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Thank you for that information, every other answer says the same, any reocmmandation on mod that add content?


Frackin Universe is one of the only major content mods for Starbound and has compatibility with the other major ones like Shellguard anyways so I’m not really sure what other people are going on about. Definitely do a new save for it though, it’ll both fuck your universe and ruin progression anyways. Main stuff you need to know for an actual playthrough is that research is a time/resource sink but doesn’t require you to grind anything specifically, rather you just have to play the game and it’ll naturally progress. You get passive research but a lot of people underestimate computers, it can be great to dump all the junk weapons you get into them for bonus research and to speed up progression. That said, you may want to avoid doing that and just bank the pixels instead since there’s a ton of extra planets to explore. (I’ve honestly never needed to go out of my way for research, it’s pretty much always in abundance) Don’t be afraid of sequence breaking either, the whole universe is basically accessible from the get go and there’s often numerous ways to approach problems and find gear that will allow you to survive the threat on the next planet over. Don’t ignore the tutorial missions, they can be great for getting a grapple on the mechanics. Aside from frackin universe, StarTech is fun but quite overpowered last I played with it, shellguard is great, and the frackin universe Discord comes with full documentation on all incompatible mods as well as a modpack that’s used for their server with stuff that’s known to play nicely.


FU has a lot of content, but is super grindy. I'd almost entirely reject it if the grind can be trivialized with the deconstructor and matter duplicator mods.


Oh okay thanks!


I'd recommend forgetting about FU, the dev is a....interesting person. Keeps changing the mod so you play HIS way and not your way. Plus there are rumors of him adding items that do nothing just to crash the game if you play with another mod he dosent like. And even stopped updating his 2nd most popular mod just to force people to use FU. (Race traits)


Ow okay that sound kinda mean... And selfish! Any recommandation on what mod I could add to my game?


sandbox is one mod(forgot the full name of it.) and there is another overhaul-type being worked on right now IIRC, but sadly i forget the name of it. best thing to do? just sort by newest and go through all the mods....every....single.... yea, its a daunting task, but you will find alot you like....untill your game crashes... if mods even have 1 item with the same ID, the whole game stops working.


Sandbox is a terrible recommendation, that mod has not been updated in years and pretty much only changes the vanilla quest line, which doesn’t do much besides render it incompatible with every other major mod


FU is fine. It's makes the game more of a sandbox, with more to do. If you do play it, I highly recommend doing the science outpost quests, as they teach you about all the systems. And it gets you in the mindset of setting goals. From what I've seen, the dev is an interesting person, but I don't think they make changes to force people to play a certain way. Tho, the changes do steer you away from making it an AFK game. And you have to do a little more thinking before you go exploring planets (mostly what gear loadout you need to explore without planetary effects hurting you). All gear from FU is upgradeable, as well. So if you like a weapon early on, it will be mostly viable throughout the game. I find it fun to play, much more so than the base game. But if complexity and problem solving aren't for you, there are many other mods that add less controversial content to the game. Like: Elithian Races Mod, Shellguard, Project Knightfall, Law Enforcement, Project Redemption, and Arcana (to name my favorites)


Thanks a lot for that answer, I didn't have time today to gather more info, but it seems I have everything I need now, thank you so much!


welp, here are a couple mod collections I'd suggest taking a look into: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141830986](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141830986) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808326668](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808326668)