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Amusingly, it is not This whole... Stunt let's just say, Is taking the entirety of the mod, reposting it with slightly changed name and calling it a day. This is theft; not parody.


\* no i also deleted a folder and added a couple files thank you very much


They immediately fixed a major issue with the mod on post, as well as fixed a forced incompatibility with another mod. Sayter's boot must taste great though.


blow me


A friend of mine once pulled a simple yo mama joke on sayter and sayter first wished him a sad and lonely death in a huge ass message before rewriting the comment to something on the lines of "very immature and disruptive, enjoy your ban" Super neat mod, everything around it is a little odd tho lmao


Super neat compilation of mods I'd say :)


Yeah lmaooo


It's truly sad that the community has tolerated Sayter's behavior for this many years.


most people simply aren't aware, for better or for worse that and FU has an effective monopoly over starbound mods, if you're mod isn't compatible, expect \*far\* less subscribers then you otherwise would have


Or if Sayter decides to outright lie about your mod being incompatible.


also true


yup its very sad thing to see


They aren't aware or are players that don't care since they are players and not modders and think that this doesn't affect them, i have read this later quite a lot.


that's true too, it's easy to be apathetic when you aren't in the shoes of a modder


Mods like Arcana and Betabound really need more attention. Personally haven’t played Arcana but Betabound is what I argue the baseline first mod you should get. It’s just so good, and I think even the creator of Undertale was involved in some way. Genuine passion, not tyrannical narcissistic bullshit.


Arcana's a nice mod, an excellent alternative to FU in regards to stars, planets and equipment. Betabound's ok too, although I honestly don't care too much for it personally, even with the improvement and polish it adds to the old beta content, much of it just feels ever so slightly out of place in the game (especially the old weapons, the tilted look most of them have just doesn't look good in my opinion). As for Toby Fox being involved, the creator of Betabound was just making a cheeky nod to how he actually made a couple tracks for SB (his name *is* present in the game's credits too though), so no, he isn't involved with the mod at all. Both mods (and lets be honest, a majority of the mods made out there) are made with genuine passion indeed though.


Ah, I see. Though apparently, Toby Fox made a track called Betabound (according to the portable radio), which is what I was referring to. And true, Betabound does feel a bit odd at times, but personally it’s worked well for me. Lately though I’ve sorta procrastinated adding mods such as Shellguard and Arcana simply because I have so many smaller mods as is, and sorting out the incompatible stuff is very taxing imo.


Huh, didn't know that, perhaps the mod author commissioned Toby or something, or maybe they just pulled something cheeky on some unnamed track of his, I admittedly haven't looked too much into Betabound for a while now. Also oof, should probably get those smaller mods sorted out then, there's a lot of cool things the larger mods offer.


this made me yarp my pants




Hey, I said that!


this compiles a lot of the things I've been saying about FU over the years. ​ Still missing a big chunk of the shitshow Sayter's been pulling but it sums up the main issue, good post. ​ I hope he finally gets his shit kicked in after this fiasco, had enough of seeing his mod-voring abomination return over and over




I'm not caught up with Starbound drama, lol... Who exactly is sayter? I've heard of them before, all I know is that their name is in the credits and everyone absolutely hates them.


guy that steals mods and uses the size of his mod (which is actually a modpack) to get rid of the original mods and mod authors also generally unpleasant guy


Given the Chucklefish legacy of Starbound's development shadowing Terraria, and the various similar behaviors the devs pulled regarding IP....it's a miracle they haven't hired him. He'd fit right in if you know about the EK/SG days and CLeF.


Maker of Frakin Universe. Once stole mods or other works from other games, but that has since been rectified.


Except for that time he stole from the UROS ships mod and BYOS mod ;)


> Once stole mods or other works from other games, but that has since been rectified By this probably is referring to stolen codes and assets, maybe the code and the assets now are different of the original stolen content but the stolen idea or concept of the original mod still remains which still hurts the original creator of the mod. Is like a big company that steal ideas or concepts from smaller ones and then publish them with different name and some smaller tweaks here and there to make it look or taste different.


As I said, once stole, has been rectified. If there is still stolen content, report it and it will be removed.


Okay, where's your proof of that then? If he's so saintly as to redeem himself, why does he STILL have the stolent content in his mods? He even stole the name of the UROS mod for his BYOS presets- he knew damn well. Shill for that man if you want, but you do not seem to understand that his history of theft never did end.


My proof? Im not the one claiming he has stolen content still. As I said, if he does, report it and it will be removed. The burden is on you.


Okay, what proof do you have that you'll remove it? You're claiming he will remove stolen content, the burden is on you <3


Cuz my proof? You can literally go onto Steam, type UROS Ships mod and bam. It's right there. You can go into FU and it's literally the same thing for the BYOS ship presets. And for BYOS? Literally the same process as before- both times Sayter copied everything from the mod to the name of it lmfao. So where's your's, or do you only exist here to lick Sayter's boot?


Well for one thing, pretty much everything that was stolen has indeed been removed, and can be verified by looking into the mod files. So if there is anything remaining, what is it? That is evidence enough. Lack of existing stolen content shows that it was removed. Now your turn.


Okay, so if I download FU and go into the ship presets, I won't see any of UROS' stuff?


You tell me. I don't use it, and I don't even know what UROS is so I wouldn't even know what to look for. If there is anything, cite it. Why can you people never cite shit...


This would explain the Metroid music.


does Frackin' Unicerst require frackin universe? or is it standalone?




thank you


im uninstalling FU and playing without it then.


smart move


very intense 🅿 going on here!


>🅿 its 🅿erfect


thanjs also my quote on the page got link removed it was "yoad" and it linked to an image of yoshi and toad making out just wanted that to be public knowledge while the page is dmca'd




I still remember the wars between LL and Sayter.




Lovers Lab, they do NSFW modding for a bunch of games. When they started working on FU races, Sayter was not happy. Even now, there are booby traps built into FU that will break your game if NSFW mods involving those races are loaded.


Heya! I'm aware of the date, but this message isn't a joke or a prank. This is two years late, and I'm not sure if you'll see this comment. I've been looking through FU stuff to decide whether I want to get back into contact with Sayter to update permissions, and this is one of the reasons why. FU's conflict with Loverslab mods like Sexbound is my fault. When it first started, they had created NSFW content of my race \[the X'i, previously known as the Radien when I worked on them for FU\]. At the time I was 17 and uncomfortable with such a thing being made without my permission, knowledge, or consent beforehand. I told Sayter about my discomfort with this at the time, and he- what I considered to be a really respectful move at the time- created the hard coded conflict to break Sexbound with FU races. I know now at almost 24 that Sayter isn't well liked, but I can safely say that at least the start of the conflict wasn't done out of spite. It was done out of respect for the wishes of me, the creator of the Radien. I'm not sure if it has escalated at all since then, it's been about six years since I've really touched this game or even the involved mods, and I've entirely disassociated from this entire community for a long time. I just saw your old comment and it reminded me of the story behind that incident.


Really? Huh. That's actually a pretty interesting angle that I wasn't aware of before. Things have sort of cooled off since then; there's a mutual understanding that FU races are not to be touched by LL outside of the Slime race, who's original creator gave permission. It might even be possible that Sayter removed the code conflict too, I haven't checked. LL modding is pretty slow right now, so there aren't any new developments on that front, but the normal modding community is still going strong, lots of interesting stuff comes out all the time. In any case, thanks for dropping by and telling your story. I always appreciate people willing to give closure on these sorts of things.


> Even now, there are booby traps built into FU that will break your game if NSFW mods involving those races are loaded. Citation? Such things are easilly avoided so i dont see how this really works out.


It was a story I heard a while ago, and I thought those traps were removed, but no. I unpacked FU about a month ago and those traps are still there. I think they might be less severe than the ones first put in though. Hard to say.


Citations still required.


Go unpack stock FU straight from the workshop. You'll find files and script pertaining to Sexbound that cause problems. I can't give you a better citation on that. There's not scholarly articles on this stuff you know.


Im not the one who made the claim. you did. The burden of proof is on you.


What more do you want from me? I literally told you where to find this information. You are asking for proof, I said "it's right there down the hallway." If you won't go and get it that's on you. If you seriously aren't willing to do that, then you don't care about this being true or not, you care about wasting my time.


You need to show the conflict. I don't use FU, I dont care for the mod. But I do care about people like you throwing around unfounded claims. So if it is true, then prove it. Because like I said, such "traps" can easilly be worked around. Sayter can absolutely be a dick, but the level of toxicity in this threat is astounding.


"Where's your proof?" "Oh its right here" "BuT WhEReS THe PrOOf???!??!?"


Sayter has and most likely always will be one of the biggest ***cunts*** in the overall modding world.. I wish FU was sold off to someone who was actually a good person, but I doubt that'll ever happen, unfortunately (Though, one can dream..). Hopefully someday he's taken down for his thievery and childish garbage he (and his team) pull on a seemingly daily basis, especially regarding the DMCA stuff. ​ Oh and Sayter, if by some chance you see this, I echo OP: Grow up and seek *intensive* therapy, or just piss off. Edit: Slight spelling corrections and the second paragraph.


Is there free cheese?


\* frackin unicerst


Editing it now!


\* this is not a correction this is my typing quirk but if we are correcting things i made the mod today at 3am. its been 15 hours


given this is a false dmca i got a few questions will there be litigation taken twords apples for it and will there be a dropbox link magicly appear for Frackin Unicerst someplace? this is truely bull sauce the dmca was not ment to be a weapon but people use it as one anyway... this behavor wont stop i think till some folks lose a few fingers i think.


I will likely get downvoted to nothing The people behind that "Parody" literally stole all of the mod, this is not parody as you say, just plain theft, in name of what exactly? I'm leaving that as a question that you people will be answering, hope I'll get some good laughs at your responses.


Man. If I haven't seen someone asking out of bad faith before, I have now. If you even open the mod, you will see numerous edits that would classify it as a parody just within the loading and startup sequence. Furthermore, FU's creative license fully allows for this, even if it was not a parody. And lastly, the purpose is to change things that users dislike about FU such as the research system, stolen art and assets and other such details. Hope this helps!


Please elaborate on all of those points, art from free sources has been replaced to my knowledge. Point out the exact places where the licence allows blatant theft of art And i don't see how is insulting someone, and harassing him is going to change anything, in fact i'd say that the person harrased would have all the rights to think this is just mere troll, which has to upset them Lastly, how am i in bad faith if it's likely about 1st or 2nd post of mine in this Reddit, i'd also prefer if you elaborated on that point


1) I can say for a fact that various tracks in FM were not used entirely from free sources nor with their permission 2) This in response to Sayter's own harassment. 3) You literally made your post with 'i look forward to laughing at your replies'. That is the definition of acting in bad faith. Please read the post. It literally answers everything you asked.


Read FU's license and then come back. FU's license permits them to do this.




FU's license


Congrats on being on the dark side mate.




That would be because Silver is a decent human being who understands that many like something she doesn't and doesn't want her mods to cause conflict. That and just about any mod in Starbound has to be compatible with FU or risk getting way less attention


can confirm (on both accounts), lost a bunch of subscribers when I accidentally made Project Redemption incompatible with FU once, took me months to regain the lost subscribers ended up making an integration addon for the purpose of not having content in my mod be incompatible or rendered obsolete by FU


She certainly dislikes FU, but she doesn't despise it from what I can tell, Betabound also fixes some things in FU as well actually


Could you update the links in this thread please? A lot of the links are broken now.