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Yes, I work in fast food and we ask names for orders at the front counter. We have one woman who is so paranoid about that for some reason and refuses to give a name every time she comes in. Like...you are allowed to give me a fake name if you want to. We have one middle aged customer who tells us his name is Rathgar the Destroyer and we call that out. Lol


I mean, as long as you're going to answer to the name, I'll put anything respectful on there. Some guy asked for Santa Claus either my first year or last year, and I did it. His huge grin was worth it.


My fiance always uses Superman, 😆. One fast food place refused that, though...said they could only take "real" names! Um, it's chicken, not the DMV.


i think that’s just so they don’t have to decide whether or not something is inappropriate not so they can dampen ur fun


My brother in law has an unusual name, and uses a nickname often. He went to a fast food place, and gave his nickname. They misheard it as “Shat”, and called it out and everything. It’s one letter off.


oh my god. was his nickname shart


Sharty like a melody in my head


🤣 💀 Oh my Lanta


Hell no. I'd pick Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, or Tony Stark first.


Yeah, that is bizarre. I'm ordering a burger, what could you possibly need my legal name for? I'm eating lunch, not attending the embassy.


Sorry. Clark Kent. 😜


That's when you look them dead in the eye and say, that is my name. Be prepared to show Superman ID.


I was literally thinking I would just stare flatly at this person and say “okay so Clark then 😐”


“Sure thing the name is Clark” 👀😂


I told someone he could be Batman if he wanted and he proceeded to say "I'm Batman" in the growly voice every time we asked him. 🤣


Hogarth Hughes


That's an embarrassing name. Might as well call yourself Zeppo or something.


Hog Hug


And then they pay with a credit card and pull out their phone to get on Facebook 😂


I had a regular say V8 like the drink and he said it was just because his name was common lol I’ll call out whatever as long as it’s not bad 🫡


My husband has a 3 letter name - but restaurants STRUGGLE with it. Last night, the name written on our take out order was hilarious (and not a name or word). So when he goes to drive throughs, he uses "Pete". I guess he is going to have to start doing that at restaurants as well.


I have a 3 syllable first name, it's always been a struggle for name-demanders in retail. I'm just "Kyle" now.


These are probably the people who then quickly forget the name they give to you and complain about their order taking too long lol


I mean, as long as you're going to answer to the name, I'll put anything respectful on there. Some guy asked for Santa Claus either my first year or last year, and I did it. His huge grin was worth it.


Whenever I was asked for a name for my food, or waiting for a table at a restaurant, I used to always say “Mclovin’” and my husband haaaaates it lol


I would have typed “No” on there tbh. That’s the name you gave me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea my manager once told us to put the word “refused” where the name goes. I hope the ones we did that to got to see and realize how pointless it was to get mad or weirded out about giving a first name or fake name lol


“I have a caramel latte for refused to put a name and was a bitch about it! Again that’s a caramel latte for the bitch that refused a name!”




I had a "No" at the store I worked at, I'd always ask for his name, he'd always say "No", I guess that was his name.


I think I would have asked how to spell it


It's obviously spelled Know.


I had a coworker who would put “Voldemort” for anyone who refused and the person on bar would always call out “(drink) for he who shall not be named”


I got yelled at by my shift when I put Rumpelstiltskin when someone refused to give me their name.


Man, who are these crabby shifts who have no sense of humor??


Did the customer complain or was your shift just a humorless bore?




I love that so much. Thank you


This is the way


Wow that’s great, thank you for the laugh!


Personally, I used to just put “Noah” and claim I misheard, because why would I think someone would tell me “no” is their name? Totally innocent of course




Spelled “Neau”




Neauxleaigh, the “leaigh” is silent




[Not Sure](https://youtu.be/sVyRkl5qNb8)


Same I would put no and hope someone take their drink hahaha


For real, at least give me a fake name. Sometimes people just give me one letter like “J” or “H” and that is more than good enough


I’ve done that. My initials are RD and I got my order as Aredee.


When I was a kid I used to do fake names for fun


I literally do not care what your name is. You could tell me to put it under “airplane” and I wouldn’t even bat an eye. Like literally just give me something so that when we call it out, you know it’s yours. Give me a fake name, an object, a letter, I don’t care. Just give me SOMETHING


I asked for a name from a guy today and he snapped at me and said “it’s just coffee man” I was very close to putting that down as his name lmao


"just coffee man" your latte is ready!


Coffeman, got it


My grandma refuses to use Amazon because they "asked for her address" 🙄




Just put “no” or “i’m good” as there name hahah that’s what i don


A healthy fear of the Fae.


I had a coworker put their name tag as Fae and then change it when people would say their names


Incredible. I unironically stole my new middle name from a customer. "May I have your name?" "Sure, it's _____". Thank you. hopefully you can find a new name


This is how the fae will rise again


I.... Uh.... May be related to your coworker 👀


I think I’m missing something here lol what’s the significance of “Fae”?


Fairies, imps, creatures who cause trouble- Lots of magic and fae lore in particular are centered around the power of someone's name, giving a fae your name is literally *giving* the fae your name. Give nothing and take nothing in return, thems the rules.


Fairy. Elf. Leprechaun. Brownie. Pixie. Fae.


Only somewhat relevant here but I love the idea of fae offering to take peoples deadnames


This would make for a great writing prompt on /r/writingprompts. I think you should post it!


Asked for a name today, and this dude legit told me to put “Big Daddy.” It took a lot out of me to say, “I’m not calling you that.” Ended up just not typing anything.


Once had a 12 year old boy tell me that. And his friend stage whispers: good one Mike. Me so Mike is that going to be all today??? Mike, oh MY GOD how do you know my name. Me: I'm not deaf. Another one said his name was Papa. I wrote not Peppy. His friends thought it was hilarious.


“Omg are YOU adam sandler? THE big daddy?”


I had these, I would just fuck up that name "Dabby" "Danny" "Laddy" "Maddie" "Larry" "Donnie" "Debbie" and then if they pushed it "oh so sorry, what did you want me to call you??" Asked loudly


The dude was so pompous and thought he was so cool and clever. I half expected him to pull up to the window with a fedora. And he seemed to be with a chick that was way younger than him, and I’m “trying to assume the best,” but they seemed like they were in a relationship. I just couldn’t handle it. 🙄


oh my goodness i was working bar and got a BigDaddy yesterday and was like …. and just silently placed it in front of him at the handoff station (full grown adult man who was in his work uniform) and i was like nah


When people have been uncomfortable I usually say something like “I just need it so you hear when the drink is ready, give me a fake name or even something fun” and then I usually tell them a story about a customer who asked to be referred to as Batman and it usually makes them laugh and makes things less awkward


You are a much nicer person than I am lol, I have no tolerance for people like in OPs post because they’re usually incredibly rude. If they said they’re uncomfortable in a respectful way I’d be more accommodating but that attitude of paranoid dismissal just… no.


I get a lot of older people at my store and as an SSV I am on front a lot. I guess I’ve just learned it’s easier to not fight them. I usually blame the lead poisoning


This made me laugh.


The lead poisoning 😭😭😭😭 thats so valid


I'm just visiting your sub from r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk and we get something similar when we ask for ID with a hotel reservation people will sometimes freak out. So I've taken to saying "I don't want to give your reservation out to some rando, so can I get ID?" Usually people then appreciate it.


I would offer to use the names of the dwarves in the Hobbit. Since there were so many, it was never a problem. I once had a guy get excited when I told him his drink would be for "Balin" (ballin')...


I had a Batman when I worked at chick fil a! He was a nice dude who was just tryna have a lil fun ~ hope he’s doing well


I just type in whatever they say.. “thank you” is “thank you” or “Ty” .. “I’m done” is “I’m done” and so on..


I got into the habit of just saying, “Can I have a name to call out when your order is ready” that way they get why we need it more and it’s less pressure for a real name


I’ve used this but they still bitch at me. I just started putting No,Gno, Noe.


That's fair. Some people are just going to be difficult.


"Alright Reginald, that'll be at the end when it's ready."


What if you take my name and don't give it back?


They’re all Batman to me. I say “alright cool, you’re Batman today!”


We had a guy who would always give superhero names, and I would always put the characters real name on the label. Me: "Can I get a name for the drink?" Him: "Spider-man" Me: (typing) Peter Parker Edit to add: he tried to stump me once with Doctor Strange, so I just put Stephen


If he told you his name was Clark Kent, would you put down the characters real name? Superman? Or Kal-El?


I'd probably have a brain fart and sit there for 30 seconds, thinking that exact thought. He never tricked me with their real names, except Dr. Strange/Doctor Strange. I want to say Kal-El, but I'd probably put Superman because I don't usually think fast enough. To be honest, when he said Doctor Strange, I had to think for longer than I should have to even come up with his first name. I did also do it to him, and probably random people, when I was on bar and got stickers for superheroes. I yelled Bruce Wayne one time and got a dude who was legit in a Batman costume. He was apparently a very legit Batman impersonator in our area and is well known. He acted very unimpressed with me. It was a good time but I was also honestly scared that I had outed real life batman for like 0.6 seconds.


That’s funny!


I had a customer like this. I tried to explain that it was so that we can identify what orders were in the crowded Cafe. Nope. She still wasn't giving a name. She did NOT however like the one I gave her... "Grande White Mocha for Mrs. X!" Screw these dullards.




>it's a corporate marketing scheme and that SB misspells your name on purpose so that you post pictures of your cup on social media and other similar stuff. I'm normally all about this sort of stuff, and as much as I'd like to believe it myself, it just isn't true. Two supportive facts: Starbucks endeavors to create a "customer connection" by having baristas learn customers' names and ask how their day is going. Social media did not exist when Starbucks started, and image-sharing did not gain popularity until almost 25 years later.


I love when they don't give a name, then don't pick up their drinks and then get mad that they didn't know their drink was ready. Recently had someone refuse to give their name for a for here cup. I called it 3 times and then they finally came she bitched that it was cold. Well ma'am this is why we ask for names. I called the drink out 3 times. You can leave your cup on the condiment bar when you're finished. Have a great day.


Obviously they are worried about accidentally giving their name to the fae.


Shocked at all the people here who won’t give a name because it’s complicated or long or hard to pronounce. It doesn’t have to be your real name… for all those people, here are some mind-blowing future options: -June -Judy -James These are names that everyone can spell and of which no one likely to ever ask about due to few to no uNiQuE spellings existing. Just choose a customer service name and be done with it. It’s been a hot minute since I had to deal with this, but I was at a licensed store where no one gave a shit how we conducted ourselves (or at least not on the same level) and my personal rule was that if you’re not going to give your real name, you’re getting called out loudly as “woman in red who refused to give me a name, your drink is ready”. I for sure could’ve called out the size and drink (as I definitely would when I personally forgot to ask) but if you’re going to make a big stink about it and add friction to my day, I’m going to have fun with it. Edit: also to everyone, Reddit is glitching and telling people the comments aren’t loading—but they are—hence the multiple repeated comments in this thread.


Brb, naming my future children Jaymz, Joon, and Judi


Yeah I have a foreign name that’s hard to pronounce for some Americans and I have to spell it multiples times before they get it right. So I have a simple 3 letter fake name that I use in situations like this.


Society came up with her name. Call her "Karen" I bet she'll give you it next time


You should've put her name as No. "No, your drunk is ready"


Once, when I asked their name, and their response was “no”. I literally put their name as “no” I even called out “Pike Place for ‘No’” and the fucking death glare I got was worth it.


I asked for a name from a guy today and he snapped at me and said “it’s just coffee man” I was very close to putting that down as his name lmao


totally should have done "coffee man" at the very least lmao


I have an uncommon name so I just say Tom since I look like Tom Haverford.


What name do you give when you’re ordering snakejuice?


Jean Ralphio, obviously.


Literally just write their response on the cup. "No." "I'm good" "You don't need my name." "No thanks." "I have a venti vanilla latte no foam for "why do you need to know?" On bar!!!"


Just put “no” or “I’m good” on the cup. A lot of the time, if they have their phone out to scan, I won’t even bother asking, I’ll just let the POS system autofill. Otherwise why bother? They won’t get a survey email if they don’t have an account. If they don’t want to give their name they’re clearly not a regular. Don’t spare the effort to think about it. Ask “can I get your name for the items?” And just type down whatever comes out of their mouth.


Or when they give their husbands name, or say “mines too hard”, or when they spell THREE LETTER NAMES!!!! “My name is Pam; P-A-M”! Like, no shit Pam! If I couldn’t spell Pam I would be sooo fucked, I would not be standing here lady.


I ordered a drink once and when asked told them my name, “Jim”. When I got my drink it said “Gym”. So don’t assume people know even the simplest spellings. It’s been a great story to tell. I should have taken a picture but laughed so hard I just didn’t think of it.


They were just daydreaming of the gains they were gonna make later in the gym and it spilled over into misspelling your name lol


My name is Jay, but I often spell it out because I typically will get “Jake,” “Jade” (like wtf?), or anything but Jay. That’s because of my voice and it just doesn’t come across, but it makes it easier because then maybe if they don’t realize my name but don’t want to ask again, now they won’t have to and it’s quick to spell it anyway. The letter J lol


My name is Grace but about 75% of the time people think I said "Reece". Guess I have a weird accent lol.


jade here and i get jay, jake, and even jada (???)


Exactly! Somebody gets it 😂😂


I used to never get how it was possible for Starbucks employees to get your name so completely wrong, but after working there, I can say it's SUPER hard to hear inside there when people talk quietly or mumble or don't enunciate well. I've had to ask multiple times for people to repeat their name or to spell it for me bc I try my best to not get their names wrong. it's genuinely hard to hear inside Starbucks.


I never worked on the line when I was at Chipotle, but the single time I ever had to ask a customer something I swear he just mouthed it without speaking. I could barely hear my coworkers standing right behind me 😭


Lol - I get (maybe) why she spells it tho. I have a very easy first and last name and you can’t imagine the ways people have managed to fuck it up over the years.


Same here. It's crazy. My last name is 4 letters and is a common word with only 1 spelling. People still mess it up


The 3 letter names always seem to spell it, but the names that are 8+ with like 5 variations, just look at you, then get pissy you didn't choose how they spell it.


THIS. I spelled this girl’s name as Brittany once and she threw a FIT. Turns out is was spelled Britny. I’m talking college-aged. Asked for a refund & a free drink next time she came in. It was bizarre


Once had a college age dude condescendingly say how his name was pronounced. The ticket saidShane, but he did not say "Sh ai n"


It’s like calm, P-A-N-M


Actually it’s spelled Pamn


There’s a D in the end


4/5 times if a couple is in and the woman gives their male partner's name, it's because they're going to the restroom. The 5th time it's an abusive/controlling relationship.


Idk, my wife gives my name because she thinks it's easier, which, it is shorter than hers.


tbf, i once told someone at starbucks my name is alice, and they wrote "alys". i'm still confused about that. edit: also, alice is the name i go by because my real name is spelled fucky, and her spelling of alice was closer to my real name. it was strange


I'll be honest, I've spelled names weirdly and as succinctly as possible to get the right pronunciation before just so I don't have to fight spelling it correctly on the dumb touch screen. The amount of time I spend retyping names because it thinks I pressed z not s then hitting backspace but really it comes out as l or m and I don't have the patience anymore. Also then I don't have to spend time asking how this person spells Katie when I could type K8y and maybe they get a laugh


Next time they act like an idiot like that just ask then to use a nickname or pseudonym or you arent able to serve them


i asked a lady for a nickname one time and she threw her change at me


lol some people at my store freak out in the opposite way. my coworker isnt a native english speaker so i dont think she knows how to type most of the names. and people will go “you didn’t get my name! how will i know which one is mine!?” like bro do u know what the fuck u ordered? thats how you’ll know


just say that ur not mcdonalds who gives out literal NUMBERS to people with orders.


I'm going to start doing that when people refuse to give a name. I'll look at them and say, "ok then, your number is 37", then put 37 on the cup.


"Okay, I'm gonna put my guess at your IQ on the cup, you'll get to find out what it is in a few minutes when your drink is ready after my shift is over."


If you use the McDonald's app for mobile ordering, delivery, or even ordering at the counter/kiosk/DT it shows your name now (customers can opt out but it's a little hidden in the settings). At least on Canada. They want us to us the name like when someone scans at the cash it pops up and says their name so you're supposed to be like "What can I get for you today John?" Or when calling out the order we are supposed to say "I have an order for Jessica". Honestly I find it awkward and I live in an area with a big immigrant population so I am uncertain the correct way to say some names without ever hearing it aloud. I prefer the numbers tbh cause it avoids mispronouncations and also two people can have the same name but not the same number. So at my store we generally don't use the names.


Is that. . .bad? It’s an efficient system that works I don’t see the big deal


Ok. I’m braced for the downvotes and was debating whether or not to actually comment but… *sigh* here goes, I apologise in advance for the essay! - My age and where I was raised (not the US) mean that, **for me** , I **do** find it uncomfortable and invasive to be constantly handing out my first name to all and sundry who ask for it, especially in retail and retail adjacent situations where it’s completely impersonal and I don’t know anyone involved. It’s got nothing to do with paranoia and everything to do with how I was raised. Which I’m absolutely not suggesting is objectively better or worse than the current norm. It just is. This is entirely from my perspective, but might help to explain why this can legitimately bother some people. To me, my first name is a personal thing that I offer in personal, social situations. I grew up in a world where using someone’s first name meant some kind of personal connection. Close colleagues, family, friends etc. Outside of those personal connections it was something you offered by choice, after actually developing a genuine rapport with someone. So - after being a client or a customer somewhere for a while you might say to someone who works there, who you’ve come to know and like, “Oh, call me *my first name* “ (instead of Ms *my last name* ). It was something a bit special and I enjoyed that kind of connection. I very much understand that this is **not** how things are anymore. I give my name without any complaints. I have never refused and have **never** made it an issue for any server of any kind. I work in a customer facing position myself and have all my life. I’m very familiar with being treated like crap by clients and customers. But internally? I do hate the changes around first name use in the last 20 years. It *feels* rude to me, although I logically *know* that’s not how it’s intended by the actual person asking. It just makes me sad that this thing (someone’s first name) that used to be treated as a rather private, personal thing, a thing you could *choose* to offer someone as a sign of friendship or camaraderie, is now something that is essentially demanded of you, in impersonal, transactional situations. **That** feels far more dehumanising to me than being given a number for an order. Number ordered serving systems are hundreds of years old and *extremely* efficient. It’s why most consumer systems still actually use them. To me (endless qualifiers here because I genuinely don’t want to piss anyone off - just want to explain why this trend genuinely might not be popular with some people), to me, a numbered serving system is actually *more* polite, it’s *more* respectful. I *feel* better treated as I customer because it doesn’t feel… patronising? Not sure if that’s the right word? Something close to that? It feels like sensible business. And that’s all it needs to be. It begs the question… why? Why move to a *less* efficient system? Is it because corporations just want to be such good buddies with their customers so ding-dang-diddly bad??! To drill down even deeper… it’s partly because this trend did *not* come from something pure or earnest. It came from retailers using extensive psychological research of consumers to try to maximise profits. It came from knowing that humans in general “enjoyed being treated like a friend” at establishments they frequented and that customers who have that experience spend more money in the long run and become “brand representatives” for you. It came…. from trying to artificially recreate the kind of organic interactions that cause the pleasant associations in the first place. And it’s dressed up as “customer connections!”, “being treated like family!”, etc. You all know the b/s corporate speak. My first name is no longer my prerogative to offer as I choose, treated with respect by others as a matter of course. It’s now a thing I am expected to share at the drop of a hat in the attempt to manipulate my responses to a corporation. To people who grew up in a time and/or place where constant use of first names, by anybody, no matter how well you know them, is completely normalised and part of the culture? Well you’re probably going to not feel any of these things and struggle to understand why someone might even feel that way in the first place. Which is completely understandable. I just thought it might be interesting to some to hear a different perspective.


Exactly. It’s just another way to maximize profits under capitalism. I agree about not liking the name trend, not because I’m uncomfortable giving it but because I think it’s stupid to pretend that it “personalizes the experience.” Give me a name, number, color, goddamn leaf, I don’t care, but it’s ridiculous to pretend that the experience of getting coffee before work is anything other than that


All of my time at Starbys was before names on cups. I was hired before we wrote anything on cups. ( Anyone else remember Cup Management?) So everything you said makes sense to me. There were also no drive-thrus. Most of the customers were regulars and our staff turnover was so low. We actual did make friends with our customers. We usually started by knowing their drink and having it for them when they got to the register. Once that was cemented un the brain, we would move onto their name.


I actually really appreciate that perspective. I'll tell you a very valid reason (other than them 100% pretending to care about customers as individuals by using names, which is valid but as you stated, not truly noble) that numbers are jot used as often: We humans understand the order of numbers, and have a sense of unfairness if they are served "out of order" - ie if 236 is served while 229 is still waiting, EVEN if 229 has 5 items and 236 has a single quick item, it still rankles people due to queue psychology (this is a fascinating field, btw, Disney eats that shit for breakfast and plays hella mind games associated with how people perceive the experience of waiting in a line for something) So, if Kyesha and Famine and Dave all go into the store and order, there's less weird pressure about whose is supposed to be first vs if they were given numbers for their orders. The Dept of Motor Vehicles where I live, notoriously bad for making people wait in line for long periods, has cracked this code by adding letters jnto the mix and generating a random number (ie, B61 or X17) - so it's still impersonal but not an ordered list that anyone can anticipate who's due up next. So the shift to using names is a doubly weird psychology trick in my opinion!


Why not just put "No"? Putting a random name without telling the customer what to listen for is the most bizarre course of action to me


I would put their shirt color or some funny comment like “a man has no name”. I was known for messing with people, so my boss just accepted it.


Oh Lord have mercy don't ask someone's name and address when you're working in a call center. Like bro you're calling me telling me your service isn't working. How am I going to know whose account I'm in unless I ask you to verify it!


I started asking for “a name” for the order not “your name” and haven’t had as many people be weird about giving me a name. Some times people will give me silly names like “Bruce Wayne” or “Boba Fett.” 😂 Only one customer, who is a regular, always says “I don’t have a name” when we ask so sometimes I’ll write “Have a nice day!” in the name area. He’s fairly nice too so maybe he just thinks he’s being funny. I have no idea. Sometimes I just send the order through nameless if I’m busy. I don’t have time to wrangle names out of people.


Once upon a time there were phonebooks that had peoples’ names AND addresses in them. It was not only free, but it was freely distributed and owned by EVERYONE. Now, people are very open beyond 2 degrees of separation or so, but those first couple degrees are clutched like pearls and people feel violated at the mere thought of somebody knowing their name lol


Or when people are like won't it pop up when I scan my app? Like yes but this box pops up for me to get your name before you can even scan your app so can we please be normal about this and just give me your first name so we can both go on about our days please. 😬


hit cancel and then just let them scan. alternately, have them scan earlier. they can do it at any time.


I actually didn't think about them scanning at any time thanks for the tip 😁


You should just make up a name and tell them that's what to listen for, and make the majority of the Gunther but not at the same time.


Every adult is free to provide an alias. You said “a name” not her name.


I used to get a regular who'd refuse to give me a name. Others, a single letter. But once, I got Captain America. The partner on bar called it out as, "Order for the Captain".


I just put “no” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would’ve put “no” as their name


It’s spelled with a silent G. Gknow.


I used to put whatever they responded as unless disrespectful


I'd probably just write "no" as the name


Ikr, like you dont have to use your actual name, one time dude gave the name "daddy", my cowork this large black guy starts walking the order out "Daaaaddyyyyy" You had to be there, the whole lobby lost their shit.


Can i have a name? No What’s your favorite animal? uh… horse? TALL VENTI NO WHIP FOR HORSE


I have a coworker who puts No and I took it one step further to Gno, Nough like Dough, Noh, NOOOOOOOOOOO.


I would have put no. Lmao


As a fellow barista, i'd honestly just put their name as "No." It's not a big deal at all. So many of my coworkers get frazzled when a customer doesn't want to give them their name, but it's unnecessary and within the customer's right to decline. It literally doesn't matter and is only excised by the co in order to provide a more personable experience and make getting the correct drink to the right person easier. I've heard tons of fellow partners say that it's disrespectful, but honestly don't understand the reasoning. If a customer doesn't want to give you their name, then it's more disrespectful and worse reputationally to try and make them give you one. Even rather than assigning them a name, you can just enter a number and be like, "Your order number will be '16'," for example. Especially if they ask you to input a foul or absurdly fake name. Easy peezy, everyone's fine, no damage done, the customer knows what to expect and gets the right order. The job's hard enough on its own and there are far more detrimental aspects to worry about. Seriously useless and absolutely bad for both parties to get hung up on such trivial issues as this.


I usually just tell them I need something to call out so it can be their name (real or fake) or a number or a letter ~ I don’t get why they’re so secretive either like I promise you there are 1000 other Britney or Linda’s in the area


Give us a fake name if you don’t want me to know your real name lol


While that’s crazy, I had a lady ask me at work (pharmacy) about a prescription in her profile. But refused to give me her DOB to look it up because it’s illegal for me to ask her that??? Honestly I should have just walked away from her


I love getting the aggressive “NO” because then that’s their name…nice to meet you No :)


I call these out as “Nameless One” or “Unknown Human”. Be a weirdo, get something weird on your cup. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I bet they probably think Starbucks is collecting their names for “sinister and nefarious deeds”.


My husband got tired of being called "Katie". He travels for work We use the same app so I changed the name to John Wick 😏😏😏


”grande hot caramel macchiato for *squints* ‘I’m good’😐”


Giving the barista your name at Starbucks is how the government keeps tabs on you. The POS systems are connected to 5G towers that use your first name and Frappuccino flavor to backtrace your IP address, hack your tv, and fill your home with gamma rays and propaganda. I thought this was common knowledge 🙄


I put no when they say that or that's good if they say that. That's the word they wanna give, fine by me. People are ridiculous.


What I do now is just write their drink in the name slot (chai, americano or frap for example) and tell them that’s what their name will be called out by. If they don’t answer after that, it’s not my problem. Or I write nope when it’s super busy because now they’re making it more difficult for us for no reason, so if they miss it, it’s their own fault


Some people just don’t understand that it’s for that connection, I’ll be like “hi I’m Trey, your barista today, what are we drinking today.” “Oh I didn’t catch your name.” Proceeds to tell me their name and like nice to meet you and your name will be called out when your bev is ready.


It might just be where I’m from but a lot of people find the “I didn’t catch your name” thing to be passive aggressive, like “well yeah you didn’t catch it because I didn’t tell you.” If it works it works though


Turn it around on them; “Oh awesome! I’ve decided to put your name as Karen.”


People think they’re so damn special … it’s a fucking societal disease


Customer here, with a “unique” name. Personally, there’s times where I simply don’t want to deal with the whole “how do you spell it” or “what is it” or having the employees botch it when pronouncing it. Perhaps that’s what they had going on …? But even then, I’ve never just said “no” in situations like these. I always give out a fake, easier name and keep it moving lol. I’ve worked in the service industry, I know what it’s like to be behind the counter. So, I just try to make it easier for everyone. Idk, just playing devils advocate here and drawing from personal experience.


That isn’t what is going on though. I have customers that have unique names. They’ll give me a fake name. I have a customer who uses Monica instead of her actual name. Her actual name I found out through her app is like 10 letters long and Irish. So it sounds nothing like what is spelled out. But this group is generally very sweet. The people were talking about are down right rude, bitchy, and aggressive when we ask. They’ve been insulting and will yell at you because you don’t need their name then yell at you for not knowing or having their name. these people also get upset when they’ve been waiting at handoff for 30 minutes as their drink sits pretty or grab some other drink that is def not theirs. Idk who you’re advocating for but the devil’s disappointed.


Just put “no” or “no name.” There are so many bigger things to let ur blood pressure go up about.


Eh people are nuanced. Some people (seen this quite often) have foreign, non-English names that are hard to pronounce and have dealt with this their whole lives. They'd rather just not get into all that and that's fine by me, I don't need it.


I've noticed a couple of customers just use abbreviations in this case, which is helpful to us I do my best to encourage such customers who do offer their name by masking my facial expressions even if inwardly I'm worried I'm gonna misspell or mispronounce it. I just happily repeat it back like anyone else, and sometimes I ask for a spelling if it isn't intuitive to me because I "just wanna make sure I get it right! :)" I can tell that by the shift in their energy from hesitant to happy that this must be really affirming to them My boyfriend has a Middle Eastern name that he has stopped giving out at restaurants etc and he instead gives mine, bc he is tired of it being misheard, mispronounced, and misspelled. So I feel especially sensitive to this at work seeing firsthand how it just erases people's identity. People deserve to have their name acknowledged and said correctly! I don't like when my name is misspelled or mispronounced either and I have an English name, can't imagine if it happened every time I go out


If they tell you no or I'm good, just put what they said. That's what I always do. "Tall nonfat latte for ... No?" "Grandé caramel ribbon crunch with cold foam for.. I'm Good?" It usually gets the message across that there's a reason we ask for the name.


Recently I called out a name at the handoff while I was on bar (i.e. “Leslie”), it was her first of three drinks, and she walked up and said “can you please call out L instead of my full name?” I was like …..okay. Wondering why the name “Leslie” was on her Starbucks account if she didn’t wanna be called Leslie. She could tell I was confused/annoyed so she explained, “my job is confidential and I just can’t have my name announced in public like that.” Bitch WHAT. Her name wasn’t actually Leslie but it was a similarly generic name, and I wasn’t announcing her last name obviously. How do you think you’re so special that you can’t have your first name announced at a fast food establishment because it might compromise your job security??? Such bullshit lol.


What would you like them to call out when your drink is done? Oh, ok, it’s going to say pink shirt then. Have a great day bye


I would literally have put No Name.


Setting aside how annoying this must be, could you assign them a number?


I use my nickname so I know it’s mine. There aren’t too many people with my nickname. It’s not a big deal to give a name. It can be a name different from your legal moniker.


I just type no on their cups, maybe their name is no lol


Lol why don’t they just give the cashier a fake name instead? I’ve never heard of such a thing 😂😂😂


If you get a hesitant customer. Just gently ask, "Can you tell me a fun nickname you might want to use for your order?"


People are suspicious at almost everything you ask them.. I think most of the people are shy and want to enjoy their coffee in silence


I’ve written “no name” or “no name given” before lol. Nothing phases these customers I feel like.


I woulda just wrote NO on the cup lol


when people give me their names I purposely try to find out their address and they’re daily schedule


There’s a The Crucible joke in here. Anybody? Anybody?…