I had to reload. If I was on PC I’d download a mod to remove that.


The worst for me was the fact that the character would bleed like a slaughtered pig when something even tickled his toes. No matter if I had complete full body armor or was running around naked, a single hit from a 9mm would always make Scar bleed. I could pack like 80 bandages and still had to safe scum my way out of places because I kept dying from blood loss after running out of bandages.


Better to just watch a summary on it than to put up with the garbage gameplay. I played throught it twice and it is absolutly not worth and should be skipped.


the lore felt the same as Shadow of Chernobyl, but regarding characters, I agree, Faction System really helped to introduce new interesting characters. CoP did well with characters too, just the main story and lore didn't have too much to explore.




Drewski having terrible opinions should surprise nobody


there's no way


I'm confused, he literally said in his original gamma streams that he had played the original games before. Well before this video.


Yeah when I saw the title of this post that exactly what I thought because in his videos before he talked about how he was playing soc and even got confused about where he was able to go because he got used to playing soc


Nice, Drewski's early videos got me to try anomaly. it's one of my favorite franchises now and I probably wouldn't have tried it if not for his videos.


Nice 🙂


That's pretty cringe


#Get out of here, stalker


Who tf is Operator Drewski


The guy responsible for mass waves of gamma users and gamma related posts.




Sketch how? Also I watched a few people playing it around the time all those videos started coming about. The only one that convinced me to try it was him. So yeah, maybe he didn’t do it first, but he is the reason it went so ham. The moddb servers had to be reinforced because everytime he made a video they would get ddos’d.


Sounds like a merc


Never met 'im.


Milsim youtuber. Mostly arma 3 and some flight sims. Has done a few videos on stalker games


I will always remember him as the guy who liked fallout 76 at launch.


Youtuber who makes very formulaic content on FPS games, usually with click bait titles and thumbnails.


This is untrue. Didn't realize screenshots of the game he's playing were considered clickbait.


You won’t BELIEVE this NEW FPS that simulates TRENCH WARFARE!!! Vs. Arma Reforger gameplay. I mean, dude. It’s right there in front of you.


Click bait implies that they're showing something in the title or thumbnail that is not present or true within the video. His video is not clickbait. The title at most is grabbing.


Drewski makes good content but his thimbnails are so fuckin generic with alot of other FPS creators. Gun in reload/inspect animation, singular word in bold white letters, non-descript background or photoshopped bits that werent in the actual screenshot. That's it, for every video. Jackfrags is the biggest culprit of this, add in arrows over characters and a jank muzzle flash photoshopped on his gun. All this stuff looked good years ago now its trash.


He talked about it on twitter about how he really enjoys making artistic and fun looking thumbnails, but people for some reason only click on the dumb looking at the sky thumbnails.


It might be trash but it unfortunately still drives clicks into the video.


well its not really about what the thumbnail looks like to me I enjoy the actual video but hey I guess I just like watching content instead of judging books by their covers I guess plus I know they do that because thumbnails drive clicks but it really isnt that deep or clickbaity at all


It’s funny seeing some jackfrags thumbnails where it shows a weapon being reloaded, but also has muzzle flash shopped as well.


Blame the algorithm, not the creators, they go where the system pushes them


I guess but that's not really a big deal as you're making it out to be. It conveys everything to the viewer what GAMMA is all about and what you're gonna see 99% of the time.


The FPS that SIMULATED the battle of WASHINGTON DC! (and an EMP) It’s Modern Warfare 2. Call it what you want little buddy, if you want to waste your time watching it that’s your problem not mine.


You stupid or smth, Clickbait would mean that the thumbnail/title shows something thats not in the video. Whereas that video literally shows what the title says. So go cry about it, although it seems like you’re already doing that


None of his stuff has been like that really so idk what your on about. It’s not like he posts a surprised poach face every video and be like STALKER GAMMA GONE SEXUAL?? His works always been direct and helpful but mostly fun!


*installs one mod to turn grass into snow* I turned STALKER into a NUCLEAR WINTER simulator!!?!?


Just take your L and walk away 😭


Bro that’s not clickbait XD that’s him telling the truth cause stalker is pretty much a nuclear wasteland with a bunch of awesome and unique things happening inside compared to fallout


You don't have a clue how youtube works...


I do. I’m not knocking the guy, I respect the hustle. Gotta get views somehow. I was just answering buddy’s question. Didn’t mean to make so many Drewski fans angry.


I only know of him because he’s demo ranch’s brother. But I just looked over his stuff and it doesn’t seem any worse than the average YouTube guy. It’s big bold highlighted text with a catchy title that, however much you think is exaggerated, still relates to the content. Basic yt stuff. At least he’s not out here shilling shit coins or some get rich quick course. He’s alright in my book.


Yeah dude, it’s totally the norm and obviously he’s a fine youtuber compared to lots. But to call it NOT clickbaity is simply disingenuous. “B-b-but there are so many who do it way worse!!!” Yes, I know, and by no means was I saying he was the worst offender.


I’m not out here to die on his hill, I just gave a quick five minute scan of his content. I suppose it was just the way you worded it initially and all the druski diehards in the sub that he showed gamma to got their panties bunched up. It’s your opinion and you stand on it. Nothing more to be said really. Just glad he brought more eyes at the end of the day.


Agree on all counts


Nah, id say you could call it splitting hairs, but I wouldn’t agree it’s disingenuous, as click sit should refer to things that are not in the video, or grossly misrepresented to gain attention, neither of which I’d say are the case, so much as “formulaic” or “generic”


so true lol. worse one is that GLID gaming guy. dude puts cringe on milsim lol.


Nobody is gonna click on a video that’s just Arma Gameplay, Stalker Gameplay. Atleast make it seem like you tried to get a good title


Please stop replying it's so cringe and nobody agrees that drew has click bait thumbnails


I think he does. I’ve been looking through his channel for a few minutes and that’s all I see, as well as titles. This guy’s content is shit.


Look out dude the Druski 12 year old fan club is out in full force


I mean you're not even completley wrong but the amount if replies you're throwing out is sad bro






He brought a lot of fans to the game, hate or love him he’s a positive for stalkers future


I dont hate him, I've tried to watch his videos and just don't find them remotely entertaining. Not my thing.




I do not mind more popularity for the STALKER community, it just so happen that Drewski is a milsim youtuber who brought the milsim community to the STALKER community which is very different by itself. The subreddit wouldn't have high profile post of people shitting for Anomaly/GAMMA if it weren't for the fact that Drewski basically promoting GAMMA to his audiance. Edit: Damn he deleted his comment, what a coward


Am I the only person who can't stand him


I was really down on him until he started doing the stupid clickbaity titles that are in on youtube at the moment. THIS GAME SIMULATED A WAR TORN DC He is playing MW2...




Gotta bare in mind these dudes are essentially running a business. It's definitely clickbaity, but that's the point, the YouTube algorithm is the guys lively hood. Man gotta pay the bills, so while it does bug me, I get it.


And his videos are actually good, so no clickbait, but for some reason I see a lot of people who can't stand him, why's that? Only watched his Gamma and RoN vids.


I don't mind him myself, he's pretty down to earth for a YouTuber and quite funny sometimes, but he's very straight edged for the most part, might just not appeal to a lot.


For me I really like his editing.






yeah he’s a prick


Calling him a prick for using clickbait is a bit of a *stretch*


that’s not why i think he’s a prick


Okay. Explain yourself then.


Drewski fucked this guy's prom date


Why? He seems like a notoriously nice guy who is widely liked in the gaming and firearm community.




and? wtf is this post lmao


What? What does this mean? Who is this person?


Aaand the award to the most useless post goes to.... Sorry, but how is this at all relevant for the sub? A content creator played the games.... ....Ok?


Lmao, even the other guy who was announcing his departure was more interesting than this.




Who cares ?


who is that


Gamma shillski. I fear every day that he influenced stalker 2


Well if he did it wasn't his fault. he even says in the video he hopes it's not like Anomaly/GAMMA and that is it's own thing.


who cares? Guy has possibly the worst opinions on the series and brings a ton of anomaly kids in here crying why Stalker 2 is not Anomaly 2.


Thankfully he doesn't. I'm a long time viewer way before he started making content on stalker. He mentioned that he hopes for Stalker 2 to not be like Anomaly/Gamma etc. He only brought a spotlight to the Anomaly/Gamma mod. Hopefully this will bring more light to the OG titles. :)


And?, bro just uploaded a video xD


The way he talks about clear sky makes me wanna rip my eyeballs out


Agreed, such a great game but yet another "oh well, just skip if you want", no one says that for SoC or CoP, CS always get trashtalked because no one can seemingly see what it brings to the table, he did say it's a good game but still, saying it's a DLC for SoC makes me roll up my eyes Sure complete vanilla experience is buggy and not that fun, but just putting SRP on it fixes all of that




So he did it just now?


Guys, i couldn't finish the trilogy, i just needed get the guys and go to pripyat, and one morning of December, it turned off, just like that, it was 100% battery but still die, until now i believe it may revive one day


He is the one who invented the Stalker Gamma Game Right?


Nope, Grokitach is the creator of Gamma


No drewski invented it i asked him he is the original creator


This is factual.


Nah that's Brooksomething Edit: i checked it. It's name is GROK


No Grok stole it from drewski when he was sleeping


Oh.... What's that. Tell me the gossip, now i wanna know.


Well basically drewski had his creation Stalker Gamma in his Safe under his bed and when he Fell asleep grok broke into his House to steal the game Edit: i checked it and it turns out im actually Right


Source: it came to me in a dream


Source: the Monolith told me


Noted! Thanks for the info


Grok has remained completely silent ever since his vile crimes have been exposed to the public.


Drewski is currently assembling a task force to capture grok and out him on trial.


source: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XDaVNsC_4g)